Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 100% Walkthrough

Welcome to our walkthrough and guide to the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Here you’ll find the links to each section of the walkthrough. You can also simply start at the beginning and use this as a guide to 100% complete the game. The videos you’ll find in each of the guide sections were recorded on an N64 emulator through the Nintendo Switch console, so it may look a little older if you’re playing through the remake that was released for the 3DS. This is purely a cosmetic difference and does not affect the game itself at all.
Ocarina of Time is an incredible game and paved the way for much of what is now considered standard in the RPG genre. Below here you’ll find links to our stand-alone guides for various sections, like the Gold Skulltula Gathering Quest. Below that, you’ll find the Walkthrough itself begins in the Kokiri Forest section.
Zelda Ocarina of Time Guides:
Here you’ll find links to each of our individual guides on things like Mini-Games, Side Quests, Gold Skulltula’s, Weapons, Magic, and Collectibles.
Gold Skulltula Locations
Here you’ll find our guide to the locations of each of the 100 Gold Skulltulas hidden throughout the game. The first 50 are worth collecting as the rewards are quite helpful. However, you’re only collecting the next 50 if you want to complete the game 100%. The final prize of infinite rupees will mostly be worthless by the time you reach it.
Zelda Ocarina of Time Video Walkthrough
Here is the first episode of our 100% Walkthrough for Zelda Ocarina of Time on Youtube. A link to the entire Playlist is here. Click to be taken over to Youtube, or alternatively, the Playlist is provided below.
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Zelda Ocarina of Time 100% Walkthrough Sections:
Here you can jump straight into any section if you know where you’re up to or what you are looking for. If you’re starting a new game, then simply select the Kokiri Forest to start.
Kokiri Forest
The tutorial section of the game takes place in Kokiri Forest, Link’s Home. Here we are summoned by the Deku Tree, get our first pieces of gear, and enter the game’s first dungeon. After we complete the Deku Tree Dungeon, most of the world becomes available for us to explore. A number of these locations will be visited after we complete our visit to Hyrule Castle.
Hyrule Castle
After restoring the Great Deku Tree we gain access to the overworld of Hyrule. We now have a ton of optional things to check off before we head over to Hyrule Castle to meet with Princess Zelda.
Death Mountain
After our visit to the Lost Woods, our next stop is Death Mountain, the home of the Gorons. Here we’ll also take on the next Dungeon of the game, Dodongo’s Cavern, and get access to Bombs.
Zora’s Domain
From Death Mountain, we make our way to Zora’s River and eventually into Zora’s Domain. Here we find the last of the three Spiritual Stone Dungeons: Inside Jabu-Jabu’s Belly.
We’ll also cover all the available Gold Skulltula Tokens you should grab with the Boomerang before advancing the story.
The Master Sword and the Mask Shop
Now that we have all three Spiritual Stones we’ll be claiming the Master Sword from the Temple of Time. We can complete the Happy Mask Shop Questline now as well.
The first stop after claiming the Master Sword will be to unlock both Epona and the Hookshot, we’ll cover both of these here as well.
Forest Temple
Our first stop after the Temple of Time is the Forest Temple. Along the way, we’ll free Epona and claim the Hookshot.
The Forest Temple is a great first Dungeon to tackle as Adult Link. Completing it will award us the Fairy Bow, which along with Epona, opens up a few other things we can do after the Dungeon.
Fire Temple
The next dungeon is the Fire Temple, located in Death Mountain. We’ll head here next to meet up with an old friend and help rescue the Gorons.
In the Fire Temple, you’ll obtain the Megaton Hammer, a heavy weapon capable of triggering rusted switches and inflicting heavy damage on enemies.