Taliesin Skits
Skits: | Locations: |
Through a Thick Fog | Automatically |
Arrival at Taliesin | Automatically |
Is She Someone Velvet Knew? | After speaking to the woman in the market. |
Speak to Benwick and leave for Taliesin. You’ll trigger a scene and two Skits: Through a Thick Fog and Arrival at Taliesin. Head up into the main part of town to trigger another scene, from here, head up another level to find the Katz Box for Taliesin. Head up another level to reach the market, there are some people here you need to speak to about the fog. You can find a chest containing a Mellow Fluid near the entrance to the church as well.
After that head to the Tavern and speak to everyone there, head outside and up a level to trigger a conversation about someone from Velvet’s past and trigger the Skit: Is She Someone Velvet Knew?
From here take the path up to the right. Continue to follow the path upwards and onto a roof to find the Geotree for the area, grab it and a nearby chest for 4350 Gald. From here continue to the east to trigger another conversation about Aball. Head down the stairs here and along the wall, you’ll find a ladder, take it up, and make the jump on your Geoboard to a chest containing a Life Bottle. Cross back over and take the two ladders up to the top of the village for another chest, this one containing an Arcane Bottle. That finishes up all the collecting for this area. Head back down to the ground level and leave Taliesin through the south exit out to the Perniya Cliffside Path.
Perniya Cliffside Path
Perniya Cliffside Path Skits
Skits: | Locations: |
What's Velvet's Hometown Like? | Outside Taliesin |
Why Velvet Was Imprisoned | Automatically |
Worship In Eastgand | Available after the Skit: Why Velvet Was Imprisoned |
Here you’ll immediately trigger the Skit: What’s Velvet’s Hometown Like? Afterward, follow the path, you’ll find a chest containing a Life Bottle about halfway down the map on the western side. Then continue on to the south east exit.
In this next area, you’ll find a climbable vine immediately to the west that leads to a chest containing an Animalia Ring. Grab it and continue south, you’ll find another climbable vine on the western wall here that leads to another chest, this time containing 4350 Gald, follow the path a little further to come to the area’s Geotree as well. Continue forward and cross the bridge to trigger the next Skit: Why Velvet Was Imprisoned followed by Worship In Eastgand.
Follow the riverbed north here to find a Life Bottle and a Mellow Fluid across some stones. Head back downstream and then east for another Katz Box, before heading over to the next Code Red Hunt.
Boss Battle: Dangeroma
Boss: | Dangeroma |
HP: | 89,412 |
Types: | Beast and Fiend |
Weakness: | Fire |
Rewards: | Miser's Glacite |
Miser’s Glacite
Miser's Glacite | Provides the ability to trigger a random skill which can halve SG consumption, on hard mode or above. |
Between Magilou and Velvet’s Fire based attacks you should have no trouble with this boss. Try to stay on top of the status ailments it inflicts but the fight shouldn’t cause you much trouble.
Once that is over, take the exit to the south, through to the Morgana Woods.
Morgana Woods
Morgana Woods Skits
Skits: | Locations: |
Confusion | Automatically |
To the north you’ll find a chest containing a Runner’s High. Continue along the path to the next area. In the northeast of this area you’ll find a Quartz Doll in a chest, then take the south exit to the next area. Immediately east of where you enter this area you’ll find a chest with a Quartz Bag, grab it and then follow the path to trigger a scene and a Boss Battle.
Boss Battle: Xeno Mantis
Boss: | Dangeroma |
HP: | 80,796 |
Types: | Crustacean, Winged, and Fiend |
Weakness: | Fire |
Rewards: | Celestial Glacite |
Celestial Glacite
Celestial Glacite | Grants a random skill that creates an advantage against demihuman, armored, undead, fiend, and dragon enemies, on normal mode or above. |
Equip your party with Wind Resistance equipment to negate some of the Bosses damage, since all of its attacks are primarily wind-based. Due to his high defence, this fight will be a bit of a grind but keep up the damage and he will eventually fall.
Watch the scene afterward, then head south to grab a chest containing a Quartz Blade. Head for the southeast exit afterwards, here you’ll find a chest containing an All-Divide. Go back one area and this time take the northeast exit.
Here immediately take the north exit you find to come to a dead end area with a Life bottle in a chest, grab it and return to the previous area. This time take the southern exit to another dead end area, this time with a chest containing a Soul Bottle. Head back again and this time continue east, grab the Katz Box here in the branch before the exit. As you approach the exit you’ll trigger the Skit: Confusion.
Continue to the next area and grab the Geotree to the south. Use your Geoboard to make the jump to the northern exit. In the next area here you’ll find a chest with an Animalia Ring and the next Code Red Hunt.
Boss Battle: Behemoth
Boss: | Behemoth |
HP: | 106,148 |
Types: | Beast, Fiend, and Dragon |
Weakness: | Wind |
Rewards: | Armory Acerite V |
Armory Acerite V
Armory Acerite V | Grants +1 initial Souls to characters wearing equipment that has been enhanced a combined total of 25 or more times. |
Behemoth will attack with mostly Earth elemental moves, equip your characters with whatever you can to reduce the damage, but try to focus on staying towards its sides and back to avoid most of its charge type attacks.
After the fight head back one area and continue to the east. In the north you’ll find a chest containing a Grape Gel, then head for the east exit. Grab the chest with an Inoph bottle to the north and then head into the town of Aball.
Aball Skits (Second Story Visit)
Skits: | Locations: |
Suspecting an Illusion | Automatically |
I Want to Stay Close | Available after the Skit: Suspecting an Illusion |
A Velvet I Never Knew | Available after speaking to the Shop Owner |
After the Hunt, Again... | Automatically |
How Life Used To Be | Automatically |
Devouring The Illusion | Automatically |
When you arrive in Aball you’ll trigger a scene with the Villagers. Head for Velvet’s House next, this will trigger the Skit: Suspecting an Illusion. At Velvet’s house you’ll trigger another scene, followed by the Skit: I Want To Stay Close. You’ll find a Geotree and several items on either side of Velvet’s House, grab them all, including the next Katz Box. Head back to the main section of town to speak to several of the villagers who all have (!) above their heads. After speaking to the Villagers near the shop you’ll trigger the Skit: A Velvet I Never Knew.
Take the exit out of town into the Morgana Woods, you’ll find the locations of the Prickleboars highlighted on the map. After you’ve finished you’ll trigger the next Skit: After the Hunt, Again… Head back toward Aball for the next Skit: How Life Used To Be. Return to Aball and head for Velvet’s House to trigger another scene, afterward, make your way back to the town center for another scene, a quick fight, and the Skit: Devouring the Illusion. Head through the exit towards the Cape.
Tranquil Woods
Tranquil Woods Skits (Second Story Visit)
Skits: | Locations: |
Get That Book | After the fight with the Therion. |
The Horned Daemon | Automatically |
Suspecting Eleanor | Automatically |
An Arte to Control Daemons | Available after the Skit: Suspecting Eleanor |
Who Is The Spy? | Automatically |
Eleanor Takes The Stage | Automatically |
Looking After Orthie and Russ | After speaking to Benwick in Taliesin |
Head north to start and then follow the path south to find the area’s Geotree. Grab it and make the jump to the west for a chest containing an Apple Gel. Afterward, head for the eastern exit to the Cape for the next Boss Battle.
Boss Battle: Therion Orthrus
Boss: | Orthrus |
HP: | 86,773 |
Types: | Beast and Fiend |
Weakness: | Wind |
Rewards: | Elemental-Attuned Glacite |
Elemental-Attuned Glacite
Elemental-Attuned Glacite | Provides the ability to trigger a random skill which improves elemental damage, on normal mode or above. |
The fight with the Therion Orthrus shouldn’t give you too much trouble at this point in the game. He uses both Fire and Water elemental attacks, and can inflict Burn and Poison status.
Once the fight is done you’ll be able to trigger the Skit: Get That Book. You’ll also find a Katz Box in the ruins, as well as our next Code Red Hunt.
Boss Battle: Iron Bones
Boss: | Iron Bones |
HP: | 60,340 |
Types: | Undead, Armored, and Fiend. |
Weakness: | Fire |
Rewards: | Mirrored Glacite |
Mirrored Glacite
Mirrored Glacite | Grants a random skill that can allow damage to be reflected when nullifying damage, on evil mode or above. |
The Iron Bones will heal itself for 50% of the damage it inflicts, it also has very high offensive stats. This combination means you want to reduce its damage as much as possible, primarily by dodging its attacks whenever possible. Its type and elemental weaknesses can be easily taken advantage of by Velvet, but you need to be able to out DPS its healing abilities to come out on top in this fight.
Once the fight is over, head back to Aball and straight for Velvet’s House for a scene. Inside the house, interact with the areas marked on the map for more dialogue, then head outside for another scene at the Gravestones. Head back through the town to trigger another scene, and then finally make your way back to the Perniya Cliffside Path, the way we took to get to Aball.
As you continue to head back toward Taliesin you’ll trigger the Skits: The Horned Daemon, Suspecting Eleanor, An Arte To Control Daemons, and finally Who is the Spy?
Head inside Taliesin for some new dialogues with the townsfolk, now that the illusion of Aball is broken. Speak to the man in the north to trigger the Skit: Eleanor Takes The Stage. Head inside the Tavern to hand in the latest Code Red Hunt as well, and collect your rewards.
Down by the docks you can speak to a Pirate near the Van Eltia to unlock the next Class 4 Island. Once you’re done in the town head over to Benwick and head back to Titania.
Our next destination is Lionel Island and Baird Marsh. Here we’ll be trying to locate our next Therion.
Potentites Received: Armory Acerite VI and Master Smith’s Acerite.
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