The Purr-fect Room Stone – Monster Hunter World Iceborne

The Purr-fect Room Stone Monster Hunter World Optional Quest

The Purr-fect Room Stone Optional Quest Monster Hunter World Iceborne

Our next Optional Quest in Monster Hunter World Iceborne is the Master-Rank quest, The Purr-fect Room Stone. We’re headed to the Hoarfrost Reach to Capture a Tigrex. An Adamantine Charm is rewarded for this quest. The Adamantine Charm grants the skills, Non-elemental Boost and Bludgeoner, making it an excellent option if you use non-elemental weapons.

P.U.R.R is in fur effect… with just one minor hiccup: a Tigrex! Nab that angry tabby while we sneak past to grab the goods!

Client: The Housekeeper – Monster Hunter World Iceborne

Tigrex will primarily use one fairly straight forward attack, with a few variations. It has a charge attack that it will perform up to 3 times in a row, unless in a rage when it can perform it an additional time. It will finish the charge with either a spin attack or a series of rapid bites in front of it. To avoid the charges, you’ll simply need to run perpendicular to the Tigrex. At the end of each charge, it will change direction and adjust, meaning you can’t take your eyes off of it when it is charging.

One of its biggest weaknesses is stamina. Once Tigrex is exhausted the fight becomes far easier and you’ll actually gain some easy openings for attacks. It will naturally chase you all over the map which will quickly bring down its stamina, however, you can also take the Stamina Thief skill to speed this along.

Be sure to bring traps and flash bombs as well for the fight. I would recommend saving the flash bombs for when you need to create some space to heal, as you only get to use about 4 before he will become immune to the stun. Traps on the other hand will stop him long enough for you to land some valuable combos. Just remember this is a capture quest and each trap will decrease in duration, meaning it will be more difficult to capture him at the end if he’s only being very briefly caught in the trap.

Tigrex is weak to Thunder and Dragon elements. Its weak points are the head, front claws, and tail. You can break or sever its head, front claws, and tail.

Absolute Power Tigrex In-Game Weakness Chart - Monster Hunter World Iceborne
Tigrex In-Game Weakness Chart – Monster Hunter World Iceborne

Tigrex Master-Rank Carves

Carves from a Master-Rank Tigrex include; Tigrex Cortex, Tigrex Shard, Tigrex Hardclaw, Tigrex Hardfang, Tigrex Lash, and Tigrex Mantle.

  • Master-Rank Tigrex Carves:
    • Tigrex Cortex
    • Tigrex Shard (dropped by monster)
    • Tigrex Hardclaw
    • Tigrex Hardfang (dropped by monster)
    • Tigrex Lash (carved from tail)
    • Tigrex Mantle (carved from tail)

Tigrex Master-Rank Rewards

Rewards from quests involving a Master-Rank Tigrex can include; Tigrex Cortex, Tigrex Shard, Tigrex Hardclaw, Tigrex Lash, and Tigrex Hardfang.

  • Master-Rank Tigrex Rewards
    • Tigrex Cortex
    • Tigrex Shard (break front claws)
    • Tigrex Hardclaw (break front claws)
    • Tigrex Lash (cut off tail)
    • Tigrex Hardfang (break the head)

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