Land Of Convergence – Monster Hunter World

Land of Convergence Assignment Quest Monster Hunter World

Land Of Convergence Monster Hunter World Assignment Quest

The final mission of the base game, Land of Convergence, sees us off to an area called the “Confluence of Fates” to face a new monster, Xeno’jiiva. Completing this quest is the key to unlocking the Iceborne expansion of Monster Hunter World and also to progressing to Master-Rank.

This whole area is very straight forward, take the quest, watch the scenes, and you’ll be put into an arena nose-to-nose with Xeno’jiiva. Xeno has the same weakness level to each element, so don’t worry too much about what to bring. It does primarily Fire and Dragon element damage so make sure to consider that in your armor choices.

Xeno’jiiva’s weak points are the head, tail, and front legs. You can sever the tail as well as break its head, wings, and front claws. Xeno also has a substantial weakness to poison.

If you are a melee character it’s quite easy to avoid most of Xeno’jiivas most damaging beam attacks, especially if you mostly target the legs and belly to attack. When in a rage the stomping that it does with its front legs becomes much more powerful and capable of causing secondary explosions as well. These can and will cause you to cart if you are not careful. Try to focus on the tail or belly while it’s in a rage to avoid these.

Xeno’jiiva also has some powerful beam attacks. The first is a direct beam fired forwards that should be easy enough to avoid. You can use this beam attack as a chance to deal some decent damage to the head while the attack is happening. The second beam is a sweeping 180-degree beam that will cover most of the arena in front of it. You can move under Xeno’jiiva or stay behind it to avoid this. Alternatively, a well-timed superman dive will also give you enough invulnerability to make it through, this attack is basically the same as Vaal Hazak’s sweeping beam attack. Its third beam attack is three fireball type blasts, one forwards and 1 to each side at about 45-degrees, similar to how a Rathian does it.

Keep up the attacks and you’ll eventually be victorious, just focus on the parts you can reach and keep out of its attacks as much as possible.

Xeno’jiiva Carves

Carves from Xeno’jiiva include; Xeno’jiiva Shell, Xeno’jiiva Soulscale, Xeno’jiiva Claw, Xeno’jiiva Horn, Xeno’jiiva Wing, Xeno’jiiva Gem, and Xeno’jiiva Veil.

  • High-Rank Carves
    • Xeno’jiiva Shell
    • Xeno’jiiva Soulscale
    • Xeno’jiiva Claw
    • Xeno’jiiva Horn
    • Xeno’jiiva Wing
    • Xeno’jiiva Gem
    • Xeno’jiiva Veil

Xeno’jiiva Rewards

Rewards from Xeno’jiiva quests will include; Xeno’jiiva Shell, Xeno’jiiva Soulscale, Xeno’jiiva Veil, Xeno’jiiva Wing, Elder Dragon Bone, Elder Dragon Blood, and Xeno’jiiva Gem.

  • High-Rank Rewards
    • Xeno’jiiva Shell
    • Xeno’jiiva Soulscale
    • Xeno’jiiva Veil
    • Xeno’jiiva Wing
    • Elder Dragon Bone
    • Elder Dragon Blood
    • Xeno’jiiva Gem

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