Vincent’s Limit Breaks
During Final Fantasy VII (FFVII, FF7) Vincent will gain access to a total of four Limit Breaks to learn. In general, he’ll learn new Limit Breaks by defeating enemies. Unlike other characters, Vincent will change into a new form and you’ll lose control of him each time you use his limit break. In exchange for losing control, you’ll find that Vincent gains access to powerful new skills and has a substantial increase in his damage output.
Level 1 Limit Break
Galian Beast
This is the Limit Break that Vincent begins the game being able to use.
Vincent will change into his Galian Beast form. Doing this unlocks two new abilities for him while in this form, Berserk Dance which deals damage to one enemy, and Beast Flare, which deals fire-magic damage to all enemies.
Level 2 Limit Break
Death Gigas
The Death Gigas form is unlocked once Vincent defeats 40 enemies in battle.
Transforming into the Death Gigas unlocks two new abilities for Vincent, Gigadunk which deals physical damage to a target, and Livewire which deals Lightning-magic damage to all enemies.
Level 3 Limit Break
Hell Masker
The Hell Masker form is unlocked after Vincent defeats another 56 enemies after unlocking the Death Gigas form.
The Hell Masker form unlocks two new abilities for Vincent, Splattercombo which deals physical damage to five random targets, and Nightmare which tries to inflict several negative status effects (Confuse, Frog, Mini, Poison, Silence, and Sleep) on one enemy.
Level 4 Limit Break
The Chaos form is unlocked after reaching Lucrecia’s Crystal Cave with the Shinra Submarine. It’s the same place where you obtain the Death Sentence for Vincent.
Find out how to obtain Vincent’s Ultimate Weapon, the Death Sentence, in Lucrecia’s Crystal Cave.
You’ll need the Shinra Submarine to reach the cave at the mouth of the river near Costa Del Sol. Head over to the Ultimate Weapon Guide to find out more.
When Vincent changes into his Chaos form he’ll unlock two new abilities, Chaos Saber which inflicts damage to one enemy, and Satan Slam which either inflicts “Instant Death” on an enemy or deals 5.625x Vincent’s normal attack to the enemy.
Inner Demons Trophy
Learning Vincent’s final Limit Break, Chaos will unlock the “Inner Demons” Trophy for your playthrough.
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