Destroying The Goods
Destroy The Goods Skits
Skits: | Locations: |
Hunt The Code Red Daemons | Automatically |
Delicious Dishes | Available after "Hunt The Code Red Daemons" |
Bienfu, The Malak? | Automatically |
The Crying Exorcist Returns | On returning to Loegres |
The Fifth Empyrean? | After "The Crying Exorcist Returns" |
The Search For A Missing Man | Automatically |
After you exit Loegres you’ll come across another member of the Shadow Guild just outside. Speak to her for information on the Code Red Daemon Hunts as well as the skits: Hunt the code red daemons and Delicious Dishes. Once that’s over make your way back to Port Zekson, the site of the goods we’re about to destroy.
Once you make it to Port Zekson again, speak to the man on the North Pier before heading into the Warehouse. Grab the chest inside for an Amber Fragment before examining the crates we came here to destroy. Examining them will trigger a scene followed by another Boss Battle.
Boss Battle: Eleanor (Port Zekson)
Boss: | Eleanor |
HP: | 12,950 |
Rewards: | Intermediate Ignicite |
She’s very similar to a previous boss we fought, Teresa. Just like in that battle, focus first on the Malakhim that accompany Eleanor to weaken her before taking her on directly.
Intermediate Ignicite
Intermediate Ignicite | Unlocks rank 2 random skills. |
After the battle, you’ll trigger the skit: Bienfu, the Malak? Head back to Loegres for two more skits: The Crying Exorcist Returns and The Fifth Empyrean? Once that’s over make your way towards the tavern and speak to the woman beside it. She has a list of all the Code Red Hunts you currently have available and also any that you have completed. Find this NPC in most towns to claim the bounty on your completed Code Red Hunts. So if you managed to take out the Bat Baron while we were in Hadlow Hollow you’ll receive your reward of 1,200 Gald now. You should also be able to get the info on your next hunt, Echidna. In town behind the Weapon shop, you’ll find a chest with Amber Paper inside. Head inside the tavern and speak to the owner to accept: The Search For A Missing Man quest. Leaving the tavern will trigger a skit as well: The Search For A Missing Man.
The Search For A Missing Man
Search For A Missing Man Skits
Skits: | Locations: |
The One Looks Pretty Strong! | Automatically |
Clan Rangetsu | Automatically |
Head out into the Danann Highway and take the Northeastern exit to trigger a skit: This One Looks Pretty Strong! To reach the daemon we’ll need to backtrack one screen and cross the bridge then take the East exit. This will bring you to our next boss.
Boss Battle: Orc Kong
Boss: | Orc Kong |
HP: | 25,356 |
Rewards: | Apprentice's Glacite |
Orc Kong has slow easy to avoid attacks, except when he gets to low HP. At low HP he unlocks a new attack that can cause Defence Down status effect as well as pretty much cover the entire area with its AOE. Once he gets below half health try to finish the fight as quickly as possible. Build up your SG once he starts to approach half health so that if you start to see him use the ability “Royal Majesty” you can unleash everything you have to try and disrupt the ability and finish him off quickly.
Apprentice’s Glacite
Apprentice's Glacite | Grants a random skill that increases the speed in which equipped master skills are learned, on moderate mode or above. |
After the battle is done you’ll trigger another skit: Clan Rangetsu. Head back to the screen you were on when you first spotted the Code Red Daemon. Take the Eastern exit and continue forward to find some vines you can burn to be able to free a boulder you can now push. Push it into the water to create a new path forward. Jump across and then take the Northern exit. Continue to press forward and you’ll find another Boulder ensnared in vines, burn them down and push the Boulder into the lake to create another new path. Continue following the path to the North to find our next Code Red Hunt: Echidna.
Boss Battle: Echidna
Boss: | Echidna |
HP: | 22,005 |
Rewards: | Villain's Ventite |
Echidna will focus on using fire based spells to damage your party. Her elemental weakness is Water so be sure to make use of Velvet’s Twin Whip and Water Snake Strike attacks.
Villain’s Ventite
Villain's Ventite | Unlocks "Intense" battle difficulty in the Options menu. |
In the area around her you will find a Life Bottle, grab it and head for the South exit. Along the way you’ll find a chest with Calcite Boots inside. Take the West exit to a small area with a chest containing a Holy bottle. Take the East exit back one screen and continue South.
Follow the indicator on the map to the objective, you’ll find the missing man and he’ll tell you about why he was taken. In this area, you can find a Denore Bottle if you climb up the center part of the area. From here use a Denore Bottle to head back to Loegres, you can also simply head back on foot if you want. Once there speak to the Code Red Hunt’s NPC for your next set of rewards. Then head over to Tabatha, in the Inn, to accept the final request “Foil An Ambush”.
Foil An Ambush
Foil An Ambush Skits
Skits: | Locations: |
Foil An Ambush | Automatically |
The Reason Behind The Ambush | Automatically |
Three Jobs Complete | Automatically |
I Will Be Of Help | Available after "Three Jobs Complete" |
No Misdeed Left Undone | Return to Loegres |
Stomach Growling | Automatically |
Shadow Trades | After "Stomach Growling" wait a few seconds for it to trigger. |
Magilou Joins | Automatically |
Accept the quest from Tabatha in the Tavern, when you leave you’ll trigger the skit: Foil An Ambush. Head out to the Danann Highway and make for the area where we fought the Orc Kong enemy. Out the gates, over the bridge to the North, and then on the next screen take the Eastern exit. Here you’ll interrupt an ambush, defeat the enemies that are here to trigger the skits: The Reason Behind The Ambush, Three Jobs Complete, and I Will Be Of Help.
Return to Loegres to trigger the skit: No Missdeed Left Undone, return to the tavern and speak to Tabatha. You’ll trigger another skit: Stomach Growling. Afterwards wait a few seconds for the next skit: Shadow Trades, speak to Tabatha again to trigger another scene and afterwards speak to the man at the counter to rest the night. You’ll trigger another skit: Magilou Joins afterwards. Head for the Grand Cathedral and speak to the Guard with the Red Scarf to enter the secret tunnel to the villa.
Barona Catacombs
Baronia Catacombs Skits
Skits: | Locations: |
A Fearsome Organization | Trigger's after initial cutscene. |
Daemons In The Waterway | As you progress through the catacombs |
Magilou's Fortune | Automatically |
Who Is High Priest Gideon? | After "Magilou's Fortune" |
You’ll trigger a scene when you first enter, followed by the skit: A Fearsome Organisation. Head south and pull the lever that is straight ahead, grab the souls in the area where the water was drained, and then continue to head south. Take the Easternmost route and go down the manhole to an area with a Verbana at the back. Head back up and take South most exit this time. You’ll find a breakable boulder in your path, smash it and continue down to the next level. Here you’ll trigger the Skit: Daemons In The Waterway. Continue Southward, and down to the next level.
Head east to find a breakable boulder in your path, break it and follow the path to find a Life Bottle as well as a section of wall you can crawl through. In here you’ll find our next Code Red Hunt.
Boss Battle: Pillbug
Boss: | Pillbug |
HP: | 21,581 |
Rewards: | Elemental-Dispersing Glacite |
Simply focus on using Velvet’s Shell Splitter, Gouging Spin and Swallow Dance to attack his weaknesses. The fight should be over quickly.
Elemental-Dispersing Glacite
Elemental-Dispersing Glacite | Provides the ability to trigger a random skill which decreases elemental damage, on moderate mode or above. |
Head back out through the tunnel, then south to find another lever to pull. This one will lower the water level. Head south to another dead end containing a Wind Ring before heading back towards the main entrance to the north. From here head west down the stairs to trigger: Magilou’s Fortune and another skit Who Is High Priest Gideon? after all the events have played out you can head up some stairs to the west for another Katz Box. Continue south into the next area.
In this new section head north to a dead-end containing some Lavender to collect. Return south and take the southeastern exit for another dead end, this time containing a Calcite Fragment. Head back out and pull the lever you can see before continuing on. Take the northern path when you come to it for another lever and an item, Life Bottle. Now make your way to the southwest corner of the map, crawl through the tunnel and head up the ladder that is here. If you look around you’ll find a chest with 880 Gald, afterwards continue down the path to eventually reach the villa.
Loegres Villa
Loegres Villa Skits
Skits: | Locations: |
Into The Villa | Automatically |
The Witch That Has A Malak | Automatically |
Heading into the villa will trigger some scenes. Exit the room you’re in to trigger the skit: Into The Villa. Head counter clockwise checking rooms as you go for some loose healing items, exit this first area and you’ll trigger another scene between Magilou and Laphicet. Continue to look around to find some rosemary, a Wind Ring and some saffron in this section. After you’re done exploring, head back and save before heading into the door with the objective marker, here you’ll find the Preist and our next Boss Battle.
Boss Battle: Eleanor (Loegres Villa)
Boss: | Eleanor (Loegres Villa) |
HP: | 16,139 |
Rewards: | N/A |
Focus on taking out the support Malakhim and Orderlies first, this will weaken her buffs and make it easier to focus on attacking her. She’s weak to water attacks again so use that to your advantage. At half health, the battle will halt and a scene will play out, this will lead to a tutorial for Switch Blasts, use it to bring Magilou into the battle and have her help finish it off with her spells.
Let the scenes play out before following Gideon into the basement of the villa where you’ll find a Katz Box. Continue down the stairs and you’ll trigger another scene.
Head back to Tabatha at the tavern to trigger a skit: The Witch That Has A Malak, be sure to speak to the Code Red Hunt NPC to collect your bounty as well. Finally speak to Tabatha and rest till the morning.
Danann Highway
Danann Highway Skits
Skits: | Locations: |
A Refreshing Morning | Automatically |
Secrets Of The Slyphjays | After "A Refreshing Morning" |
Malak Ranks | After "Secrets Of The Sylphjays" |
What Am I? | Automatically |
Passing The Time | Automatically |
Scouting Report | Automatically |
I'm Sorry, Eizen | Automatically |
Head out of the Tavern to trigger: A Refreshing Morning, followed by Secrets Of The Sylphjays, and Malak Ranks. Speak to the new townspeople with bubbles above their heads for some more info, there is a lady to the east and a man near the eastern exit. You can also now take Magilou to the Cathedral to confess her sins as well. Head into the center of town and go north to speak to a man to the east and then speak to the sailor in the west to hear more about Gideon’s “Disappearance”. Make for the exit and begin to head for Port Zekson. As you cross the bridge in the Danann Highway you’ll trigger another Skit: What Am I?
Once your in Port Zekson, speak to the pirate near the ship to have time skip forward to dusk. Head around and speak to everyone, start with Rokurou and Eizen. At the Docks you’ll find Magilou, talking to her will trigger the skit: Passing The Time, to the north you’ll find Laphicet to speak with. Watch the scene and then head to the Eastern Exit to trigger the skit: Scouting Report between Eizen and Benwick. Follow Eizen afterwards out to the Danann Highway for some more scenes and a battle.
Boss Battle: Mysterious Malak & Eizen
Boss: | Mysterious Malak Eizen |
HP: | 21,646 16,984 |
Rewards: | Smoldering Glacite Armory Acerite 1 |
This battle also has Eizen on the field fighting both you and the other Malak. If you get between the two men they will begin to attack Velvet and the rest of the party. It’s easier to focus on eliminating Eizen from the fight first, as his HP is slightly less than that of the ‘Mysterious Malak’. So knock him out and then switch gears to take on the other Malak. Neither of them have much in the way of weaknesses to exploit so just keep working on them until they fall.
Smoldering Glacite
Smoldering Glacite | Provides the ability to trigger random burn-related skills. |
Armory Acerite I
Armory Acerite I | Grants +1 maximum BG to characters wearing equipment that has been enhanced a combined total of 5 or more times. |
After the battle is over you’ll trigger the skit: I’m Sorry, Eizen. Head to the south and grab the Life Bottle item, then back a screen and continue West. You’ll find a chest containing Apple Gel in the Southwest corner, on the Northern ledge you’ll find some Sage and a Life Bottle. Return towards the Northeast exit now, and head for the Empyrean’s Throne.
The Empyrean’s Throne
The Empyrean's Throne Skits
Skits: | Locations: |
The Empyrean's Throne | Automatically |
Zaveid The Brawler | After the "Empyrean's Throne" skit. |
The Throne's Defenses 1 | Automatically |
The Throne's Defenses 2 | Automatically |
The Flames Of Hatred | Before entering the Throne of the Empyrean. |
As you enter you’ll trigger a scene and a skit: The Empyrean’s Throne followed by Zaveid The Brawler. Head to the northwest to find a switch that deactivates a nearby gate, this will trigger another skit: The Throne’s Defenses Part 1. Follow the path north in this main section to find a ladder in the Northwest corner. Climb it to find a chest with the Flame Ward inside. Continue along this upper level and you’ll find a ladder you can kick down at the southern end. You’ll also find another switch if you continue on the path. Here, where you find the switch, you can also find a Katz Box behind one of the pillars that are surrounding the switch so make sure to grab it. Afterward, activate the switch to weaken the central “lock” in the middle of the area and then take the ladder that you kicked, down to the ground level.
Head over to the opposite side of the Throne area and take the ladder against the first column up to the higher level. Up here if you follow the path on the left to the dead-end you’ll find another Flame Ward item. Head back to the grassy patch on this higher level, and keep heading north. You’ll find another switch here surrounded by columns that will trigger another skit: The Throne’s Defenses Part 2. Hit the switch, you should now have access to the interior of the Throne area.
Head to the large set of stairs, in the center of the area that leads up to the Throne, take either set to go up to a new grassy level, then take the eastern set to find a chest containing a Shell Shredder on the way up. Continue up to reach the top of the Throne. You’ll trigger a scene and a skit up here: The Flames Of Hatred before being able to enter the Throne for another scene. In here you’ll trigger a fight with Artorius but will be unable to do much damage, the fight will end after playing out for a while, and end with another scene.
When you next get control of Velvet you’ll be in the Yvolg Ruins.
Here we will cover the events of the Yvolg Ruins through to the Vesper Tunnels.
The next guide will cover from our entry into the Warg Forest to the completion of Maclir Beach.
Potentites Received: Aspirant’s Ignicite, Guardbreaker’s Ventite, Clairvoyant’s Ventite, Armory Acerite II, Scout’s Ventite, Numbing Glacite, and the Oppressor’s Ventite.