Aldina Plains
Aldina Plains Skits
Skits: | Locations: |
Confederates, Not Friends | Automatically |
Esatern Midgand | Available after the Skit: Confederates, Not Friends |
Don't Come In | Automatically |
Laphicet's True Name is...? | Automatically |
At the Summit | Automatically |
Take the Van Eltia back to Port Zekson to trigger a meeting at the Docks and the Skits: Confederates, Not Friends followed by Eastern Midgand. Head around and speak to all the people in the Port that have something to say, head out the south exit when your ready.
Make your way south on the Danann Highway and into Loegres, head to the Inn to spend the night to trigger the Skit: Don’t Come In. You can also visit the Cathedral here with Eizen and Laphicet to confess their sins to the priest. Once you’re done, head out of Loegres and take the eastern exit to trigger the next Skit: Laphicet’s True Name Is…? Continue to press forward into Aldina Plains.
Head north to find a chest containing a Soul Bottle, continue north and take the northern exit into the east section of Galles Lake Road.
Explore this area to find two chests containing an Odorless fluid, and a Calcite Pendant. Besides that, this area mostly just houses a large amount of the Katz Spirit Orbs. Take the time to explore it and then make your way back onto Aldina Plains.
Back on the Plains, this time take the eastern exit. Here to the north you’ll find a chest containing 3600 Gald and our next Katz Box. Grab them both, on the east side of the map you’ll find a chest with a Panacea Bottle and to the southeast you’ll find a Life Bottle and our next Code Red Hunt.
Boss Battle: King Peacock
Boss: | King Peacock |
HP: | 58,375 |
Types: | Winged and Fiend |
Weakness: | Fire |
Rewards: | Armory Acertie IV |
Armory Acerite IV
Armory Acerite IV | Grants +1 maximum Souls to characters wearing equipment that has been enhanced a combined total of 20 or more times. |
You should have little trouble defeating King Peacock, his defenses are very low. He does have considerable offensive abilities, but keeping up combos on him will make it unable for him to really utilize his high damage on you.
In the southwest corner, you can find a chest containing a Feldspar Bracelet. You’ll need to run back to where we arrived in this area, our objective is actually near the entrance and then along the south path. You’ll need to climb some vines up to a save point, you’ll also find a chest with Feldspar Boots here. Make sure to heal up and then head through into the next area.
You’ll trigger the next Skit here: At The Summit. Afterwards, head towards the map icon for another scene. Up here you can also find a chest with a Feldspar Fragment. Once you’re done, head down again, and this time make for the most eastern exit.
Head north and onto the little eastern ledge to find a chest with an All-Divide inside. On the southwest corner of the map you can also find a chest containing some Coarse Tempering Powder.
Once you’re done here, head through the eastern exit into Stonebury.
Stonebury Skits
Skits: | Locations: |
I'll Take My Geoboard | Ride the Geoboard for a few seconds outside of town. |
What Dragon's Are | Automatically |
In the town you’ll find a chest containing some Mellow Fluid to the north, you’ll also be able to turn in our latest Code Red Bounty to the NPC here. Speak to the people in town and head for the northwest to find another chest, containing Coarse Tempering Powder.
In town you’ll find a large stump, at its base is our next Katz Box. To the southeast, you’ll also find another chest containing a Feldspar Fragment. Finish speaking to the townsfolk and then head into the Inn for a scene. Head out of the Inn and leave the village to gain the use of a Geoboard.
Head over and activate the Geotree for this area. Jump on and ride it for a couple of seconds to trigger another Skit: I’ll Take My Geoboard. Use the eastern exit to get back to the plains and head west to take the path up to where the Dragon is nesting for a scene.
You’ll trigger a short fight with the Dragon here, but it will end pretty quickly with another cutscene.
After the scene you’ll trigger the Skit: What Dragon’s Are. Velvet will decide its time to regroup at Titania, so head back to the plains and then towards Port Zekson.
Take the west exit on the plains, head south and west again, and then just follow the path from here back to the Port.
Titania Skits (Third Story Visit)
Skits: | Locations: |
An Angry Letter | Automatically |
Cats, or Dogs? | Available after the Skit: An Angry Letter. |
Return To The Hideout | Automatically |
Prayers and Blessings | Automatically |
The State of Hellawes | Automatically |
Exorcists and Malakhim | Available after the Skit: The State of Hellawes. |
A Letter | Available after the Skit: Exorcists and Malakhim. |
As you approach Port Zekson, you’ll trigger an encounter with the White Turtlez and another Skit: An Angry Letter followed by the Skit: Cats, or Dogs? Head into Port Zekson and make for the Van Eltia, head back to Titania to trigger another Skit: Return to the Hideout.
Head inside Titania and make your way to Velvet’s Cell to trigger the next Skit: Prayers and Blessings. Return to the Front Docks for the Skit: The State Of Hellawes followed by two more Skits: Exorcists and Malakhim, and A Letter. Afterwards, speak to Benwick to leave for Hellawes.
Fighal Icecaps
Fighal Icecaps (Second Story Visit)
Skits: | Locations: |
Asking Around | Automatically |
Spoiled | Available after the Skit: Asking Around |
A Calamity Twice Over | Available after the Skit: Spoiled |
Putting The Pieces Together | Automatically |
Surpassing the Reasonable | Automatically |
What is an Ideal World? | Automatically |
Laphicet Takes The Stage | Automatically |
Strange Bedfellows | After leaving the town. |
Dealing with the Cold | Available after the Skit: Strange Bedfellows |
Found the Unicorn Horn | Automatically |
The Nor Dolls | Automatically |
The 12 Year Sickness | Automatically |
When you arrive you’ll trigger a quick scene. After its over, head around and speak to people around here, you’ll trigger another scene followed by the Skits: Asking Around, Spoiled, and A Calamity Twice Over. Once that’s all done, head for the door to the main part of town.
In the main part of Town, you need to head around and speak to the people marked on the map. Doing so will trigger the Skit: Putting The Pieces Together. Head into the Inn and examine the bookshelf for another two Skits: Surpassing The Reasonable and What is an Ideal World? Head into the Tavern and speak to the promoter there for the next part of Magilou’s Quest. This will trigger the Skit: Laphicet Takes The Stage. Once everything is done, head back out of the town to the Fighal Icecaps, you’ll need to take the exit through the warehouse back by the docks.
As you exit Hellawes you’ll trigger the Skits: Strange Bedfellows and Dealing with the Cold. As you head towards the front gate of Hellawes you’ll find a shiny spot near the edge of the water, examine it to acquire the Unicorn Horn, this will also trigger the Skit: Found the Unicorn Horn. The Geotree for this area can be found near the entrance to the nearby town of Beardsley as well.
Once you’ve activated the Geotree, take the south exit and jump on your Geoboard, you can now use it to make a jump here on the upper branch to collect a chest containing a Gold Scrap. Head through the south exit in this area as well to find another Code Red Hunt.
Boss Battle: Managarmr
Boss: | Managarmr |
HP: | 69,343 |
Types: | Beast and Fiend |
Weakness: | Water |
Rewards: | Ignicite of Affinity |
Ignicite of Affinity
Ignicite of Affinity | Increases the drop rate of equipment worn by the character on normal mode or higher. When a character defeats an enemy in battle, the chance of the enemy dropping the same equipment as worn by that character increases. |
From here you can use your Teleport to travel to Port Cadnix. Here on a table by the Item Shop you can find the first of the Nor Dolls. Examine it to trigger the Skit: The Nor Dolls, and obtain the Black Nor Doll. Inside the Inn here you can learn about some of the local holidays from the lady near the rabbit.
Once you’re done head over to Reneed to turn in the Unicorn Horn. Speak to Benwick on the Docks to travel there. In Reneed, speak to Videl to trigger another Skit: The 12 Year Sickness you’ll also gain the next part of the recipe for the Omega Elixir Quest.
From here, head back to the Docks and travel back to Hellawes. Our next destination is north from the Fighal Icecaps, take the exit into the Faldies Ruins.
Next, we’ll be heading into the Faldies Ruins to rescue another of the Therion’s. We’ll also tackle the next parts of some of the available side quests here as well.
Potentites Received: Armory Acerite VII and Superior Ignicite.
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