Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl 100% Pokedex Walkthrough

Welcome to our walkthrough and 100% Pokedex guide to the Pokemon remakes of Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. Here you’ll find the links to each section of the walkthrough, broken up initially by Badges. You can also simply start at the beginning and use this as a guide to 100% complete the game. The videos you’ll find in each of the guide sections were recorded on the Nintendo Switch and will also cover the same elements as the written guide.
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Guides
Poketch Application Locations
Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl Pokedex
Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Legendary Pokemon
Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl 100% Walkthrough Sections:
Each of the below links will take you to that section of our walkthrough. So skip ahead to wherever you’re up to or play along with us from the very beginning.
The Coal Badge
The first section in our 100% playthrough for Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl is covering up to the first Gym Badge, the Coal Badge. We’ll pick our starter Pokemon and begin to build our very first team.
To get there we’ll cover Twinleaf Town, a breakdown of the Starter Pokemon, Sandgem Town, Jubilife City, and finally Oreburgh City and its Gym.
The Forest Badge
The next section in our 100% playthrough for Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl is covering up to the second Gym Badge, the Forest Badge.
We’ll be heading through Floaroma Town, Eterna Forest, Eterna City, and onto obtaining the Forest Badge.