Tchita Uplands
Available from Chests: | Realm Of The Elder Dream | Fuzzy Miter Empyrean Rod Officer's Hat Adamant Hat Silent Shot Goggle Mask Avenger Storm Spear |
The Skytrail | Agate Ring Penetrating Crossbow Astrakhan Hat Adamant Vest Gokuu Pole Chaos Mace Giant Stonebow |
Oliphzak Rise | Steel Gorget Carmagnole Argyle Armlet Doom Mace Float (Magick) Halberd Brigandine Enchanter's Habit Platinum Shield Black Belt |
Garden of Life's Circle | Burning Bow Judicer's Staff Aqua Shot Kiku-Ichimonji Bastard Sword Diamond Sword |
The Highlands | Barrel Coat Stun Bombs Steel Mask Black Garb Diamond Armor Francisca Orichalcum Dirk |
Fields of Eternity | Power Armlet Nishijin Belt Poison Bombs Blindga (Magick) Platinum Armor Rose Corsage |
Sundered Earth | Gaia Hat Bangle Mirror Mail Zephyr Pole Leather Gorget Diamond Helm Dragon Shield Crystal Shield Parallel Arrows |
The Lost Way | Long Bolts Aldebaran Maduin Gear Stone Bolts Regen (Magick) Bowline Sash Yakei Blazer Gloves Metal Jerkin |
Uazcuff Hills | Blazer Gloves Betelgeuse Runeblade Platinum Helm Fiery Arrows Flametongue Magick Gloves |
Notable Enemy Drops/Steals: | Malboro Overking | Adamant Hat (Steal) |
Coeurl | N/A | |
Serpent | N/A | |
Bellwyvern | Barrel Coat (Steal) | |
Lizard | N/A | |
Earth Elemental | N/A | |
Feral Croc | Orichalcum Dirk (Steal) | |
Tarasque (Rare Game) | Hunting Crossbow (Steal) |
There are an absolute ton of treasure chests in the Tchita Uplands. The rate of spawning the chests and the rates of the chests containing the equipment you want though have both been reduced. I’ll try to highlight the location of the absolute best gear, but just be aware that given the time it’s possible to waste here trying to farm, you may simply be better off waiting to purchase the gear that appears here. Quite a number of the chests appear in the center of large open areas, which also makes describing their locations more difficult. When you’re ready, let’s begin.
Realm of the Elder Dream
There are two chests of note here, both roughly in the middle of the map. One is almost in the dead center of this area and the second is directly to the north of it. These can contain two pieces of gear each, the first, central chest, contains a Storm Spear and an Adamant Hat. The second, more northerly chest, can hold either the Avenger or Empyrean’s Rod.
You can take either exit from this area to progress, however, there is minimal new gear to be found in the eastern area called The Skytrail so take the south exit into Oliphzak Rise instead.
Oliphzak Rise
Here you can obtain Float Magick from a chest to the northeast of the Temple that is upon the hill. South of where Float is, but still to the east of the Temple is a chance to spawn a chest containing a Halberd. To the north of the eastern exit, you can find a chest with a chance to contain a Doom Mace. Take the eastern exit to The Nameless Spring when you’re ready.
The Nameless Spring
Save your game if you need to and then speak to the Archadian Wayfarer. Accept the Hunt from him, you’ll need to do this in order to continue to progress. He’ll also give us a Soul Ward Key to enter the Dungeon he was talking about. Head east into the next area.
Garden of Life’s Circle
Just south of the northeast exit is a chance to spawn a chest containing a Burning Bow. South of the Burning Bow chest, near what looks like a square hole on the map, is a chest that can contain a Judicer’s Staff. Head south from the Judicer’s Staff chest until you hit the southern edge of the area, follow that edge east to find a chest about halfway between the Judicer’s Staff and the eastern wall. It can contain both a Bastard Sword and a Diamond Sword. The southmost tip of the area can contain a chest with Aqua Shot inside as well. Take the eastern exit to the next area when you’re ready.
The Lost Way
The north tip of this area has a chance of spawning three chests, these can contain the following: Stone Bolts, Maduin Gear, Metal Jerkin, and Aldebaran. South of these chests is a chest with Regen Magick if you don’t already have it. North of the eastern exit a chest can spawn containing Blazer Gloves or a Bowline Sash. Just zone in and out of the area and tilt the camera down the ledge to see if it has spawned. South of the eastern exit another chest can spawn containing a Yakei Katana. Use your camera again to check if the chest is there, rather than run all the way around each time. Take the exit to the east when you’re ready.
Uazcuff Hills
Southeast of where you enter, you can find a chest with a Betelgeuse or Blazer Gloves inside. Head east from where you entered until you find a gap that you have to walk around, on the east side of this can be a chest with a Runeblade inside. East of the northwest exit you can find a chest with Fiery Arrows inside. West of the northeast exit you can find a chest with a Flametongue or Magick Gloves inside. The east exit here leads to a Save Crystal if you need it, otherwise, continue through the northwest exit to the next area.
Sundered Earth
In between the two western exits is a chest that can hold a Gaia Hat. In the northeastern section of the map, in almost the center is a chest containing either Mirror Mail or a Diamond Helm. The southwestern dead-end leads to a chest that can hold a Zephyr Pole. East of the Zephyr Pole chest, in the center of the area you can find a chest with either a Dragon Shield or Crystal Shield inside. Take either western exit when you’re ready to the Highlands.
The Highlands
In the southwestern edge/dead end, you’ll find a chest holding a Barrel Coat. East of that chest you can find another, this one containing Stun Bombs. Between the two eastern exits, you can find a chest with an Orichalcum Dirk inside. Once you’re done, take the northwest exit.
The Chosen Path
Use the Save Crystal here to add it to the list, speak to any travelers here and then head back out into The Highlands. If you haven’t already met the Archadian Wayfarer in the prior area he can also appear here, if he does, then accept the hunt just the same as before. Then exit to the Highlands.
The Highlands
Take the northeastern exit to reach the Fields of Eternity.
Fields of Eternity
In the dead-end, to the east of the ruins on the hill, you can find a chest containing the Blindga Magick. In the southeast corner of the map, you can find a chest containing a Power Armlet. The northwest corner of the map holds a chest with a chance to contain Platinum Armor. Once you’re done, take the north exit into the Sochen Cave Palace.
Sochen Cave Palace
Available from Chests: | Falls Of Time | Sakura-Saezuri 1000 Needles (Tecknick) |
Hall Of The Wroth God | Zodiac Escutcheon | |
Notable Enemy Drops/Steals: | Zombie Knight | Hypnocrown (Drop) |
Gorgimera | Hammerhead (Drop) | |
Imp | N/A | |
Iguion | Survival Vest (Steal) | |
Pit Fiend | N/A | |
Wendigo | Gokuu Pole (Steal) | |
Striker | Kagenui (Drop) | |
Focalor | Power Rod (Drop) | |
Crystalbug | N/A | |
Abysteel | Demon Shield (Steal) | |
Zombie Warlock | N/A | |
Alraune King (Boss) | N/A | |
Onion Queen (Boss) | N/A | |
Mandragora Prince (Boss) | N/A | |
Pumpkin Star (Boss) | N/A | |
Topstalk (Boss) | N/A | |
Ahriman (Boss) | Maduin Gear |
Doubt Abandoned
Head north, there is not really much to pay attention to in this area. Take the exit into the next area.
Hall Of Lambent Darkness
Here in this area is where you’ll find the Mark that the boy wanted you to take care of for him.
Boss Battle: Alraune King, Onion Queen, Mandragora Prince, Pumpkin Star, Topstalk
Boss: | Alraune King, Onion Queen, Mandragora Prince, Pumpkin Star, Topstalk |
HP: | 9,069 each |
Elemental Weakness: | Alraune King - Wind Onion Queen - Earth Mandragora Prince - Fire Pumpkin Star - Ice Topstalk - Water |
Status Effect Weakness: | Alraune King - Stop, Oil, Disease, Slow, Berserk, Libra Onion Queen - Confuse, Silence, Disease, Berserk, Libra Mandragora Prince - Blind, Disease, Slow, Berserk, Libra Pumpkin Star - Sleep, Disease, Slow, Berserk, Libra Topstalk - Blind, Disease, Sap, Berserk, Libra |
Resistances: | - N/A (Absorb) - N/A (50% Effective) - N/A (Nullified) |
Steal: | Alraune King - Gimble Stalk Onion Queen - Onion Mandragora Prince - Four-leaf Clover Pumpkin Star - Jack-O-Lantern Topstalk - Tomato Stalk |
Ideally this battle will not give you much of an issue. The problem is that if one of the group splits off by themselves they can cast an ability called Mystery Waltz which raises their level by 10. The longer this goes on, the harder they become to kill. They also have the ability to inflict numerous status effects on your characters. If you can get a cluster of them together, you can use a Quickening Chain to take out a couple, this should make dealing with the others much easier. Try to target the Queen and Prince first as they have the ability to use Healing on the others in the group.
After the battle is won, you can return to the Archadian Wayfarer to receive 1000 Gil and 3 Remedies.
Take the east door into the next area when you’re ready to continue.
The Acolyte’s Burden
As you enter you can check the dead-end to the south for a one-time chest containing 4,936 Gil. Continue north and defeat the Crystal Bug at the Save Crystal. Once you do you’ll be able to use the Save Crystal as normal. Take the east exit into the next area.
Mirror Of The Soul
Follow the eastern-most passage to find an Urn containing the Sochen Cave Palace Map. Take the door to the north of the Map Urn.
Sochen Cave Palace – The Pilgrim’s Path
In this area by following a certain path you can unlock some extra gear around the waterfall. If you don’t want to, then simply continue to head north through the Palace. If you do, then follow the directions below:
The three area’s we are near are, Mirror of the Soul (MOTS), Falls of Time (FOT), and Destiny’s March (DM). Each of these areas has 5 exits between them. So that’s five between MOTS and FOT and then another five between FOT and DM. From left to right we’re going to number these 1-5 so that its easier to follow what we’re doing.
Earlier when you grabbed the Map Urn and entered what would be Door 5 in MOTS. So you should be standing in FOT near that door right now. You’re going to turn around and go back through that door to begin the path we need to take, so take the south door 5 in FOT.
Next head along the outskirts over to Door 1 MOTS. You should get a message about the waterfall.
Take the north Door 1 into DM from here.
Head around and use the south Door 4 back into FOT. You should get another waterfall message.
Take south Door 4 into MOTS.
Head around and take Door 2 into FOT. You should trigger another waterfall message.
Take north Door 2 into DM.
Take Door 3 into FOT. From here you should receive a final message about the waterfall.
Proceed across the bridge directly infront of you and grab the two chests on this platform, one containing the 1000 Needles Tecknick and the other containing a Ninja Sword called the Sakura-Saezuri. Continue south to find the Pilgrim’s Door. Interact with it to open it and grab the chest containing a Magalixir. Continue south to create a shortcut through the area by opening the doors.
Now that that’s done, head north back into Destiny’s March.
Destiny’s March
Continue north and take the exit into the next area. There is more to do later in this area, but the puzzle here needs a key we don’t have yet, and it allows us to fight one of the game’s Superbosses. Not something I recommend at your current level.
Hall of Shadowlight
Once you enter you’ll trigger our next Boss Battle.
Boss Battle: Ahriman
Boss: | Ahriman |
HP: | 62,149 |
Elemental Weakness: | Holy |
Status Effect Weakness: | Slow |
Resistances: | - Dark (Absorb) - N/A (50% Effective) - N/A (Nullified) |
Steal: | Sky Jewel Death Powder Maduin Gear |
Make sure your party member who has been learning Remedy Lore’s is set up with a Remedy Gambit for this fight to counter the status effects that Ahriman can inflict. You shouldn’t have much of an issue with him at this point. He can split and the clones can also cast magick so you might want to take them out, but once the main one goes down the fight is over.
In the room you can find 5 chests which do not respawn, containing: Phoenix Down, Cura Mote, Elixir, Bubble Mote, and an X-Potion. After you’re done, take the door east.
Temptation Eluded
Make for the northern exit and into the next area.
Chamber of the Chosen
Head up to the top and activate the Pedastal to go to the next area.
Skybent Chamber
Save your game at the Save Crystal and then through the north door into Archades.
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