Lanayru Shrine Guides
Here you’ll find a breakdown of all the Shrines located in the Lanayru Region of Breath of the Wild, along with any corresponding Shrine Quests, or Treasure. Each also has a video guide attached for completing the Trial.
Lanayru Shrine Information
Shrine: | Trial: | Shrine Quest: | Shrine Treasure: | Video Guide: |
Dagah Keek Shrine | Dagah Keek’s Blessing | The Ceremonial Song | Silver Rupee | |
Daka Tuss Shrine | Sunken Scoop | – | Silver Longsword | |
Kaya Wan Shrine | Shields From Water | – | Ancient Core Knight’s Broadsword | |
Kah Mael Shrine | Drop and Rise | – | Diamond | |
Ne’ez Yohma Shrine | Pushing Power | – | Zora Spear | |
Rucco Maag Shrine | The Five Torches | – | Opal Silver Bow | |
Shai Yota Shrine | Shai Yota’s Blessing | Master of the Wind | Great Flameblade | |
Sheh Rata Shrine | Speed of Light | – | Opal Giant Boomerang | |
Soh Kofi Shrine | A Minor Test of Strength | – | Knight’s Bow |