Orichalcum Guide
Orichalcum is a Legendary Material found in Final Fantasy XVI (FF16). There are only a few of them available in any one playthrough, and you’ll require at least three to forge the Legendary Weapon, Gotterdammerung. It is a Rarity 5 Crafting Material and can be sold for 2,500 Gil, although this is not recommended.

”There was a time when orichalcum was so abundant that it was used in everything from armor and weapons to coins and cutlery. However, when the Twins’ only orichalcum mine was finally exhausted, the trading price for the noble metal increased tenfold, causing people to hoard what they had, and ultimately making it rarer than even adamantite.”
Final Fantasy XVI In-Game Description
Where to find Orichalcum
Orichalcum Quest Rewards
Orichalcum can be obtained as a Reward for completing two quests in the game. Both are Quests that have 2 separate parts, you’ll need to complete both to obtain the reward.
Duty Undying II
Duty Undying II is a side quest that can be started during the Main Quest “Back to their Origin”. You’ll need to complete Duty Undying I to unlock the second. Completing the Quest will award you 1x Orichalcum.
Under New Management II
Under New Management II is a side quest that can be started during the Main Quest “Back to their Origin”. You’ll need to complete Under New Management I to unlock the second. Completing the Quest will award you 1x Orichalcum.
Orichalcum Hunt Rewards
Orichalcum can be obtained as a reward for completing some of the harder late-game hunts including; Atlas, Svarog, Gorgimera, and the Behemoth King. These are all S-Rank Hunts, so preparation will be key to defeating them.
Atlas – Breaker of Worlds
Nearest Obelisk: Eastpool Obelisk
Rewards for defeating Atlas: 50 Renown and 20,000 Gil.
Atlas Drops: Fallen Iron x1 and Orichalcum x1
Svarog – Ruin Reawakened
Nearest Obelisk: Caer Norvent Glorieuse Gate Obelisk
Rewards for defeating Svarog: 60 Renown and 30,000 Gil.
Svarog Drops: Orichalcum x1, Fallen Enigma x1, Amber x1, Empty Shard x1.
Gorgimera – The Tricephalic Terror
Nearest Obelisk: The Velkroy Desert Obelisk
Rewards for defeating Gorgimera: 50 Renown and 20,000 Gil.
Gorgimera Drops: Orichalcum x1.
Behemoth King – The Masterless Maurader
Nearest Obelisk: Vidargraes Obelisk
Rewards for defeating the Behemoth King: 55 Renown and 20,000 Gil.
Behemoth King Drops: Behemoth Shackle x1 and Orichalcum x1.
How to Use Orichalcum
Weapon Crafting – Gotterdammerung
The Orichalcum Material is part of the requirements needed to forge the ultimate weapon, Gotterdammerung. It requires Orichalcum, Darksteel, and Primitive Battlehorn to forge. All of these are available from late-game hunts.
Belt Crafting – Ouroboros
The Orichalcum Material is part of the requirements needed to forge the powerful armor, Ouroboros. It requires Stone Tongue, Comet Feather, and Orichalcum to forge.
Vambrace Crafting – The Sons of Ouroboros
The Orichalcum Material is part of the requirements needed to forge the powerful armor, The Sons of Ouroboros. It requires Orichalcum, Stained Loincloth, and Morbol Flower to forge.