Synthesis Guide
Opening the Synthesis Shop
To open and use the Synthesis shop in Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix you’ll need to have completed Agrabah and gained the Green Trinity ability.
After completing Agrabah, head to Traverse Town. Here inside the Item Shop, you’ll find a Green Trinity on the floor by the table in the center of the room. Activate the Green Trinity to lower a ladder to the Second Floor of the Item Shop.
Up here you’ll find several Moogles have opened a Synthesis Shop. The materials that you gather from enemies as you progress through the game can be turned in here and synthesized into other items.
Completing all of the Synthesis Recipes is also needed for unlocking several Trophies for the game. Including; First Synthesis, Synthesis Novice, Synthesis Amateur, Synthesis Vet, Synthesis Master, Blade Master, Master Magician, and Master Defender.
Best Abilities for Synthesis Farming
Gathering the required materials for the Synthesis Shop can be a real grind. To make things a little easier you’re going to want to consider the following abilities for your party; Encounter Plus and Lucky Strike.
How to get the Encounter Plus Ability
Encounter Plus is granted by the Moogles in the Synthesis Shop. This is a reward for completing 15 of the Synthesis items. Try to focus on the early and easier-to-make items to get this as fast as you can.
Encounter Plus can be equipped for 1 AP. It allows the Heartless in an area to respawn after you go one ‘zone’ away instead of the usual two. This will greatly speed up your gathering, as you can now simply leave an area and come back in for the enemies to have respawned.
How to get the Lucky Strike Ability
Lucky Strike is an ability that costs 2 AP to equip in Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix. It is obtained by leveling your characters and boosts the Drop Chance % of items from enemy Heartless. Each party member that equips the skill boosts the chances further. With all three party members equipped with Lucky Strike, the chance of an enemy dropping an item is boosted by 2.5 times. This means a 4% drop would become a 10% chance of the item dropping.
Lucky Strike is learned at different levels, for Sora, depending on which of the weapons he picked at the start of the game. If he picked the Dream Shield then Sora will learn Lucky Strike at level 24. If he picked the Dream Rod then he will learn it at level 48, and if he picked the Dream Sword then it is level 90.
Donald learns Lucky Strike at level 44, and Goofy learns Lucky Strike at level 24.
Remember to equip it to the entire party to maximize the effect.
Complete Materials List
Here is a complete list of all the required materials along with the amounts to gather as you progress through the game. If you start grinding for a particular material, make sure to grab the amount listed here. This will allow you to gather enough of the item to synthesize one of each of the Synthesis Shops Recipes, saving you quite a lot of time, traveling back and forwards to farm more for later items.
List and quantities of all the Shard Materials needed for Synthesis in Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final MixQuantity: | Material: |
12 | Blaze Shard |
10 | Frost Shard |
12 | Thunder Shard |
13 | Bright Shard |
35 | Lucid Shard |
12 | Mythril Shard |
13 | Power Shard |
13 | Spirit Shard |
List and quantities of all the Gem Materials needed for Synthesis in Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final MixQuantity: | Material: |
10 | Blaze Gem |
10 | Frost Gem |
15 | Thunder Gem |
8 | Bright Gem |
13 | Lucid Gem |
7 | Power Gem |
7 | Spirit Gem |
List and quantities of all the Crystal Materials needed for Synthesis in Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final MixQuantity: | Material: |
4 | Bright Crystal |
9 | Lucid Crystal |
3 | Power Crystal |
3 | Shiny Crystal |
List and quantities of all the Stone Materials needed for Synthesis in Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final MixQuantity: | Material: |
7 | Blazing Stone |
7 | Frost Stone |
5 | Lightning Stone |
6 | Dazzling Stone |
6 | Energy Stone |
5 | Fury Stone |
8 | Mythril Stone |
5 | Power Stone |
4 | Stormy Stone |
List and quantities of all the Other Materials needed for Synthesis in Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final MixQuantity: | Material: |
14 | Dark Matter |
6 | Gale |
14 | Mystery Goo |
13 | Mythril |
19 | Orichalcum |
7 | Serenity Power |
Synthesis Lists
As you Synthesize more of the items on offer you’ll unlock recipes. To trigger this you’ll need to exit the Synthesis menu and speak to the Moogle again. When you first enter you’ll have access to only the first list of items below, continue to Synthesize new items to unlock the further lists of items.
Unlocking the Fourth Set of Synthesis Items will also trigger the Moogles to grant Sora the Encounter Plus ability. This ability makes farming items easier, usually, you’re required to go 2 screens away from an area to respawn its Heartless. Once you equip Encounter Plus the Heartless will respawn every time you re-enter an area. Try to make obtaining this ability an early priority, as it will greatly reduce the time to farm the materials needed for the rest of the Synthesis Recipes.
Synthesis Set 1: Items 1-6
Item Number: | Synthesis Item: | Description | Materials: |
1. | Mega-Potion | Restores 30 HP to each party member and can be equipped to a character. | 1x Spirit Shard 1x Power Shard 1x Mythril Shard |
2. | Cottage | Restores the party's HP and MP, menu only item. | 1x Lucid Shard 1x Bright Shard |
3. | Energy Bangle | Accessory (+3 HP and +1 Def) | 2x Spirit Shard 1x Bright Shard |
4. | Power Chain | Accessory (+1 Str) | 2x Power Shard 1x Lucid Shard |
5. | Magic Armlet | Accessory (+1 MP, boosts magic and summoning power) | 3x Blaze Shards 3x Frost Shards 3x Thunder Shards |
6. | EXP Earring | When equipped boosts EXP gained | 1x Fury Stone 1x Power Stone 1x Mythril Stone 1x Serenity Power 3x Bright Shard |
Synthesis Set 2: Items 7-12
You can unlock the second group of Synthesis Items once you have successfully completed three of the items from the first list.
Item Number: | Synthesis Item: | Description | Materials: |
7. | Mega-Ether | Restores 3 MP to each party member, can be equipped to a character. | 1x Blaze Shard 1x Frost Shard 1x Thunder Shard 2x Mythril |
8. | Guard Earring | Accessory (+3 AP, +1 Def) | 3x Bright Shard 1x Frost Shard 1x Mythril Shard |
9. | Angel Bangle | Accessory (+6 HP, +2 Def) | 3x Thunder Shard 1x Bright Gem |
10. | Golem Chain | Accessory (+3 Str, +1 Def) | 3x Blaze Shard 1x Spirit Gem |
11. | Rune Armlet | Accessory (+1 MP, +1 Def, Boosts Magic and Summoning Power.) | 3x Blaze Gem 3x Frost Gem 3x Thunder Gem |
12. | Moogle Badge | Accessory (+6 HP, +1 MP, +2 AP, Boosts Magic and Summoning Power.) | 1x Blazing Stone 1x Frost Stone 1x Lightning Stone 5x Mythril 3x Orichalcum |
Synthesis Set 3: Items 13-18
The third group of Synthesis Items is unlocked once you have made 9 items total from any that you’ve unlocked so far.
Item Number: | Synthesis Item: | Description | Materials: |
13. | AP Up | +1 AP when used on a Character. | 2x Blaze Gem 2x Frost Gem 2x Thunder Gem 4x Mythril |
14. | Dark Ring | Accessory (+3 Def and +20% Dark Resistance.) | 2x Lucid Gem 2x Bright Gem |
15. | Master Earring | Accessory (+4 AP and +2 Def) | 5x Spirit Shard 3x Spirit Gem 1x Fury Stone |
16. | Gaia Bangle | Accessory (+9 HP and +3 Def) | 5x Lucid Shard 3x Lucid Gem 1x Lightning Stone |
17. | Titan Chain | Accessory (+4 Str and +2 Def) | 5x Power Shard 3x Power Gem 1x Power Stone |
18. | Mythril | Synthesis Material | 5x Mythril Shard 1x Mythril Stone 1x Mystery Goo |
Synthesis Set 4: Items 19-24
The fourth group unlocks after a total of 15 items have been Synthesized.
Item Number: | Synthesis Item: | Description | Materials: |
19. | Elixir | Fully Restores a character's HP and MP and can be equipped to a character. | 1x Power Crystal 1x Shiny Crystal 2x Bright Crystal 3x Orichalcum |
20. | Defense Up | +1 Def when used on a character. | 3x Lucid Shard 3x Bright Shard 2x Bright Gem 1x Power Crystal 5x Orichalcum |
21. | Heartguard | Accessory (+3 HP, +1 MP, +2 Def, and +20% Dark Resistance.) | 3x Lucid Gem 1x Lucid Crystal 1x Bright Crystal |
22. | Three Stars | Accessory (+3 Def, +20% Fire Resistance, +20% Blizzard Resistance, +20% Thunder Resistance.) | 5x Power Gem 3x Mystery Goo 1x Shiny Crystal |
23. | Atlas Armlet | Accessory (+2 MP and +2 Def.) | 5x Blaze Shard 5x Frost Shard 5x Thunder Shard 1x Mystery Goo 3x Dark Matter |
24. | Crystal Crown | Accessory (+6 HP, +1 MP, +3 AP, +2 Str, +2 Def, and Boosts Magic and Summoning Power.) | 5x Lucid Crystal 1x Power Crystal 1x Shiny Crystal 3x Blazing Stone 3x Frost Stone |
Synthesis Set 5: Items 25-30
The fifth group unlocks after a total of 21 unique items have been Synthesized.
Item Number: | Synthesis Item: | Description | Materials: |
25. | Dark Matter | Synthesis Material | 9x Lucid Shard 1x Gale 2x Mythril |
26. | Megalixir | Fully restores the parties HP and MP and can be equipped to a character. | 5x Lucid Gem 3x Lucid Crystal 2x Gale 1x Dark Matter |
27. | Power Up | +1 Str when used on a character. | 5x Spirit Shard 3x Spirit Gem 5x Power Shard 3x Power Gem 1x Dark Matter |
28. | Cosmic Arts | Accessory (+9 HP, +2 MP, +2 AP, Boosts Magic and Summoning Power.) | 5x Bright Shard 3x Bright Gem 1x Bright Crystal 3x Mythril Stone |
29. | EXP Bracelet | Accessory (Boosts EXP gained by 30%, -2 Str, and -2 Def.) | 1x Energy Stone 1x Dazzling Stone 1x Stormy Stone 8x Orichalcum 3x Dark Matter |
30. | Ribbon | Accessory (+6 HP, +1 MP, +3 AP, +2 Str, +2 Def, Boosts Magic and Summoning Power.) | 5x Blaze Gem 5x Frost Gem 5x Thunder Gem 1x Gale 3x Serenity Power |
Synthesis Set 6: Items 31-33
The sixth group unlocks after you’ve Synthesized all of the prior items.
Item Number: | Synthesis Item: | Description | Materials: |
31. | Seven Elements | Shield for Goofy (+4 Str and +3 MP.) | 3x Blazing Stone 3x Frost Stone 3x Lightning Stone 5x Dazzling Stone |
32. | Fantasia | Staff for Donald (+3 Str and +3 MP) | 3x Fury Stone 3x Power Stone 3x Mythril Stone 5x Energy Stone |
33. | Ultima Weapon | Keyblade for Sora (+14 Str, +2 MP, 2x Critical Rate, and +2 Critical Bonus.) | 5x Thunder Gem 5x Mystery Goo 3x Serenity Power 3x Stormy Stone 3x Dark Matter |
Synthesis Material Locations
Blaze Shard
Total Amount Required: 12
Red Nocturnes are the easiest way to farm the 12 Blaze Shards you’ll need for Synthesis. They are found in most worlds and have a 6% chance to drop the shards.
Material: | Enemy: | Drop Chance: | Where to find: |
Blaze Shard | Red Nocturne | 6% | Traverse Town Wonderland Agrabah Hollow Bastion |
Blaze Shard | White Mushroom (Cast Fire when it shivers) | 100% (if Fire is the third spell cast) | Red Room - Traverse Town Lotus Forest - Wonderland Tree House and Camp - Deep Jungle Treasure Room - Agrabah Graveyard - Halloween Town Undersea Cave and Sunken Ship - Atlantica Linked Worlds - End of the World |
Bright Shard
Total Amount Required: 13
The easiest way to farm these is by defeating the Green Requiem enemies. You can farm them easily in the Cliff area in Deep Jungle. Head up to one of the higher platforms to spawn the Heartless and then head back to camp and return to force a respawn. Continue doing this until you have all 13 that you need.
Material: | Enemy: | Drop Chance: | Where to find: |
Bright Shard | Green Requiem | 10% | Traverse Town Deep Jungle Agrabah Monstro Hollow Bastion |
Bright Shard | White Mushroom (Cast Cure when it falls over) | 100% (if Cure is the third spell cast) | Tree House and Camp - Deep Jungle Linked Worlds - End of the World |
Frost Shard
Total Amount Required: 10
Defeating Blue Rhapsody is the easiest way to collect Frost Shards. You can find them across many different worlds, making it a relatively easy material to farm.
Material: | Enemy: | Drop Chance: | Where to find: |
Frost Shard | Blue Rhapsody | 12% | Traverse Town Wonderland Monstro Hollow Bastion |
Frost Shard | White Mushroom (Cast Blizzard when it bends down and fans itself) | 100% if Blizzard is the third spell used. | Red Room - Traverse Town Lotus Forest - Wonderland Tree House and Camp - Deep Jungle Treasure Room - Agrabah Graveyard - Halloween Town Undersea Cave and Sunken Ship - Atlantica Linked Worlds - End of the World |
Lucid Shard
Total Amount Required: 19 (You will need an extra 27 to create 3 more Dark Matter to complete the Ultima Weapon as well, for a total of 46.)
Shadow Heartless drop the Lucid Shards you need and can be found across every world. Gigas Shadows in Wonderland also have a chance to drop the Lucid Shards, and spawn after several waves of regular Shadow Heartless, making that an efficient way to farm these.
Material: | Enemy: | Drop Chance: | Where to find: |
Lucid Shard | Shadow | 3% | Every World |
Lucid Shard | Gigas Shadow | 10%-100% Defeating all 7 will yield at least 3 Lucid Shards. | Wonderland |
Lucid Shard | White Mushroom (Cast Gravity when it floats into the air) | 100% if Gravity is the third spell used. | Treasure Room - Agrabah Linked Worlds - End of the World |
Mythril Shard
Total Amount Required: 12
These are found in numerous chests scattered throughout the game:
- Traverse Town
- Reward for rescuing 42 Dalmatian Puppies.
- Reward for delivering second postcard.
- Chest in Accessory Shop.
- Chest in Synthesis Shop.
- Chest in Second District.
- Wonderland
- Examine the book in the Bizarre Room.
- Examine the Plant in the Bizarre Room.
- Green Trinity Chest in Bizarre Room.
- Reward for giving Elixir to the Flower in the Lotus Forest.
- Olympus Coliseum
- Solo Phil Cup Reward.
- Blue Trinity at Coliseum Gates.
- Deep Jungle
- Chest in Janes Tent.
- Green Trinity Reward at Treetop area.
- Chest in Waterfall Cavern.
- Chest in Cliffs area.
- Agrabah
- Red Trinity Reward in Treasure Room.
- Chest in Cave of Wonders: Hall area.
- Monstro
- Blue Trinity Reward in Throat.
- Green Trinity Reward in Mouth.
- Atlantica
- Red Clam in Undersea Valley area, Cast Fire to open the Clam.
- Blue Clam in Undersea Gorge area, Cast Blizzard to open the Clam.
- Yellow Clam in Triton’s Palace, Cast Thunder to open the Clam.
- Chest in Sunken Ship area.
- Chest in Below Deck area of Sunken Ship.
- Halloween Town
- Red Trinity Reward in Oogies Manor area.
- Neverland
- Chest when Clock Tower reaches 3:00
- Chest when Clock Tower reaches 11:00
- 100 Acre Woods
- Complete Rabbit’s House Story.
- Reward for delivery of third Rare Nut to Owl.
- Chest in Meadow.
- Chest in Bouncing Spot.
Agrabah is also a great location to farm these, as they are dropped by both Pot Spider and Barrel Spider.
Material: | Enemy: | Drop Chance: | Where to find: |
Mythril Shard | Pot Spider | 1% | Agrabah |
Mythril Shard | Barrel Spider | 1% | Monstro Neverland |
Power Shard
Total Amount Required: 13
These are primarily dropped by Powerwilds and Bouncywilds. Head over to Deep Jungle to find both of these Heartless.
Material: | Enemy: | Drop Chance: | Where to find: |
Power Shard | Powerwild | 4% | Deep Jungle |
Power Shard | Bouncywild | 8% | Deep Jungle |
Spirit Shard
Total Amount Required: 13
Spirit Shards are dropped by Soldier and Large Body Heartless, they appear in most worlds alongside other Heartless.
Material: | Enemy: | Drop Chance: | Where to find: |
Spirit Shard | Soldier | 6% | Traverse Town Wonderland Agrabah Monstro Hollow Bastion |
Spirit Shard | Large Body | 10% | Wonderland Agrabah Monstro Hollow Bastion |
Thunder Shard
Total Amount Required: 12
Thunder Shards are easily found and farmed from Yellow Opera Heartless. These also appear in just about every world, making it something you can pick up while farming other materials.
Material: | Enemy: | Drop Chance: | Where to find: |
Thunder Shard | Yellow Opera | 6% | Traverse Town Wonderland Agrabah Monstro Neverland Hollow Bastion End of the World |
Thunder Shard | White Mushroom (Cast Thunder when a light appears above the Mushroom.) | 100% If Thunder is the third spell used. | Red Room - Traverse Town Lotus Forest - Wonderland Tree House and Camp - Deep Jungle Treasure Room - Agrabah Graveyard - Halloween Town Undersea Cave and Sunken Ship - Atlantica Linked Worlds - End of the World |
Blaze Gem
Total Amount Required: 10
Blaze Gems are dropped by Bandits and Fat Bandits, making Agrabah’s Cave of Wonders an excellent farming option for these materials.
Material: | Enemy: | Drop Chance: | Where to find: |
Blaze Gem | Bandit | 4% | Agrabah Monstro End of the World |
Blaze Gem | Fat Bandit | 8% | Agrabah Monstro End of the World |
Blaze Gem | White Mushroom (Cast Fire when the Mushroom shivers.) | 10% Chance if fire is used all three times. | All Locations. |
Bright Gem
Total Amount Required: 8
The easiest location to farm these are from the Search Ghosts in Halloween Town.
Material: | Enemy: | Drop Chance: | Where to find: |
Bright Gem | Search Ghost | 4% | Traverse Town Monstro Atlantica Halloween Town End of the World |
Bright Gem | White Mushroom (Cast Cure on them when they fall to the ground.) | 10% If Cure is cast all three times. | Tree House and Camp - Deep Jungle |
Frost Gem
Total Amount Required: 10
Farm Frost Gems in Atlantica from the Sea Neon and Sheltering Zone Heartless.
Material: | Enemy: | Drop Chance: | Where to find: |
Frost Gem | Sea Neon | 2% | Atlantica |
Frost Gem | Sheltering Zone | 8% - Must be defeated by Magic or a Critical Hit, otherwise it splits and will not drop anything. | Atlantica |
Frost Gem | White Mushroom (Cast Blizzard when it fans itself.) | 10% if Blizzard is used all three times. | All Locations. |
Lucid Gem
Total Amount Required: 13
Head to Halloween Town to farm these from Wight Knights and Gargoyles.
Material: | Enemy: | Drop Chance: | Where to find: |
Lucid Gem | Wight Knight | 2% | Halloween Town |
Lucid Gem | Gargoyle | 2% | Halloween Town |
Lucid Gem | White Mushroom (Cast Gravity when it floats into the air.) | 10% if Gravity is used all three times. | Treasure Room - Agrabah |
Power Gem
Total Amount Required: 7
Head over to Neverland to farm Power Gems from Pirates and Air Pirates.
Material: | Enemy: | Drop Chance: | Where to find: |
Power Gem | Pirate | 4% | Monstro Neverland |
Power Gem | Air Pirate | 4% | Monstro Neverland |
Power Gem | Battleship | 4% - Drop from main body. 8% - Drop from Cannons, Mast, or Stern. | Neverland |
Power Gem | White Mushroom (Cast Stop when it freezes in place.) | 10% if Stop is used all three times. | Undersea Cave and Sunken Ship - Atlantica |
Spirit Gem
Total Amount Required: 7
Spirit Gems drop from Air Soldier Heartless. These Heartless appear in most worlds and you’ll likely collect all of these that you need while you’re out collecting other materials.
Material: | Enemy: | Drop Chance: | Where to find: |
Spirit Gem | Air Soldier | 4% | Traverse Town Wonderland Agrabah Monstro Hollow Bastion End of the World |
Spirit Gem | White Mushroom (Cast Aero on it when it spins around.) | 10% If Aero is cast all three times. | Graveyard - Halloween Town |
Thunder Gem
Total Amount Required: 15
Head over to Atlantica and farm these from Screwdiver and Aqua Tank Heartless.
Material: | Enemy: | Drop Chance: | Where to find: |
Thunder Gem | Screwdiver | 4% | Atlantica |
Thunder Gem | Aqua Tank | 8% | Atlantica |
Thunder Gem | White Mushroom (Cast Thunder on it when a light appears above its head.) | 10% If Thunder is used all three times. | All locations |
Bright Crystal
Total Amount Required: 4
After the events in Hollow Bastion, Defenders become much easier to find. The Third District in Traverse Town or the Gizmo Shop are some of the easiest spots to farm for their Bright Crystal drops.
Material: | Enemy: | Drop Chance: | Where to find: |
Bright Crystal | Defender | 2% | Traverse Town Wonderland Hollow Bastion End of the World |
Lucid Crystal
Total Amount Required: 9
Lucid Crystals are dropped by Darkball’s which after the events in Hollow Bastion appear in most worlds. You’ll find large amounts of them in the Third District of Traverse Town and the Gizmo Shop.
Material: | Enemy: | Drop Chance: | Where to find: |
Lucid Crystal | Darkball | 1% | Traverse Town Wonderland Deep Jungle Agrabah Monstro Atlantica Halloween Town Neverland Hollow Bastion End of the World |
Power Crystal
Total Amount Required: 3
You can obtain Power Crystals from Wyvern Heartless. After the events at Hollow Bastion, these Heartless will begin spawning in most worlds. One of the easier places to farm them is at the entrance to the Second District in Traverse Town.
Material: | Enemy: | Drop Chance: | Where to find: |
Power Crystal | Wyvern | 2% | Traverse Town Deep Jungle Agrabah Hollow Bastion End of the World |
Shiny Crystal
Total Amount Required: 3
Obtained from the Wizard Heartless, these will also appear in most worlds after Hollow Bastion.
Material: | Enemy: | Drop Chance: | Where to find: |
Shiny Crystal | Wizard | 2% | Traverse Town Wonderland Deep Jungle Agrabah Halloween Town Hollow Bastion End of the World |
Blazing Stone
Total Amount Required: 7
This is a new material introduced in Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix. They drop from a new unique Heartless in Halloween Town. Before attempting to farm these, make sure you have the Aerora or Aeroga spell, as both of these will make the fight significantly easier.
Head to the location in Halloween Town where Oogie’s Manor used to be, on a rock towards the middle of the arena you’ll spawn the new Heartless called the Chimera. Cast Aeroga on yourself and attack it until it slumps over. Once it slumps over, it will release multiple colored balls that will bounce around it. You need to hit the balls back into the Chimera to damage it, if you have Aerora or Aeroga active, then the spell will take care of this for you. Once all the balls have returned to the Chimera the process starts over again, simply follow the pattern until it is defeated to gain 1-3 of the Blazing Stones for your trouble.
Material: | Enemy: | Drop Chance: | Where to find: |
Blazing Stones | Chimera | 35% | Halloween Town |
Dazzling Stone
Total Amount Required: 6
This new material is found from the unique Heartless on the Deck of the Pirate Ship in Neverland, called the Jet Balloon.
This Heartless can be tricky to fight, you’ll need ideally both Aeroga and Stopga for this fight. The Jet Balloon will run away if approached by Sora if he is flying. You can try to approach by walking on the deck below the Jet Balloon and then coming up underneath it. It is incredibly quick to run away and fire missiles at Sora though.
The best strategy is to cast Aeroga on yourself, this will help deflect its missile attacks while casting Stopga on the Jet Balloon to allow you to approach it and use a combo. You’ll need to keep reapplying Stop until it is defeated. Make sure you defeat it over the Ship instead of the water, as any items that fall into the water cannot be collected.
Material: | Enemy: | Drop Chance: | Where to find: |
Dazzling Stone | Jet Balloon | 100% | Neverland |
Energy Stone
Total Amount Required: 6
You can find Energy Stones by defeating the new unique Heartless in Hollow Bastion, the Stealth Soldier. The easiest place to find and farm them is in the Entrance Hall area of Hollow Bastion.
You’ll know that Stealth Soldiers have spawned (since they start off invisible) if only one Large Body Heartless spawns in the Entrance Hall. Make liberal use of the Stop spell to hold them in place while you beat them down, Aeroga can also help to reduce the damage that they inflict as well. Be warned that three Stealth Soldiers can spawn at a time in the Entrance Hall area.
Once they take enough damage they will become visible, if you take too long to defeat them they will leave the area.
Material: | Enemy: | Drop Chance: | Where to find: |
Energy Stone | Stealth Soldier | 35% | Hollow Bastion |
Frost Stone
Total Amount Required: 7
Frost Stones are obtained from the unique Heartless in Monstro’s Stomach area, called the Grand Ghost.
Bring a large supply of Megalixir’s with you for this battle, as the Grand Ghost cannot be hurt by regular means, and instead must be defeated by having Sora throw healing items on it.
Move close enough to the Heartless that you can select it as a target and throw a Megalixir at it to defeat it in one hit. This also guarantee’s a 100% drop of 1x Frost Stone. Repeat as needed.
Material: | Enemy: | Drop Chance: | Where to find: |
Frost Stone | Grand Ghost | 100% if killed by a Megalixir | Monstro |
Fury Stone
Total Amount Needed: 5
You’ll be able to obtain these from the unique Heartless in Wonderland, called the Gigas Shadow.
These Heartless will disappear if they manage to hit Sora, you need to defeat them without being struck. Aeroga combined with long-range attacks like Strike Raid or Blizzard magic are a great strategy to deal with them. You can also use Dumbo to eliminate them, as they cannot reach you while riding Dumbo.
Material: | Enemy: | Drop Chance: | Where to find: |
Fury Stone | Gigas Shadow | % increases for each Gigas Shadow defeated to a max of 100% for all 7. | Wonderland |
Lightning Stone
Total Amount Needed: 5
Lightning Stones are dropped by the unique Heartless in Deep Jungle, the Black Ballade.
Head into the Thicket area to find a Heartless that will split itself in 5. It will then ‘shuffle’ the 5 copies of itself and make you guess which is the original. As it is shuffling you can spam the START button on your controller to effectively watch the shuffle in slow motion. This gives you a much better chance of following the movement and guessing the correct Heartless.
Material: | Enemy: | Drop Chance: | Where to find: |
Lightning Stone | Black Ballade | 10% chance for a correct guess the first three times. 100% for the fourth correct guess. | Deep Jungle |
Mythril Stone
Total Amount Required: 8
Mythril Stones are found from Agrabah’s unique Heartless the Pot Scorpion. Head into the Palace Gates area and you’ll find it full of pots. One of these pots contains the Heartless, you can tell which by trying to push them with Sora. Run up against the pots and if moves then it does not contain the Heartless and you should smash it. Continue until only one pot remains, and you cannot move the pot by running into it.
Attack the remaining pot to reveal the Pot Scorpion. The Pot Scorpion can only be damaged when it is flipped onto its back, by one of its attacks being guarded against. You can trivialize this fight if you wait until you have Aeroga, or you can use Sora’s Guard ability to deflect its claw attacks and flip it onto its back before unleashing a combo.
Material: | Enemy: | Drop Chance: | Where to find: |
Mythril Stone | Pot Scorpion | 35% if you break all the other pots before engaging the Scorpion. 20% if you don't break the other pots. | Agrabah |
Power Stones
Total Amount Required: 5
Power Stones are dropped by Traverse Town’s unique Heartless the Sniperwild. When you head into the Second District sometimes the enemies will not spawn and instead, you’ll see a monkey in the lower area, this is the Sniperwild. If it sees you, it will begin to shoot homing projectiles at you, it will also sound an alarm calling its friends to do the same. Before long Sora will be overwhelmed and you’ll either need to leave the area, or you’ll faint.
The trick here is to use the Stop spell, preferably Stopra or Stopga, hit the Sniperwild with Stop to freeze it, and unleash a combo or two on it while it is stopped. Once the first is defeated, two more will spawn in the area, you need to be quick and freeze them as well before taking them out. After the two are taken out then three will spawn. Between waves, you may want to create some distance between yourself and where the Sniperwilds spawn so you can wait for some to wander away from the group to make it easier to pick them off.
They will continue to repeat this spawn pattern of 1-2-3 and then back to 1 again until you have defeated 30 total. Each Sniperwild you defeat increases your chance of obtaining a Power Stone.
Material: | Enemy: | Drop Chance: | Where to find: |
Power Stone | Sniperwild | 35%-100% increasing as you defeat more of them. | Traverse Town |
Stormy Stone
Total Amount Required: 4
Stormy Stones are dropped by the unique Heartless at the End of the World, called Neoshadows. Right at the end of the Linked Worlds area, you can fight a wave of Neoshadows. As you defeat the Neoshadows their tactics will change until there is only one left, at this point, it will begin to try and summon more Neoshadows. Defeat these Heartless as quickly as possible and avoid a long drawn-out fight.
Material: | Enemy: | Drop Chance: | Where to find: |
Stormy Stone | Neoshadow | 35% | End of the World |
Other Materials
Dark Matter
Total Amount Required: 14
11 Total Dark Matter can be found in chests throughout the game. You’ll need to Synthesize the last 3. The total amount of materials needed for each of the items on this page includes the extra you will require for Synthesizing the 3 extra Dark Matter.
You can find chests containing Dark Matter at the following locations:
- Wonderland – Tea Party Garden in a chest, accessible through the secret passage in the room with the Door Knob, behind the large Clock.
- Olympus Coliseum – Win the Time Trial Mode for Pegasus Cup.
- Deep Jungle – Reward for completing the Third level of the Jungle Slider mini-game.
- Agrabah – Chest in the Main Street area.
- Monstro – White Trinity Chest in Chamber 6
- 100 Acre Woods – Chest in the Bouncing Spot.
- Halloween Town – Chest found in the Graveyard.
- Neverland – Yellow Trinity Chest in the Hold area.
- Hollow Bastion – Chest in the Waterway area.
- Hollow Bastion – Chest in the Great Hall.
- End of the World – Chest found in Giant Crevasse area.
Total Amount Required: 6
Gales will drop from both Angel Star and Invisible Heartless, both are found in the End of the World.
Material: | Enemy: | Drop Chance: | Where to find: |
Gale | Angel Star | 4% | End of the World |
Gale | Invisible | 4% | End of the World |
Mystery Goo
Total Amount Required: 10
Mystery Goo is a drop from the White Mushrooms. You’ll find these Heartless in most worlds, they play a game of Charades with Sora. If you can guess the magic they want you to use on them then they will reward you. Guess correctly three times to receive the best rewards, which can include Mystery Goo. If you use the wrong magic or make them wait too long they will disappear.
The chart here shows which spells they will ask for in each given world.
World: | Spells: | ||||||
Traverse Town | Fire | Blizzard | Thunder | ||||
Wonderland | Fire | Blizzard | Thunder | ||||
Deep Jungle | Fire | Blizzard | Thunder | Cure | |||
Agrabah | Fire | Blizzard | Thunder | Gravity | |||
Atlantica | Fire | Blizzard | Thunder | Stop | |||
Halloween Town | Fire | Blizzard | Thunder | Aero | |||
End of the World | Fire | Blizzard | Thunder | Cure | Aero | Gravity | Stop |
Here is a description of the Charades that the White Mushrooms will perform, as well as the corresponding Magic they require.
Charade: | Magic: |
Shivering | Fire |
Fanning itself | Blizzard |
Light appears above | Thunder |
Falls to the ground | Cure |
Spinning | Aero |
Floating | Gravity |
Stopped | Stop |
If you use a different spell for each Charade that a White Mushroom performs then whatever the third spell was will be what your rewards are based on.
Last Spell: | Rewards: |
Fire | 100% Blaze Shard 10% Mystery Goo |
Blizzard | 100% Frost Shard 10% Mystery Goo |
Thunder | 100% Thunder Shard 10% Mystery Goo |
Cure | 100% Bright Shard 10% Mystery Goo |
Gravity | 100% Lucid Shard 10% Mystery Goo |
Stop | 100% Power Shard 10% Mystery Goo |
Aero | 100% Spirit Shard 10% Mystery Goo |
If you can manage to wait it out and get the same Charade three times, then your rewards become much better.
All Three Spells: | Rewards: |
Fire | 100% Fire Arts 20% Mystery Goo 10% Blaze Gem |
Blizzard | 100% Blizzard Arts 20% Mystery Goo 10% Frost Gem |
Thunder | 100% Thunder Arts 20% Mystery Goo 10% Thunder Gem |
Cure | 100% Cure Arts 20% Mystery Goo 10% Bright Gem |
Gravity | 100% Gravity Arts 20% Mystery Goo 10% Lucid Gem |
Stop | 100% Stop Arts 20% Mystery Goo 10% Power Gem |
Aero | 100% Aero Arts 20% Mystery Goo 10% Spirit Gem |
Total Amount Required: 13
These are no longer rewarded as Drops from enemies, instead, they are available from chests scattered throughout the game.
- Traverse Town
- Reward for delivery of 5th Postcard.
- Reward for Rescuing 51 Dalmatian Puppies.
- Chest in Green Room.
- Wonderland
- Chest in Tea Party Garden
- Olympus Coliseum
- Green Trinity Reward at Coliseum Gates.
- Reward for completing Pegasus Cup Solo.
- Deep Jungle
- Chest in Tree House.
- Chest in Jungle: Vines
- Chest in Waterfall Cavern
- Agrabah
- Chest in Main Street.
- Chest in Relic Chamber.
- Monstro
- Chest in Chamber 5.
- Chest in Chamber 6.
- Atlantica
- Clam in Undersea Valley.
- Clam in Below Deck area of Sunken Ship.
- Chest in Ursula’s Lair.
- Neverland
- Chest when Clock Tower reaches 6:00.
- Hollow Bastion
- Red Crystal at the Lift Stop.
- Chest in Library.
- 100 Acre Woods
- Complete Bouncing Spot, Torn Page becomes reward.
- Cast Fire on the Campfire infront of Pooh’s House.
- Inside a breakable Log in the Bouncing Spot.
Total Amount Required: 19
These are available from Chests throughout the game, and also for purchase from the Item Shop in Traverse Town, after the events in Hollow Bastion. That’s the Item Shop run by Donald’s Nephews, who sell the material for 5,000 Munny.
Chests containing Orichalcum:
- Traverse Town
- Reward for Rescuing 72 Dalmatian Puppies.
- Reward for delivery of 8th Postcard.
- White Trinity Reward in Secret Waterway.
- Wonderland
- Chest in the Lotus Forest.
- Olympus Coliseum
- Reward for completing Hercules Cup Solo.
- Examine Pot at the Gates after winning Hades Cup.
- Deep Jungle
- Complete the first two courses of the Jungle Slider.
- Chest in Waterfall Cavern.
- White Trinity Reward in Cavern of Hearts, inside the Waterfall Cavern.
- Atlantica
- White Trinity Reward in Triton’s Palace.
- Chest in Undersea Gorge.
- Neverland
- Yellow Trinity Reward in Ship’s Hold.
- Clock Tower Chest at 1:00.
- Clock Tower Chest at 9:00.
- Hollow Bastion
- Chest in the Lift Stop.
- Chest in Castle Gates.
- Chest at the Great Crest.
- 100 Acre Woods
- Complete Muddy Path, Torn Page becomes reward.
- Deliver 5th Rare Nut to Owl.
Serenity Power
Total Amount Required: 7
Serenity Power is dropped by the unique Heartless, Pink Agaricus in the Deep Jungle Treehouse area.
The Pink Agaricus has a gimmick that makes obtaining this material a little difficult. First, you need to summon the Pink Agaricus and then cast Stop on it, while it is stopped you need to hit it a certain amount of times to qualify for a chance at the Serenity Power dropping. To obtain the Serenity Power from the Pink Agaricus you’ll need to hit it a minimum of 40 times. Once Stop wears off the Pink Agaricus will no longer be able to be hit, it will drop some items and flee.
Hits: | Rewards: |
10-30 | Potion (100%) Munny |
40-60 | Hi-Potion (100%) Serenity Power (10%) Munny |
70-90 | Ether (100%) Serenity Power (20%) Munny |
100 | Mystery Goo (100%) Serenity Power (100%) Prime Cap (100%) Munny |
First of all, in order to spawn the Pink Agaricus, you’ll need to head to the Treehouse in the Deep Jungle. Here you’ll sometimes find that 3 White Mushrooms have spawned instead of the usual enemies. All of the White Mushrooms will want you to use Stop on them. The locations for the 3 White Mushrooms is randomly chosen from the following:
- On the way up to the Treehouse.
- In the small Boat dangling off the edge.
- Second Floor of Treehouse on the inside.
- Second Floor of Treehouse on the Outside.
- On a beam in the ceiling of the Treehouse.
- On a beam outside the Treehouse, this one can’t be seen easily unless your standing directly below it.
- On the end of the beam that holds the small boat.
Finding the 3 White Mushrooms and using Stop on them will spawn the much larger Pink Agaricus on the inside of the Treehouse.
Ideally to reach 100 Hits you’re going to need at least 14 MP on Sora. Equip your best MP enhancing Accessories and best MP boosting Keyblade, Diamond Dust is likely your best bet. Having both Stopga and Aeroga will also be very useful.
Make sure to equip Sora with Ragnarok and Hurricane Blast.
When you’re prepared, cast Aeroga on Sora and Stopga on the Pink Agaricus. Target its Head and cast Ragnarok, if you land the ending of it perfectly it will cause another 25 hits from the finisher. You won’t be able to cast Ragnarok again until the finisher has ended, so unleash a combo or two until Ragnarok is available again. Repeat until Stop expires.
Using this method you should easily reach a minimum of 40 hits and have a chance at the Serenity Power material dropping.