Akkala Shrine Guides
Here you’ll find a breakdown of all the Shrines located in the Akkala Region of Breath of the Wild, along with any corresponding Shrine Quests, or Treasure. Each also has a video guide attached for completing the Trial.
Akkala Shrine Information
Shrine: | Trial: | Shrine Quest: | Shrine Treasure: | Video Guide: |
Dah Hesho Shrine | A Minor Test of Strength | – | Giant Ancient Core | |
Katosa Aug Shrine | Katosa Aug Apparatus | – | Great Frostblade | |
Ke’nai Shakah Shrine | A Modest Test of Strength | – | Sapphire | |
Ritaag Zumo Shrine | Ritaag Zumo’s Blessing | Into the Vortex | Giant Ancient Core | |
Tu Ka’loh Shrine | Lomei Labyrinth Island | Trial of the Labyrinth | Ancient Core | |
Tutsuwa Nima Shrine | A Major Test of Strength | The Spring of Power | Flamespear | |
Ze Kasho Shrine | Ze Kasho Apparatus | Silverscale Spear | ||
Zuna Kai Shrine | Zuna Kai’s Blessing | The Skull’s Eye | Flame Blade |
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