Below you’ll find details on how to obtain each of the Espers scattered throughout The Zodiac Age. I’ve also included recommendations on who each one would give the most benefit to, as in FFXII you can only assign each Esper to one party member. Each Esper will also unlock additional nodes on the Job Boards of various Jobs, use the Table of Contents below to jump to a particular Esper or use CTRL+F to find what you need.
Belias the Gigas

Obtained in the Tomb of Raithwall, in the Cloister of Flame area. You’ll automatically obtain Belias as part of the natural story progression. He is fought on the way to obtain the Dawn Shard and is a mandatory Esper, so you can’t miss obtaining him in a playthrough.
Belias is a Fire-elemental Esper and is weak against Water Magick like Aqua. During your fight with him, he is susceptible to the Slow status as well. If Belias is hit with Fire-elemental attacks or Magick it will heal him. During your fight he will likely unleash his ultimate move Firaja at least once, protecting your party with Shell is very helpful in reducing the damage that this will inflict.
Once you obtain Belias you can use him in battle, his attacks are imbued with the Fire element, and his finishing move is called Hellfire. Hellfire deals Fire damage to all enemies in range. He is very useful against enemies that cast Fire Magicks since he will absorb them.
Belias Licence Board Unlocks
The additional Licence Board nodes unlocked when pairing this esper with each job combination for Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age.Class: | Licence Unlocked: |
Archer | |
Black Mage | |
Bushi | Libra |
Foebreaker | Horology |
Knight | Potion Lore 1 |
Machinist | |
Monk | |
Red Battlemage | |
Shikari | |
Time Battlemage | |
Uhlan | |
White Mage |
Your best choice for who to give the Esper to is whoever is using the Knight Class. Belias doesn’t really unlock anything of use for anyone so Potion Lore for the Knight is basically your best option.
Mateus the Corrupt
Mateus is the second story Esper you’ll obtain in the Stilshrine of Miriam. You’ll find Mateus in the Hall of Worth at the very end of the Stilshrine of Miriam.
When you battle Mateus it will summon five small Ice Azer enemies to assist it, defeat these first as they can inflict Sleep, before turning your attention to Mateus. Protect and Shell are very valuable for this fight in reducing the damage you take from Mateus’s Physical attacks, as well as its ultimate move, Blizzaja. You’re likely to have unlocked some Quickenings by this point in the game which can help you deal with Mateus quite easily.
If you are struggling with the fight, consider equipping gear that reduces or nullifies Ice damage, like the Ice Shield.
Once defeated you’ll gain the ability to summon Mateus in combat, its regular attack inflicts Ice-elemental damage. Mateus’s ultimate move, Frostwave, will deal heavy Ice damage to all enemies in range. Ice-elemental attacks and Magick will heal this Esper as well.
Mateus Licence Board Unlocks
The additional Licence Board nodes unlocked when pairing this esper with each job combination for Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age.Class: | Licence Unlocked: |
Archer | |
Black Mage | Hand-Bombs 3 |
Bushi | |
Foebreaker | |
Knight | White Magick 6 & 7 (Curaga, Regen, Cleanse, Esuna) |
Machinist | |
Monk | |
Red Battlemage | |
Shikari | Gil Toss |
Time Battlemage | HP 6 (+230) |
Uhlan | 2x Magick Lore |
White Mage |
The best option for pairings with Mateus is the Knight class, the same as Belias. Giving Mateus to the Knight will give you another character with access to the White Magicks; Curaga, Regen, Cleanse, and Esuna. Esuna being the important one here, and the ability to cast Curaga in a pinch won’t go astray either.
Shemhazai the Whisperer
Shemhazai is the third story based Esper you’ll encounter in The Great Crystal area.
Shemhazai Licence Board Unlocks
The additional Licence Board nodes unlocked when pairing this esper with each job combination for Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age.Class: | Licence Unlocked: |
Archer | Heavy Armor 10 - 12 |
Black Mage | Heavy Armor 7 |
Bushi | Shield Block |
Foebreaker | |
Knight | Potion Lore 2 |
Machinist | Hand-Bombs 3 |
Monk | Potion Lore 3 |
Red Battlemage | White Magick 7 (Cleanse & Esuna) |
Shikari | Guns 5 & 6 |
Time Battlemage | |
Uhlan | |
White Mage | HP 6 (+230) |
If you are running the popular Archer/Red Battlemage combo then give Shemhazai to that character. They will gain access to the Heavy Armor 10 – 12 nodes on the Archer board and access to White Magick 7 (Cleanse and Esuna). The Heavy Armor nodes on the Archer board will also then allow you access to the adjacent Heavy Armor 8 & 9 nodes on the Red Battlemage board. This will give your Archer/Red Battlemage access to the very useful Esuna spell, and a significant defense boost from the Heavy Armor’s they can now equip.
Hashmal, Bringer of Order
Hashmal is another story Esper that you’ll obtain on the Spire Ravel of Pharos.
Hashmal Licence Board Unlocks
The additional Licence Board nodes unlocked when pairing this esper with each job combination for Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age.Class: | Licence Unlocked: |
Archer | |
Black Mage | Hand-Bombs 4 |
Bushi | |
Foebreaker | Swiftness |
Knight | White Magick 8 & 9 (Confuse, Faith, Bravery, Curaja) |
Machinist | |
Monk | White Magick 4 (Cura & Raise) |
Red Battlemage | Steal |
Shikari | Bonecrusher |
Time Battlemage | Channeling |
Uhlan | Bonecrusher |
White Mage |
Another Esper for the Knight Class! Hashmal grants the Knight access to a great AOE heal in Curaja as well as the ability to support with buffs like Faith and Bravery. None of the other choices come close.
Famfrit the Darkening Cloud
Famfrit Licence Board Unlocks
The additional Licence Board nodes unlocked when pairing this esper with each job combination for Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age.Class: | Licence Unlocked: |
Archer | HP 10 & 11 (+390 & +435) |
Black Mage | HP 5, 6, 8 (+190, +230, +310) |
Bushi | |
Foebreaker | Magick Lore |
Knight | |
Machinist | Time Magick 8 - 10 (Hastega, Slowga, Vanishga, Reflectga, Warp, Graviga) |
Monk | White Magick 10 (Arise & Dispelga) |
Red Battlemage | 2x Battle Lore |
Shikari | |
Time Battlemage | Battle Lore |
Uhlan | Battle Lore |
White Mage | Daggers 5 Numerology |
The Archer/Red Battlemage combo allows access to the same skills granted by Famfrit. Your best options here are to give your Monk access to more White Magick, allowing him to fully restore a fallen character with Arise and Debuff all enemies with Dispelga. Or, give it to your Machinist character to allow them to also cast late-game Time Magicks. If your White Mage is also a Machinist then just be aware that this character will likely make your Time Battlemage completely pointless late game. Good thing we can now respec at Clan Centurio with Montblanc!
Adrammelech the Wroth
This Esper is found in the Zertinan Caverns and can be easily obtained after the party reaches around level 40.
How to obtain Adrammelech the Wroth Esper
The fastest path to obtaining the Esper is through the Ozmone Plains Switchback area down into the Zertinan Caverns.
Halls of Ardent Darkness
Follow the path north and take the exit into the next area, The Undershore.
The Undershore
Again follow the path north to arrive at your destination, the Athroza Quicksands.
Athroza Quicksands
When you arrive your minimap will be scrambled, this is how you’ll know you are in the right place. Taking a few steps forward will trigger the battle with the Esper.
Boss Battle: Adrammelech the Wroth
Boss: | Adrammelech the Wroth |
HP: | 39,630 |
Elemental Weakness: | Ice |
Status Effect Weakness: | Blind, Slow |
Resistances: | - Lightning (Absorb) - N/A (50% Effective) - Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Dark, Holy (Nullified) |
Steal: | Pebble Capricorn Gem High Arcana |
Set up your party to have someone capable of casting Blizzara or Blizzaga on enemies weak to Ice. This will take care of all the spawned Shambling Corpses during the fight. Equip all of your party with Lightning damage-reducing equipment, like the Diamond Armlet, that will nullify most of the Esper’s attacks. If you can set up both of these strategies for the fight, then the Esper will be yours in no time. Be aware that this Esper is flying, so you’ll need to have ranged weapons on your party as well, spears, bows, guns, and Magick all work well.
Once obtained you can summon Adrammelech in battle whenever you want, this Esper uses Thunder-elemental attacks. Its primary attack is called Flash Arc, and its ultimate is Judgement Bolt, which deals heavy Thunder damage to all enemies in range.
Adrammelech Licence Board Unlocks
The additional Licence Board nodes unlocked when pairing this esper with each job combination for Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age.Class: | Licence Unlocked: |
Archer | |
Black Mage | Hand Bombs 2 |
Bushi | Souleater |
Foebreaker | Battle Lore |
Knight | |
Machinist | |
Monk | |
Red Battlemage | |
Shikari | Shades of Black |
Time Battlemage | White Magick 4 (Cura & Raise) |
Uhlan | Battle Lore |
White Mage | Battle Lore, Soul Eater |
If you are running class pairings such as Shikari/Foebreaker or Uhlan/Time Battlemage then they stand to gain the biggest benefits from this Esper. Late in the game, the Shikari/Foebreaker will benefit more from the addition of Battle Lore and Shades of Black so prioritize the Esper going to that Character. The runner-up would be to give it to the Uhlan/Time Battlemage to unlock White Magick 4 (Cura, Raise) and an additional Battle Lore.
If you are running alternate party builds then use your best judgment based on the table above.
Zalera the Death Seraph
Zalera the Death Seraph is found in the Barheim Passage and is accessible once you have gotten the Barheim Passage Key from the Patient in the Desert Quest, after helping Dantro’s Wife.
How to obtain Zalera the Death Seraph Esper
Make your way to where you fought the Bloodwing Mark in the West Annex of the Barheim Passage. From here continue west for two more screens to encounter Zalera.
Boss Battle: Zalera the Death Seraph
Boss: | Zalera the Death Seraph |
HP: | 72,248 |
Elemental Weakness: | N/A |
Status Effect Weakness: | Blind, Slow |
Resistances: | - N/A (Absorb) - N/A (50% Effective) - Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water, Wind, Earth, Dark, Holy (Nullified) |
Steal: | Pebble Gemini Gem High Arcana |
If you are a little over-leveled for this fight, it will really work to your advantage. There are numerous strategies for taking out this Boss, but some of the best require access to items you’re unlikely to have at this point. This boss uses many status effect spells and is immune to damage while he has minions around him. Set up your gambits so that your fighters always target foes with the lowest max HP first, this should help them clean up the Dead Bone summons. You’ll also need everyone to have Status effect curing Gambits, Ally Any = Remedy, as well as Ally Any = Phoenix Down. Set up your healer to cast Cura on the party, but only if a character is below 50%, the rest of the time have the healer cast Cura on all the undead enemies, to help with the battle as well.
Once the Dead Bones are down and you can damage Zalera, I highly recommend you hit him with a Quickening Chain as well. So long as you can take down the Dead Bones quickly enough you shouldn’t have any trouble with this fight.
Zalera Licence Board Unlocks
The additional Licence Board nodes unlocked when pairing this esper with each job combination for Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age.Class: | Licence Unlocked: |
Archer | |
Black Mage | Steal, Poach |
Bushi | Bloodsword, Karkata |
Foebreaker | Traveller |
Knight | |
Machinist | |
Monk | Traveller |
Red Battlemage | |
Shikari | HP 11 (+435 HP) |
Time Battlemage | Ether Lore 3 |
Uhlan | |
White Mage |
Zalera doesn’t really add much to any of the Licence Boards. The most useful of them is to give it to your Shikari for the HP boost.
Cuchulainn the Impure
You’ll find Cuchulainn the Impure in the Garamsythe Waterway. The only way to reach it is to play around with the Sluice Controls which will require the use of the Sluice Key. You’ll obtain this for completing the White Mousse Hunt, as a reward from the Moogle Sorbet. This Esper can be quite the handful to fight, to be safe I’d come prepared with a party above level 50.
How to obtain Cuchulainn the Impure Esper
To gain access to the Esper you’ll need to do the following:
Central Waterway Control
Close the No. 10 and No. 3 controls. With the No. 10 gate closed, you can gain access to a one-time chest in the lowest section of the No. 10 Channel holding a Hornito, it’s in the large open section in the west. Head back to the Central Waterway Control area and take the exit into the No. 3 Cloaca Spur.
No. 3 Cloaca Spur
Here find the No. 1 South Waterway Control and activate it. You can also find a one-time chest with a Jade Collar in the large open section below the Control. Grab it and head back to the Central Waterway Control.
Central Waterway Control
Open the gates on 10 and 3 back up. And close the gates on 11 and 4.
By closing No. 11 you’ll gain access to the lowest levels of the No. 11 Channel where you can find a one-time chest holding the Gilt Measure. Grab it, return to the Central Waterway Control and then head out into the No. 4 Cloaca Spur.
No. 4 Cloaca Spur
Look for and activate the No. 1 North Waterway Control. You can also find another one-time chest holding the Achilles Technick in the large open area below the switch. Head back to the Central Waterway Control.
Central Waterway Control
Open the No. 11 Gate and close No. 3. This will open the way to the south into the No. 1 Cloaca area. Save your game first, as the HP drain in this fight is no joke.
Take the southmost exit when you’re ready and you’ll encounter the Esper in the southmost area.
Boss Battle: Cuchulainn
Boss: | Cuchulainn |
HP: | 126,165 |
Elemental Weakness: | N/A |
Status Effect Weakness: | N/A |
Resistances: | - N/A (Absorb) - Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water, Wind, Earth, Dark, and Holy. (50% Effective) - N/A (Nullified) |
Steal: | Scorpio Gem Elixir High Arcana |
If you’ve gotten the Ribbon Accessory by now from Pharos Subterra, then one of your characters is going to have a much easier time with this fight, make sure to give it to your healer. The Esper likes to inflict Disable, so make sure your other characters are equipped with Black Belts to prevent this. Sap and Poison are also issues in this fight, but your healer is just going to need to deal with them as best they can. During the fight the Esper will be supported by smaller enemies called Foobar’s as well, these like to inflict Confuse, which can be a real issue.
To counter all of this you have a few options. If your party is high enough level, you can try to simply destroy Cuchulainn using a series of Quickenings. How this works is you start the fight by only having one character in your party, Vaan for example, and immediately target Cuchulainn with a Quickening. Since you only have one character you’re not going to get many more than possibly 3-4 in the chain but that’s ok. Next, bring in another party member, so that you now have Vaan and Ashe in the party, have Ashe cast her Quickening on Cuchulainn this time. Now during the Quickenings, you get the chance to refill Vaan’s depleted charges. You’ll still likely only get a chain of maybe 5-6. Swap in a third character and have them cast the Quickening this time, allowing you access to now refill both Vaan and Ashe’s Quickenings during the casting. By cycling through all 6 of your characters like this, it’s possible to cast 6 Quickening Chains on the Boss at the start of the battle, hopefully completely defeating him and ending the battle. If it doesn’t outright kill him then it’ll at least leave him with minimal remaining HP for you to deal with.
The other strategy is to have a healer, and two attackers, one that focuses on Cuchulainn and the other that focuses on removing the Foobar’s before they can inflict confusion, by casting Firaga (Black Mage). Set up the Healer to cast Curaja and Esuna on whoever needs it. The two fighters will need to have the ability to resurrect fallen characters so that the Healer can simply heal HP and status effects. Set up gambits to cure Confusion and Disable on the fighters as well. Set up the Black Mage with a Foe: Undead – Firaga Gambit so that whenever a Foobar is spawned they are immediately taken out.
Dispel the Esper at the start of the battle to remove its Haste effect, then just try and stay on top of the healing for the rest of the battle.
Cuchulainn Licence Board Unlocks
The additional Licence Board nodes unlocked when pairing this esper with each job combination for Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age.Class: | Licence Unlocked: |
Archer | |
Black Mage | |
Bushi | Stamp |
Foebreaker | Shades of Black |
Knight | Battle Lore |
Machinist | Magick Lore |
Monk | |
Red Battlemage | Black Magick 9 & 10 (Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga, Sleepga) |
Shikari | White Magick 12 (Protectga & Shellga) |
Time Battlemage | |
Uhlan | Wither |
White Mage | Libra |
Your two best choices here are to give the Esper to either your Shikari to gain access to White Magick 12 (Protectga and Shellga) or the Red Mage for Black Magick 8 & 9 (Blizzaga, Thundaga, Firaga, Sleepga).
Since you’ll likely give the Chaos Esper to the Monk/Blackmage to gain a secondary user of Protectga and Shellga, then there is little use in giving Cuchulainn to your Shikari to have a 3rd user of these White Magicks. This leaves the Archer/Red Mage combo.
Giving Cuchulainn to the Archer/Red Mage will allow this role to assume a secondary Black Mage role, even into the late game. Usually, this build struggles due to being limited to only the -ra level Black Magick spells. Giving this Esper to them will eliminate this weakness and give your team a secondary Black Mage that can be carried into the late game.
Exodus the Judge-Sal
The earliest this Esper can be obtained is after helping the Moogles fix the Gate to the Phon Coast. It is unlikely you’d be able to complete the battle until much later though.
How to obtain Exodus the Judge-Sal Esper
First, make your way to the Mosphoran Highwaste by teleporting to the Bubbling Vale area.
Bubbling Vale
To reach the esper you’ll need to head to the Mosphoran Highwaste to the Bubbling Vale and speak to the “Learned Man” standing by the Shrine of the Northwest Wind. Afterward, speak to the Caravaner by the crates south of the Merchant.
Interact with the Shrine of the East Wind, then the Shrine of the Northeast Wind, then Shrine of the South Wind. Take the northeast exit into the Rays of Ashen Light area.
Rays of Ashen Light
Head across the new path to the west and grab the chest containing the Stamp Technick and the second chest just south of the first containing a Blood Sword. Talk to the nearby Chocobo and offer it some Gysahl Greens to get to ride it.
Take the path south into the Empyrean Way
Empyrean Way
To the east you’ll find a path created by the Floatweed over to another area, follow the path here and take the Chocobo path at the end to reach Skyreach Ridge.
Skyreach Ridge
Head straight for the western exit and hop off of the Chocobo. This exit will lead back to the Babbling Vale.
Babbling Vale
Interact with the nearby Shrine of the West Wind, then knock down the nearby Boulder to create a path back down to the main camp. Lastly, interact with the Shrine of the Northwest Wind, this last Shrine opens the way to the Esper. Head back to the Skyreach Ridge.
Skyreach Ridge
Head to the northeast of the area to find a bridge leading to the Empyrean Seat.
Empyrean Seat
Once you arrive you’ll be thrown into battle with Exodus.
Boss Battle: Exodus
Boss: | Exodus |
HP: | 119,060 |
Elemental Weakness: | N/A |
Status Effect Weakness: | Sap and Slow. |
Resistances: | - N/A (Absorb) - Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water, Wind, Earth, Dark, and Holy. (50% Effective) - N/A (Nullified) |
Steal: | Libra Gem Elixir High Arcana |
It’s best to take this fight with a party at least leveled into the 50’s. If you’ve just completed Cuchulainn you should be fine though.
Make sure to maintain Bubble, Shell, and Protect for the fight. Below 20% HP Exodus will become immune to damage for a few minutes. You can either wait it out if you can out heal his damage. Or swap in a Black Mage equipped with an Opal Ring. An Opal Ring will allow you to bypass the Reflect status that Exodus constantly puts on itself. Either way, you’ll end the fight and gain a new Esper for your trouble.
Exodus Licence Board Unlocks
The additional Licence Board nodes unlocked when pairing this esper with each job combination for Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age.Class: | Licence Unlocked: |
Archer | |
Black Mage | Heavy Armor 9 |
Bushi | 2x Magick Lore |
Foebreaker | 4x Magick Lore |
Knight | HP 9 (+350) |
Machinist | Green Magick 1 (Decoy & Oil) |
Monk | Souleater |
Red Battlemage | Heavy Armor 8 - 10 |
Shikari | |
Time Battlemage | Battle Lore |
Uhlan | |
White Mage | Battle Lore |
The common combo types of Red Battlemage/Archer and Foe Breaker/Shikari both already gain access to the nodes that are on offer to those job combos or have options that outclass what is offered here. Shemhazai makes more sense to give to the Red Battlemage/Archer combo and it will allow access to the same Armor nodes.
If you are also running the Knight/Bushi combo then that is likely the character to give this Esper. They’ll gain an extra HP boost, useful for a frontline fighter, and are basically the best of the remaining options.
Zeromus the Condemner
To be able to find Zeromus you’ll first have to obtain the Stone of the Condemner item from an Acolyte just outside the entrance to the large Temple at the top of Mt Bur-Omisace. Speak to him to have him give you the Stone of the Condemner item.
How to obtain Zeromus the Condemner Esper
Teleport into the Stilshrine of Miriam and make your way to the Ward of Measure area. Make your way to the southern end to find a Way Stone, interact with it using the Stone of the Condemner to be taken to the Throne of the Veiled Gods area. Once you open the door in front of you, the battle will begin. Buff up with Protect and Haste before you enter, as your Magick will be locked during the fight.
Boss Battle: Zeromus
Boss: | Zeromus |
HP: | 166,888 |
Elemental Weakness: | N/A |
Status Effect Weakness: | N/A |
Resistances: | - N/A (Absorb) - Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water, Wind, Earth, Dark, and Holy. (50% Effective) - N/A (Nullified) |
Steal: | Cancer Gem Elixir High Arcana |
You’ll be unable to use Magick during this fight. So you’ll need to change over any of your Gambits that rely on Magick for Items. Gambits for Phoenix Downs, and Chronos Tears will be especially useful. If you happen to have a Dispel Mote, use it at the start of the battle on Zeromus to Dispel his buffs and make the fight a little easier.
Make sure that at least one of your attack Gambits is set to attack the foes with the Lowest HP. Zeromus will constantly spawn Dark Lords during the fight which need to be taken care of so that they don’t overwhelm you. As the fight progresses you should notice fewer and fewer spawned Dark Lords. Just try to keep on top of your healing and deal damage whenever you have the opportunity.
Zeromus Licence Board Unlocks
The additional Licence Board nodes unlocked when pairing this esper with each job combination for Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age.Class: | Licence Unlocked: |
Archer | |
Black Mage | Heavy Armor 9 |
Bushi | 2x Magick Lore |
Foebreaker | 4x Magick Lore |
Knight | |
Machinist | Hand-Bombs 4 |
Monk | Sight Unseeing |
Red Battlemage | Channeling |
Shikari | |
Time Battlemage | Addle Shear |
Uhlan | |
White Mage | HP 7 (+270) |
If you are using the Knight/Bushi combo then having the Bushi gain access to additional ranks of Magick Lore can be useful. Alternatively, if you gave Cuchulainn to the Red Battlemage/Archer, then that character is also a suitable choice for Zeromus, as they’ll gain the third and final rank in Channeling, making them a better spellcaster.
Chaos, Walker of the Wheel
To obtain Chaos you’ll first need to complete the Three Medallions Sidequest and then defeat Fury and Humbaba Mistant in the Necrohol of Nabudis. Afterward, the way to Chaos will open, you’ll find the details here.
Chaos Licence Board Unlocks
The additional Licence Board nodes unlocked when pairing this esper with each job combination for Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age.Class: | Licence Unlocked: |
Archer | 5x Magick Lore |
Black Mage | |
Bushi | Brawler |
Foebreaker | |
Knight | Excalipur HP 10 (+390) Revive |
Machinist | HP 9 (+350) |
Monk | White Magick 11 & 12 (Holy, Esunaga, Protectga, Shellga) |
Red Battlemage | Greatswords 3 |
Shikari | |
Time Battlemage | HP 7 (+270) |
Uhlan | Black Magick 7 & 8 (Bio, Blindga, Aeroga, Silencega) |
White Mage | Greatswords 2 HP 8 (+310) |
If you have picked the powerful Monk/Black Mage combo then this Esper needs to go to them. White Magick 11 & 12 gives the Monk/Black Mage access to Protectga, Shellga, Holy, and Esunaga. This gives them the ability to heal status ailments, buff the party, and gain access to dealing Holy damage.
Ultima the High Seraph
Ultima is hidden deep within The Great Crystal. To reach him, you’ll need to begin by heading to Giruvegan and re-entering the Great Crystal. This Esper can technically be obtained anytime you wish to return to the Great Crystal after obtaining the Treaty Blade during your first visit here.
A Prama Vikaari
When you first re-enter the Great Crystal you’ll start off by being transported to A Prama Vikaari. From here take the path upward to Sthaana Scorpio.
Sthaana Scorpio
Interact with the Scorpio Gate Stone in the center of the area. Now that you possess the Treaty Blade you’ll be able to activate it. Defeat the enemies that spawn and return to the prior area, A Prama Vikaari.
A Prama Vikaari
From here take the previously blocked Scorpio Gate passageway upward.
A Vikaari Dhebon
Interact with Way Stone IX in the middle of the platform to be transported to the next area.
Dha Vikaari Kabonii
Take the passageway leading upward.
A Vikaari Kanbhru Ra
You’ll find Way Stone XX in the center of the area, this is a shortcut we can activate later, in case you need to return to the area near Ultima. Take note of the two gates here, you’ll need to know which is Sagittarius Gate 1 when you return. From where you entered, take the passageway to the left.
Dhebon Jilaam Avaapratii
Here in the center of the area, you’ll find a chest containing a Caldera. Return back the way you came.
A Vikaari Kanbhru Ra
Take the passageway that leads down to the next area.
Dhebon Jilaam Prattii’dii
Defeat the enemies and head down into the next area.
Sthaana Sagittarius
Defeat the enemies here, then activate the Sagittarius Gate Stone in the middle of the area. This will begin a Gate Timer, you’ll need to make your way back to the Sagittarius Gates in A Vikaari Kanbhru Ra. Take the passageway up to the next area.
Dhebon Jilaam Praatii’Dii
Run past the enemies and into the next area.
A Vikaari Kanbhru Ra
We’re back in the area with Way Stone XX in the center. Head to Gate Sagittarius 1 and deactivate it. Follow the path behind it to reach the next area.
A Vikaari Sirhru Praa
Here in the center of the area, you’ll find Way Stone XI. Activate it to travel to the next area.
Dha Bikaari Dhebon Praa
From here take the path that descends to grab some items.
Sirhru Phullam Praa
Here you can find a chest that contains a Caliper. Continue through to the next area.
Sirhru Phullam Praa’vaa
In this area there is a 25% chance to spawn a chest containing a Staff of the Magi, one of the most powerful staves in the game. Enter and exit a few times until you spawn it. Then backtrack through the exit.
Sirhru Phullam Praa
Take the other exit back to the area we first arrived in.
Dha Vikaari Dhebon Praa
Take the Way Stone XIII back to the area where we previously unlocked the Sagittarius Gate.
A Vikaari Sirhru Praa
Head out the exit into the next area.
A Vikaari Kanbhru Ra
Take the passageway to the right of where you entered.
Dhebon Jilaam Praa’Dii
Continue forward to the next area.
Sthaana Sagittarius
Here activate the Sagittarius Gate Switch again, our goal is now to unlock the Gate Sagittarius 2. Return the way you came.
Dhebon Jilaam Praa’Dii
Take the exit back again.
A Vikaari Kanbhru Ra
Here, this time unlock the only remaining gateway, the Gate Sagittarius 2, and take the exit behind it to continue.
A Vikaari Sirhru Pratii
Here you’ll find Way Stone XII, activate it to teleport to the next area.
Dha Vikaari Dhebon Pratii
This platform contains the Way Stone XIV. From here take the passageway upward to the Leo Gate Stone.
Sthaana Leo
Here activate the Leo Gate Stone, and then take the other exit.
Sirhru Pullam Pratii’Vaa
Deactivate the Leo Gate 1 to grab the treasure behind it. Inside this chest, you’ll find the Shellga Magick. Return back the way you came to the Way Stone XIV. We need to grab a few more chests before we activate the Leo Gate Stone again.
Sthaana Leo
Run past and into the next area.
Dha Vikaari Dhebon Pratii
Continue past the Way Stone and into the next area.
Sirhru Phullam Udiiprati
Here you can find a chest containing a Crown of Laurels. Then take the exit into the next area.
Sirhru Jilaam Pratii’Dii
Continue forward to the next area.
Sirhru Jilaam Pratii
Take the path opposite you, that goes down to the next area.
Sirhru Jilaam Pratii’Vaa
On this platform, you have a 25% chance of spawning the Yagyu Darkblade, a great end-game Katana. Make sure to enter and exit a few times until you acquire it.
Once you have acquired it, you need to backtrack all the way to Sthaana Leo. It is a straight shot to go back, so I’m not going to separate it out into sections again. Once there you need to activate the Leo Gate Stone and then come back to Sirhru Jilaam Pratii. That is the platform before the one containing the Yagyu Darkblade, and the only platform with three exits.
Sirhru Jilaam Pratii
Activate the Leo Gate Stone and make your way back to Sirhru Jilaam Pratii, from here take the middle exit.
Sirhru Pis Pratii
Continue straight through to the exit to the next area.
Sirhru Pis Avaa
Here your way will be blocked by Gate Leo 2. If you were quick enough you’ll still have enough time to unlock this and continue. If not you’ll need to backtrack to Sthaana Leo and try again. Make sure to simply flee all the way there.
Defeat the enemies past the gate and then take the exit to the right of where you entered from.
Sirhru Jilaam Avaapratii
Take the only other exit to the next area.
A Vikaari Uldobi
You’ll find Way Stone XV. Activate it to teleport to the next area.
Dha Vikaari Sirhru
This next section is the most complex so far. Where you first arrive will contain the Way Stone XVI, take the middle path leading upward from here.
Sthaana Libra
Defeat the enemies and activate the Libra Gate Stone. This will begin another timer. Head back to the prior area.
Dha Vikaari Sirhru
Head down to the platform and take the exit to the right of you, it should also be leading up.
Uldobi Jilaam Pratii’Dii
Run past the enemies and interact with Gate Libra 1. Defeat the enemies and now take the opened path behind where the Libra gate was.
Uldobi Jilaam Praa
From where you entered, take the left exit. It will be the only path leading upward.
Sthaana Capricorn
Run past the Capricorn Gate Stone for now and take the exit to the next area.
Uldobi Phullam Udiipraa
Here you’ll find a chest containing a Ring of Renewal. Grab it and return to the Capricorn Gate Stone.
Sthaana Capricorn
Defeat the enemies and activate the Capricorn Gate Stone to start another timer. Take the exit back the way you originally came from, it’s the one going down.
Uldobi Jilaam Praa
Head onto the platform and take the first exit to the right.
Uldobi Jilaam Pratii’Dii
Take the exit ahead of you to continue.
Dha Vikaari Sirhru
Here you’ll arrive back on the platform with Way Stone XVI. Take the exit on the opposite side of the platform heading down.
Sthaana Virgo
Head straight to the Gate Capricorn 1 and dispel it. If you run out of time you’ll need to head back to Sthaana Capricorn and make the run again. Defeat the enemies on the platform and then activate the Virgo Gate Stone. Head back out the way you came from here, up the previous path.
Dha Vikaari Sirhru
Take the center path upwards.
Sthaana Libra
Head onto the platform and take the first right path.
Uldobi Jilaam Pratii’vaa
Look for Gate Virgo 2 and unlock it quickly. Take the path behind it that leads upward.
Uldobi Jilaam Avaa
Head onto the platform and defeat the enemies. Then take the exit to the right of where you entered.
A Vikaari Kanbhru
Continue forward and activate Way Stone XVII to warp to the next area.
Dha Vikaari Uldobi
Here you’ll arrive on another platform with Way Stone XVIII. Take the only exit forward.
Kanbhru Pis
Here you’ll find a Save Crystal along with three possible exits.
- The first exit on the left leads to the Aquarius Gate Stone.
- The middle exit leads to the Ultima Esper battle.
- The exit on the right leads to Way Stone that will open a shortcut we spoke about earlier. Between this level and one of the first levels of the Crystal.
Take the third exit for the time being.
Dha Vikaari Dhebon
Here activate the Way Stone to make the shortcut active, in case you wish to return later. This also gives you a fast way back out to Giruvegan if you need it. Take the exit back to the prior area when you’re ready.
Kanbhru Pis
From here we can head straight to the Ultima Esper battle or we can pick up some important items. I’ll list the method for reaching the items in an abbreviated form below, skip it and head to Ultima if you don’t care about them.
First of all, we need access to the Taurus Gate Stone:
- Take the left most exit from Kanbhru Pis into Sthaana Aquarius and activate the Aquarius Gate Stone, exit back to Kanbhru Pis.
- From here you’ll need to take the right exit to DVU. Use the Way Stone here to move to AVK and take the exit into the next area UJA.
- If you followed the above guide then you’ll need to use the following path forward from here: head right into UJPV, right again into Sthaana Libra, left into DVS, right into UJPD, straight into UJP, and straight again into UPPV and a locked Aquarius Gate. Unlock the gate to continue.
- From here you can take the only other exit into Sthaana Taurus. This Gate Stone is needed to be used twice to unlock gates on the opposite side of the crystal, each of which contain a powerful item. The Artemis Bow and Hastega Magick.
Now that we’ve unlocked the way to the Taurus Gate Stone, we also need to reset the Capricorn Gate:
- From Sthaana Taurus head back to UPPV, then through to UJP, take the first right to arrive in Sthaana Capricorn. Activate the Gate Stone here.
- Head back to UJP then take the first right into UJPD, straight ahead into Dha Vikaari Sirhru.
- Take a left here into Sthaana Libra then a right into UJPV, take a right here to find a Capricorn Gate that we need to unlock.
Once you’ve unlocked the gate, make your way back to Sthaana Taurus:
- Take the exit you came through back to Sthaana Libra, then left into Dha Vikaari Sirhru, right into UJPD, straight into UJP, straight again into UPPV and then finally into Sthaana Taurus.
From here we need to activate the Taurus Gate and make our way back to the same place where we opened the Capricorn Gate:
- Activate the Gate Stone in Sthaana Taurus, head back to UPPV then out into UJP, take the exit directly across from you into UJPD, continue straight into Dha Vikaari Sirhru with the Warp Stone, take a left into Sthaana Libra, right into UJPV, right into Uldobi Jilaam Pratii and then a left to deactivate the Taurus Gate 2 here and access Uldobi Phullam Pratii’vaa.
- Continue straight into the final area, Uldobi Phullam Pratii, here you’ll find a chest containing Hastega Magick.
- You’ll then need to return to Sthaana Taurus, reactivate the Gate Stone there and make your way back to where you unlocked Taurus Gate 2 in Uldobi Jilaam Pratii. This time unlock Taurus Gate 1, continue through to the next platform to find a chest with the Artemis Bow inside.
**Its important that you leave the gate open that lead to the Artemis Bow. This gate also leads the way to an Optional Superboss we’ll be tackling later. If you do not leave the Artemis Bow Taurus gate open now, you’ll need to come and do this Taurus section again to open it before tackling the Omega Mark XII at the end of the game.**
With all of that complete, make your way back to the Save Crystal by heading; back through the now opened Taurus Gate into Uldobi Jilaam Pratii, then through the passageway to the right of the locked Aquarius Gate into Uldobi Jilaam Pratii’vaa. From here continue straight into Uldobi Jilaam Avaa, then turn right and continue straight until you reach the Save Crystal.
When you’re ready take the middle path from Kanbhru Pis to battle with the Esper, Ultima.
Boss Battle: Ultima
Boss: | Ultima |
HP: | 258,001 |
Elemental Weakness: | Dark |
Status Effect Weakness: | Blind |
Resistances: | - Holy (Absorb) - N/A (50% Effective) - Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water, Wind, and Earth. (Nullified) |
Steal: | Virgo Gem Elixir Megalixir |
Ultima is incredibly powerful and not to be underestimated. Make sure to equip your party with gear that will absorb Holy Magick like White Masks and Sage’s Rings. This will help against Ultima’s Holy Magick damage. You’ll also want one character to be using the Yagyu Darkblade that you should have found on the way up the Great Crystal.
The next thing to note is that Ultima will cycle between different negative fields to afflict the party during the battle. The cycle is; HP Decrease, MP Decrease, No Attack Command, No Magick Command, No Technick Command, No Item Command, and finally Longer Weapon Charge Time. There is no way to counter all of this automatically, you will need to do some manual switching of Gambits as they get cycled through.
You’ll need a party member or two capable of casting Darkga for when the attack command gets locked. You’ll need to switch your healing between items and Magick as those get sealed as well. Make sure that multiple people have Remedy Gambits as well for curing the Reverse Status and even a Dispel Gambit to get rid of the Reflect that Ultima likes to cast on your party. Switch off any Charge Gambits when the MP reduction is active as well, otherwise, they will simply spend all their time trying to restore their MP.
Eventually, Ultima will fall, and you’ll gain a powerful new Esper. After the battle, make sure to grab the chest behind Ultima on the platform, it contains the Excalibur weapon.
Ultima Licence Board Unlocks
The additional Licence Board nodes unlocked when pairing this esper with each job combination for Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age.Class: | Licence Unlocked: |
Archer | Infuse |
Black Mage | Telekinesis |
Bushi | Stamp |
Foebreaker | Swiftness |
Knight | Battle Lore Telekinesis |
Machinist | 3x Magick Lore |
Monk | 2x Swiftness |
Red Battlemage | Greatswords 1 & 2 |
Shikari | 2x Potion Lore |
Time Battlemage | Swords 7 & 8 |
Uhlan | Expose |
White Mage |
Your best option, once again, is the Knight Class. Giving Ultima to the Knight will give him a much-needed way to deal with aerial enemies in the form of Telekinesis. Outside of that, many of the other options are either not that great, or already unlocked via job combinations.
Zodiark, Keeper of the Precepts
You’ll need to have obtained every other Esper before you can begin the hunt for Zodiark, so make sure you’ve completed the others first. Then head over to the Lull Of The Land in Jahara and speak to Geomancer Yugelu. He’ll unlock some new areas for us to visit in the Henne Mines, which is where we’ll find Zodiark. Teleport over to the Henne Mines when you’re ready.
You’ll really want to be above level 65 to tackle this section, as the Boss and the enemies along the way are quite strong. You’ll also need to bring a full complement of Healing, MP, and Status Recovery items. There is no Save Crystal just outside this Esper’s room, so you’ll need to be able to fully heal before you engage it.
Henne Mines – Staging Area
You’ll arrive in the Henne Mines Staging Area when you first teleport in. Take the north exit into the next room.
Ore Separation
This is the area we previously fought Tiamat in, you’ll find that the eastern door is now unlocked thanks to Geomancer Yugelu. Head through.
Phase 2 Dig
There are a ton of treasure chests here, so lets get started. At the first chance to turn north, you’ll find there is an off-map area to the south as well. The south off-map section contains a chest with a Dueling Mask inside.
Take the path as far east as you can go to find two chests in the dead-end. The first chest contains a Fomalhaut, while the second will hold the Henne Mines Candle. This Candle will allow you to see all the new areas on the map.
Follow the path south until you eventually have to turn to the west. Along the north wall of this section of map you’ll find another off-map section that contains a chest holding a Nihopalaoa, a very powerful accessory for inflicting status effects on enemies.
Continue west all the way to the end, ignore the first south split for now. At the end of the path you’ll find a chest containing a Grand Helm and a note on the ground nearby.
Head back to the south split we ignored previously and take that exit now. Follow the path south into an off-map section, here at the intersection you’ll find a chest containing a Circlet.
Take the west exit at the intersection and follow the path north to find another off-map section containing a Mythril Sword. Head back to the off-map intersection and take the south passage now.
The first area you come to, in the south will hold a chest with either the Volcano or Makara inside. They’re the same weapon, just different names depending on your version of the game.
Continue to the east, through another off-map section. Then finally follow the path into the next area.
Crossover C
Follow the path south and then head west to the very end, here you’ll find a chest with Germinas Boots inside. There is also a chance for a chest to spawn here containing a Bubble Belt. Enter and exit the area until you can grab it. Take the southwest exit to continue.
Pithead Junction C
Ignore the Gate Switch for now and take the southwest exit into the next area.
Phase 2 Shaft
Directly south of where you enter, is a chance for a chest containing Assassin’s Arrows if you don’t already have them.
Make your way east and take the exit into the next area.
Special Charter Shaft
Looking at the map here, if you look at the southwest corner of the map, you’ll see a fairly long, perfectly horizontal section of the map. There is a 1% chance of spawning a chest in the middle of this that contains the Zodiac Spear. Completely up to you if you want to take the time to try and spawn it or not.
Follow the path to the east until you find a trap on the floor. Here take the north split into an off-map section where you can find a chest containing the Addle Technick. This chest only has a 10% spawn chance, but you need the Technick, so make sure to spend the time to spawn it.
Head back to the trap and continue as far to the east as you can. You’ll find the passage bends south and you can find a chest here with the Renew Magick inside.
Head north from here into the off-map area, where the path splits is a 25% chance to find a chest containing a Brave Suit.
Take the east section of the split and follow the path when it turns north. Where the tunnel turns to the west is a chance to find a chest containing Black Bolts.
Head west from the Black Bolts to the dead-end for a 15% chance of spawning a chest containing a Ribbon accessory here. Take the time to get this as well.
From the Ribbon, head back east until the path splits to the north. Follow the north split to the end and take the off-map path to the west, follow it all the way to the next dead-end, here is a 25% chance to spawn a chest with Grand Armor inside.
From the Grand Armor take the passage south, then turn to the west at the bottom. Follow this path west to the little isolated section of the map to find a chest with Lordly Robes inside.
From the Lordly Robes, head back into the off-map section and take the passage heading north. This will lead to the exit for the area, and to the fight with the Esper, Zodiark. Make sure your entire party is buffed prior to walking through the doorway, and swap out your main party for a single member of your backup party. Zodiark begins the fight by casting Darkja which has the ability to instant KO a character.
Boss Battle: Zodiark
Boss: | Zodiark |
HP: | 336,847 |
Elemental Weakness: | Holy |
Status Effect Weakness: | N/A |
Resistances: | - Dark (Absorb) - N/A (50% Effective) - Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water, Wind, and Earth. (Nullified) |
Steal: | Serpentarius Megalixir Great Trango |
To start off, Zodiark begins with a number of beneficial status effects on himself. If you dispel them, then you make the end of the fight much harder, so you’re better to endure them. Swap back in your main party after his initial Darkja is finished.
You’ll want one character, your damage dealer equipped with a Holy element weapon like Excalibur and White Robes to boost its damage. Try to make 2/3 of your characters immune to Dark damage as well through Black Masks, if you make the entire party immune, then Zodiark will not cast dark spells, and will instead cast his instant KO Darkja more often.
Your fighters will need to start the battle with Holy element weapons. But Zodiark will eventually start to change its elemental weaknesses with a move called “Shift”. Switch to non-elemental weapons at this point. Focus your spellcaster on non-elemental spells like Scourge, Scathe, and Shock. Your Spellcaster will need an Opal Ring to be able to cast through Zodiark’s reflect status as well. If you’re quick you can switch this character out each time Zodiark goes to cast Darkja, swap them for a character with Dark absorbing gear.
Remove any Charge Gambits and replace them with Hi-Ethers. This is much faster than Charge.
At around 25% HP use your Quickenings to try and finish the battle if you’re lucky. If not then Zodiark will put up a Physical Paling and become immune to Physical Damage for a time. Try to finish him off with your non-elemental spellcasters.
Keep it up and eventually, the final Esper will become yours.
Zodiark Licence Board Unlocks
The additional Licence Board nodes unlocked when pairing this esper with each job combination for Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age.Class: | Licence Unlocked: |
Archer | Infuse 1,000 Needles |
Black Mage | |
Bushi | Heavy Armor 9 - 11 |
Foebreaker | |
Knight | Excalipur HP 10 (+390) Revive |
Machinist | HP 10 (+390) |
Monk | White Magick 13 (Renew) |
Red Battlemage | Greatswords 4 |
Shikari | |
Time Battlemage | Swords 9 |
Uhlan | |
White Mage | Greatswords 1 |
Giving this Esper to the Monk Class makes the most sense. Getting access to the highest level healing spell, a full heal for the entire party, usually only accessible to the White Mage, is a great option. The Monk/Black Mage will have gained significant White Magicks through Esper choices if you’ve followed the choices outlined here, making them a very powerful party member capable of Tanking, Black Magick, White Magick, and Damage Dealing.
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