Marks – Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age
This section will cover all of the Hunts that are available from Bounty Boards and from Montblanc in the Clan Hall.
These hunts unlock as certain points in the game are passed. You’ll then need to visit a Bounty Board to accept the Hunt. Once accepted you’ll need to speak with the Petitioner to formalize the contract and to make the mark appear.
Bounty Board Marks – Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age
Number: | Hunt: | Mark: | Unlock Conditions: | How to find: | Tactics: | Reward: |
1 | Red & Rotten in the Desert | Rogue Tomato | Part of the Tutorial for the start of the Game. Unlocks after speaking with Tomaj. | Dalmasca Estersand, The Stepping. | Take out the other monsters in the area before engaging, so that you don't get swarmed with wolves. | 300 Gil, 2x Potions, and a Teleport Stone. |
2 | Wolf in the Waste | Thextera | Unlocked after the Parade at the start of the game. | Dalmasca Westersand, Galtea Downs. | Easier to take down once you have Penelo join the party. Keep your HP above 100 to avoid dying to its most damaging attack. Make sure to take out the additional wolves in the surrounding area before engaging. | 500 Gil, Headguard, Teleport Stone. |
3 | Dalmasca's Desert Bloom | Flowering Cactoid | Unlocked after the Parade at the start of the game. | Found in the Dalmasca Estersands Yardang Labyrinth. | You'll need to clear the Yardang Labyrinth area of enemies as the Cactoid likes to run around and drag them into the fight. HP of above 1,000 is required for this fight as its ability 1,000 Needles does 1,000 HP of damage. Best completed after the party has cleared Barheim Passage. | 500 Gil and 10x Potions |
4 | Waterway Haunting | Wraith | After completing the Barheim Passage. | Found in the Garamsythe Waterway, Overflow Cloaca. | Inflicting it with Silence will make the fight much easier. Otherwise make sure to get at least one character with the Remedy Lore ability to cure the Doom Status it inflicts. | 500 Gil, Ether, and Gauntlets. |
5 | Marauder in the Mines | Nidhogg | After the confrontation with Ba'Gamnan in the Lhusu Mines. | Found in Lhusu Mines, Transitway 1. | Make sure to equip your Tank with the strongest shield you have, and the Protect status as well. Nidhogg hits hard and at lower health it also hits extremely fast. Alternatively if you can cast Immobilize on it, then keep your party ranged so that it cannot reach you, while you take it down. | 600 Gil, Rose Corsage, and Balaclava. |
6 | Lost in the Pudding | White Mousse | Unlocked after the events at Marquis Ondores Estate. | Found in the Garamsythe Waterway, West Sluice Control. | Inflict the mark with Blind and Berserk to limit it to physical attacks. Or, put it to sleep and cast Fire magick until it is defeated. Be warned it will likely take more than one sleep to defeat. | 2,800 Gil and the Burning Bow. |
7 | For Whom the Wyrm Tolls | Ring Wyrm | Unlocked after the events at Marquis Ondores Estate. | Found in the Dalmasca Westersands, Windtrace Dunes during a sandstorm. You may need to rezone a few times to get the sandstorm weather. | Casting Blind on the mark will make this fight much easier. If you are having a hard time dealing with the damage, then summon Belias. Belias will be healed from 3/5 of the abilities that the mark uses. Blind will prevent Belias taking excessive physical damage as well. | 200 Gil, Moon Ring, and Icebrand. |
8 | A Scream from the Sky | Wyvern Lord | Unlocked after the events at Marquis Ondores Estate. | Found in the Nam-Yensa Sandsea, Simoon Bluff area. | Inflicting the mark with Sleep and then simply using Magick to attack it is the easiest way to defeat this mark. Remember that flying enemies can only be hit by Ranged Weapons, Polearms, or Magick. | 1,000 Gil, Elfin Bow, and Shell Shield. |
9 | A Tingling Toast | Marilith | Unlocked after the events at Marquis Ondores Estate. | Found in the Zertinan Caverns, Invitation to Heresy area. Look for the small sunlit area, on the map it looks like a "C" on the map. You'll need to wait there for upto 5 minutes for Marilith to spawn. | Immediately dispel its buffs, and try to get Blind on it to make the fight easier. | 2,000 Gil, Serpent Eye, and 3x Teleport Stones. |
10 | The Defense of Ozmone Plain | Enkelados | After obtaining the Dawn Shard. | Found in the Ozmone Plain, The Shred area. Defeat all the enemies in the area and then rezone to spawn the Enkelados. | Enkelados will heal itself part way through the battle but other than that it should go down easily. | 1,100 Gil, Elixir, and Golden Amulet. |
11 | A Ring in the Rain | Croakadile | After obtaining the Dawn Shard. | Found in the Giza Plains, Starfall Field area. | Belias can be very useful for this fight, as the mark is weak to Fire. You'll need to keep him healed up during the fight though. | 1,200 Gil, Serpent Rod, and 1x Teleport Stone. |
12 | The Dead Ought Sleep Forever | Ixtab | After obtaining Lente's Tear from the Eruyt Village. | Found in the Henne Mines, Phase 1 Shaft area. | It will use quite a few status effects during the battle, however if you picked up Esuna in the Eruyt Village then this shouldn't give you much of an issue. | 1,500 Gil, 1x Ether, and 1x Soul Powder. |
13 | Befoulment of the Beast | Feral Retriever | After your first visit to Mt Bur-Omisace | Found in the Paramina Rift, Spine of the Icewyrm area. | Be prepared for it to inflict many status ailments with its abilities. Haste and Protect on your party will make it easier to deal with as well. | 1,500 Gil and a Hunting Crossbow. |
14 | A Chase through the Woods | Vorpal Bunny | After defeating Judge Bergan. | Found in the Golmore Jungle, The Rustling Chapel area. | Once found, inflict Berserk on the mark to keep it in place and prevent it from running away. | 2,000 Gil, Lightning Arrows, and Gillie Boots. |
15 | The Mine Flayer | Mindflayer | After defeating Judge Bergan. | Found in the Henne Mines, Phase 1 Dig. Will only appear if the party has full MP. **I had to rezone a couple of times to trigger it spawning.** | Find the Mindflayer in the Phase 1 Dig area, it will only appear if the party has full MP though. Casting Berserk on it will make it unable to use its Invert spell. It will likely heal itself, only once though, when it reaches critical HP. | 2,200 Gil, and a Carmagnole. |
16 | The Deserter's Revenge | Bloodwing | After defeating Judge Bergan. | Found in the Barheim Passage, West Annex area. | Defeat the undead on the way to the Mark's location. Otherwise you run the risk of being swarmed. | 2,400 Gil, Stun Bombs, and 1x Vampyr Fang. |
17 | Trouble in the Hills | Atomos | After defeating Judge Bergan. | Found in the Mosphoran Highwaste, Northern Skirts area. | Dispel his buffs, after this is done he shouldn't be too difficult to take out. You can also put him to sleep and use Magick without waking him. | 1,800 Gil, Gaia Rod, and a Platinum Shield. |
18 | Adding Insult to Injury | Roblon | After defeating Judge Bergan. | Found in the Nabreus Deadlands, Overlooking Eternity area. | You can gain access to the area where the mark is by heading to the northwest part of the "Slumbermead" area. Here you can use a path to reach the "Overlooking Eternity" area where Roblon is located. Dead Bones enemies will continuously spawn in this area, and will cast intermediate tier spells along with the Mark. Be sure to buff your party with Haste, Protect, Shell, and Bubble. | 3,100 Gil, Giant's Helmet, 1x Mythril. |
19 | Rodeo to the Death | Braegh | After defeating Judge Bergan. | Found in the Salikawood, Corridor of Ages area. | Equip Lightning resistance gear, such as the Diamond Armlet, to make this fight very simple. Braegh is also weak to Ice elemental attacks and Magick. | 1,700 Gil, Claiper, and 1x Hi-Ether. |
20 | Shelled Obstruction | Darksteel | After visiting Archades | Found in the Sochen Cave Palace, Temptation Eluded area. | Inflicting Darksteel with Poison will make the fight much easier. You'll want your party geared to resist Dark elemental damage, as Darksteel casts Darkga fairly often. | 3,000 Gil, Lead Bolts, and Adamantite. |
21 | Get My Stuff Back! | Vyraal | After Draklor Laboratory | Found in the Cerobi Steppe, The Northsward area. | At around half HP the Vyraal will run away to heal and rebuff. Follow it and keep the pressure up. Don't worry too much if it heals itself, just keep following it and attacking, eventually it will fall. | 3,500 Gil, Halberd, and Aegis Shield. |
22 | Old Legends, Decaying Bonds | Lindwyrm | After Draklor Laboratory | Found in the Tchita Uplands, Garden of Life's Circle area. | Dispel the Lindwyrms buffs and make sure your healer is resistant to the Sleep status. You can inflict Blind and Silence on the Lindwyrm to make the fight much easier. It will heal and rebuff itself during the fight so make sure to dispel as necessary. Equipping a spellcaster with an Indigo Pendant and having them put it to sleep constantly, will allow the rest of the party to hit it with Magick without waking it up. | 4,200 Gil, Minerva Bustier, and Hi-Ether. |
23 | The Things We Do... | Overlord | After Draklor Laboratory | Found in the Sochen Cave Palace, Doubt Abandoned area. | Start by dispelling his Buffs. If you can inflict silence on him you'll stop him casting some of his fire-based attacks. Otherwise equip your party for as much fire resistance as possible to limit the damage you take. | 3,500 Gil, Hi-Ether x2, and Teleport Stone. |
24 | The Creature Collector | Goliath | After Draklor Laboratory | Found in the Necrohol of Nabudis, Hall of Slumbering Might area. | Try to immediately get a Dispel cast on Goliath, before it puts up its Magick Barrier. Once up, you'll be unable to get Magick to work against it. You can equip your entire party with Mirror Mails to reflect its spells back at it, since reflected spells can still damage it. Just be aware you'll need to switch healing over to items. The Technick "Expose" is very useful for the fight as well. | 3,600 Gil, Save the Queen, and Einherjarium. |
25 | Dead City Watch | Deathscythe | After Draklor Laboratory | Found in the Necrohol of Nabudis, Cloister of the Highborn area. To spawn the Mark, you'll need to reduce character's HP below 10%. | Susceptible to Blind and Berserk for the start of the fight. Switch to Magick attacks after it becomes immune to Physical damage through its "Magick Wall" ability. | 2,800 Gil, Hi-Ether x2, and a Soul of Thamasa. |
26 | Visitor on Deck | Deathgaze | After unlocking free travel with the Strahl. | Found on the Skyferry, Air Deck area. Random chance of Deathgaze appearing each flight you take. Speak to the kid after an unsuccessful flight to increase the chance of it appearing on the next flight. | Deathgaze has the ability to become immune to Physical Attacks and to limit the damage it takes from Magick. Usually it will only activate one at a time, leaving you open to damage it through the other. If it raises both, then you'll be limited to using Tecknicks such as Gil Toss for damage. At times it may cast Reverse on itself, making anything that would normally damage it, heal it instead. If it does this you'll need to cast healing Magick on it to continue to damage it until it wears off. You can also manually inflict it with Reverse, cast Renew on it to bring it to 1HP, and then cast Cure on it to defeat it. | 5,400 Gil and Elixir x2. |
27 | The Child Snatcher | Diabolos | After unlocking free travel with the Strahl. | Found in the Lhusu Mines, Site 11 area. | Make sure to equip the party with Fire-Damage reducing gear, at low HP Diabolos will spam fire-attacks. It can also inflict a large amount of status effects, through its Curse spell. Try to defeat Diabolos as quickly as possible and avoid a prolonged battle. | 2,600 Gil, Demon Shield, and Zeus Mace. |
28 | The Black Sorcerer | Piscodaemon | After unlocking free travel with the Strahl. | Found in Giruvegan, Gate of Fire area. | Equip the party to resist Dark-Damage and Disable, after that the fight shouldn't give you much trouble at all. | 3,800 Gil, Dark Shot, and Scathe Mote. |
29 | A Wild Stench | Wild Malboro | After unlocking free travel with the Strahl. | Found in the Feywood, Redolent Glade area. | You'll need a party member with Decoy to keep the Wild Malboro from inflicting everyone with a ton of status ailments. Another member of the party will need to have all three Remedy Lore skills in order to cure the status effects. Focus a third party member on casting the highest level Wind Magick that you have. Boost their damage through equipping the Cherry Staff, Cloud Staff, or Staff of the Magi, as well as boosting them with a Faith buff. | 4,600 Gil and Euclid's Sextant. |
30 | Paying for the Past | Catoblepas | After unlocking free travel with the Strahl. | Found in the Zertinan Caverns, Hourglass Basin area. Eastern part of the Hourglass Basin, in a hidden area. Take the south exit from the Hourglass Basin into the Undershore, follow the secret path past the Save Crystal to reach the secret area in the Hourglass Basin. You'll be met by Warchief Supinelu when you enter. | At the start of the battle make sure to Dispel any Buffs on the enemy. Catoblepas focuses on heavy melee attacks, equip a caster with the Indigo Pendant and cast Blind on him to make the fight a little easier. | 3,200 Gil, Volcano, and 1x Arctic Wind. |
31 | Wyrm Wrath's Renewal | Fafnir | After unlocking free travel with the Strahl. | Found in the Paramina Rift, Silverflow's End area. Enter Silverflow's End from the Karydine Glacier. Mark will only spawn during a Snowstorm. | Buff your party with both Protect and Shell for this fight. Try to lower its defences using Shear and Expose as well. Being weak to Lightning, have one member of your party casting Thundaga, boosted by either the Storm Staff, or Cloud Staff is a strong strategy. At low HP it becomes significantly faster and will hit harder. Consider saving your Quickenings for when it is approaching low HP to avoid its strengthened state. | 7,000 Gil, Assassin's Arrows, 1x Teleport Stone. |
32 | Who's The Strongest!? | Pylraster | Appearance of the Sky Fortress Bahamut. | Found in Pharos, First Ascent, They Who Thirst Not area. | Your party will need Haste, Bravery, and Faith buffs before the fight starts. You'll want your tank with the best shield you have available as well as a Bubble Belt and Protect. Have a caster focus on Fire-Damage spells, dispel any buffs it may apply to itself. You'll also want a dedicated healer, as Pylraster can inflict 5k+ damage with some of its attacks. | 8,000 Gil, Grand Mace, 2x Scathe Motes. |
Elite Marks – Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age
The Elite Marks are unlocked by speaking to Montblanc in the Clan Hall. These Marks are typically considered far stronger than their regular counterparts so make sure to consider that, especially if you want to take them on immediately after they become available.
Number: | Hunt: | Mark: | Unlock Conditions: | How to Find: | Tactics: | Reward: |
1 | Little Love on the Big Plains | Cluckatrice and Chickatrice. | Unlocked after Barheim Passage. | Found in the Giza Plains North Bank. You'll need to defeat every enemy in the area and then leave and immediately re-enter to spawn them. | When first unlocked this quest is extremely difficult. It is highly recommended to wait till you return from the Lhusu Mines to complete this. Start by dispelling Haste on the Cluckatrice. You'll also need a way of removing Slow and Petrify, as it can inflict both if not defeated quickly. A Quickening Chain is a great way to take out the Cluckatrice and all three chicks. **Both Cluckatrice and the Chickatrice all need to be defeated for the Hunt to be considered complete.** | 1,000 Gil, Amber Armlet, and a Rainbow Egg. |
2 | The Cry of its Power | Rocktoise | Unlocked after Barheim Passage. | Lhusu Mines Site 2 | Inflict Blind and Slow on the Rocktoise to make the fight alittle easier. You can also equip a Gun with Silence Shot to repeatedly inflict the Silence status on it. It will waste a turn removing the status before resuming its attacks. | 1,200 Gil, Hi-Potion, and a Survival Vest. |
3 | Crime and Punishment | Orthros | Unlocked after obtaining the Dawn Shard. | Garamscythe Waterway Southern Sluiceway. Will only appear if the party consists of 3 females. | Inflict Orthros with Sleep and use Fire Magick to defeat it. If you're not a high enough level, then you may need to reapply Sleep when it wakes and continue. | 3,800 Gil, Horakhty's Flame, and an Unpurified Ether. |
4 | Paradise Risen | Gil Snapper | Unlocked after obtaining the Dawn Shard. | Giza Plains Tracks of the Beast. Unlock the area by cutting down the Withered Trees scattered around. | Use the reflect spell to bounce its Magick back at it, while also using Thundara to target your own team (as long as they are all covered by Reflect) will allow you to bounce multiple Thundara's at it, very quickly defeating it. | 3,000 Gil and a Phobos Glaze. |
5 | Paramina Run | Trickster | Unlocked after your visit to Mt Bur-Omisace. | Found in the Paramina Rift Frozen Brook. Enter and exit the area until Monid tells you that the Trickster has appeared. It will be invisible until your basically ontop of it. | Trickster will change its attack pattern at about 50% and 30% HP. Both of these thresholds are best bypassed if possible by initiating a Quickening Chain before it hits 50% and trying to defeat it with the Chain. At 50% it will become immune to Physical attacks for 2minutes, and all but one element of Magick will heal it. You'll need to have your Black Mage set up to cast the appropriate element through a gambit that only targets a foe with a weakness to the element, to avoid healing it. At 30% HP it becomes much faster and begins to spam Choco-Comet. A very powerful attack that has a strong possibilty of overwhelming your healing and wiping the party. If you're struggling simply come back later in the game. Levels and gear can make a significant difference here. | 4,800 Gil and a Deimos Clay. |
6 | Antlion Infestation | Antlion | Unlocked after your visit to Mt Bur-Omisace. | Lhusu Mines Site 9. | The Antlion is surrounded by Killer Mantis enemies and will 'Canabalize' them to heal itself and boost its level. Your first target needs to be getting rid of all of the Mantis enemies so that Antlion doesn't boost its level too high. Use strong Wind Magick to defeat the Mantis enemies quickly before then switching over to fighting the Antlion. | 4,300 Gil, a Bubble Belt, and a Sickle-Blade. |
7 | Carrot Stalk | Carrot | Unlocked after defeating Judge Bergan. | Salikawood Sun-Dappled Path. Carrot will only spawn if you can reach its area without a single monster in the area dying. Enter from the Mosphoran Highwaste and "Flee" the whole way to where Carrot spawns for your best chance. | Dispelling Carrot's buff is a must, it will likely continue to try to rebuff during the fight. If you have a Ribbon by this point then make sure your Remedy user is the one equipped with it. Otherwise try to equip your party to resist Stop and Disable as much as possible. At critical HP Carrot's damage and attack speed will greatly increase, use a Quickening Chain to finish it before it wipes the party. | 5,200 Gil, Stink Bombs, and Putrid Liquid. |
8 | Battle on the Big Bridge | Gilgamesh and Enkidu | Unlocked after completing Draklor Laboratory | Find him in the Lhusu Mines Tasche Span and Site 7. | After every cutscene you can steal again from Gilgamesh. Make sure to, as he holds the valuable Genji Equipment. In the first battle, dispel Gilgamesh each time he buffs and keep stealing after each short scene. The battle shouldn't pose much of an issue for you. At critical HP Gilgamesh will flee deeper into the mines, where you'll require the Site 11 Key, from the Phon Coast Hunters Camp, after defeating the Antlion Hunt to continue. If you have the key you can follow him deeper into the mines and confront him again. Continue stealing each time he pulls out a new weapon. Eventually he'll become immune to damage until he performs "Monarch Sword" twice. After which, you can continue to damage him. Just try to stay alive while he's invincible. | 10,000 Gil and Excalipur. |
9 | Dark Rumor | Belito | Unlocked after completing Draklor Laboratory | Head to the Ogir-Yensa Sandsea's Central Junction and take the exit to the Zertinan Caverns. Take the northern exit next to the dead-end area in the Nam-Yensa Sandsea's Withering Shore, where you'll trigger a scene. | Focus on taking down the two support enemies first, then focus your attacks on the main enemy. Dispel status as you need to and try to keep your own buffs up. | 5,100 Gil and a Megalixir. |
10 | Truth Shrouded in Mist | Behemoth King | Unlocked after the Strahl becomes available for use. | The Feywood, The Edge of Reason area. To spawn him, you'll need to completely clear all monsters in the Ice Field of Clearsight and the Giruveganus in the Edge of Reason. Defeat any enemies that respawn as well. Do this and he should spawn in the Edge of Reason. | Behemoth King will alternate a Magick and Physical barrier, making it immune to one or the other for 2 minutes, and then it will switch. The monsters physical attacks are incredibly damaging even with Protect status. Consider having someone cast the spells Reverse and Decoy on your tank, so that the monster's damage will heal your tank, leaving your other characters free to attack. The buffs will need reapplying often though. | 250 Gil and 2x Bacchus's Wine. Unequip Vaan's weapon and head to Mt Bur-Omisace, on the way up the mountain on the left hand side you'll find a Dragon's Skull. Strike it and you'll also recieve 500,000 Gil and a Rod of Faith. |
11 | Fishy Dreams | Ixion | Unlocked with the appearance of the Sky Fortress Bahamut. | Found in the Subterra in Pharos. Penumbra interior, Umbra Interior, Abyssal Interior. It will only spawn when taking the lift down from the first floors to one of these areas. You'll know its there if no other enemies spawn. You'll need to wait in the area for a maximum of 200 seconds before it may appear. | Give lightning immunity to your party by equipping Diamond Armlets to make this fight much simpler. | 3,000 Gil, Sapping Bolts, and a Ragnarok. |
12 | God or Devil? | Shadowseer, Pandaemonium, Slyt, Fenrir, and Phoenix. | Unlocked with the appearance of the Sky Fortress Bahamut. | Found in the Subterra Hell's Challenge area. You'll need to place black orbs in the pedestals in the Penumbra, Umbra, and Abyssal areas to unlock the area to fight it. | You'll need someone to cure the many status affect it can inflict. Equip your main damage dealer with the Excalibur weapon and White Robes to boost Holy damage. Your Magick casters should also focus on casting the Holy spell. As the Boss passes HP thresholds it will summon other creatures to fight and become invincible itself, defeat the other creatures to continue the fight. | 20,000 Gil, and 2x Megalixir. |
13 | Farewell to a Legend | Yiazmat | Unlocked with the appearance of the Sky Fortress Bahamut. **You'll also need to have beaten the Hell Wyrm Optional Boss** | Located in the Colloseum in the Ridorana Cataract. | Recommended level is 70+ for this fight. Focus initially on inflicting all of the status lowering tecknicks on it; Expose, Addle, Shear, and Wither. This will allow all your characters to do max damage and improve your survivability. Being weak against Dark element, equip your main damage dealer with the Yagyu Darkblade, Black Robes, and Genji Gloves. Yiazmat has an instant death spell, and its normal attacks can also inflict death (5%). | 30,000 Gil and the Godslayer's Badge. |