100 Acre Wood – Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix

100 Acre Woods – Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix

100 Acre Woods – Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix

To access the 100 Acre Woods you’ll need to head to Merlin’s House in Traverse Town. From here examine the old book that Cid had us give him to be transported within it. This is how you access the 100 Acre Woods, Winnie The Pooh’s World. To continue the story within the world will require you to collect all of the scattered “Torn Page” items from various locations throughout the game.

Torn Page Locations - Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix

Traverse TownRescue 51 Dalmation Puppies to recieve this as a reward from Pongo and Perdita.
AgrabahInside a Chest in the Dark Chamber, within the Cave of Wonders.
MonstroChamber 6 inside a chest in Monstro
AtlanticaIn a chest inside Ariel's Grotto.
Halloween TownExamine the Bookshelf within the Research Lab in Halloween Town. (where they were trying to put a heart in a Heartless)
Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix - Torn Page Locations

Once inside the book’s world, you can leave at any time by heading to the Compass at the top of the book.

100 Acre Woods – Meadow

Approach Winnie the Pooh, sitting on his log, to trigger a few scenes. After Pooh has wandered off looking for honey, you regain control of Sora. Check the end of the log Pooh was sitting on for a treasure chest containing a Mythril Shard. Head to the edge of the map to leave the Meadow.

Walk around the map until you find Pooh’s House. Before entering the house make sure to head around the back and strike the Chimney, this will dislodge a chest within the house you can grab, for a Mega-Ether. Head inside and speak with Pooh, he will eventually wander off again and leave you to your own devices. Check his medicine cabinet on the wall for an Elixir. Head outside the house to bump into Owl, another resident of the 100 Acre Woods. He’ll explain the situation with the missing pages and request that you keep an eye out for them in your travels.

Once you’re done head out the way you came and you can leave the world. Come back whenever you have a “Torn Page” to unlock the next part of the story.

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100 Acre Woods – Honey Tree

On the 100 Acre Woods map you’ll see a very large tree toward the west of the map. Head there and watch the scenes that follow. Afterwards you’ll need to head around the back of the tree to sneak up on a very scared Piglet. If you approach from the front he will simply hide and you’ll need to try again.

After you explain the situation, Pooh will show up and you’ll begin the first mini-game. Agree to help Pooh get his honey and keep the bee’s away from him while he eats. The key to this minigame is locking onto the bees, jump attacking, and then letting Sora automatically land correctly on the nearest branch. You almost shouldn’t need to move Sora at all during this game.

You need to get Pooh to at least 100 points of honey to meet the Cheer goal for this game.

At the end of the 100 Acre Woods world, you’ll be able to speak to Owl, who will give Sora the Cheer skill, provided you’ve scored high enough in all the mini-games. Because of this, you want to reach the minimum “Cheer Goal” for each game.

If you don’t score high enough you can return later and try again. Once this section of the world is complete you’ll be teleported outside the honey tree and your Torn Page will transform into the Naturespark gem. You can turn this into the Fairy Godmother for the Summon Spell: Bambi.

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Rabbits House 100 Acre Woods – Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix

100 Acre Woods – Rabbit’s House

Once you’ve got your next Torn Page you’ll unlock Rabbits House, head up to the house to be told that no one is home. Circle around the back of the house to find Pooh Bear breaking in. You can now head back around the front and use the front door. Inside you’ll meet Rabbit who has failed to keep Pooh from entering his home.

After the conversation, you’ll need to knock the jar of honey-trapped in the rafters down for Pooh. Leave the house and try to exit the area to have Piglet stop you and insist you return and help Pooh who is now stuck in Rabbits wall.

Exit the house and go around to speak to Pooh’s face, this will trigger some more scenes and eventually summon Tigger to help out. This will eventually lead to the next mini-game of blocking Tigger from bouncing on Carrots.

Your score in this game is based on how many carrots are still fine at the end of one minute of Tigger bouncing. To block Tigger wait for him to be airborne and use the Rush command to block whichever carrot he is about to bounce on. If you press it too early you will simply rush over to where ever Tigger is currently.

You’ll need a score of at least 150 for the Cheer Goal for this mini-game. After you’ve finished, head back to the house to help Pooh free himself. After all the scenes are over you can then return and find Tigger in the garden, where he can be challenged again if you want to try for a better score. For completing this section your Torn Page will become a Mythril Shard.

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100 Acre Woods – Hill

You can reach the Hill area to the southwest on the map, once you have your next Torn Page. Watch the scenes and jump into the water to rescue Eeyore. Pooh will decide everyone should look for Eeyore’s tail, Owl will land and inform you of a nearby tree swing which should provide an excellent way of finding the tail.

You’ll need to lock onto Pooh and slowly walk away from him, towards the swing to have him follow you. Try not to get too close to any of the stray Honey jars laying around or Pooh will become sidetracked. Once you’ve successfully taken him to the top of the Hill, you’ll start the next mini-game.

In this mini-game, you need to time your pressing of R1 to when Owl lowers his wings. You need to launch Pooh the maximum distance of 40m to reach the “Cheer Goal” but to advance the story you’ll need to do it a second time and reach between 20-29 to find Eeyore’s Tail.

Once the scenes finish you’ll leave the area and be rewarded with a Stop Magic Upgrade, Stop will turn into Stopra.

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Bouncing Spot 100 Acre Woods – Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix

100 Acre Woods – Bouncing Spot

With your next Torn Page, you’ll unlock the Bouncing Spot, you’ll find this close to where you start, and looks like a Honey Pot surrounded by trees. When you first enter the area speak to Tigger and Roo to commence the first mini-game. Follow the pattern of jumps across the stumps that Tigger performs, once he’s done, you need to repeat it and reach him. Note: your high-jump and other shared abilities, like glide, are disabled for this.

The next part of this mini-game involves hitting nuts into the giant pot in the center of the arena, equipping a “long” reaching keyblade, such as the Jungle King is very useful for this section.

You’ll need to speak to both Tigger and Roo to trigger the next part of the game. Once the game starts you need to hit the nuts that are launched at you back at the Pot. The higher in the air you can hit the nuts the more damage they will inflict on the pot, which will end this game faster giving you a better high score. Breaking this pot within 30 seconds will qualify you for the “Cheer Goal” for the area. You can also talk to Roo to retry the mini-game if you need.

After the pot game is over you’ll be allowed access to the rest of the area. Jump into the stump where the Pot was to find a treasure chest with AP Up. There is a log near Winnie The Pooh you can hit with your keyblade to find a Mythril inside. Speaking to Tigger will allow you access to the Seesaw, select Tigger as your bouncing partner, he’ll launch you into the trees above where you can find another treasure chest on the right if you jump across two bare branches to reach it on a nearby ledge, it contains a Mythril Shard.

Jump down and select Tigger for a bouncing partner again. Once in the treetops again you can jump over to where a hollow in the top of a tree is, jump inside to claim a Shield 2 Gummi block.

The only thing left to do is to collect Five “nuts” that are scattered about the area. You need to turn in each one to Owl for a reward, remember you can ONLY HOLD 1 AT A TIME. So grab one, turn it in, and then return for the next.

Select Roo as your bouncing partner this time, he’ll launch you straight to where Nut (1) is located, grab it, now if you rotate the camera you can see a small area beneath where you are that contains a treasure chest. I jumped and tried to hug the ledge as much as possible to land inside. If you mess up just use Roo to have another chance, inside the chest is a rare Dark Matter material. Speak to Owl to trade the Nut for a Power-Up.

Use Roo as your jumping partner again, there should be another Nut (2) to the right of you. Turn it in for a Defense Up from Owl.

Nearby to the Seesaw, you’ll see a stump on the ground, if you jump onto it a waterspout will raise a nearby platform. Jump on the Stump and quickly make your way onto the platform before it raises too high. Ride the platform all the way to the top to be able to grab Nut (3). Turn this into Owl for a Mythril Shard.

Near Piglet is a similar situation with a stump that causes a nearby platform to raise with water. Ride this platform up as well and jump onto the nearby leaf platform to gain access to Nut (4). Give it to Owl for an AP Up.

For the last Nut (5), you’ll need to use Tigger as your bouncing partner again. Jump to the branch on the right, followed by jumping to the leaf platform ahead and to the left. There should be one last leaf platform to your right now and down a little that houses the last nut. This Nut will sometimes glitch, I’ve found attacking it or dodge rolling into it repeatedly can eventually cause you to grab it, if you hit it at just the right angle. Grab it and take it back to Owl for an Orichalcum.

You can now leave the area, your Torn Page will become a Mythril on the way out as well.

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Muddy Path 100 Acre Woods – Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix

100 Acre Woods – Muddy Path

The last area of the 100 Acre Woods is accessed in the Southwest corner of the map. Here you’ll find Pooh wandering in circles staring at his own footprints, speak to him to offer to help find his friends.

The “Cheer Goal” here is to find everyone within 5 minutes. It is very doable, but Pooh’s ability to follow you is frustrating at best. Sometimes you’ll need to cancel your lock on and lock on again to get him to follow you.

The first friend to find is Eeyore, who is close by concealed in a smaller section of the large middle bush that Pooh has been walking around. Finding him will start the timer for bringing everyone back here.

Have Pooh follow you around the middle bush a little more to find Roo bouncing on a large tree root. Hit the root to drop him down and talk to him to have him return to Eeyore.

From here have Pooh follow you towards the ‘well’ in the ground. Once he’s close enough you can flush Rabbit out of hiding here. Speak to him to have him join Eeyore and Roo.

Lead Pooh to the nearby blue flowers to have him float up to the next level of the area. Up here you can stand on the log and wait for Tigger to bounce close enough to interact to have him join the others as well. Once he’s gone, use your Thunder magic on the top of the log to knock down a nearby Beehive, filling in the hole and allowing you to lead Pooh across to the other side. If Pooh instead decides to crawl through the log, you’ll need to run to the other side and shoot a fire spell through to make the spider web burn away so he can get through.

On the other side of the log, have Pooh use the next lot of Blue Flowers to go up another level, lead him to the tree to scare Piglet into running out the bottom level. You can jump down and talk to him to have him join the others.

Back up where Pooh is you’ll find Owl flying down occasionally, wait for him to land, and talk to him to have him also join the others.

Once all that is done, you should receive an EXP Ring accessory for your efforts. Watch the cutscenes and you’ll ultimately ‘seal’ the front lock on the book, completing the world.

Re-enter the book and go to Pooh’s House to find Pooh sitting on a log out front, use Fire magic to light the sticks in front of him for a Mythril reward from him. Around the other side of the House, you’ll find Owl. Speak to him and if you have achieved the needed “Cheer Goals” for each mini-game he will reward you with the Cheer skill for Sora. If you’re missing one, he’ll instead list off the ones you’ve completed, making it a bit easier to find which you are missing.

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