Titania Skits
Skits: | Locations: |
Signs Of An Intruder | Automatically |
Selecting Equipment | Automatically |
Odd Souls | Automatically |
A Powerful Witch? | Leave the prison block |
The Daemon Swordsman | Defeat Red-Eyed Swordsman |
In this section, we’ll be covering the Prison break in Titania, as well as meeting some of our soon-to-be party members while we’re here.
After the cutscenes finish you’ll be thrown into a fight with Seres the Malakhim.
Boss Battle: Seres
Boss: | Seres |
HP: | 2,200 |
Rewards: | Prodigy's Glacite |
Seres is here to act as a test of what you learned in the tutorial. Guard against her attacks to build your SG and then hit her with a max combo when you’re full. Keep it up and she’ll go down quickly.
Prodigy’s Glacite
Prodigy's Glacite | Provides the ability for equipment to trigger a random skill that improves one of the six basic statistics. |
Glacites are key items we’ll obtain as we fulfill certain requirements throughout the game. Some are obtained as part of the story like the Prodigy’s Glacite. Others have specific triggering conditions to be obtained. The Prodigy’s Glacite enables us to start receiving equipment with random skills. We’ll discuss them as we get more of them.
Finish the scenes that play out and leave the area, heading upstairs. You’ll trigger 2 Skits: Signs of an Intruder and Selecting Equipment as you go and interact with the chest that is close by. This chest will give us some equipment as well as the key item Rope, which will come in handy later on in our escape.
Next, you’ll trigger a fight against some of the Orderley’s that are here in Titania, they should pose no problem to you by now. Afterward, approach the floating glowing orb on the ground to trigger the Skit: Odd Souls. The basic idea is to make sure you collect these glowing orbs whenever you find them. You don’t need to go massively out of your way to collect them though as they will simply replenish everytime you go into a different screen, making them very easy to farm if you ever need to.
Continue out the Western exit, up the stairs, and on towards the objective marker on your map to trigger more scenes. Head into the South area and through the door to trigger a battle. Once the battle and scenes are done you can head to the northeast to talk to one of the cell inhabitants, and then head to the northwest to find a chest in the last cell here. The chest contains the equipable item: Battle Boots.
Exiting the cell block will trigger the skit: A Powerful Witch? The storage room to the south contains some Sage, the Eastern Cellblock can now be entered, in here you’ll find a chest containing a Life Bottle.
Make your way Northeast and upstairs to find another equipable item, the Void Ring. Continue pressing North to encounter our next boss battle.
Boss Battle: Red-Eyed Swordsman
Boss: | Red-Eyed Swordsman |
HP: | 2,843 |
Rewards: | Sharpshooter's Ventite |
Sharpshooter’s Ventite
Sharpshooter's Ventite | Enables Snipe Charge in battle after guarding for a set amount of time. An attack performed immediately after guarding for 1 second will have double the effect rate. |
Completing the fight will trigger the skit: The Daemon Swordsman. Head south and then Northwest. You’ll need to simply follow the objective marker for now. You’ll come to a ladder that has a chest containing 320 Gald above it. This ladder will also lead us to the top of a tower, after watching a scene, you’ll gain access to a different path outside the Prison. Follow the path to trigger another scene and then check around for a chest containing Verbena.
Follow the path, which becomes very straight forward now, until you approach the entry of the prison and our next boss battle.
Boss Battle: Oscar
Boss: | Oscar |
HP: | 11,501 |
Rewards: | Vampire's Glacite |
Boss Battle: Drake
Boss: | Drake |
HP: | 5,936 |
Rewards: | N/A |
Vampires Glacite
Vampires Glacite | Provides the ability for equipment to trigger random skills which restore HP. |
You’ll need to deal with Oscar’s Support Malakhim as soon as possible. Focus and take them out first. Oscar has a resistance to Fire so make sure that you don’t attack using Fire-based skills with Velvet. Other than that this is just about guarding or avoiding his attacks and attacking him as you get the chance to. Seres will keep your HP up for this fight as well.
Defeating Oscar will summon the Drake to fight. Here you’ll also unlock the ability to use “Break Souls” which are powerful finishing moves that change based on the class of enemy you’re facing. In Velvet’s case, it allows her to Theronize her arm and unleashes a powerful attack.
To use one of the Break Soul’s moves will cost you a charge of your SG limiting your ability to perform combos afterward. The quickest way to gain more SG back is by successfully dodging enemy attacks or by stunning the enemy. In the Drake’s case his breath attack seems to be the easiest to dodge, and if you can’t get the timing right then wait for him to perform it before dodging to the side and attacking his flank. Doing this will give you a reasonable chance of stunning him. As his HP gets low he will start to use a longer-range breath attack and a whirlwind attack, avoid getting near these as they are highly damaging. Continue to press him and eventually he should fall.
Once the fight is over, watch the scenes that follow. Afterward, you’ll awaken in the next area of the game, the Fighal Icecaps.
Our next area is the Fighal Icecaps, here we’ll finally gain access to some party members and the game will open up a little more.
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