Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix 100% Walkthrough
This is the Walkthrough Page for the game Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix.
In this guide we’ll be completing a 100% walkthrough of the game collecting all the treasure chests, trinities, dalmations, keyblades, and fighting all of the Optional Bosses. Click through one of the links below to get started.
You can also find the Youtube Playlist for this series here.
The first links here contain our guides for various aspects of the game including; Trinities, Abilities, Dalmatians, and Synthesis. The walkthrough starts from the Tutorial, called Dive To The Heart.
Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix Guides
Abilities Guide
Our Abilities Guide for Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix, covers all the abilities the main characters learn and at what levels. You’ll also find descriptions for what each ability does and how to unlock the games Shared and Special Abilities.
Sora learns different abilities at each level depending on your weapon choice in the Dive To The Heart Tutorial. You can use the chart here to gain a better understanding of the impacts of your choice.
99 Dalmatians Guide
Here you’ll find a breakdown of the locations and how to obtain each of the chests containing the 99 Dalmation Puppies scattered throughout the various worlds.
You’ll also find a list of all the rewards for returning the Puppies.
Trinity Mark Guide
A list of the locations of every Trinity Mark in Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix. This also contains how to reach them as well as what the reward is for each of the Trinity Marks.
Synthesis Guide
This is our Synthesis Guide. You unlock access to the Synthesis Shop after clearing Agrabah and activating the Green Trinity in Traverse Town’s Item Shop. Here you can exchange materials you gather for various more powerful items. The most powerful weapons in the game are obtained by completing this.
Special Heartless Guide
This is our guide to all the special Heartless that appear in Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix. Most of these Heartless were added to the game in the Final Mix release, they are the only way to obtain some of the rarest Synthesis Materials in the game.
Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix Video Walkthrough
Here is the first episode of our 100% Walkthrough for Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix on Youtube. A link to the entire Playlist is here. Click to be taken over to Youtube, or alternatively, the Playlist is provided below.
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Kingdom Hearts Final Mix Walkthrough Sections
The Tutorial for Kingdom Hearts is called the Dive to the Heart. Here you’ll spend some time learning the controls and basic movements in the game, as well as choosing your strengths and weaknesses for the rest of the game. It’s worth jumping over to the Abilities Guide to see an overview if you need it.
Destiny Islands
Destiny Islands is the first world of the game and serves as an extension of the tutorial.
Here you’ll meet some familiar characters and help with a few gathering quests to test your abilities. You’ll also be able to spend some time battling here if you desire, I’ve outlined a method for gaining early levels quickly to give you a boost for the rest of the game as well.
Traverse Town
Traverse Town serves as the ‘Hub’ world in Kingdom Hearts, this is where everyone turns up as the story progresses. Its first district is a safe harbor from the Heartless. You’ll return here multiple times for story reasons throughout the game, all of these visits are contained in different sections of the same page here.
You’ll also find many of the games shops here, they’ll change the items they stock as you complete more of the story as well.
Traverse Town – Second Visit (Post Deep Jungle)
After completing Deep Jungle you’ll need to return to Traverse Town for our 2nd official visit. Here you’ll finally gain access to the world’s Keyhole as well as face off against a familiar enemy. Once you’re done we’ll unlock the next Coliseum Cup to complete in Olympus Coliseum, or you can head straight to Agrabah to continue on with the story. The second visit’s guide is contained at the bottom of the Traverse Town page.
Traverse Town – Third Visit (Post Hollow Bastion)
After the events of Hollow Bastion you’ll need to head back to Traverse Town to speak with Leon and Cid. We have now unlocked all the abilities and Trinity skills to go revisit and finalise most of the worlds we’ve previously visited so head here to get started.
Wonderland is our first true world to visit, this is the easiest of the starting worlds and highly recommended to be your first stop. Here we’ll be helping Alice out, as well as learning a new magic spell: Blizzard.
Olympus Coliseum
Olympus Coliseum is the training arena for Kingdom Hearts, here you’ll be able to participate in various ‘games’ as the story progresses. When we first visit only the Preliminary Cup is available. However, you’ll quickly begin to unlock additional cups including; Phil’s Cup, Pegasus Cup, Hercules Cup, and finally the Hades Cup. These are excellent ways to grind out some levels. Each cup also offers three trials; as a group, solo, and time trial. Completing each version will unlock a skill, item, or ability for Sora.
Phil Cup – Olympus Coliseum
After sealing the Keyhole in Traverse Town, you’ll gain access to Phil’s Cup in the Olympus Coliseum. Completing the new cup will net Sora a nice new Combo Plus ability. Once you’re done head over to Agrabah next. You’ll find the guide for the Phil Cup on the Olympus Coliseum page.
Pegasus Cup – Olympus Coliseum
After completing Monstro the Whale and freeing Pinocchio, you’ll unlock the Pegasus Cup here at the Olympus Coliseum.
Hercules Cup – Olympus Coliseum
The Hercules Cup won’t unlock until after you’ve completed Neverland. Here you’ll unlock two new, powerful, Keyblades. As well as the ability to use Yellow Trinities. This will allow you to finally seal the Keyhole here at Olympus Coliseum as well.
Hades Cup – Olympus Coliseum
The Hades Cup will unlock after you complete the second story visit to Hollow Bastion. This is a much larger competition than the previous tournaments and rewards some extremely powerful items for completing on Time Trial and Solo modes. You’ll find it outlined further on the Olympus Coliseum page.
Deep Jungle
Deep Jungle is home to Tarzan and the Gorillas. It is a large world with multiple points of interest. Here you’ll have an opportunity for an infinite EXP grind, as well as gain the Cure spell, and the Red Trinity ability. Once this world’s Keyhole is sealed you’ll need to head back to Traverse Town to continue the story.
Agrabah is unlocked after our return trip to Traverse Town. Make sure to head there after completing the first three worlds. Agrabah represents one of the difficulty spikes in the game. The enemies here hit harder and have a considerably higher amount of HP than what you’ve previously dealt with. Some level grinding before heading here will make it easier. There is also a chance for infinite enemies again during the Boss Battle with the Cave Of Wonders. Be sure to come prepared!
100 Acre Woods
All the Torn Page items locations can be found here, as well as guides for each of the mini-games contained within the 100 Acre Woods. You’ll need to come to visit the 100 Acre Woods many times during the course of the game as you unlock the worlds housing each of the Torn Pages. This is also how you gain access to the Cheer Skill for Sora. You can technically visit this world at any point you want, but you won’t be able to 100% it until after you’ve completed Halloween Town.
Our next world to visit is Monstro. You can access Monstro by flying between Agrabah and either Halloween Town, or Atlantica until you are swallowed by a Whale. Here you’ll unlock High-Jump and after completing the area, you’ll gain access to the next Coliseum Games as well.
After Monstro, head over to Atlantica. Here we’ll be helping Ariel and co defeat the Sea Witch Ursula. Atlantica is highly unique among the worlds of Kingdom Hearts, it sports a large amount of Heartless that are only found here, as well as a costume change for our trio of heroes. By the end of this world, you’ll have unlocked another page for the 100 Acre Woods. So be sure to visit the 100 Acre Woods and complete the chapter before heading onto the next world, Halloween Town.
Halloween Town
Head over to Halloween Town to help out Jack, and face off against Oogie Boogie. You’ll receive the final Torn Page here, so you can now complete the 100 Acre Woods back in Traverse Town or continue on to Neverland.
After getting captured by Captain Hook, you’ll be freed by a couple of familiar faces who need our help to rescue Wendy. Here you’ll finally pick up the important Glide ability and finally be able to head back and pick up most of the Chests that have been inaccessible. After completing Neverland you’ll unlock the Hercules Cup on Olympus so be sure to head there before making your way to Hollow Bastion.
Hollow Bastion
It’s time to finally take the fight to Maleficent and rescue the Princesses of Heart. The state of the worlds will change considerably after the events in Hollow Bastion play out. So this is a great time to make sure that you have collected and crafted many of the Synthesis items that are available. Check out our Synthesis page for more details (coming soon). After Hollow Bastion is complete we’ll need to head back to Traverse Town to speak with Leon and Cid once more.
End of the World
The final world for the game, here we finally confront the person behind it all and try to seal Kingdom Hearts.