Traverse Town Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix
Watch the cutscenes to find that Donald and Goofy have also arrived in Traverse Town. When you regain control of Sora you’ll be in an alleyway, head out of it and Sora will wonder where he is and how he got here. This will trigger the title scene for the world.

Once you can move again, head into the nearby Accessory shop to meet Cid. Speak with him to learn more about your situation and where you are. After you’re done, there is a chest above and to the left of him containing a Mythril Shard. You can also speak to Cid again if you have any items you want to sell or basic accessories you want to purchase. His load out will change as you progress through the game.
After you’re done, leave the Accessory Shop and turn right to find a door to the Item Shop. In here we’ll be able to access our first of the 10 Postcards found in Traverse Town. As you find them, you can post them at a large Red Mailbox found in the First District for rewards. During our first visit, right now, to Traverse Town we can obtain six of the ten postcards.
Traverse Town Postcard Locations
The location of all 10 Postcards found in Traverse Town in Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Final Mix.Postcard: | Location: | Reward: |
Postcard 1 | Attack the ceiling fan in the Item Shop. | Cottage |
Postcard 2 | On the roof of the Accessory Shop. Push a large box to the edge of it to gain early access, or wait for High Jump. | Mythril Shard |
Postcard 3 | Blue Trinity near Cafe at front gate of Traverse Town. | Mega-Potion |
Postcard 4 | Once Yuffie teaches you how to unlock things with the Keyblade, unlock the Safe on the upper level of District 1, near the gate to District 2. | Mega-Ether |
Postcard 5 | District 2, as soon as you enter from District 1, you'll find a shop to the right with a chest on the awning above it. | Mythril |
Postcard 6 | Climb to the top of the Gizmo shop. From here run across the roof's to the open hole at the end. This will take you to a small area in District 3, check the corners of the small ledge here to recieve the next Postcard. | Elixir |
Postcard 7 | Once you gain access to the Synthesis Shop, examine the posters on the walls to recieve another Postcard. | Mega-Elixir |
Postcard 8 | Once you have Thunder Magic, head to District 3 and use it on the exposed wires near the shortcut door to District 1. This will raise some platforms in the Gizmo Shop. Head there and use them to access the ledges around the edges. On these ledges you'll find 3 buttons you can stand on. Trigger them all and then examine the clock in the center of the Gizmo Shop for 2x Postcards. | Orichalcum |
Postcard 9 | Recieved at same time as above Postcard. | Ap Up |
Postcard 10 | Found inside Geppetto's Workshop after freeing him from Monstro. Examine the clocks around the edge of the room to recieve it. | Defence Up |
To get the first postcard you’ll need to jump from the stairs in the item shop and attack the fan on the ceiling. This will reward you with Postcard 1. Leave the item shop for now and head around the other side of the Accessory shop to find a bunch of crates and barrels. Push one of the large boxes from where it is, to up against the Accessory shops wall. Jump on the box and use the extra height to be able to grab the ledge of the roof and jump up there. On the roof of the Accessory shop you’ll find a chest containing our second Postcard (#2).
Second District
Now that we’re done with that, jump down and head around to the back of the Accessory shop to the large doors at the rear of District 1. These lead to District 2, enter them to trigger a scene.
Defeat the Shadow enemies that spawn and then reach the chest on the awning to your right by first jumping onto the lanturn to gain a little extra height. This chest contains our next Postcard (#3). Spend some time defeating the many enemies that will spawn in this area. When you’re done, head for the Gizmo shop, the large blueish building you’ll find if you follow the path left from the main entrance. When you enter you’ll get a short scene with Donald and Goofy searching nearby for a man called Leon.
This place, the Gizmo shop, is unique because the enemies in here will spawn in several waves. Making this an ideal location for grinding a level or two. To respawn the enemies in any area of Kingdom Hearts, you simply need to go two screens away. The fastest i’ve found is to leave the Gizmo Shop and enter the Hotel, then enter the Red Room of the nearby hotel. Cycling between the two of these is very effective, if you want an extra level or two at any point. The Gizmo Shop’s enemies will also upgrade at various points during the story meaning that this spot never really loses its effectiveness.
Dalmatians House
Leave the Gizmo shop out the back entrance and drop down into the nearby alley to reach a large Blue door at the end. Go inside the Dalmatian’s House to learn about the missing Dalmatian Puppies. These are one of the types of collectibles in Kingdom Hearts, you’ll find chests containing groups of three puppies scattered across all the worlds. As you collect them you can return here to the Dalmatians House to collect rewards from the parents, Pongo and Perdita. We have a page that lists the locations of all the puppies in the game as well as the rewards you can obtain for helping the Dalmatians here.
Here you’ll find a list of all the locations of all 99 Dalmatian Puppies. The puppies are scattered over each of the worlds in Kingdom Hearts, some will be inaccessible until you have certain late-game abilities.
Next up we want to reach the Alleyway. You can continue through the Dalmatian’s house to reach it, or head back to the Second District and take the door next to the fountain, near where you entered the Second District. Either route will lead us to the Alleyway.
Once you’re here, clear the area of enemies so that we dont need to worry about being interrupted. Head to the end of the area with the large wall of boxes blocking the way. To the left of this you’ll find a chest containing a Potion, grab it, then use one of the boxes here to move closer to the edge of the second floor balconies. Drop the box infront of the corner of the closest balcony to use the box to reach another chest with a Pretty Stone inside. Jump from balcony to balcony to reach the final chest of the area containing a Potion.
Head back to the Second District when you’re done, make sure to take some time to defeat the enemies along the way. Extra EXP never hurt anyone. You can even stop by the Gizmo Shop again if you feel the need. Otherwise, make you’re way back to the First District and speak to Cid in the Accessory shop again, be sure to heal and save your game afterward. Once you leave the shop you’ll trigger a battle with Leon.
Boss Battle: Leon (Squall FF8)
Boss: | Leon |
HP: | 120 |
EXP: | 30 |
Rewards: | Elixir (if you win) |
Leon is actually Squall from Final Fantasy 8, this is a story battle that has the same outcome whether you win or lose, just a slightly different cutscene depending on the outcome. The trick is to bait him into his fireball attack that you can deflect back at him, stunning him, and allowing you to get in a combo. Win or lose, there are a bunch of cutscenes to watch.
When you can control Sora again try opening the chest in the center to learn it’s locked. Speak to Yuffie who will teach you to unlock it with your Keyblade. Grab the item, an Elixir, then strike the clock above Leon until you’ve heard two chimes to trigger another chest appearing in the room containing a Mythril. When you’re ready speak to Leon to continue.
After the cutscenes, you’ll leave the hotel room and end up in the Alleyway again. If you want to save, you’ll need to head back to the First District or you can head to the Third District if you want to proceed to the boss battle immediately. You’ll also encounter a new heartless in the Alleyway, the Soldier Heartless.
New Heartless: Soldier
New Heartless | Soldier |
HP: | 24 |
EXP: | 3 |
Drops: | Spirit Shard (8%) Potion (2%) Protect Chain (1%) |
Remember if you need you can save and then visit the Gizmo shop for some level grinding. Otherwise, you can reach the Third District by taking one of the alleyways from the Second District. We took the one closest to the Gizmo Shop to reach the Dalmatians House, take the other to reach the Third District, and trigger our next boss fight.
Boss Battle: Guard Armor
Boss: | Guard Armor |
HP: | Arms - 84 Legs - 196 Body - 120 |
EXP: | 110 |
Rewards: | Brave Warrior Accessory (HP +3, Strength +1) |
You’ll have Donald and Goofy join you for this fight. Guard Armour is divided up into 5 parts, take the hands first followed by the feet, and then the body. As each of the parts is defeated they will drop HP orbs to help you stay alive in the fight. If you are playing through on Proud Mode and are stuck here, take some time to grind the Gizmo Shop. At the end of the fight, you’ll be rewarded with our next accessory, the Brave Warrior (HP +3 and STR +1) be sure to equip it when you can. Watch the cutscenes once the battle is over.
When you finally have control back of Sora, you’ll be given Fire magic and Dodge roll from Donald and Goofy. The Fire Spell does damage equal to your maximum MP +20. As you head to the world’s exit you’ll also find your first Blue Trinity (#1), these can only be activated with both Donald and Goofy in your party. You’ll trigger a small tutorial on Trinity Marks before being able to activate this one. You’ll find a second Blue Trinity (#2) on the way to the little Cafe Dining area where Leon is currently, to your left as you enter Traverse Town. The second Trinity will also take you to the next Postcard (#4) as well.
Head to the top level of the First District to find a locked safe, to the left of the entrance to the Second District, you can now open it and claim the 5th Postcard from inside. If you make your way to the top of the Gizmo Shop, out the back entrance, and up the now fixed ladder. You can also reach another chest from this back exit of the Gizmo shop if you jump carefully, it contains a Mega-Potion. Once you’re done, climb the ladder to the roof of the Gizmo shop and cross the roofs, grab the chest for a Mythril Shard, and jump through the window at the end to take a shortcut to District 3. This will lead you to another Postcard (#6), you’ll find it in the corner of the small area you end up in.
While in District 3 jump down and grab the next Blue Trinity (#3) in one of the corners of the area, behind the statue of the Lady and the Tramp. Since you’re here open the shortcut to District 1 by interacting with the yellow keyhole next to the large doors and then use your new Fire magic to open the large red door off to the side, to open the way to Merlins House.
Head through the door, cross the lake, and enter the house through the hole in the back. Inside Merlins House, you’ll trigger a couple of scenes before you can access another Blue Trinity (#4). Use the save point here to exit the world and head to our next location, Wonderland.
Wonderland is our first world to visit after Traverse Town. Here we’ll be assisting Alice to prove her innocence in the court of the Queen of Hearts.
Traverse Town – Second Story Visit (Post Deep Jungle)
Before continuing on make sure you’ve completed:
Once you’ve completed those other worlds its time to return to Traverse Town to seal another Keyhole.
Head to the left as you enter Traverse Town to find the Cafe. You can now extinguish the candles here with your blizzard magic to be able to unlock the nearby chest for a Defence Up.
If you continue to the left behind the Item shop you’ll find our first Red Trinity (#1) to open the way to a chest containing Dalmatians (4, 5, and 6). Head into the second District to encounter a new heartless enemy.
New Heartless: Yellow Opera
New Heartless | Yellow Opera |
HP: | 24 |
EXP: | 3 |
Drops: | Thunder Shard (8%) Ether (1%) Thundara Ring (0.5%) |
New Heartless: Green Requiem
New Heartless | Green Requiem |
HP: | 15 |
EXP: | 3 |
Drops: | Bright Shard (8%) Ether (4%) Protera Chain (0.5%) |
At this point we can also make our way to the Third District, defeat the enemies, and use Thunder magic on the exposed wiring coming out of a pipe, to the right of the shortcut to the First District door. Head over to the Gizmo Shop after completing this and you’ll be able to use the now raised platforms inside. Use the platforms to hit the 3 switches around the edges of the upper level of the Gizmo Shop, then interact with the clock in the center of the Gizmo Shop to receive 2 postcards for your trouble.
Leave the Gizmo Shop when you’re ready and take the exit into the alleyway from the Second District to find our next Red Trinity (#2) by the grating at the end of the Alleyway area. Use the Red Trinity to open the passage to the Secret Waterway, which is beneath Merlins House. In here you’ll find Leon, speak to him to learn some more about what’s going on. Once he’s done talking, speak to him a second time, he’ll give us the Earthshine Gem and also mention Cid might know more about the Navi-G Gummi Pieces. A little behind him is a doorway that leads to the Magician’s Study, just inside the doorway is a chest containing Dalmatian Puppies (10, 11, and 12) as well. You can head into the Magician’s Study to speak to the Fairy Godmother and have her restore Simba from the Earthshine Gem now as well.
New Summon Spell: Simba
When Simba is active you can charge his special ability “Proud Roar” by holding the charge icon. When fully charged you can release the built up power to damage and stun nearby enemies.
Next, we want to head back to the First District and speak to Cid in the Item Shop. He’s happy to help us out with the Gummi Block we’ve found and install it for us but in the meantime needs us to deliver a book to Merlin’s. Head over to Merlin’s to deliver the book for him. This book gives us access to the 100 Acre Woods world, from inside Merlin’s House, where we can spend some time helping Winnie The Pooh.
You’ll need to collect the “Torn Page” items in various worlds to be able to progress through the 100 Acre Woods storyline. You’ll have to return to Cid now that you’ve delivered the book, triggering a scene with Riku and Maleficent along the way.
New Heartless: Air Soldier
New Heartless | Air Soldier |
HP: | 33 |
EXP: | 5 |
Drops: | Spirit Gem (4%) Potion (2%) Hi-Potion (1%) |
Continue up the stairs in the Third District and into the Small House, near the entrance to the Second District, where you’ll meet up with Leon, Cid, Yuffie, and Aerith. They’ll explain some more plot points before eventually sending you off to the top of the Gizmo Shop to see what’s going on with the Bell.
Head through the Gizmo Shop and out the other end. Climb to the top, using the ladder on the outside, and you’ll find our next Red Trinity (#3). Use it to open the way to the Bell. Ring it three times to reveal Traverse Town’s Keyhole.
You’ll need to jump down and approach the fountain to try and seal the Keyhole, however once you get close you’ll trigger our next Boss Battle. Make any last minute preparations you might want to make before heading for the fountain.
Boss Battle: Opposite Armor
Boss: | Opposite Armor |
HP: | Arms - 270 Legs - 135 Body - 900 |
EXP: | 390 |
Rewards: | Aero Magic (Halves incoming damage for a duration of your MP + 18 secs) |
Initially, this fight will start off against the Guard Armor you previously dealt with, do some damage and you’ll trigger a change where he literally inverts and becomes the Opposite Armor.
He gains access to some new highly damaging skills. The biggest of which is a cannon-like ability where he shoots energy balls from his body after charging up for awhile. These can be dodged, but make sure you are close to full health in case it scores a hit. At this stage, a direct hit can easily take off half your HP, especially if you are on Proud Mode. Focus on taking out the limbs first and then target the Torso last.
Winning will allow you to seal the Keyhole and give access to the only defensive magic spell in the game, Aero. Aero will halve all incoming damage to Sora while it is active, it lasts for a duration of your Max MP +18 seconds.
After the battle is over, head back to District 1 and speak to Cid until he finishes installing the Navi-G Gummi in the ship so that we can head off to our next world! You can also speak to him again to check out the new Gummi Blocks he is selling, purchase the COM LVL 2 at the very least. This will expand the number of Gummi’s you can use at any one time.
When you board the Gummi Ship next you’ll find out there is a new Coliseum Games being held on Olympus. Head there next to participate in the Phil Cup. Or through one of the new “blackhole” looking sections on the world selection map to head to Agrabah to continue the story.
Traverse Town – Post Agrabah
Once you’ve completed Agrabah and gained access to the Green Trinity skill, be sure to return to the Accessory shop to activate Green Trinity (#6). This will allow you access to the second floor of the Accessory Shop which houses the Synthesis Shop. Here you can trade in Materials for more powerful items and accessories. You’ll also find some treasure chests containing a Mythril Shard, as well as Dalmatians 7, 8, and 9. Check the posters in the corner of the Synthesis Shop to find another Postcard as well.
In the Accessory shop, you can also speak to Pinocchio who is hiding by the counter for a short interaction before we next see him in Monstro.
Traverse Town – Post Monstro
Once you’ve completed Monstro, some things will change in Traverse Town. For one, Geppetto moves in and starts offering Gummi Block Blueprints. You’ll find his shop in the First District so head there now.
Once inside you’ll need to speak to him to hear how Leon saved them, and several more times to get all the Gummi Block Blueprints he has for you. Once you’re done, examine the chest in the corner for the “Wishing Star” keyblade. You can also find Postcard 10 among the books on the shelf here.
If you haven’t already, then head to the big Red Letterbox out the front of Traverse Town and mail the Postcards to collect all your rewards. Head over to the Dalmatians House now as well, we’ll have some items to obtain from them, including the next Torn Page. Together with the one you obtained in Monstro that means you have 2 more chapters of the 100 Acre Wood to complete. Make your way to Merlin’s House and speak to the Fairy Godmother to obtain your new Dumbo Summon, from the Watergleam gem. Speak to Merlin as well to obtain the “Spellbinder” Keyblade, you unlock this Keyblade for obtaining the first level of every spell in the game. It’s an excellent Keyblade if you use a lot of Magic.
Complete your next 2 sections of the 100 Acre Wood, before heading over to Olympus Coliseum for the Pegasus Cup.
Traverse Town – Post Hercules Cup
Land in Merlin’s Study and immediately head outside the house. Around the back, you’ll find a stack of crates with another Yellow Trinity (#2) beside them. Activate it to make stairs out of the boxes, you’ll find a chest containing an AP Up at the top. From here you can easily glide to the isolated chest you can see out beyond the back of Merlin’s House, Glide over and drop onto the platform. Beware, if you mess up this glide you need to swim back to the entrance of the area near the moving rocks to try again. This chest contains Dalmatians 1, 2, and 3.
Afterward, make your way back to Cid in District 1, we still have a Navi-G piece we need him to install for us. Handing it over will trigger a couple of cutscenes. After they’re completed, Cid will return and let us know that this Navi-G piece unlocked a world called “Hollow Bastion” which he warns us is overflowing with darkness. You’ll also gain a Transform-G piece for your trouble.
With that done, head out of Traverse Town and board the Gummi Ship for Wonderland.
Traverse Town – Third Story Visit (Post Hollow Bastion)
After the events of Hollow Bastion, you’ll arrive in Traverse Town, in the Small House in the Third District. Here you’ll explain the events of Hollow Bastion to Leon and he will explain that the Heartless appear to have grown in number and gotten much stronger recently. In-game you’ll now find new Heartless in each world, you’ll also find that every Heartless is significantly stronger than they were previously and that they also offer increased EXP for defeating them.
Leon will explain that you’ll need to find Cid and ask him for help if you want to return to Hollow Bastion. Leave the house and head out into the Third District. Defeat the Heartless here for a taste of how strong they are now.
While you’re here in Traverse Town, stop by the Dalmatian’s House and claim any rewards you might have unlocked. You should also make sure you’ve completed the 100 Acre Woods over in Merlin’s House.
Once you’re done, make your way to the First District. You should double check the shops here for any accessories or weapons that you might want to pick up. There is a trophy for collecting everyone of the weapons in the game, so pick up any you might be missing.
The Secret Waterway
Speak to Cid to have him explain he hid a Navi-G piece in the Secret Waterway that holds an alternate route to Hollow Bastion. Now you’ll need to make your way to the Alleyway and into the Secret Waterway. The fastest route is to jump off the ledge behind Cid and head through where the Red Trinity previously was. Now that you have High-Jump you can simply jump these boxes and head straight into the Waterway.
In the Waterway you’ll find our very first White Trinity (#1) activate it to reveal a treasure chest containing an Orichalcum. Nearby you’ll find Kairi, head over and speak to her. Go and examine the Mural she was referring to to recieve a Navi-G piece. Speak with Kairi once more for abit more dialogue and to recieve the Oathkeeper Keychain, this unlocks the Oathkeeper Keyblade for us to use. You’ll also trigger a cutscene.
Once you have control of Sora again, head up to Merlin’s House. In here you can give the Fairy Godmother the Fireglow Gem to unlock Mushu as a summon. For unlocking all the summon’s in the game you’ll also recieve a Staff for Donald, the “Lord Fortune”. If you did manage to grab the Wizard’s Relic in Hollow Bastion then you’re currently using a more powerful staff anyway.
Save the game and board your Gummi Ship, we’ve got some world’s to revisit and some White Trinities to find!
Our first stop on our World Revisit Tour is Wonderland. Head on over and complete anything you couldn’t up to this point. Now that we have access to White Trinities we can complete the world.
Traverse Town – Post White Trinity Search
Now that we’ve finished with most of the White Trinities, land in Traverse Town and find Cid. Speak to him to have him install the Navi-G piece we picked up when we were here last time. This piece will unlock a new shortcut on the Gummi Ship map to Hollow Bastion from Traverse Town.
Board your Gummi Ship and use the new shortcut when you’re ready to return to Hollow Bastion.