Hellish Fiend Vaal Hazak – Monster Hunter World

Hellish Fiend Vaal Hazak Assignment Quest Monster Hunter World

Hellish Fiend Vaal Hazak Monster Hunter World Assignment Quest

The next Elder Dragon on our list is Vaal Hazak. Hellish Fiend Vaal Hazak unlocks when you finish collecting all the Elder Dragon tracks in the Rotten Vale area of Monster Hunter World and turn them into the researcher back in Astera.

Vaal Hazak is the Elder Dragon responsible for the “effluvia” of the Rotten Vale, it literally seems to emit the stuff from its body. Much like some of the other Elder Dragons you’ll face, Vaal has an ‘aura’ to it that needs to be dealt with to make the fight much easier. Vaal’s aura will damage the player just like if you were standing in one of the Effluvium area’s of the Rotten Vale. To add to this it also likes to fight in areas that contain pools of acid which will also drain your health if you stand in them. Bring 3 Miasma decorations to ease the burden of the Effluvia.

This Elder Dragon also has the ability to shorten your health bar with its Effluvia. The 3 Miasma decorations will be enough to stop this effect from happening, but if you don’t have them, pack some nulberries and pop one of those instead. The combination of constantly losing health and the shortened health bar are one of the primary challenges in this fight.

The other challenge is Vaal Hazak’s ranged attacks, which consist of him shooting beams of Miasma at you. These are incredibly dangerous due to the heavy damage they inflict if they connect and due to the range. He has two types of these attacks, one which is a sweeping beam and the second which is a forward-facing long-range blast. Both of these even with max health can cause you to cart, never mind the fact that it’s possible your in this fight with a reduced health bar being eaten away by Effluvia. The best way to avoid these is to avoid being anywhere near his face or the front of him. Aim to fight him from his side, you won’t necessarily be hitting a weak point but you won’t get insta-carted either.

Vaal Hazak is weak to both the Fire and Dragon elements, if you have the option bring Fire over Dragon. It is only weak to the Dragon elements on wounded parts, whereas it’s always weak to Fire. Its weak points are the Head, Tail, and Belly. All of which, plus the front claws, are also breakable.

Vaal Hazak Carves

Carves from Vaal Hazak include; Vaal Hazak Carapace, Deceased Scale, Vaal Hazak Talon, Vaal Hazak Fang +, Vaal Hazak Wing, Vaal Hazak Gem, Vaal Hazak Membrane, and Vaal Hazak Tail.

  • High-Rank Carves:
    • Vaal Hazak Carapace
    • Deceased Scale
    • Vaal Hazak Talon
    • Vaal Hazak Fang +
    • Vaal Hazak Wing
    • Vaal Hazak Gem
    • Vaal Hazak Membrane
    • Vaal Hazak Tail

Vaal Hazak Rewards

Rewards from Vaal Hazak include; Vaal Hazak Carapace, Deceased Scale, Vaal Hazak Wing, Vaal Hazak Membrane, Vaal Hazak Talon, Elder Dragon Bone, Elder Dragon Blood, and Vaal Hazak Gem.

  • High-Rank Rewards:
    • Vaal Hazak Carapace
    • Deceased Scale
    • Vaal Hazak Wing
    • Vaal Hazak Membrane
    • Vaal Hazak Talon
    • Elder Dragon Bone
    • Elder Dragon Blood
    • Vaal Hazak Gem

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