Warg Forest
Warg Forest Skits
Skits: | Locations: |
Dual-Layered Barriers | Automatically |
Eizen's Coin | Automatically |
The Reaper's Curse | Available after Eizen's Coin Skit |
Sale'Tomah Features | Automatically |
Sale'Tomah Symbolism | Available after Sale'Tomah Features Skit. |
What is Velvet? | Automatically |
The Bug's Name | Automatically |
Sale'Tomah's Scent and Flavour | Automatically |
The Mysterious Zaveid | Automatically |
A Bad Taste Is Still A Taste | Automatically |
An Illogical Bunch | Available after A Bad Taste Is Still A Taste Skit. |
Once you’ve entered the Warg Forest, make your way over to the Blue Switch near the Blue Barrier for the Skit, Dual-Layered Barriers. Hit the Switch to make it change to Red and head through. You’ll trigger the next Skit, Eizen’s Coin, followed by The Reaper’s Curse, Continued. Head through into the next area for the Skit, Sale’tomah Features, followed by Sale’tomah’s Symbolism. Take the south branch to grab a Panacea Bottle and change the Switch to Red. This will open the way down the eastern path. On the Eastern Path you’ll need to change the second Switch to Red in order to progress. Head through into the next area.
In this area the road splits three ways. Take the Northern Branch first to collect a Fluorite Fragment, hop down the ledge and follow the path to the next area. This area leads to our next Code Red Hunt. Grab the chest containing a Panacea Bottle along the way. You’ll find the path to the Code Red Hunt blocked, so take the south exit nearby.
In this area, follow the path along to the north to find a chest containing 1520 Gald. Continue to head back around to where the Switch is and turn it to Blue. This will unlock the path back at the Code Red Hunt. Head back and engage the Code Red Hunt: Plantasm.
Boss Battle: Plantasm
Boss: | Plantasm |
HP: | 42,956 |
Types: | Apodous and Fiend |
Weakness: | Wind |
Rewards: | Glacite Of Reversal |
Glacite Of Reversal
Glacite Of Reversal | Grants a random skill that enhances abilities when HP drops below a certain level, on moderate mode or above. |
This fight shouldn’t give you too much of an issue. Take advantage of its weakness to Wind as much as possible early on, after it reaches 50% health it will start to use a Break Souls ability that can cause fairly heavy damage. The animation is very predictable though, so you shouldn’t have any issues dodging the “Heartbreaker Shot” ability.
Take the closest southern exit again, followed by the next southern exit as well. This will lead to an area that splits to the east and west. Take the Eastern way to find another Katz Box, before continuing to the south to encounter a couple of Abbey Orderlies. Beat them down to trigger a scene.
After the scene, head through the South Exit. Follow the path to find a chest containing a Cassandra Sash and the Switch for the nearby Blue Gate. Hit the Switch and turn it Red. Now head for the exit to the East, along the path you’ll find a chest containing a Balmy Fluid, just before the exit.
Examine the flowers to trigger the next Boss Battle.
Boss Battle: Thickjaw Beetle
Boss: | Thickjaw Beetle |
HP: | 33,149 |
Types: | Armored and Crustacean |
Weakness: | Fire and Water |
Rewards: | Sprinter's Ventite |
Sprinter’s Ventite
Sprinter's Ventite | Increases map movement speed by 10% |
Take advantage of the Beetles elemental and type weaknesses. Try to avoid the Beetle’s Spinning Needle Ability, this can inflict Paralysis to your party and increase the speed of the Beetle. Keep at it and he’ll fall.
Head back through the way we came to trigger another Skit: What is Velvet? Afterwards make for the Northern Exit, we still have a portion of this place that is unexplored. Make your way towards the Western Exit here to trigger another Skit: The Bug’s Name. Make you’re way towards the exit on the Western Side exit, back to the Fens of Nog, to trigger another Skit: Sale’tomah’s Scent and Flavor and a cutscene with more of the Abbey Guards along the way.
Start to head back through the area in the direction of Reneed to trigger a cutscene and afterwards another Skit: The Mysterious Zaveid.
Once you reach Reneed speak to the Code Red Hunt NPC to collect your rewards. Speak to any of the other people in the town with speech bubbles as well. When your ready take the exit back towards Reneed’s Dock, as soon as you exit the main town you can interact with a Frog on a rock to the north of the gate into the city. Head back to the Boat and speak to Benwick for another couple of scenes. After these you’ll need to return to the main town to trigger the Skits: A Bad Taste Is Still A Bad Taste and the Skit: An Illogical Bunch. You’ll find a woman near the General Store that you’ll need to speak with before you leave through the front gates.
Head back out into the Fens Of Nog and this time take the Northern exit onto the Burnack Plateau.
Burnack Plateau
Burnack Plateau Skits
Skits: | Locations: |
Eizen and Zaveid | Automatically |
Exorcists' Ranks | Available after the scene with Eizen |
A Brawler, Not a Killer | Available after the scene with Eizen |
Eizen and Aifread | Automatically |
A Relic from the Far Continent | Automatically |
The Tower of Lothringen | Automatically |
As you approach the exit to the Burnack Plateau you’ll trigger the Skit: Eizen and Zaveid. You’ll find another Katz Box just off to the side before the Plateau exit as well.
To the south you’ll find the next Code Red Hunt, head to it to start the battle.
Boss Battle: Breed Wolf
Boss: | Breed Wolf |
HP: | 58,156 |
Types: | Demihuman and Fiend |
Weakness: | Water |
Rewards: | Luminary's Ventite |
Luminary’s Ventite
Luminary's Ventite | For each successive hit during a mystic arte, a portion of the expended BG will be restored. |
Most of the wolf’s attacks are well telegraphed, so dodging or blocking shouldn’t pose much of an issue. It starts to use strong fire elemental attacks below half health, and its Break Souls ability, Fatal Claw, can inflict very heavy damage. Keep on top of your healing and you should be fine.
Behind the wolf you can find a chest containing 1750 Gald. Begin to head North while keeping close to the Eastern side, to trigger a small scene about Geyser’s off in the distance. Keep heading North and take the exit to catch up with Eizen, once the scene is over you can trigger the Skits: Exorcists’ Ranks and A Brawler, Not a Killer. You can also find another Katz Box here if you look around near the Tents.
Continue to the next area for another couple of Skits: Eizen and Aifread and A Relic from the Far Continent. Jump down the eastern ledge of this area to continue through to a chest containing a Garish Pink Shirt. Head back up the vines and towards the gate for a chest containing a Peach Gel. Head through the Western exit and towards the tower to trigger the Skit: The Tower of Lothringen.
Lothringen Skits
Skits: | Locations: |
Aifread's Disappearance | Automatically |
Melchior's Illusions | After the Wyvern Battle head to the Bottom of the Tower. |
Siegfried's Power | Automatically |
The Girl with the Umbrella | After the Siegfried's Power Skit. |
The Omega Elixir | Automatically |
Class 4 Administrative Zones | Automatically |
Found Long Dau's Dust | Automatically |
One Who Lives | Automatically |
On the bottom floor you can find two chests, one containing an Inoph Bottle and the second containing 1820 Gald. Head up the stairs to trigger the Skit: Aifread’s Disappearance. Up on the next level, make your way to the room on the west to collect a chest containing a Halberd, then head up another level to find a Katz Box. Continue to climb all the way to the top for a chest containing a Simple Ribbon. Go back down a level and head to the Objective Marker for some scenes and to trigger the next Boss Battle.
Boss Battle: Legendary Wyvern (x3)
Boss: | Legendary Wyvern |
HP: | 23,564 |
Types: | Dragon |
Weakness: | Earth |
Rewards: | Envenoming Glacite |
Envenoming Glacite
Envenoming Glacite | Provides the ability to trigger random poison-related skills. |
The Code Red Hunt we recently faced was more of a challenge than you’ll find these bosses to be. Exploit there weaknesses to bring the fight to close faster, focus on the abilities Tearing Thorn, Avalanche Fang, and Mega Sonic Thrust to target the elemental weakness of the Wyverns.
After the battle make your way out and to the exit at the base of the tower. Here you’ll trigger another scene as you leave and also have the ability to watch the Skit: Melchior’s Illusions. Make your way back towards Reneed, at the bridge you’ll trigger the Skits: Siegfried’s Power and The Girl with the Umbrella.
Once you make it back to Reneed, speak to the Code Red NPC to claim your bounty and find the two children on the west side of the town, speak to them and you’ll obtain a book. Near the Inn you’ll find Videl who will give you the Omega Elixir Recipe 1, afterwards you can watch the Skit: The Omega Elixir. Head towards the Dock to hear Sailors talking about a Class 4 Island, this will trigger another Skit: Class 4 Administration Zones. This will unlock your first of the Class 4 Administrative Zones, an excellent place to farm gear and level up. Each of these islands has only one particular type of enemy that spawns there. Speak to the rest of the people at the docks and then over to Benwick by the Van Eltia for another scene.
Class 4 Zone – Aberrant Quarter
You can now use the Van Eltia to travel to the first of the Class 4 islands, head out to this one to trigger a short scene as you approach the arena in the middle. Here you can approach the black flame in the middle to summon waves of Daemon’s to fight. Your first time completing this will reward you with a bunch of gear, as well as the Virtuoso’s Ventite. You’ll also trigger another scene at the end of the waves. Head back and board the Van Eltia once you’re done.
Virtuoso’s Ventite
Virtuoso's Ventite | Allows you to perform different artes by pressing attack while guarding. The settings can be adjusted via the second "Set Artes" screen in the Artes menu. |
Omega Elixir Recipe 1
To find the first ingredient for the Elixir you’ll need to head over to Port Cadnix, through the Vesper Tunnels and over to Kurogane’s Forge. Here in the back of the Forge you’ll find large Crystals. Examine them to trigger a Skit: Found Long Dau’s Dust. Head back to Reneed to speak with Videl again to hand it over and receive the next recipe, the Omega Elixir Recipe 2 and the Skit: One Who Lives.
Yseult Skits
Skits: | Locations: |
Beat the Corsair's Scourge | Automatically |
Vessels and Privacy | After the scene with the two Abbey Members. |
Older Sister, Younger Brother | Available after the Skit: Vessels and Privacy. |
When you select to depart for Yseult, you’ll trigger a scene as well as the Skit: Beat the Corsair’s Scourge. Head to the Tavern in the town after you’re done speaking with the townspeople. Climb the ladder to reach the roof of the Tavern and grab the chest containing Silky Paper. Leave the Tavern and head to the north for another chest, this time containing a Poison Ward. Head back to the middle platform and take the Northeastern exit.
You can use the church here to have Rokurou confess his sins, exit the church and head down the stairs by the save point to the Beach. Down here you’ll find two chests and a Katz Box, the chests contain a Life Bottle and an Amphibole Fragment. Speak to the man by the boats and then make your way back up to the area with the save point and through the Northeastern exit.
Speak to everyone as you make your way towards the centre of the town. Here you’ll trigger a scene followed by two Skits: Vessels and Privacy and Older Sister, Younger Brother. You’ll find two chests in this area, the first containing a Balmy Fluid and the second an Inoph Bottle. Speak to the people by the General Store to learn where we need to head next, finish up speaking to the rest of the townspeople and make your way back to the previous area. Here there are a couple of new people to talk to, relating to the events we just witnessed in the other area. Once you’re done talking to everyone, head out the Northeastern exit again and then out the main gate to the East to leave the town for Maclir Beach.
Maclir Beach
Maclir Beach Skits
Skits: | Locations: |
Normin, the Common Spirits | Automatically |
Grimoirh, the Empyrean? | Triggered after the Boss Battle. |
Head South to find an Amphibole Fragment, and a Katz Box. Continue South to trigger a Skit: Normin, the Common Spirits. You can also trigger a scene here around the (!) to learn abit more about Pengyon’s. A little to the North you’ll find a wall of Ivy you can climb, at the top of the vines you’ll find a Poison Ward. Drop down and head to the East to continue to the next area.
Here you’ll trigger a scene, followed by a Boss Battle.
Boss Battle: Venom Lizard
Boss: | Venom Lizard |
HP: | 59,127 |
Types: | Dragon and Beast |
Weakness: | Earth |
Rewards: | Terrestrial Glacite |
Terrestrial Glacite
Terrestrial Glacite | Grants a random skill that creates an advantage against amorphous, apodous, beast, crustacean, and winged enemies, on normal mode or above. |
Try to stick to targeting the Boss’s weaknesses, if it manages to get a poison status effect on you or your party, it will boost its own defense. The Beast and Dragon catagories are easy for Velvet to take advantage of, so the fight should go quite smoothly. You’ll trigger a scene once the fight is over. After the scene, watch the Skit: Grimoirh, the Empyrean?
Nearby you’ll find a chest for 2050 Gald, grab it and then follow the beach North. You’ll come across another chest with a Peach Gel inside. To the South you’ll also find our next Code Red Hunt.
Boss Battle: Harpy Go Lucky
Boss: | Harpy Go Lucky |
HP: | 57,810 |
Types: | Winged, Demihuman, and Fiend. |
Weakness: | Fire |
Rewards: | Preserver's Glacite |
Preserver’s Glacite
Preserver's Glacite | Provides the ability to trigger a random skill which decreases final damage, on hard mode or above. |
Focus on taking advantage of the weaknesses of this Boss and she shouldn’t cause you too much of an issue. Once you’re done with the fight continue North towards Haria Village. Just before the ramp to the Village if you look on the southside of it you’ll find a small cave, follow the path through to a chest containing a Garish Pink Shirt. Head back the way you came, and this time take the exit to Haria Village.
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