Stick Your Nose Somewhere Else – Monster Hunter World Iceborne

Stick Your Nose Somewhere Else Monster Hunter World Iceborne Optional Quest

Stick Your Nose Somewhere Else Optional Quest Monster Hunter World Iceborne

Stick Your Nose Somewhere Else is our next Master-Rank Optional Quest in Monster Hunter World Iceborne. We’re off to the Wildspire Wastes to hunt a Master-Rank Anjanath.


We’ve got reports coming in from all locations confirming the existence of some unusually tough monster. Head to their location and begin your investigation ASAP.

Client Report Stick Your Nose Somewhere Else – Monster Hunter World Iceborne

You’ve fought Anjanath enough by now there should be no real surprises here. Just be aware that there are both Diablos and Barroth on the map at the same time as Anjanath when this quest starts. Diablos is hiding in his sand hole, so if you manage to fight Anjanath around there make sure to trigger it by hitting one of the Noios (flying wyverns) while Anjanath is over the top of the sandpit. They won’t engage in a Turf war, but it will still do massive damage to Anjanath as well as stunning him for quite a while.

Anjanath is weak to Water, Thunder, and Ice elements, it also has a slight weakness to the Dragon element and completely resists Fire. Its weak points are the head and tail. You can break its head and back legs, you can also sever its tail.

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Anjanath In-Game Weakness Chart – Monster Hunter World Iceborne

Anjanath Master-Rank Carves

Carves from Anjanath at Master-Rank can include; Anjanath Fur, Anjanath Shard, Anjanath Hardfang, Heavy Anjanath Nosebone, Anjanath Gem, and Anjanath Mantle.

  • Low-Rank Anjanath Carves:
    • Anjanath Pelt
    • Anjanath Scale
    • Anjanath Fang (break the head)
    • Anjanath Nosebone
    • Anjanath Plate
    • Anjanath Tail (carved from tail)
  • High-Rank Anjanath Carves:
    • Anjanath Pelt +
    • Anjanath Scale + (break the legs)
    • Anjanath Fang + (break the head)
    • Anjanath Nosebone +
    • Anjanath Gem
  • Master-Rank Anjanath Carves:
    • Anjanath Fur
    • Anjanath Shard (break the legs)
    • Anjanath Hardfang (break the head)
    • Heavy Anjanath Nosebone
    • Anjanath Gem
    • Anjanath Mantle

Anjanath Master-Rank Rewards

Rewards from Master-Rank Quests involving Anjanath can include; Anjanath Fur, Anjanath Shard, Heavy Anjanath Nosebone, Anjanath Lash, Anjanath Gem, and Conflagrant Sac.

  • Low-Rank Anjanath Rewards:
    • Anjanath Pelt
    • Anjanath Scale
    • Anjanath Nosebone
    • Anjanath Tail
    • Anjanath Plate
    • Monster Bone L
    • Flame Sac
  • High-Rank Anjanath Rewards:
    • Anjanath Pelt +
    • Anjanath Scale +
    • Anjanath Nosebone +
    • Monster Keenbone
    • Inferno Sac
    • Anjanath Gem
  • Master-Rank Anjanath Rewards:
    • Anjanath Fur
    • Anjanath Shard
    • Heavy Anjanath Nosebone
    • Anjanath Lash
    • Anjanath Gem
    • Conflagrant Sac

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