Titania Skits (Fifth Story Visit)
Skits: | Locations: |
Drifting Apart | Automatically |
What're You Hungry For? | Available after the Skit: Drifting Apart |
To Lionel Island | Automatically |
Sere's Motives | Available after the Skit: To Lionel Island |
Dyle's Tail, Part 1 | Automatically |
Selfish Kamoana | Automatically |
Kurogane's Break Time | Automatically |
Speak to Benwick on the Docks of Taliesin and select to head back to Titania. You’ll trigger a scene and the Skit: Drifting Apart followed by What’re You Hungry For? Speak to everyone on the docks before heading inside Titania to trigger the next Skits: To Lionel Island and Seres Motives. Finish speaking to everyone downstairs and then head upstairs and into the next area. Speak to the Pirate about the Prince, then head south towards the Back Docks to find Dyle. Speak with Dyle and the other sailors for the Skit: Dyle’s Tail, Part 1. Head back to the front Docks, for a scene with Kamoana and Medissa, followed by the Skit: Selfish Kamoana. One final Skit is available if you head back inside Titania and speak to Kurogane to trigger: Kurogane’s Break Time. With all of that over, speak to Benwick at the Docks the most recent Class 4 Island we unlocked.
Class 4 Administrative Zone – Apodous Quarter
Head straight up to the black pillar in the center of the area to trigger the fights. Your reward for finishing will be a set of boots called the Military Hike.
Head back and speak with Benwick to make your way over to Lionel Island.
Lionel Wharf
Lionel Wharf Skits
Skits: | Locations: |
Distress Signal | Automatically |
Teresa and Oscar | Automatically |
It's Been A While | Automatically |
Once you embark for Lionel Island you’ll trigger the Skit: Distress Signal followed by a short scene. Afterward, you’ll land at Lionel Wharf and trigger the next Skit: Teresa and Oscar. Behind the tents here you’ll find a chest containing a Grape Gel as well as a chest containing an Arcane Bottle, and a Katz Box. speak to the Pirates here before you head to the north to trigger the last Skit for the area: It’s Been A While. Touch the Geotree here, and speak to the Pirate before heading to the next area.
Baird Marsh
Baird Marsh Skits
Skits: | Locations: |
Teresa's Anger | Automatically |
I'm Laphicet | Automatically |
Teresa and Oscar's Abilities | Available after the Skit: I'm Laphicet |
Malakhim and Free Will | Automatically |
Teresa and Laphicet | Automatically |
Going Over The Plan | Automatically |
Feel Nothing | Automatically |
A New Therion Will Be Born | Available while making your way back to the Wharf. |
Straight away, head west and turn the switch to Blue. This will unlock the first gate ahead of us and continue north until you come to the next barrier. To the northwest of the map, after reaching the next barrier, you’ll find a breakable rock, smash it and continue northwest. You’ll find the switch for the nearby barrier here, as well as a chest containing a Panacea Bottle. Head east and through the now unlocked barrier to a small area with two switches in it. Change them both to be red and then continue through to the next screen.
Continue to the north to trigger the Skit: Teresa’s Anger. In the northeastern corner of the map, you’ll find a chest containing a Life Bottle, grab it, and then hit the nearby switch (yellow) before heading west to find a chest containing 5600 Gald. Head back to the northeast switch and interact with it again to turn it green, before continuing to the north. Here you’ll find a chest containing a Life Bottle, grab it, and then exit to the north.
To the northeast in this area, you’ll find another breakable rock, smash it, to reveal a chest with a Life Bottle inside. Continue north to trigger the next Skit: I’m Laphicet followed by the Skit: Teresa and Oscar’s Abilities. Continue north and hit the switch before heading to the east exit. Turn the nearby switch Blue and continue to the north to find a Katz Box. Head back and turn the switch Red again to continue to the east, grab the chest with a Grape Gel inside and continue on. Ignore the next switch you pass by and continue on to trigger a scene. Head back west after the scene and activate the switch we ignored, then continue to the northeast. Smash the boulder that will be blocking your path, grab the nearby chest with 6000 Gald, hit the switch to turn it Blue, before continuing to the north to trigger the Skit: Malakhim and Free Will. Take the exit to the north.
Head around the nearby gate to find a switch behind it, activate it, and continue to the north. Before the path goes to the northwest you’ll find a chest containing a Soul Bottle and another switch, ignore it for now, as it will block the way forward. Continue to the northwest to trigger the Skit: Teresa and Laphicet. Where the path branches off you’ll find a switch that will allow us to continue north to reach our next Code Red Hunt and a chest near it, containing an Arcane Bottle.
Boss Battle: Millionaire
Boss: | Millionaire |
HP: | 104,402 |
Types: | Crustacean, Fiend, and Dragon. |
Weakness: | Wind |
Rewards: | Armory Acerite VI |
Armory Acerite VI
Armory Acerite VI | Grants +1 maximum Souls to characters wearing equipment that has been enhanced a combined total of 30 or more times. |
Exploit the bosses weaknesses and you should have very little trouble with this fight. For this point in the game there is nothing really of concern that the Boss will do or inflict. Just keep up the damage and it will eventually fall.
Once the fight is over, continue south, you’ll find a chest containing a Blob Ring. To the east from here you can jump across to an island that contains the area’s Geotree, grab it and then change the nearby switch to Yellow as well. Head back to the main path and continue to the south exit.
In this area head for the north exit. Here you’ll find a chest between two switches that contains an Hourglass. Leave the switches as they are for now and continue to the northeast exit to another area. Here if you explore this area you’ll find a chest containing a pair of Military Hikes and another further in containing some Old Flyers. Grab both items and then return to the previous screen.
To continue forward, you’ll need to head back to the last pair of switches we passed, and change both of them. Once you’ve done that you can continue to the west to trigger the Skit: Going Over The Plan. You’ll be able to jump over some rubble to the south to break a cracked wall, this will create a shortcut for later. Continue north from here to find a chest behind a large pillar containing a pair of Quartz Boots. Take the north exit to the next area.
Here in this area you’ll find a chest along the south wall with a Summertime Waistcoat, and another chest to the east of the objective with the Valkyrie inside. Grab them both before heading to the marker and triggering the next scene and Boss Battle.
Boss Battle: Therion Teresa
Boss: | Therion Teresa |
HP: | 82,259 |
Types: | Fiend and Winged. |
Weakness: | Non-Elemental |
Rewards: | N/A |
**Both of these battles have unique Mystic Artes that you’ll need to let them use on you if you want the trophy for viewing all of the Mystic Artes in the game.**
Teresa shouldn’t pose much of a threat to you in the first battle, try to use characters that will be stronger against her abilites, like Rokurou and Eleanor. Her Artes defence is quite high so characters like Eizen and Laphicet won’t be quite as effective against her. Once the battle is over you’ll trigger a scene and another battle.
Boss Battle: Failed Oscar
Boss: | Failed Oscar |
HP: | 71,822 |
Types: | Person |
Weakness: | N/A |
Rewards: | Master Smith's Acerite |
Master Smith’s Acerite
Master Smith's Acerite | Increases the maximum level to which equipment may be enhanced to 9. |
Oscar will use mostly wind elemental attacks, if your taking too much damage, adjust your gear to defend against the Wind element. Oscar will also gain extra damage against stunned character’s so try to keep him away from any ally that is currently stunned. **Remember to view his Mystic Arte if you are trying to get that Trophy.**
After the battles are over you’ll trigger a scene and the Skit: Feel Nothing. Head back to where we left the Van Eltia at the Lionel Wharf, along the way you’ll trigger the Skit: A New Therion Will Be Born.
Titania Skits (Sixth Story Visit - Post Baird Marsh)
Skits: | Locations: |
The Abbey's Counterattack | Automatically |
The Abbey's Scheme | Available after the Skit: The Abbey's Counterattack |
Siegfried and Armati | Available after the Skit: The Abbey's Scheme |
Bienfu's Apology | Automatically |
A Cruel Battle | Available after the Skit: Bienfu's Apology |
Orichalcum Stormquell | After obtaining the Orichalcum Stormquell |
The Shepherd's Armatus | Automatically |
A Beast of Ice | Automatically |
When you arrive back at the Van Eltia you’ll trigger a scene and the Skit: The Abbey’s Counterattack, followed by The Abbey’s Scheme, and Siegfried and Armati. Once you’ve viewed all the skits, head back to Titania.
Landing in Titania will trigger a scene and a fight against some of the now Armatized Abbey Exorcists. Once your done head upstairs to trigger the next Skit: Bienfu’s Apology followed by the Skit: A Cruel Battle. Continue north once the skits are done, head to the White Turtlez on the map to restock anything you might be low on and then continue on this path towards the Dungeons.
Here you find Kurogane, Medissa, and Kamoana. Kurogane will give you the Orichalcum Stormquell and be able to view the Skit: Orichalcum Stormquell. Continue past them, deeper into the Prison to find Percival and Griffin for another short scene. Afterward, make your way back to the White Turtlez to trigger the Skit: The Sheperd’s Armatus. From here head for the back Docks where we left the Van Eltia. Here you’ll trigger a scene and another short fight. After it’s complete, you’ll now need to make your way to the Front Docks to trigger the Skit: A Beast Of Ice and afterward, a Boss Battle.
Boss Battle: Innominat
Boss: | Innominat |
HP: | 94,593 |
Types: | Unknown |
Weakness: | Fire |
Rewards: | N/A |
You can’t win this fight, simply focus on staying alive until the battle ends and the cutscene starts. Try to make sure your characters have equipment with as high Artes Defence as possible, to give yourself the best chance to survive. When we finally regain control we’ll be inside the Earthpulse.