Aeris Limit Breaks
During the course of Final Fantasy VII (FF7, FFVII) Aeris can learn a total of seven limit breaks. Aeris Limit Breaks typically focus around healing and protection for the party.
Level 1 Limit Breaks
Healing Wind
Healing Wind is the first Limit Break that Aeris has access to. She starts the game able to use it.
Healing Wind heals each character in the party for half of their total HP.
Seal Evil
Aeris obtains Seal Evil after she has used the Limit Break “Healing Wind” a total of 8 times in battle.
Seal Evil inflicts all enemies with the “Stop” and “Silence” status effects. It will fail if the enemies are immune to either status effect.
Level 2 Limit Breaks
Breath of the Earth
To unlock Breath of the Earth, Aeris needs to defeat a total of 80 enemies in battle.
Breath of the Earth cures the party of status effects including Confusion, Frog, Fury, Petrify, Poison, Sadness, Sleep, Slow, Slow-Numb, and Small.
Fury Brand
The Fury Brand Limit Break is unlocked after using Breath of the Earth a total of 6 times in battle.
Fury Brand expends Aeris’s Limit Break gauge to fill the Limit Break gauge of the other two party members, this allows your other characters to use their Limit Breaks on their next turns.
Level 3 Limit Breaks
Planet Protector
Aeris will learn the Planet Protector Limit Break after defeating another 80 enemies, once she has already learned the Breath of the Earth Limit Break.
Planet Protector will make all party members, including Aeris, temporarily invincible and unable to be damaged by enemies.
Pulse of Life
The Pulse of Life Limit Break is learned after using Planet Protector 5 times in Battle.
Pulse of Life will completely restore all HP and MP to all party members, and cure them of all status ailments.
Level 4 Limit Breaks
Great Gospel
Great Gospel is learned after using the “Great Gospel” key item on Aeris after she has already learned all other Limit Breaks. See how to obtain the key item below.
The Great Gospel Limit Break will restore all HP and MP to the party, as well as make all party members invincible for a short period of time.
How to Obtain the Great Gospel Key Item
Obtaining the Great Gospel item must be done before you enter the Temple of Ancients, otherwise, the ability for Aeris to learn her final Limit Break will be lost and you’ll need to start a new game in order to obtain it.
Before you enter the Temple of the Ancients, head back to the town of Nibelheim and jump back in the Buggy that was obtained after Corel Prison. Take the Buggy back to Costa Del Sol and drive directly into the town. Make your way to the Ship in the Port and pay 100 gil to head back to Junon.
The Cave North of Junon
Head outside of Junon and you’ll find that the Buggy is now here. Make your way north of Junon across some shallows to find a small cave in the mountainside. Head inside the cave.
Inside you’ll find a Sleeping Man. When you speak to him, he’ll let you know a random statistic about your gameplay. You’ll need to exit and reenter to have him tell you a different one. Keep entering and exiting until he tells you how many battles you’ve been in and then lists a number. You need the number he tells you to have the same last two digits, and both digits need to be odd. For example 277, 199, 355, etc.
Mythril Key Item
Exit the cave now that you know how many battles you’ve been in, and complete more until you reach one of the desired numbers. Head back into the cave and speak to the man again, this time if you got the number right, he’ll give you a “Mythril” key item.
Great Gospel Key Item
Now that you have the “Mythril”, drive your Buggy back to the Gold Saucer area and then head to the house to the southeast on the peninsula. Out here you’ll find the man that spoke previously about the Keystone. Give him the “Mythril” and he’ll allow you to open one of two chests in the house. Head up to the second floor and all the way to the left, the small chest in the wall will contain the “Great Gospel” key item.
If Aeris has already learned all her prior limit breaks, you can use the “Great Gospel” key item on her to teach her, her final Limit Break called Great Gospel.
See the Light Trophy
Completing this quest and having Aeris learn her final Limit Break will also award you the “See the Light” Trophy.
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