Monster Hunter World: A Colossal Task Monster Hunter World A Colossal Task Quest Monster Hunter World's A Colossal Task Quest is a siege style quest against Zorah Magdaros. After discovering that it plans to detonate itself in the lifestream we're tasked with pushing it out to sea instead. The first part of the quest will…

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Monster Hunter World: Fiery Throne Atop The Forest Monster Hunter World A Fiery Throne Atop The Forest Quest A Fiery Throne Atop The Forest is the next in a series of Assignment Quests in Monster Hunter World. It requires us to hunt a Rathalos in the Ancient Forest. Rathalos is the large red dragon you might have…

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Monster Hunter World: On Nightmare’s Wings Monster Hunter World On Nightmare's Wings Quest On Nightmare's Wings is a slaying quest in Monster Hunter World. You head down to the Rotten Vale to slay 5 Raphinos. Raphinos is a bird-like Wyvern, found mostly in areas 6,7 and 9 of the Rotten Vale. This quest is obtained…

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Monster Hunter World Persistent Pests Monster Hunter World Persistent Pests Quest Monster Hunter World's Persistent Pests Quest is a slaying quest for Hornetaur. Hornetaur are a small monster found mostly in the Rotten Vale in Monster Hunter World. They can be very difficult to obtain materials from as they tend to explode when killed.…

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