Haria Village
Haria Village Skits
Skits: | Locations: |
Rumours in Haria Village | When you first enter the Village |
Beginning to Decipher the Book | Automatically |
Enter the village and watch the Skit: Rumours in Haria Village. Head between the two houses in the North to speak to a kid with some issues around marketing. Make your way around and speak to the rest of the village, there are four chests in town containing; an Amphibole Fragment, 2250 Gald, a Dark Bottle, and another Amphibole Fragment. The last of which you’ll need to climb some vines in the Southwest Corner of the map to find. Theres also another Katz Box to the left of the Inn.
Grab everything and then head into the Inn once you’re ready. Speak to the Innkeeper to trigger the next Skit: Beginning to Decipher the Book. Head back outside the Inn and speak to the new people in the village to learn alittle more about the area. You’ll find all of our party members scattered about town as well, speak to them all to trigger another scene with Laphicet and his teacher. Head back the Inn afterwards to hear more.
Once everyone is up in the morning, head to the North exit to trigger a scene. Afterwards head straight back into the Village to speak to the new Townspeople that are up before heading back out the North exit and into the Manann Reef.
Manann Reef
Manann Reef Skits
Skits: | Locations: |
Seeking the Truth | Automatically |
Total Opposites | Available after the Skit: Seeking the Truth |
Bienfu's a Boy, Too | Automatically |
Magilou's Books | Available after the Skit: Bienfu's a Boy, Too |
What's the Heavy Book? | Available after the Skit: Magilou's Books |
Start to head east to trigger the next Skit: Seeking the Truth and Total Opposites. You can find a chest containing an Peach Gel if you take the West branch of the path. Take the South most of the two exits to reach an area with a chest containing an Amphibole Fragment. Head back and take the Northern exit, at the split in the path take the South route to find a chest containing an Express Pendant as well as the next Code Red Hunt.
Boss Battle: Kraken
Boss: | Kraken |
HP: | 49,593 |
Types: | Amorphous and Fiend |
Weakness: | Earth |
Rewards: | Disruptor's Glacite |
Disruptor’s Glacite
Disruptor's Glacite | Grants a random skill that can allow souls to be retained when performing a Break Soul, on hard mode or above. |
The Kraken will focus on Water and Earth elemental attacks, protect yourself from these elements if you’re having difficulty. Focus on using Velvet’s Tearing Thorn, Avalanche Fang, and Mega Sonic Thrust to target his weaknesses. Keep it up and you’ll be rewarded with the Disruptor’s Glacite for being victorious.
Head North again and through to the next screen. In this area you can trigger a small scene, before heading through the South exit to a dead end with a chest containing Asmodeus Earrings. Head back a screen and take the North exit this time. Follow this path to trigger the next Skit: Bienfu’s A Boy Too followed by two more Skits: Magilou’s Books, and What’s The Heavy Book? Towards the end of this stretch you’ll find a chest containing an Amphibole Garment.
Head to the next area, where you can find two chests, the first containing 2250 Gald and the second is our next Katz Box. Open them and head through to the next area. Here you’ll find a chest with a Life Bottle inside, towards the Northwest corner, and a chest with an Amphibole Waistcoat further ahead. Head through the next area to the front of the Palamides Temple.
Palamides Temple
Palamides Temple Skits
Skits: | Locations: |
Secrets of the Undersea Temple | After the scene at the front of the temple. |
Where are the Empyreans? | Available after the Skit: Secrets of the Undersea Temple. |
A Mother's Love | Automatically |
Eight-Headed Dragon | Available after the Skit: A Mother's Love |
Trick Doors | Automatically |
I'll Go with You | Automatically |
Malakhim and Malevolence | Automatically |
Head towards the entrance to the Temple for a scene, head inside to trigger two Skits: Secrets of the Undersea Temple and Where are the Empyreans? Follow the stairs down once you’re ready.
Examine the stone as you descent and then head into the Eastern side room. Here activate the Chalice to stop the flow of water, head out and into the Western room to do the same. In the Western room you’ll find a crack in the back wall you can break to find a Denore Bottle. Once you’ve hit both Chalices, head back up the stairs to the previously blocked rooms and enter the Eastern one to find a Dark Bottle. Head into the Western side room to collect a Teardrop-Shaped Gemstone. Head back down the main stairs and to the central Chalice that you’ll see in front of you, the Gemstone goes in here to unlock the route forward.
Head through the doorway to trigger the next Boss Battle.
Boss Battle: Daemon Mahina
Boss: | Daemon Mahina |
HP: | 26,492 |
Types: | Demihuman |
Weakness: | N/A |
Rewards: | Wearying Glacite |
Wearying Glacite
Wearying Glacite | Provides the ability to trigger random fatigue-related skills. |
For this point in the game, shes actually quite weak. You’ll have no trouble finishing her off, once shes defeated you’ll trigger a scene. Head through the door to the North to trigger the Skits: A Mother’s Love and Eight-Headed Dragon. Examine the Door ahead, for another Skit: Trick Doors, the picture on the door gives you a clue as to the puzzle’s answer.
Head to the chamber in the West and up the stairs to the first Chalice, activate it to have a bridge appear, deactivate it so that we can now cross the bridge. Head across and through the doorway, break the wall behind the chalice to find a Katz Box and take the Jewel in the pedestal, place it in the chalice and activate it. Head back to the room with the stairs and through the now open door to find a chest containing a Life Bottle and then use the nearby Warp platform to head back to the entrance of the temple.
Exit the room and start heading North again. Activate the Main Chalice here in the centre of this area, then return to the Warp platform and use it to return deeper into the Dungeon. Head back upstairs and activate the Chalice here with the Teardrop insignia. Then downstairs and out of these Western Rooms.
Cross over to the Eastern side of the Dungeon and take the lift, straight ahead, for a chest containing 2400 Gald, before going back down again and through the door to the East. Head up the stairs and activate the Chalice here. Make your way through the exit to the North into the next room and activate the Chalice here.
Head back a room, activate the Chalice again, and then head down the stairs. Enter the room to the South and examine the Monolith, grab the chest containing a Gradient Doll behind it as well. Head back out to the Main Hall, and through the now open central door. Grab the chest on the right containing an Amphibole Waistcoat and head down the stairs for a scene and our next Boss Battle.
Boss Battle: Tree Therion
Boss: | Tree Therion |
HP: | 56,162 |
Types: | Apodous, Demihuman, and Fiend |
Weakness: | Fire |
Rewards: | Marathoner's Ventite |
Marathoner’s Ventite
Marathoner's Ventite | Unlocks the chain battle Grade bonus. Increases the Grade earned if another battle is fought within a certain time after winning a battle. The effect stacks, allowing upto double the normal amount of Grade, but will reset if any character is KO'd, you flee from battle, or if you save the game. |
For this fight you’ll want two support characters in the battle as well as Velvet. Make sure Velvet is equipped to reduce Wind Damage and make sure that you turn off any of your support character’s attacks, besides anything healing or Fire-Based. Try to keep your character’s spread out and away from the Boss as much as possible so that the AOE on the attacks doesn’t strike more than one character at a time.
Once the scenes are finished, make your way South and out of the Temple. Head back to Haria Village to trigger another scene. After this, the village becomes inaccessible for a long while, so make sure you tidy up anything you might have missed. Head back towards the Yseult Docks for another Skit: I’ll Go With You and another scene as you approach the boat. You’ll also be able to view the Skit: Malakhim and Malevolence. Speak to the nearby Pirate to learn about another of the Class 4 Islands as well, then head over to speak to Benwick.
Before leaving for Loegres, head over to the new Class 4 Zone.
Class 4 Zone – Beast Quarter
Disembark and head up to the column of black smoke again to engage the waves of Beast type enemies here. For completing this trial you’ll receive a pair of boots called the Featherlight Steps. Head back to Benwick and take the Ship to Port Zekson next.
Along the way you’ll trigger some more story scenes.
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