Abilities and Level Up Charts
Sora’s Level-Up Abilities
When you first begin the game, you get to choose a specialization, either the sword, rod, or shield. Depending on your choice, the abilities you gain as you level up will change. The table below shows which ability you’ll learn as you level up, based on your early game choice.
Level: | Sword | Shield | Rod |
7 | Combo Boost | Item Boost | Experience Boost |
9 | Experience Boost | Combo Boost | Item Boost |
12 | Magic Lock-On | Magic Lock-On | Magic Lock-On |
15 | Reaction Boost | Damage Drive | Fire Boost |
17 | Item Boost | Experience Boost | Combo Boost |
20 | Leaf Bracer | Leaf Bracer | Leaf Bracer |
23 | Fire Boost | Reaction Boost | Damage Drive |
25 | Drive Boost | Once More | Draw |
28 | Draw | Drive Boost | Once More |
31 | Combination Boost | Defender | Blizzard Boost |
33 | Damage Drive | Fire Boost | Reaction Boost |
36 | Air Combo Boost | Jackpot | Negative Combo |
39 | Blizzard Boost | Combination Boost | Defender |
41 | Drive Converter | Damage Control | Thunder Boost |
44 | Negative Combo | Air Combo Boost | Jackpot |
47 | Once More | Draw | Drive Boost |
49 | Finishing Plus | Second Chance | Berserk Charge |
53 | Thunder Boost | Drive Converter | Damage Control |
59 | Defender | Blizzard Boost | Combination Boost |
65 | Berserk Charge | Finishing Plus | Second Chance |
73 | Jackpot | Negative Combo | Air Combo Boost |
85 | Second Chance | Berserk Charge | Finishing Plus |
99 | Damage Control | Thunder Boost | Drive Converter |
Sora’s Special Event Abilities
In the course of the game, you’ll unlock new abilities as you complete various tasks, generally defeating a particular boss. The unlock conditions for these abilities are fixed and do not depend on any in-game choices you may make.
Ability | Unlocking Event: |
Aerial Recovery | Defeating the Dusks at Station of Serenity |
Guard | Defeat the Twilight Thorn |
Scan | Defeat Axel at the Sandlot |
Sliding Dash | Clear the Village Cave |
Aerial Sweep | Defeat Shun-Yu |
Upper Slash | Defeat the Thresholder and Possessor |
Retaliating Slash | Defeat the Dark Thorn |
Counterguard | Defeat Cerberus |
Aerial Dive | Complete Phil's Training |
Trinity Limit | Defeat Pete at the Coliseum |
Auto Summon | Escort Minnie |
Dodge Slash | Defeat Pete at his Steamboat |
Aerial Finish | Defeat Barbossa |
Summon Boost | Pass the Stone Guardians |
Finishing Leap | Defeat the Volcanic Lord and Blizzard Lord |
Flash Step | Defeat the Prison Keeper |
Vicinity Break | Defeat the Hostile Program |
Guard Break | Complete the 1,000 Heartless Battle |
Aerial Spiral | Recover Medallions |
Horizontal Slash | Defeat the Grim Reaper on the Black Pearl |
Magnet Break | Defeat Hades |
Explosion | Complete the Solar Sailer |
Slapshot | Complete the Betwixt and Between |
Combo Master | Defeat Roxas |
Sora’s Drive Form Abilities
Once Sora unlocks Drive Forms, he gains the ability to level these forms up as well. Leveling Sora’s Drive Forms will power up the forms and also unlock additional skills to use both while in the Drive Form, and sometimes a lesser version of the skill for Sora to use without being in a Drive Form.
Form Level: | Ability: |
Valor Lvl 2 | Auto Valor |
Valor Lvl 3 | High Jump Lvl 1 |
Valor Lvl 4 | Combo Plus |
Valor Lvl 5 | High Jump Lvl 2 |
Valor Lvl 6 | Combo Plus |
Valor Lvl 7 | High Jump Lvl 3 |
Wisdom Lvl 2 | Auto Wisdom |
Wisdom Lvl 3 | Quick Dash Lvl 1 |
Wisdom Lvl 4 | MP Rage |
Wisdom Lvl 5 | Quick Dash Lvl 2 |
Wisdom Lvl 6 | MP Haste |
Wisdom Lvl 7 | Quick Dash Lvl 3 |
Limit Lvl 2 | Auto Limit |
Limit Lvl 3 | Dodge Roll Lvl 1 |
Limit Lvl 4 | Draw |
Limit Lvl 5 | Dodge Roll Lvl 2 |
Limit Lvl 6 | Lucky Lucky |
Limit Lvl 7 | Dodge Roll Lvl 3 |
Master Lvl 2 | Auto Master |
Master Lvl 3 | Aerial Dodge Lvl 1 |
Master Lvl 4 | Air Combo Plus |
Master Lvl 5 | Aerial Dodge Lvl 2 |
Master Lvl 6 | Air Combo Plus |
Master Lvl 7 | Aerial Dodge Lvl 3 |
Final Lvl 2 | Auto Final |
Final Lvl 3 | Glide Lvl 1 |
Final Lvl 4 | Form Boost |
Final Lvl 5 | Glide Lvl 2 |
Final Lvl 6 | Form Boost |
Final Lvl 7 | Glide Lvl 3 |
Action Abilities
Action Abilities in Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix are abilities that usually require activating in combat with a button.
Blocks and shoots back enemy attacks using a parrying action with the Square button.
Guard is an Action Ability that costs 2 AP to equip. Roxas first learns the ability after defeating the Twilight Thorn enemy.
Guard allows either Sora or Roxas to block attacks aimed at them by correctly timing the Guard ability.
Upper Slash
Knocks a target into the air during a combo with the Square button.
Upper Slash is a support ability that costs 4 AP for Sora to equip. It is activated during a combo by pressing the Square button and launches the enemy up into the air to allow for an aerial combo.
Upper Slash is learned by Sora for defeating the Possessor and Thresholder in Beast’s Castle.
Horizontal Slash
Unleashes a powerful attack that hits a target from left to right during a midair combo with the Square button.
Horizontal Slash is an aerial finisher move that costs 2 AP for Sora to equip. It requires manual activation with the Square button during an aerial combo.
Sora learns Horizontal Slash after defeating the Grim Reaper in Port Royal.
Finishing Leap
Unleashes a powerful guard-piercing attack at the end of a combo with the Square button.
Finishing Leap is an ability that costs 5 AP for Sora to equip. It needs to be manually activated in the middle of a ground combo to launch both the enemy and Sora into the air.
Sora learns Finishing Leap after defeating the Blizzard Lord and Volcanic Lord in Agrabah.
Retaliating Slash
When knocked down, quickly regains balance and counterattacks with the Square button.
Retaliating Slash costs Sora 3 AP to equip and allows Sora to activate an aerial finishing move with the Square button after being knocked into the air.
Sora unlocks Retaliating Slash after defeating the Dark Thorn Heartless in Beasts Castle. Sora also has access to Retaliating Slash while in Valor, Wisdom, and Lion forms.
Rapidly attacks a nearby target without getting flung back.
Slapshot costs 2 AP for Sora to equip and allows Sora to perform a quick uppercut-like attack with the Keyblade. This move does not cause Sora to be staggered if it is blocked or parried.
Sora unlocks Slapshot after clearing all the Nobodies from Betwixt and Between while in Twilight Town.
Dodge Slash
Unleashes an attack that deals damage to nearby enemies.
Dodge Slash costs Sora 2 AP to equip and allows him to swing his Keyblade at multiple foes with a high chance of parrying enemy attacks.
Sora learns Dodge Slash after freeing the Cornerstone of Light in Disney Castle.
Flash Step
Unleashes a guard-piercing attack on a slightly distant target while keeping up your own guard.
Flash Step costs 2 AP for Sora to equip and allows Sora to move a short distance forward hitting the enemy with his Keyblade while also guarding at the same time.
Sora learns Flash Step after defeating the Prison Keeper Heartless in Halloween Town.
Slide Dash
Instantly closes in on and attacks a far target.
Slide Dash costs 2 AP for Sora to equip and allows him to perform a short dash with his Keyblade towards a foe.
Sora learns Slide Dash after clearing the Village Cave in the Land of Dragons.
Vicinity Break
Unleashes a powerful attack when surrounded.
Vicinity Break costs 2 AP for Sora to equip and allows him to perform a spinning area of effect attack that will hit all foes surrounding him.
Sora learns Vicinity Break by defeating the Hostile Program in Space Paranoids.
Guard Break
Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move that pierces through a target’s guard.
Guard Break costs 3 AP to equip and allows Sora to perform a slight hop back before thrusting forward. This attack allows Sora to break an enemy’s guard.
Sora learns Guard Break after the 1,000 Heartless Battle.
Unleashes a finishing combo move that knocks down several enemies. Damage dealt is relative to magic skill.
Explosion costs 3 AP for Sora to equip and allows Sora to perform a combo finisher that generates spinning balls of light around him, damaging foes.
Sora learns Explosion by successfully defending the Solar Sailer Simulation in Space Paranoids.
Aerial Sweep
Unleashes a powerful leaping attack on targets in midair.
Aerial Sweep costs 2 AP for Sora to equip and allows him to leap at airborne enemies while performing a spiraling jump attack.
Sora learns Aerial Sweep after defeating Shan-Yu in the Land of Dragons.
Aerial Dive
Unleashes a powerful aerial attack on distant targets.
Aerial Dive allows Sora to strike airborne foes with multiple diagonal strikes.
Aerial Dive costs 2 AP to equip and is obtained by completing Phil’s Training (Maniac Mode) in the Olympus Coliseum.
Aerial Spiral
Closes in on far targets in midair and unleashes spinning attacks.
Aerial Spiral costs 2 AP to equip and allows Sora to perform an aerial somersault to hit enemies.
Sora learns Aerial Spiral after protecting the Medallion from the Undead Pirates in Port Royal.
Aerial Finish
Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move to a single target in midair.
Aerial Finish allows Sora to perform four rapid circular slashes while in the air.
Aerial Finish costs 3 AP to equip and is obtained by defeating Captain Barbossa in Port Royal.
Magnet Burst
Draws enemies in to unleash a finishing combo move. Damage dealt is relative to magic skill.
Magnet Burst costs 3 AP for Sora to equip and allows Sora to perform a finishing move that draws in enemies before exploding to damage them all. The strength of the move scales with Sora’s Magic stat.
Magnet Burst is learned after defeating Hades in Olympus.
Counterattacks nearby enemies with Attack while performing Guard.
Counterguard costs 4 AP for Sora to equip and allows Sora to automatically unleash a small blast after successfully guarding an enemy attack.
Counterguard is obtained after defeating Cerberus at the Olympus Coliseum.
Auto Valor
Automatically sets the Reaction Command to Valor in a pinch, if Valor Form is useable.
Auto Valor costs 1 AP for Sora to equip and it sets the Reaction Command to Valor Form when Sora’s HP reaches critical levels.
Auto Valor is learned when you level Valor Form to level 2.
Auto Wisdom
Automatically sets the Reaction Command to Wisdom in a pinch, if Wisdom Form is useable.
Auto Wisdom costs 1 AP for Sora to equip and it sets the Reaction Command to Wisdom Form when Sora’s HP reaches critical levels.
Auto Wisdom is learned when you level Wisdom Form to level 2.
Auto Limit
Automatically sets the Reaction Command to Limit in a pinch, if Limit Form is useable.
Auto Limit costs 1 AP for Sora to equip and it sets the Reaction Command to Limit Form when Sora’s HP reaches critical levels.
Auto Limit is learned when you level Limit Form to level 2.
Auto Master
Automatically sets the Reaction Command to Master in a pinch, if Master Form is useable.
Auto Master costs 1 AP for Sora to equip and it sets the Reaction Command to Master Form when Sora’s HP reaches critical levels.
Auto Master is learned when you level Master Form to level 2.
Auto Final
Automatically sets the Reaction Command to Final Form in a pinch, if Final Form is useable.
Auto Final costs 1 AP for Sora to equip and it sets the Reaction Command to Final Form when Sora’s HP reaches critical levels.
Auto Final is learned when you level Final Form to level 2.
Auto Summon
When a friend is down, automatically sets the Reaction Command to Summon in the Command Menu containing Summon, if Summon is useable.
Auto Summon costs 2 AP for Sora to equip and allows him to call a Summon when a party member is knocked out and Sora’s HP is at critical levels. Each time Sora is hit by an enemy the available Summon will change.
Auto Summon is learned after you successfully escort Queen Minnie to the Throne in Disney Castle.
Trinity Limit
A Limit Command that uses teamwork to unleash the powerful Trinity attack. Consumes all of Sora’s MP.
Trinity Limit costs 5 AP for Sora to equip and when used, changes the attack commands to a series of other commands that can be activated to deal damage and eventually perform a finishing move to nearby enemies.
Trinity Limit is learned after defeating Pete at the Olympus Coliseum.
Brave Shot
Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move and knocks a single target off its feet.
Brave Shot is a ground combo finishing move for Sora’s Valor Form. It is one of the default abilities of the Form and allows Sora to knock an enemy into the air at the end of the combo.
Brave Beat
Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move that successively attacks several targets at once.
Brave Beat is a ground-based finisher that activates while in Brave Form.
Sonic Strike
Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move that pierces through a single target.
Sonic Strike is an aerial finisher that activates against a single enemy while Sora is in Valor Form.
Sonic End
Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move in a rapid midair attack to several targets at once.
Sonic End is an aerial finishing move for Sora while in Valor Form. It allows him to hit multiple enemies at once, both in the air and directly below him.
Over the Horizon
Leaps towards a target in a rapid attack with the Square button.
Over the Horizon allows Sora to close the distance between himself and an enemy very quickly, while also triggering his aerial combo. This ability is available for Sora while in Valor Form.
Omega Finale
Deals finishing combo moves in the middle of a combo with the Square button.
Omega Finale is an ability available to Sora while in his Valor Form. It allows you to press the Square button at any time in a combo to perform a combo finishing move.
Wisdom Shot
Changes the Attack command to Shoot.
Wisdom Shot allows Sora while in Wisdom Form, to replace his regular attacks with small blue projectiles shot from the end of his Keyblade.
Mobile Action
Actions are enabled while moving.
Mobile Action is an ability for Sora while in Wisdom and Final Form, Sora has the ability to use action commands while still moving.
Magic Haste
Shortens magic casting time and enables rapid magic combos.
Magic Haste allows Sora while in Wisdom Form to cast spells much more quickly, and also to combo them in quick succession.
Magic Spice
Powers up the finishing move of magic combos.
Magic Spice is an ability only available to Sora while in Wisdom Form. It allows magic used in quick succession to have a powerful ‘finishing move’ at the end of the magic combo.
- Fire – adds an additional larger ring of flame increasing the range of the spell.
- Blizzard – fires 5 pieces of ice that split apart and then home in on an enemy.
- Thunder – calls down 3 lightning strikes damaging the enemy and other enemies that may be close by.
Sonic Rave
A Limit Command that unleashes an attack on an enemy as you pass by. Press the Triangle button with the right tempo to continue the combo.
Sonic Rave is an action ability while Sora is in Limit Form. Time the button presses correctly to continue the combo, it costs 60 MP to activate.
Last Arcanum
A Limit Command that unleashes a powerful combo attack. Press the Triangle Button for a consecutive combo.
Last Arcanum is an action ability while Sora is in Limit Form. It costs 75 MP to use and consists of a 7-hit combo followed by up to 5 more strikes that can be activated with the Triangle Button.
Strike Raid
A Limit Command that allows you to throw the Keyblade at the target. Press the Triangle Button for a combo.
Strike Raid is an action ability Sora can use while in Limit Form. It costs 65 MP to cast and causes Sora to throw his Keyblade at an enemy, the combo can be extended another 3 more times, followed by the finishing move, Judgement.
A Limit Command that can be unleashed by pressing the Triangle Button after an aerial combo.
Infinity is an action ability that Sora can activate while in Limit Form. It costs 80 MP for Sora to cast and allows him to charge a large energy blast at the end of his Keyblade which when released, breaks into many smaller orbs and homes in on the target. The attack deals damage relative to Sora’s Magic Stat.
Unleashes a finishing combo move on a single target. This powerful attack can instantly eliminate weaker enemies.
Zantetsuken is an action ability, useable while Sora is in Limit Form. It can be activated as a combo finisher against a single enemy, it deals roughly three times Sora’s regular finisher’s damage and is one of the most powerful single hits Sora can perform.
Ripple Drive
Unleashes a finishing combo move when surrounded. Damage dealt is relative to magic skill.
Ripple Drive is an action ability available to Sora while he is in Limit Form. It is a ground combo finisher that activates when Sora is surrounded by enemies. It deals damage proportional to Sora’s Magic Stat.
Hurricane Period
Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move consisting of an aerial barrage.
Hurricane Period is an action ability available to Sora while he is in Limit Form. It is an air combo finisher that does multiple hits and finishes by launching the enemy upward.
Zantetsu Counter
Unleashes Zantetsuken by selecting Attack while Guarding.
Zantetsu Counter is an action ability available to Sora while in Limit Form. It allows Sora to perform the Zantetsuken strike after a successful guard.
Reflect Combo
Blocks enemy attacks with Guard by pressing the Square Button during a combo.
Reflect Combo is only available to Sora while in his Limit Form. It allows you to block an enemy attack part way through a combo with the Square Button.
Master Strike
Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move that successively attacks a single target.
Master Strike is an ability available to Sora while in his Master Form. It activates as a combo finisher when you are fighting against a single enemy. It takes the form of a series of cross slashing attacks with a slight pause followed by one final large cross slash.
Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move that draws in several enemies and successively deals damage.
Disaster is a combo finishing ability available to Sora while he is in his Master Form. During the attack, Sora spins rapidly, drawing in enemies and dealing damage over time, while generating an orb of energy around himself that detonates dealing damage to all nearby enemies. This combo finisher will only activate when fighting against multiple enemies.
Master Magic
Powers up Magic.
Master Magic is an ability exclusive to Sora’s Master Form. It powers up his basic spells, increasing the effects of them as well as the damage they inflict.
Final Arcana
Handling the Keyblade with great skill, unleashes a powerful finishing combo move to a single target.
Final Arcana is an ability exclusive to Sora’s Final Form. It activates as a ground combo-based finisher against one enemy and allows Sora to combine his Keyblades and strike the enemy while creating bursts of energy, both of which deal damage to the enemy.
Final Strike
While spinning in midair, deals a powerful finishing combo move to a single target.
Final Strike is an action ability that Sora has access to while in Final Form. It is an aerial combo finisher that activates against a single enemy. Sora spins both his Keyblades toward the enemy before turning and driving his Keyblades and the enemy down toward the ground.
Final Arts
Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move to get rid of several targets at once.
Final Arts is another combo finisher available to Sora while in Final Form, this finisher activates when Sora is fighting against multiple enemies around him. It allows Sora to strike all the enemies around him in a wide arc, by rapidly spinning his Keyblades around him.
Auto Assault
The Keyblade automatically unleashes attacks in various situations.
Auto Assault is only available for Sora while he is in his Final Form. While performing other actions such as using items, jumping, gliding, or performing an aerial recovery, Sora’s Keyblade will actively seek out and deal damage to nearby enemies. It also has the ability to deflect projectiles fired at Sora.
Crime & Punishment
A Keyblade held in each hand unleashes powerful magic spells.
Crime & Punishment is available while Sora is in his Final Form, it changes and boosts how spells perform when used in this form.
Donald Fire
Unleashes a firestorm that attacks nearby enemies.
Donald Fire is the ability that grants Donald the use of Fire Magic. It costs 10 MP for him to perform and is obtained after defeating the Thresholder and Possessor Heartless in Beasts Castle.
Donald Blizzard
Unleashes a barrage of Ice at the enemy.
Donald Blizzard is the ability that grants Donald the use of Blizzard Magic. It costs 10 MP for him to cast and is obtained after clearing the trap in Agrabah’s Cave of Wonders.
Donald Thunder
Call down a bombardment of lightning bolts on your target!
Donald Thunder is the ability that grants Donald the use of Thunder Magic. It costs him 10 MP to cast and is available from the start of the game.
Donald Cure
Cures Party Members HP.
Donald Cure is the ability that grants Donald the use of Cure Magic. It costs all of his MP to cast, Donald starts the game already able to cast Cure.
A Limit Command that unleashes Donald’s powerful Comet spell.
Fantasia is learned by Donald after freeing the Cornerstone of Light in Disney Castle. It costs Sora all of his MP for Donald to cast Fantasia. Fantasia causes many small bursts of light to appear around Donald, hitting enemies for heavy damage.
Flare Force
A Limit Command that unleashes Donald’s powerful Duck Flare spell.
Flare Force is learned by Donald after defeating the Grim Reaper at the Harbour in Port Royal. Flare Force costs all of Sora’s MP for Donald to cast, and causes Donald to begin firing small rockets at all nearby enemies.
Goofy Tornado
Creates a vortex to draw enemies close and attack them!
Goofy Tornado costs Goofy 2 AP to equip and 10 MP for him to cast, it allows him to perform a spinning attack that chases down enemies while dealing damage over multiple hits.
Goofy Tornado is learned after defeating Pete at the Wharf in the Timeless River.
Goofy Bash
An effective ranged attack, throwing a shield at the enemy from afar.
Goofy Bash allows Goofy to toss his shield at enemies to inflict damage. It costs 2 AP to equip and 10 MP for Goofy to cast.
Goofy starts the game with Goofy Bash as an ability.
Goofy Turbo
Dashes through enemies, bouncing them towards Sora.
Goofy Turbo allows Goofy to ride his shield into enemies, dealing damage along the way. It costs 2 AP to equip and 10 MP for Goofy to cast.
Goofy Turbo is learned after defeating Shan-Yu in the Land of Dragons.
Tornado Fusion
A Limit Command that unleashes Goofy’s spinning attack, Whirli-Goof.
Tornado Fusion costs 3 AP to equip and all of Sora’s MP to cast. Goofy learns Tornado Fusion after defeating the Storm Rider at the Land of Dragons.
A Limit Command that unleashes Goofy and Sora’s joint attack, Knocksmash.
Teamwork costs 3 AP to equip and all of Sora’s MP to cast. This finishing move allows both Sora and Goofy to throw their weapons at enemies.
Goofy learns Teamwork after defeating Captain Barbossa in Port Royale.
Growth Abilities
High Jump
Jump a little higher than usual. The longer the jump button is held, the higher the jump.
High Jump is first available while using Sora’s Valor Form. As you level up the form, Sora will unlock the ability to use High Jump while not in Valor Form. Each level increase of High Jump improves the height of the Jump. High Jump costs 2 AP for Sora to equip.
- High Jump Lvl 1 is obtained by Valor Form as a default ability and by Sora when Valor Form reaches Lvl 3.
- High Jump Lvl 2 is obtained by Valor Form at Lvl 3 and by Sora when Valor Form reaches Lvl 5.
- High Jump Lvl 3 is obtained by Valor Form at Lvl 5 and by Sora when Valor Form reaches Lvl 7.
- High Jump Max is obtained by Valor Form at Lvl 7.
Quick Run
Tilt the left stick and push the Square Button to sprint rapidly. Keep the Button held to go for distance.
Quick Run is first available while using Sora’s Wisdom Form. As you level up the form, Sora will unlock the ability to use Quick Run while not in Wisdom Form. Each level increase of Quick Run improves the maximum distance of the Run. Quick Run requires 2 AP for Sora to equip.
- Quick Run Lvl 1 is obtained by Wisdom Form as a default ability and by Sora when Wisdom Form reaches Lvl 3.
- Quick Run Lvl 2 is obtained by Wisdom Form at Lvl 3 and by Sora when Wisdom Form reaches Lvl 5.
- Quick Run Lvl 3 is obtained by Wisdom Form at Lvl 5 and by Sora when Wisdom Form reaches Lvl 7.
- Quick Run Max is obtained by Wisdom Form at Lvl 7.
Dodge Roll
Dodge enemy attacks by tilting the left stick and pressing the Square Button. It becomes more efficient at higher levels.
Dodge Roll is first available while using Sora’s Limit Form. As you level up the form, Sora will unlock the ability to use Dodge Roll while not in Limit Form. Each level increase of Dodge Roll improves the distance covered by the Dodge Roll. Equipping Dodge Roll requires 3 AP for Sora.
- Dodge Roll Lvl 1 is obtained by Limit Form as a default ability and by Sora when Limit Form reaches Lvl 3.
- Dodge Roll Lvl 2 is obtained by Limit Form at Lvl 3 and by Sora when Limit Form reaches Lvl 5.
- Dodge Roll Lvl 3 is obtained by Limit Form at Lvl 5 and by Sora when Limit Form reaches Lvl 7.
- Dodge Roll Max is obtained by Limit Form at Lvl 7.
Aerial Dodge
Press jump in midair to jump again. It is useful for dodging enemy attacks.
Aerial Dodge allows Sora to perform a second jump while in mid-air. This also increases Sora’s jump height by 150% and extends his maximum aerial combo by 2. Aerial Dodge costs 3 AP for Sora to equip.
Aerial Dodge is first available while using Sora’s Master Form. As you level up the form, Sora will unlock the ability to use Aerial Dodge while not in Master Form.
- Aerial Dodge Lvl 1 is obtained by Master Form as a default ability and by Sora when Master Form reaches Lvl 3.
- Aerial Dodge Lvl 2 is obtained by Master Form at Lvl 3 and by Sora when Master Form reaches Lvl 5.
- Aerial Dodge Lvl 3 is obtained by Master Form at Lvl 5 and by Sora when Master Form reaches Lvl 7.
- Aerial Dodge Max is obtained by Master Form at Lvl 7.
Press the Square Button in midair to ride the wind. Keep the button pressed down for longer distance. Speed improves with level.
Glide is first available while using Sora’s Final Form. As you level up the form, Sora will unlock the ability to use Glide while not in Final Form. Each level increase of Glide improves the speed of the Glide. Equipping Glide requires 3 AP for Sora.
- Glide Lvl 1 is obtained by Final Form as a default ability and by Sora when Final Form reaches Lvl 3.
- Glide Lvl 2 is obtained by Final Form at Lvl 3 and by Sora when Final Form reaches Lvl 5.
- Glide Lvl 3 is obtained by Final Form at Lvl 5 and by Sora when Final Form reaches Lvl 7.
- Glide Max is obtained by Final Form at Lvl 7.
Anti Glide
Press the Square Button to jump backwards, spin around and fly forwards. If an enemy is present, the user will home in on it.
Anti Glide is a default ability for Sora’s Anti Form. It is only available while in Anti Form and allows Sora to dodge and quickly move towards enemies while in this form.
Support Abilities
Synch Blade
Equips a Keyblade in each hand. The ability of the left hand weapon becomes available as well.
Synch Blade is a default ability, allowing Sora to weild two Keyblades, while in Valor Form, Master Form, and Final Form.
HP Gain
Restores Sora’s HP when a Limit Command hits.
HP Gain a default ability while in Sora’s Limit Form.
Endless Magic
Light & Darkness
Aerial Recovery
Quickly regains balance by pressing jump when knocked down.
Aerial Recovery allows Roxas to quickly recover when he is thrown off balance by pressing the “O” button.
Aerial Recovery costs 2 AP to equip.