Everstream Expedition – Monster Hunter World

Everstream Expedition Monster Hunter World Iceborne

The Everstream Expedition

Our next main story objective is unlocking the Elder’s Recess map and beginning to collect Nergigante tracks, now that we’re done with the Pink Rathian tracks.

Head over to the Everstream from the Expedition map, follow along with the Handler and the Admiral until you come to the new area, the Elder’s Recess.

From here you’ll be asked to check out the local monsters. There are 3 in particular that they want you to sight and unlock; Uragaan, Dodogama and Lavasioth. Once you’ve unlocked them, return to your Handler and head back from the expedition.

Check the video above if you are having trouble locating any of the monsters. Remember that you don’t actually need to fight these monsters, only get close enough to trigger the cutscenes.

This will unlock quests featuring these monsters and also allow us access to the Elders Recess for some upcoming quests.

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