Gaiburk Ice Field
Gaiburk Ice Field Skits
Skits: | Locations: |
Eleanor's Concerns | Automatically |
Arrival In Northgand | Automatically |
Eizen's Rage | Automatically |
Conviction In Contradictions | Automatically |
Through The Frozen Tundra | Available after exiting Hellawes |
Fired Up | Automatically |
Volcanic Mount Killaraus | Available after entering the Gaiburk Ice Field |
Speak to Benwick and select to head towards Hellawes. You’ll trigger a couple of scenes and the following Skits: Eleanor’s Concerns and Arrival In Northgand. Once you regain control of Velvet, you can find a chest on the docks with an Amber Fragment inside. Grab it and speak to the people in the area to learn more about the events in the area.
Once you’re ready, exit to the next area in the west. Head into the Church to have Eleanor confess her sins to the Preist before heading over to the two Abbey members with the (!) above their heads. Speak to them to trigger the Skit: Eizen’s Rage and learn about our next Code Red Hunts location. Leave the Church and head outside to speak with more of the townsfolk. When you get near the Inn, head inside and spend the night to trigger the Skit: Conviction In Contradictions. Afterward, you can finally make your way out of town and into the Fighal Icecaps to trigger the Skit: Through The Frozen Tundra.
Head north straight into the Faldies Ruins. Follow the Ruins down to where we freed Medissa and you’ll encounter our next Code Red Hunt.
Boss Battle: Bison Heddin
Boss: | Bison Heddin |
HP: | 76,512 |
Types: | Undead, Demihuman, and Fiend |
Weakness: | Wind |
Rewards: | Roaring Glacite |
Roaring Glacite
Roaring Glacite | Provides the ability to trigger a random skill which reduces the charge time when guarding, on chaos mode or above. |
Try to equip your characters with Earth-based defensive gear to protect as much as possible from Bison’s attacks. Stay to its side and back to try to interrupt its attacks, other than that this shouldn’t be too tough of a fight.
Once he’s defeated, head back to the main portion of the Faldies Ruins and take all the northern exits until you emerge in the Gaiburk Ice Field for a Skit: Volcanic Mount Killaraus. In this first section of the Ice Fields, you can find a chest in the northwest corner containing 8000 Gald. Grab it and take the north exit.
Head towards the map marker to speak with the Guard outside of the city, you’ll speak to him automatically, ignore the entrance to the city for now and instead head into the western area of the map. Follow the wall south to come upon a chest containing a Mythril Waistcoat, you can also find another chest on the western wall containing 10000 Gald, you can also find the areas Geotree here. Grab them all and then head past the guard and into the city.
Meirchio Skits
Skits: | Locations: |
The Northernmost Town | Automatically |
A Town As Pure As Snow? | Automatically |
Capturing Meirchio | Automatically |
The Types Of Malevolence | Automatically |
To Save The Therions | Automatically |
Each With Their Own Resolve | Automatically |
Thoughts On A Scarlet Night | Automatically |
On entering the town you’ll trigger the Skit: The Northernmost Town. Start by speaking to the townspeople nearby, you’ll learn more about the fate of the Guard who we met at the gate. Continue north in town speaking to people as you go to trigger the next Skit: A Town As Pure As Snow? Between the buildings in roughly the center of town, you’ll find a chest containing a Drop Bottle. Head for the other townspeople at the map markers to learn more about the area. The easternmost couple you speak to will also have a chest containing a Neptune Satchel behind them. Continue towards the last map marker in town to trigger a scene and a quick fight against a regular enemy. Defeat it to trigger another scene and the Skit: Capturing Meirchio.
When you get a chance, turn in our latest Code Red Hunt’s to the NPC in town. From here you’ll need to travel around and speak to the party members, you’ll find Eizen and Benwick to the southwest. Take the exit to the north to find a chest with 10500 Gald inside, and have a scene with Eleanor and Kamoana. You can also find the next Katz Box here.
Head back to the main area of the town and this time take the stairs on the eastern side. In front of you will be a cave, enter it and climb the stairs to the second level of the town. Here you can find a chest with a Topaz Fragment inside as well as the Geotree for the city. You’ll find Rokurou up here as well, approach him for another scene.
Head back down to the ground level and towards the last map marker for a scene with Medissa. After the scenes are all complete and you regain control of Velvet, there will be more people in town to speak with. Up the stairs in front of you is a pirate who will unlock the next Class 4 Administrative Zone for us. Head to the southmost marker to speak with Grim and trigger the Skit: The Types Of Malevolence. Outside of the Inn you’ll find Kamoana and Medissa, speaking to them will trigger the Skit: To Save The Therions. Next, head for the cave that leads to the second level to trigger the Skit: Each With Their Own Resolve before you head through the door here and back out into the Gaiburk Ice Fields.
Head to the center of this area for a brief exchange between the party and then grab the chest to the south containing a Soul Bottle. If you follow the path south you’ll be able to climb a ledge and take an exit to another area. Up here you will find three chests, the first a Mythril Garment, the second a Void Ring, and finally, a Katz Box. Our next Code Red Hunt is also up here.
Boss Battle: Spectral Crystal
Boss: | Spectral Crystal |
HP: | 1,071 |
Types: | Amorphous, Armored, and Fiend |
Weakness: | None |
Rewards: | Lunatic's Ventite |
Lunatic’s Ventite
Lunatic's Ventite | Unlocks all battle difficulties up to "Chaos" in the Options menu. |
This Code Red Hunt has a nasty gimmick, despite it looking like its stats are incredibly low. It will reflect all forms of damage back at the party. There are two ways to deal with this, the first and easiest, is to simply drop the battle difficulty to ‘easy’ which removes its damage resistances. This will allow you to simply pound it into the ground as normal. Or, you’ll need a way to reflect its own damage back at it. To do this you’ll need Rokurou equipped with a Void Ring +5 and Spiked Shoes. Just before one of the creatures attacks lands, you’ll need to activate Rokurou’s Break Souls ability to counter it and damage the creature. Considering how finicky this can be, I recommend the first option, drop the difficulty for this fight, and then get on with the story.
With that done, head back a screen and to the north to trigger the Skit: Thoughts On A Scarlet Night, you can also find a chest containing a Topaz Fragment just before the northern exit.
Mt. Killaraus
Mt. Killaraus Skits
Skits: | Locations: |
Watch Out For The Erupting Volcano | Available upon entering Mt Killaraus |
Before The Final Battle... | Automatically |
Yozakara Anmitsu | Available after the fight with Shigure |
Rokurou's True Feelings | Automatically |
It's Freezing! It's Scorching! | Available after exiting the area where you viewed the Skit: Rokurou's True Feelings |
Changed People | Automatically |
The Exorcists' Shadow | Automatically |
Odds Of Victory | Available in an area past where you viewed the Skit: The Exorcists' Shadow |
The Empyreans Awaken | Automatically |
No Eruption... So Far | Available after the Skit: The Empyrean's Awaken |
Avenging Aifread | Available after the Skit: No Eruption... So Far |
Are You Hungry? | Available after the Skit: Avenging Aifread |
Head to the left of the entrance to Mt Killaraus to find a chest containing a Gloire Des Mousseux Sash, once you enter the entrance to the volcano you’ll also trigger: Watch Out For The Erupting Volcano.
At the first split take the north path to a chest containing an Arcane Bottle. Head back and take the eastern exit from this first area. Continue north and then east in the next area until you come to the large room. Head west out of the room and take the first split north to another chest containing a Drop Bottle. Head south now and continue toward the exit in the east. Along the way, you’ll find another chest, this one containing a Pinion Ring, near the exit you’ll trigger the Skit: Before The Final Battle… Head through the exit and continue forward to face Shigure.
Boss Battle: Shigure
Boss: | Shigure |
HP: | 106,793 |
Types: | Person |
Weakness: | Fire |
Rewards: | N/A |
Two key points for this fight, keeping Roukurou in your active party, and conscious, during the battle will allow him to automatically counter Shigure’s Mystic Arte. This is both very cool, and necessary if you wish to get the Trophy for viewing all of the Mystic Artes in the game. The second point to be aware of is that even though Shigure’s attacks do a ton of damage, most of them can be quite easily sidestepped or blocked, due to him only really striking a small area directly ahead of himself. He has a large combo which even when blocked will result in a ton of damage, so side-step the attacks as much as possible here.
** Be sure to view the Mystic Arte in this battle if you want the Trophy **
Once the fight is over you’ll trigger the Skit: Yozakara Anmitsu, speak with the Cat, Morgrim, and finally examine Stormhowl for another Skit: Rokurou’s True Feelings. Head out the exit on the other side of the area for another scene. Afterward, you can trigger the Skit: It’s Freezing! It’s Scorching!
Follow the path around and take the north split for a chest containing a Mythril Doll before heading back east towards our next Code Red Hunt.
Boss Battle: Titan
Boss: | Titan |
HP: | 37,380 |
Types: | Armored and Fiend |
Weakness: | Non-Elemental |
Rewards: | Juggernaut's Glacite |
Juggernaut’s Glacite
Juggernaut's Glacite | Provides the ability to trigger a random skill which grants the player invincibility for a set time at the start of a battle, on chaos mode or above. |
Titan uses primarily wind-based attacks, to lessen the amount of damage you’ll take try to equip your characters with as much wind resistance as possible. He also has the ability to reflect damage that doesn’t target weaknesses, keep that in mind while choosing which of your Artes to use in the battle. Keep the pressure up and eventually, he will fall.
Just past him, you’ll find our next Katz Box. Continue forward and you’ll trigger the next Skit: Changed People, hop across the lava and continue on the path to come to another chest at the end containing a Soul Bottle. Head back a bit and take the south exit when you’re ready.
In the next area continue east at the fork to grab a chest containing 11500 Gald. Head back and take the north split this time. At the next split, the south route leads to a chest containing a Drop Bottle, head north and you’ll trigger the Skit: The Exorcists’ Shadow. Head to the exit and continue on.
Take the narrow path down to a pair of chests containing Mythril Earrings and Standard Tempering Powder. Head back up and continue on for the next Skit: Odds Of Victory. Follow the next path, past the exit in the east, to a Mythril Talisman in the northwest corner of the next small area. South of here is also the Geotree for the area, grab it while you’re here.
Head back and use your Geoboard to leap the gap to the eastern exit, here you’ll find two chests containing an Elixir and a Soul Bottle. After that, head back a screen and jump the gap once more before taking the southern exit to fight Melchior.
Boss Battle: Demi-Melchior
Boss: | Demi-Melchior |
HP: | 117,888 |
Types: | Person |
Weakness: | Wind |
Rewards: | N/A |
This fight can be tough, he will deal tons of damage from multiple different elements. Because of this, you should prioritize reducing damage from his Gravity Storm attack, this uses Earth and Wind elements. Reduce them as much as possible to try and prevent a team wipe from that spell. Try and stick to attacking his back and sides as much as possible, avoid clumping your characters so that multiple don’t get hit by the same AOE spells. It will be a tough fight, keep at it and you’ll eventually come out on top.
** Melchior also has a missable Mystic Arte that you’ll want to witness if you plan on getting the trophy for viewing them all **
Once the scenes finish after the battle, be sure to trigger the Skits: The Empyreans Awaken, No Eruption… So Far, Avenging Aifread, and Are You Hungry?
Make your way back to Meirchio, we’ll be tackling a bunch of side quests next.
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