Kingdom Hearts Walkthrough – Part 1 – Destiny Islands Day 1
Kingdom Hearts – Tutorial Area
Hi guys, so this will be the written companion to our video above, for anyone looking for a little extra or for clarification. This guide will allow us to really spell out anything that we just don’t have the time to cover in as much depth as we would like in the videos.
The first area of the game is the tutorial. There’s not much to do here except follow along with the prompts and fight a few introductory heartless. Its where you meet the first heartless of the game, shadows.
Heartless – Shadow
- Appear in pretty much every world throughout Kingdom Hearts as well as most of the franchise’s games.
- Takes its name from the ability to become a literal shadow when it sinks into the ground.
- At the tutorial level of the game, it has roughly 10hp and gives 1 exp when defeated. It becomes stronger with more hp/exp as the game progresses.
- Its drops include Hp Orbs, 5% chance for a potion and later in the game a 1% chance for Lucid Shards.
- No substantial weakness, although since they like to attack in groups, area of effect attacks such as some of Sora’s later skills or even magic, work well.
Tutorial Choices: Leveling Speed and Skill Order
The first real decision point in the game comes with the 3 pedestals raising from the ground offering you a choice between; the sword, shield or wand. The basic idea is that you want to choose one area to focus on and one to ‘give up’. Note: your not actually giving it up, you’ll just have fewer stats in that area by the end of the game, most of which can be regained through the use of accessories anyway.
If your looking to simply button mash your way through, taking the sword and giving up magic is a great choice as you’ll get your combo abilities earlier. However, if your playing on the hardest difficulty it’s advised to take the shield first as you will need some of the survivability skills (leaf bracer, second chance) it grants earlier in the game, mostly to survive some boss attacks. The abilities Sora gains start at level 6 and roughly every 3 levels after that you can expect another. I’ve included the abilities you can expect to learn with each choice below:
Sora’s Skills:
Level | Sword | Shield | Wand |
6 | Sliding Dash | Slapshot | Stun Impact |
9 | Scan | Berserk | Treasure Magnet |
12 | Slapshot | Tech Boost | Ripple Drive |
15 | Counterattack | Guard | Scan |
18 | Tech Boost | Stun Impact | Hurricane Blast |
21 | Combo Plus | Scan | Mp Haste |
24 | Guard | Lucky Strike | Air Combo Plus |
27 | Hurricane Blast | Leaf Bracer | Tech Plus |
30 | Treasure Magnet | ||
33 | Blitz | Guard | |
36 | Treasure Magnet | Second Chance | Aerial Sweep |
39 | Ripple Drive | Sliding Dash | Leaf Bracer |
A few screens later and you’ll be confronted with 3 children asking you questions. Depending on what you answer will affect how quickly Sora levels up throughout the game. If you choose answers that result in your journey beginning early then you’ll level faster till about level 40 and slower after that. If your choice results in your journey beginning at midday then you’ll level fairly evenly throughout the game. If your choices result in the journey beginning at sunset or in the evening then you will level slower at first and faster for levels 50-100.
If you are wanting to get to level 100 as efficiently as possible it will require the least overall experience if you take the 3rd option. To guarantee any particular time, say the first time option, pick all the first answers to the kid’s questions. If you want the 3rd time option then pick all the third answers to there questions.
The final part of the Tutorial will pit you against your first boss:
Boss: The Darkside
- The simplest way to beat it is to focus on a hand and whack it.
- One of its attacks will summon shadows, ignore them and focus on ending the fight quickly as they will likely fall to the final hits of your combos anyway.
- Another attack shoots energy orbs which can be deflected if an attack is timed properly.
- Finish the battle to leave the Tutorial.
Destiny Islands – Day 1:

Watch the cutscenes and then speak to Kairi for your first gathering quest. She needs supplies:
- 2 Logs – Found on the beach as you walk away from her and up on the island where Riku is practicing.
- 1 Cloth – Found in the treehouse against the wall
- 1 Rope – Found in a corner near where Tidus is practicing.
Day 1 – Battles:
During your collection duties if you speak to some of the other characters they will challenge you to a battle for fun. Some of these fights are excellent for farming, Riku in particular drops a potion each time he’s defeated and Tidus can be locked into a pattern of parries that make it easy to level up. This is all featured in the 2nd Video.
Return to Kairi with your supplies for a reward when your ready and to progress the story to Day 2.
Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix – Destiny Islands – Day 2
After a couple of cutscenes, day 2 on Destiny Islands starts with a foot race against Riku. Winning or losing doesn’t impact much so don’t worry either way. The only difference between the 2 outcomes is a slightly different cutscene afterward and if you win you’ll gain a ‘pretty stone’ which can be sold for 30 Munny in the next town.
Because you can do this race as many times as you want some people like to farm it for the ‘pretty stones’ so that you have plenty of munny by the time you arrive in the next town. Personally I think there are better places like the Gizmo Shop that we’ll be coming to soon that accomplish the same thing.
The Foot Race
The race takes you from your starting position over a bridge, up a ladder over the top of some trees and to the yellow star. You then need to make it back to Kairi before Riku. Some issues to consider:
- You need to be careful of the dropping section of the bridge, you’ll notice Riku jump it when you get close.
- If Riku makes it to the ladder before you, don’t follow him as the zip line at the top only works once.
- Aside from those two things to take notice of the rest of the race is more a test of how well you can jump.
- Win or lose, once the race is over you can repeat it as many times as you want by speaking to Riku.
Post Race Exploration – Our First Accessory
Now that we’re free to explore this side of the island the first thing we want to do is score our first accessory. The chest is located just before the ladder to the zip line, high up in a hole in the wall. There is a large box nearby that can be lifted and moved to underneath the hole to give Sora enough height to grab the ledge and get up there. It houses a protect chain that you should equip right away.
New Accessory: Protect Chain
The most basic defensive accessory in the game.
- Gives +1 defense
- Can later be bought for $150 from Cid’s Item shop
- Also drops (1%) from Soldier Heartless once they start appearing in-game.
Destiny Islands – Day 2 Food Gathering
When we speak to Kairi again she’ll have a new quest for us, to collect some food. In particular shes chasing; mushrooms, drinking water, fish, coconuts and a seagull egg. Heres where to find them:
- Mushrooms x3 – next to Kairi just move the boulder for the first, near the base of the tower with the zipline is the second and finally the last is in the secret place, by the waterfall, you just have to finish the cutscene and then grab it.
- Drinking water – Since you want freshwater you’ll need to go to the waterfall on the first day’s side of the island, just walk into the waterfall and it should pop straight up.
- Fish x3 – You’ll find these out in the sea. You can target lock them to make it easier to find. These can be difficult to spot sometimes so you might need to simply jump in the ocean and look around to see if you can spot the small dark outlines and swim to them.
- Coconuts – Hit the coconut trees anywhere on the island till the coconuts fall off. You want to collect the yellow ones, not the brown ones.
- Seagull egg – Above the shack with the save point on the first day’s side of the island. Climb to the area above the shack and scale a tree, you’ll find the seagull egg on top of one of the trees there.
The Kingdom Key And The Heartless
Give it all back to Kairi and then after a couple of cutscenes, you’ll end up back on the island with your wooden sword and unable to damage any of the heartless that have now spawned. Continue out to where Riku was on the first day and get your Keyblade so you can finally beat some heartless.
These heartless that spawn here pretty much spawn endlessly, so it’s another great chance to level up a little before moving on. They seem to spawn in a few waves at a time and then require about 10 seconds to reset and begin spawning again.
New Keyblade: The Kingdom Key
- Str +3
- Mp +0
- Recoil: 30
- Critical Rate x1 with a bonus critical chance of 0
This is the default keyblade for most of the Kingdom Hearts Games and for quite a few of the main characters as well. There’s a good reason for this as well that we’ll discuss later.
Round 2: Darkside
Head over to the secret place next to the waterfall where we got that mushroom and view the cutscenes. Straight afterward you’ll enter another battle with the tutorial boss: Darkside.
The fight is the same as the first, although he will be a little more aggressive, as long as you follow the same strategy as the first time you’ll be fine. He has 300hp total this time and awards 60exp when you win.
Watch some more cutscenes and then you’ll awaken in Traverse Town.