Innominat’s Domain
Innominat’s Domain Skits
Skits: | Locations: |
Innominat's Sub Lords | Automatically |
Onward To The Final Battle | Available after the Skit: Innominat's Sub Lords |
A Temple In The Sky | After a scene in the area with the Katz Box |
The Last Bet | Available toward the end of Innominat's Domain |
Before The Battle | Available after the Skit: The Last Bet |
Live For The Moment | Available after the Skit: Before the Battle |
Head to the Empyrean’s Throne to continue the story. If you’re interested in all the End Game Optional Quests you can undertake now, check them out here.
Once you’re at the Empyrean’s Throne, take the central stairs to the very top, where you’ll trigger a scene. Speak to each of your party members before you head into the teleporter to Innominat’s Domain. You’ll trigger the Skits: Innominat’s Sub Lords and Onward To The Final Battle when you arrive.
In this first area, you’ll need to head right around to the other side and interact with the Ward, to disarm it. From there take the center teleporter up to the next level.
Head north, and take the teleporter on the left at the split. To the north, you’ll find a chest containing a Soul Bottle in this area. Continue heading as far to the east as you can go to come to another teleporter. Use it to travel to another area, where you’ll find the Spirit Orb of Twilight and a chest containing a Drop Bottle. Head back through the teleporter to the previous area, head towards the middle of the three teleporters here to find another Ward you can deactivate. Then use the teleporter behind the now deactivated Ward to continue forward.
Head to the west, ignoring the first teleporter you pass on the northwest branch. Follow the path all the way around to the split area in the south. Take the west branch and use the teleporter here to move to the next area.
Make your way east in this area, near the next teleporter you’ll find an area you can jump across to reach another Ward, go over and deactivate it. On the opposite side of where the Ward was, you can reach another small orb, interact with it to gain the Spirit Orb of Dawn. Now finally use the nearby teleporter.
In this area, continue heading to the west, ignoring the north teleporter for now. You’ll come to a Green Obelisk, interact with it to have it explain that you need to possess something to be able to activate it. It’s talking about the Spirit Orbs we’ve been collecting. Head back and now take the northern teleporter to return to the previous area.
We now have access to both of the teleporters in the center of this area. Head to the center and take the northern one to the next area.
Follow the spiral up, you’ll find a Katz Box at the first split, grab it, and continue upward. The next split holds a chest containing a Melon Gel inside. Continue to head up to find a door, head through, and into the next area.
Head towards the next teleporter for a scene, you can trigger the Skit: A Temple In The Sky afterward as well. Once that is complete, head through the next teleporter.
Head up the ramp, all the way to the top, where you’ll find a large crystal. Interact with it activate a nearby bridge. Use the bridge to cross to the central area and continue on. Pass the save point and over the next bridge as well. Here take the northern door to continue on.
Head up and through the door to come to an area like a giant crossroads. Take the south door to continue and head through the next door straight ahead of you as well.
Go right to the eastern end of this small area to find another crystal you can shatter to form new bridges. The teleporter directly in front of it will return you to the area with the save point if you need it. Go through it and return back again, just to activate it, then make your way south across the new bridges. Cross the first bridge and continue on to activate the Geotree for the area. Continue to the end of the path to find a hole you can jump down to the layer below. Jump in, directly in front of you will be the Spirit Orb of Soaring Trees, grab it and then head north along the path. At the end of the path you’ll find another crystal you can shatter, go ahead and do that before you jump down the nearby hole. Here you’ll find a chest containing a Bottomless Inoph Bottle, then continue forward to reach another hole you can dropdown. This puts you back in the area with the Save Point.
Head northeast from the save point and take the southern portal, which we activated earlier. Head north and take the first door to the east. In here you can now use your Geoboard to access the areas off to the sides, collect the chests here to obtain; Melon Gel, Purified Blade, and you can also grab the Spirit Orb of the Pale Moon. Head back through the door and continue to follow the path to the west to cross a new bridge to a single chest, containing a Soul Bottle. From here head south across the bridges and through the door this time.
Follow the path and make the jump with your Geoboard, then head through the nearby door. Here you’ll find a chest off to the side containing a Mythril Blade, grab it and then head back out the door. Cross the jump with the Geoboard once more and head back into the area with the first of the holes in the floor. This time, take the path to the east and head through the door here.
Here you’ll trigger the Skits: The Last Bet, Before The Battle, and Live For The Moment. Watch them all before you continue through the door ahead of you. Here take the western doorway to a new area. Follow the path to another door. Follow this path all the way to the end to find another crystal to shatter. Shatter it and head across the shortcut it creates and take the northern bridge. Here to the east, you’ll find the Spirit Orb of Azure Skies, head to the door to the north now.
In this small area take the jump to the east to find a Spirit Orb of Celestial Violet. Jump the gap again and continue down the path to find a chest containing Stygian Daggers. Return through the door to the previous area.
Take the teleporter immediately to the west and follow the path to find another crystal to shatter. Head over the new bridge into the center of the area to find a Save Point. Continuing forward at this point will start the battle with the final boss of the game.
We still have several other bosses to take care of, now that we have the use of the Geoboard and have collected all of the Spirit Orbs. Below where you currently are you can find two chests containing Melon Gels, grab them and then warp back to the Empyrean’s Throne so that we can re-enter Innominat’s Domain from the start and clean up the bosses.
From the entrance of Innominat’s Domain head to the center teleporter, follow the path all the way around to the south, and use the eastern of the two teleporter’s here. Head west and over to the Green Obelisk, interact with it to insert the orb, this will activate the nearby teleporter and allow you to reach:
Boss Battle: Vigilante
Boss: | Vigilante |
HP: | 138,940 |
Types: | Demihuman, Armored, and Fiend |
Weakness: | Fire |
Rewards: | New Artes for Rokurou: - Vengeful Retribution - Form 9: Final Judgement |
This boss uses wind-based attacks, and Martial Artes, stick to the back and sides to avoid most of the damage.
Head back out through the teleporter and make the jump to the east again. Continue east and use the teleporter to the next level.
In this area make your way to the northwest most teleporter to continue on. Take the next northwest teleporter to land near the next Obelisk, insert the orb, and head over to the next Boss:
Boss Battle: Sky Soldier
Boss: | Sky Solder |
HP: | 146,910 |
Types: | Dragon and Winged |
Weakness: | Non-Elemental |
Rewards: | New Artes for Eizen: - Tyrant's Fete - Venom Strike |
The Sky Soldier uses earth-based attacks and Malak Artes to inflict damage. Stick to the sides and back, and try as much as possible to interrupt its spell casting.
Head back through the teleporter and through the next one directly ahead of you as well. In this area make your way to the easternmost teleporter, then make your way to the central teleporters in this area. Use the north most of the two to continue.
Head up this spiral and take the door at the very top. Make the jump to the northeast here, to find the next Obelisk and activate it to head over to fight the next boss:
Boss Battle: Miraculous Mimic
Boss: | Miraculous Mimic |
HP: | 157,404 |
Types: | Amorphous, Crustacean, and Fiend |
Weakness: | Earth |
Rewards: | New Artes for Eleanor: - Strike Drei - Gungnir Twister |
This boss will focus mainly on spells, and dealing damage of the Water element. Keep the pressure on it to interrupt its spells and you shouldn’t have much of an issue dealing with it.
Return through the teleporter to the prior area when you’re done. Jump the gap again and head for the door at the end of the path. Cross the bridges here and take the northernmost door at the end of the area.
Head through the next door and into the room with 3 doors coming off of it. Head to the northern branch to find the next Obelisk, activate it to fight the next Boss.
Boss Battle: Lawless Vessel
Boss: | Lawless Vessel |
HP: | 96,443 |
Types: | Armored and Fiend |
Weakness: | Non-Elemental and Water |
Rewards: | New Artes for Laphicet: - Soul Distortion - Indignation |
This boss has a huge amount of defense you’ll need to deal with, he also reduces all incoming damage on top of that. Focus on targeting his weak points with your combo’s and eventually he will fall as well.
Head back to the previous area and this time take the door to the west. Make the jump ahead of you and continue forward to reach a chest containing a Helmut Schmidt Sash. From here head back to the prior room and take the south exit this time.
Head through the door in front of you and head across the bridge in the center of the area. Follow the path south, and take the door in the southeast corner. Head straight through the next door into another room with three exits. Here you’ll find another Obelisk, this time located in the south. Activate it to fight the next Boss.
Boss Battle: Vengeful Goddess
Boss: | Vengeful Goddess |
HP: | 143,379 |
Types: | Apodous and Fiend |
Weakness: | Wind |
Rewards: | New Artes for Magilou: - Tetra Detonator - The Host of Forty-Nine |
This boss packs multiple abilities that can inflict petrify on your characters, try not to have everyone all bunched up to avoid a full wipe. Other than that keep your hp high and try to stick to her back as much as possible.
Head back to the room with multiple exits and take the eastern exit. Make the jump to the east and then head through the doorway. Here you’ll find the next Obelisk and the next Boss Battle:
Boss Battle: Reaper’s Slanderer
Boss: | Reaper's Slanderer |
HP: | 127,134 |
Types: | Crustacean, Fiend, and Dragon. |
Weakness: | None |
Rewards: | New Artes for Velvet: - Nightmare Claw - Impulse Desire |
Again this boss shouldn’t cause you too much of an issue, its largest attack is a charge that happens just after it leaves the ground. Wait for it to fly off the ground and then just sidestep off to one side to avoid it.
That’s it for all the optional bosses hidden away in this dungeon. Head out of the area you’re currently in, and back to the area that splits three ways. From here take the western exit, and continue on and through the next door.
Here follow the path to the northern teleporter to be taken to the area with the save point. This is the final save point before the end of the game, so be sure to save, and when you’re ready head through the doorway to confront Artorius and Innominat.
Boss Battle: Artorius & Innominat
Boss: | Artorius Innominat |
HP: | 108,971 94,593 |
Types: | Person Unknown |
Weakness: | Earth Fire |
Rewards: | N/A |
Focus your attacks on Innominat first. Like the other spell casters in the game, if you leave him alone without interrupting his spells, you’ll likely be wiped out. Innominat’s Annihilation Beam can be avoided if you stay close to him and move to his back. Once Innominat falls, Artorius is much easier to deal with.
**Both of these Bosses have Mystic Artes you need to view if you are trying to achieve the trophy for viewing them all**
You’ll trigger a scene after the fight, as well as another Boss Battle.
Boss Battle: Armatized Artorius
Boss: | Armatized Artorius |
HP: | 212,269 |
Types: | Person |
Weakness: | Fire and Wind |
Rewards: | N/A |
This fight should go much easier than the previous, now that his attacks are limited to melee range. You can pretty well avoid them all with well-timed dodges, as they only strike the area in front of him. Keep him attacking Velvet so that the rest of the party can focus on dealing damage. Once the fight is over you’ll trigger some cutscenes.
**Make sure to view his Mystic Arte if you’re chasing the trophy for viewing them all**
Congratulations, you’ve finished the game!
Reload your save file after beating it to take on the Post Game Content.
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