Final Fantasy VII 100% Walkthrough

Welcome to our 100% Walkthrough for Final Fantasy VII (FF7, FFVII).
Final Fantasy VII Guides
Ultimate Weapons Guide
Here you’ll find our guide for the locations of all character’s Ultimate Weapons. Be aware that some of the Ultimate Weapons are missable on a playthrough, and one is only obtained a short time before losing control of the character.
Limit Break Guides
Here is a link to every character’s Limit Break Guides. Most characters unlock a total of 7 Limit Breaks over the course of the game, usually through a combination of using prior Limit Breaks or defeating a certain number of enemies. Every final Limit Break is unlocked by the use of a Key Item on a character.
Materia Guides
Here you’ll find a link to our collection of Materia Guides. They cover all the different types of Materia in the game as well as how to obtain them, and what abilities they provide.
Enemy Skill Materia Guide
One of the most useful Materia in the game is the Enemy Skill Materia. You’ll need to collect various enemy skills on the Materia in order to use it effectively though, find out where to grab all these skills in the guide.