Infernal Monarchy – Monster Hunter World Iceborne

Our next Optional Quest in Monster Hunter World Iceborne is the High-Rank quest, Infernal Monarchy. This sees us off to the Wildspire Wastes to hunt both a Lunastra and Teostra. This quest is unlocked once you've completed the Blazing Sun questline and the quest No Remorse, No Surrender.

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No Remorse, No Surrender – Monster Hunter World Iceborne

Our next quest in Monster Hunter World Iceborne is the Special Assignment; No Remorse, No Surrender. This is the final quest in the chain that began with The Blazing Sun, and Pandora's Arena. This time we're off to the Elder's Recess to hunt both a Teostra and Lunastra together. This quest also rewards you with the powerful Temporal Mantle when completed.