The Yvolg Ruins
Yvolg Ruins Skits
Skits: | Locations: |
A Vessel For A Malak | Automatically |
Where Are We? | Can be triggered after "A Vessel For A Malak" |
White Turtlez VS Magilou | Automatically |
A Mysterious Book | Automatically |
Continue straight ahead and touch the balls of light to be transported to the next area. Continue on like this until the path eventually splits. We want to take the southern one to continue on before triggering a scene. Just continue passing from area to area to continue.
Once that’s over you’ll find a chest with a Denore Bottle behind you when you have control again. Explore the areas on the map that seem to be dead ends for 2 chests, one containing a Weathered Guardian and another with a Panacea Bottle. Finally, take the exit in the Northeast to continue on. At the end of the path, you’ll find a wall that can be broken. Continue pushing forward. Eventually, you will trigger a skit: A Vessel For The Malak followed by Where Are We? Finally, if you continue to the Northeast you’ll encounter our old friend the White Turtlez, triggering the skit: White Turtlez Vs Magilou. Head back from here and take the South exit, follow the path to find a chest with a Thorny Waistcoat and a breakable wall. Break the wall and you’ll find a room with a huge number of Katz Spirits to collect. Grab them and head back to where the White Turtlez was, go past him and continue to follow the path to a set of Tarnished Earrings.
Now head back to the White Turtlez and take the North most exit to find another Katz Box, and further down the path, our next Code Red Hunt.
Boss Battle: Spider Queen
Boss: | Spider Queen |
HP: | 22,926 |
Types: | Crustacean, Demihuman, and Fiend |
Weakness: | Fire and Wind elements. |
Rewards: | Aspirant's Ignicite |
Aspirant’s Ignicite
Aspirant's Ignicite | Raises the chances of receiving level 2 random skills, on normal mode or above. |
Take your time with this boss, she has spells that can inflict both Slow and Fatigue on your party. If you do get hit by these effects take the time to remove them if possible, it will make dodging her other powerful attacks much more difficult. Try to keep your HP up this fight, as quite a number of her attacks can deal tremendous damage.
There is a chest nearby containing 1050 Gald you should grab. Head back to the area with the Katz Box to find a breakable wall in the Southeast. Follow the path to a Life Bottle in a chest. Take the South exit and continue into a large room, there is a dead end here that holds a Calcite Fragment you can collect, and another breakable wall in the Northwest. Follow the path behind it to a Thorny Waistcoat, before returning to the main room and finally exiting the ruins out through the staircase for another scene and a boss battle.
Boss Battle: Eleanor (Yvolg Ruins)
Boss: | Eleanor (Yvolg Ruins) |
HP: | 9,339 |
Types: | Human |
Weakness: | N/A |
Rewards: | Guardbreaker's Ventite |
Guardbreaker’s Ventite
Guardbreaker's Ventite | Enables Break Charge in battle after guarding for a set amount of time. An attack performed immediately after guarding for 2 seconds will break an enemy's guard and increase the probability of causing stun. Furthermore, if an enemy's guard is broken, souls may appear. |
This time Eleanor is alone and quite easy to finish off, take your time, evade her attacks and finish her off.
Head around the ruins and speak to your party members, then make for the surface again to trigger some more cutscenes as well as another skit: A Mysterious Book afterwards if you head back inside the ruins you can access the save point and then rest near Eleanor for another scene.
Brigid Ravine
Brigid Ravine Skits
Skits: | Locations: |
Eleanor's Oath | Automatically |
Appearances Can Be Deceiving | Can be triggered after "Eleanor's Oath" |
Rare Stone | Automatically |
...But Not Always | Can be triggered after "Rare Stone" |
Mysteries Of The Pendulum | Can be triggered after "...But Not Always" |
Laphicet's Book | Can be triggered after hearing about the Sword Breaker. |
You Seem To Be Enjoying This | Can be triggered after "Laphicet's Book" |
More Important Than Life | Automatically |
Stormhowl And Stormquell | Automatically |
You’ll immediately trigger the skits: Eleanor’s Oath and be able to watch Appearances Can Be Deceiving afterward. To the south of where you start, you can grab a pair of Fluoric Boots. Afterward, make your way north and across a couple of bridges. After the second bridge, you’ll trigger the skit: Rare Stone and quickly afterward be able to watch, …But Not Always and Mysteries Of The Pendulum. You can find a Chamomile and some Verbana close by if you explore a little. After you’re done head across the next bridge to encounter an enemy, defeat him to trigger another scene. After the scene is over you’ll be able to trigger the skits: Laphicet’s Book as well as, You Seem To Be Enjoying This. Make your way south for our next Code Red Hunt.
Boss Battle: Horus (Code Red Hunt)
Boss: | Horus |
HP: | 33,191 |
Types: | Winged and Fiend. |
Weakness: | Fire and Water. |
Rewards: | Clairvoyant's Ventite |
Clairvoyant’s Ventite
Clairvoyant's Ventite | Shows the number of unopened treasure chests on the mini-map. |
For the beginning of the battle focus on the smaller enemy Harpies. Defeat them quickly to leave only Horus behind. His types are both Winged and Fiend, so use the appropriate attacks from Velvet and have the other members of your party attack from a distance if possible. Party members like Magilou and Laphicet work well, as Horus has a very damaging spell that melee attackers are likely to be hit by. Keep your health up and he should eventually fall.
Head to the South to find a chest containing a Chocolate Idol, head North again to where the Savepoint is, and cross the bridge. Here is you look around you’ll find a chest containing 1100 Gald. Head back across the bridge and continue East now, you’ll eventually trigger a scene and our next Boss Battle.
Boss Battle: Swordbreaker
Boss: | Swordbreaker |
HP: | 25,062 |
Types: | Armored and Fiend. |
Weakness: | Water. |
Rewards: | Armory Acerite II |
Armory Acerite II
Armory Acerite II | Increases HP regeneration rate by 50% for characters not participating in combat who are wearing equipment that has been enhanced a combined total of 10 or more times. |
The Swordbreaker is not a tough fight until he hits about 50% health, after that you need to be careful not to get caught in a long combo. Most of his attacks are quite easy to avoid and not particularly fast. Get in, do some damage, and wait for another opening. Especially after half health. Keep it up and he’ll eventually fall. Ranged party members will be extremely useful for this battle as well since they will stay out of range of his melee attacks.
Take the bridge on the east for the skit: More Important Than Life, you’ll find the next Katz Box if you climb the vines and head West. Once you’re done, head back and toward the next area, in the East, called the Vesper Tunnels. You’ll trigger a skit just before you enter them: Stormhowl And Stormquell.
Vesper Tunnels
Vesper Tunnels Skits
Skits: | Locations: |
Dont Let Your Guard Down | Automatically |
Keeping Robbers Away | Automatically |
Follow Rokurou | Automatically |
Morgrim, The Cat Malak | Available after the skit: "Follow Rokurou" |
Hidden Intentions | Automatically |
Exorcists Attack | Automatically |
Eleanor's Limits | Automatically |
A Reading List | Available after the skit: "Eleanor's Limits" |
The Best And The Best | Automatically |
Rangetsu, Light And Shadow | Automatically |
In the tunnels, head West, you’ll come to a breakable boulder. Smash it to find a hole you can crawl through to obtain a Slow Ward, grab it, go back a screen and then head for the northern exit to trigger: Don’t Let Your Guard Down.
Continue on the path, break the boulder that is in the way and approach the warded door. Slightly to the West, you’ll find a candle on the wall, when you examine it you’ll trigger the skit: Keeping Robbers Away. Afterward, go ahead and light the candle. Continue north through where the Warded Door was, break the next boulder to the North. Head through the door it reveals. In this area, you’ll find a chest with 1200 Gald inside, continue to follow the path to the end and you’ll find another hole you can crawl through, leading to our next Code Red Hunt:
Boss Battle: Oroboros
Boss: | Oroboros |
HP: | 34,574 |
Types: | Apodous and Fiend |
Weakness: | Earth |
Rewards: | Scout's Ventite |
Scout’s Ventite
Scout's Ventite | Doubles the effect rate for the first strike in battle. Affects both allies and enemies. |
Oroboros can inflict several status effects including, Poison and Stun. You’ll need to manage these with items as they occur. The boss will try to drain your HP over time to weaken the party. His other trumpcard is a highly damaging combo move called Burly Spin. If your party member is caught in it for the duration, it is likely they will not survive. Keep on top of the healing and status effects and you should eventually come out on top.
Head back two screens and now head for the Western exit. In the North, you’ll find the White Turtlez again, stock up on anything you might be running low on. Continue North for a scene and another Boss Battle.
Boss Battle: Shigure
Boss: | Shigure |
HP: | 10,353 |
Types: | Human |
Weakness: | N/A |
Rewards: | N/A |
For this fight, you’ll only be using Rokurou. Focus on blocking Shigure’s attacks as each of them either buffs Shigure, or debuff’s Rokurou, making the fight more difficult if he manages to connect with all of them. Rokurou has access to the Break Soul’s ability “Vengeful Stance” which will increase your chance of causing stun’s when attacking and also allow Rokurou to heal. The fight will end automatically as soon as Shigure reaches about 50% health. If you are having difficulty getting past this, head back to the most recent Savepoint and spend some time leveling and learning equipment skills for Rokurou. Usually, battles like this are a sort of soft level check. They exist to make sure that you’re keeping up with where you’re supposed to be level-wise.
After the fight you’ll trigger the skit: Follow Rokurou as well as the skit, Morgrim, The Cat Malak. Once that’s over, take the tunnel in the Northwest, you’ll find another passage you can crawl through, continue heading south to trigger another skit: Hidden Intentions. Follow the path to the next screen to find a chest containing a Panacea Bottle. Head through to the next area where the path splits four ways. Take the southeast passage, smash the boulder and collect the chest in the next area containing Succubus Horn Earrings. Head back to the split, and this time take the southwest passage. Crawl through into the next area and reach the objective marker on the map.
Watch the scenes that play out and then speak to each of your party members. You’ll trigger the skit: Exorcists Attack, now head back into the tunnels until you find the Exorcists, after fighting them you’ll trigger the skit: Eleanor’s Limits and A Reading List. Continue back to Kurogane’s Forge and you’ll be able to collect a “Worn Spear” in a chest in the corner. Head back until you reach the area that had the White Turtlez and use the northeastern exit.
Follow the path to the next area, where you’ll find another Warded door as well as a breakable boulder housing another Katz Box behind it. Head down the nearby tunnel to find the candle you’ll need to be able to open the Warded Door. Use it and then head south to trigger: The Best And The Best.
Continue south, into the next area. Here to the west, you’ll find a breakable boulder, behind it is a passage you can crawl through. In this next area, you’ll find a chest containing a Calcite Fragment. Follow the bend around to another hole you can crawl through, here you’ll find the Candle you need to light to unlock the door, back on the main path. Light it and then head back, and through the now open door to trigger the Skit: Rangetsu, Light And Shadow continue through the tunnels until you reach the exit.
Port Cadnix
Port Cadnix Skits
Skits: | Locations: |
A Virtuous Spy | Can be triggered after the boss battle. |
Impossible Training | Automatically |
As you enter Port Cadnix check both sides of the entrance to find a Katz Box as well as a new Accessory, called the Tranquillo. When you approach the Port you’ll encounter Shigure again.
Boss Battle: Shigure (Port Cadnix)
Boss: | Shigure (Port Cadnix) |
HP: | 29,521 |
Types: | Human |
Weakness: | Fire |
Rewards: | Numbing Glacite |
Numbing Glacite
Numbing Glacite | Provides the ability to trigger random paralysis-related skills. |
This time you’ll be able to use your whole party to fight Shigure. Be aware that he has a Mystic Arte that can only be viewed in this battle, so if you want the trophy for viewing all Mystic Artes you need to make him use it at least once in battle, before defeating him. When you’re ready to beat him, simply focus on removing the Malak’s from battle first, then have everyone gang up on him. He should go down without too much trouble.
You’ll trigger the skit: A Virtuous Spy and then be able to speak to the nearby Code Red Hunt NPC to collect all the rewards from your successful hunts. You’ll find a warehouse you can enter for a chest containing 1450 Gald, as well as another chest near a bandit containing a Life Bottle. You can also speak to the bandit. Afterward, make your way towards the tunnels and speak to the Swordsmith here. Stay the night in the Inn here to trigger another skit: Impossible Training, afterwards make your way to the Van Eltia and speak to the pirates and Benwick to travel to the Yseult Docks.
Fens of Nog Skits
Skits: | Locations: |
The Reaper's Curse | Automatically |
Scary Talk | Automatically |
You’ll trigger several skits along the way automatically including The Corsair’s Scourge, followed by Find The Sale’tomah, and finally For A Daemon, Hes Actually… After they’re done head up the pier, talk to the fisherman here and then make your way across the nearby bridge. You’ll trigger a scene talking about the town before being able to finally enter the town. Take some time and speak to the people inside to gather more information about the location and some of the other characters. Theres a kid in the town offering a mini-game based on cards, you’ll find him next to a chest containing a Thorny Wastcoat.
Once you’re done looking around town head to the map marker and speak to the Apothecary for a scene. There is another Katz Box nearby, and some new event bubbles above peoples heads in town. So speak to them before heading out of the town.
Fens Of Nog
Fens of Nog Skits
Skits: | Locations: |
The Reaper's Curse | Automatically |
Scary Talk | Automatically |
Head Southeast until you trigger the skit: The Reaper’s Curse, you can also find a chest with a Shock Ward inside, just south of here. Continue North to trigger the next skit for the area: Scary Talk. Up ahead you’ll want to take the western split to grab some items, including 1450 Gald, continue north.
You’ll come to an area blocked off by the Abbey, simply continue east to grab a chest, with a Life Bottle inside, then cross the bridges to find a Fluorite Fragment in the nearby dead end. Continue on to head south now towards the entrance to the next area, jump across the rocks before the new area to grab a War Pike, some Chamomile, and our next Code Red Hunt.
Boss Battle: Trickstar
Boss: | Trickstar |
HP: | 42,737 |
Types: | Fiend, Winged, and Demihuman |
Weakness: | Fire |
Rewards: | Oppressor's Ventite |
Oppressor’s Ventite
Oppressor's Ventite | Further increases damage inflicted during a weak point combo on moderate difficulty or higher. Causes the damage multiplier to further increase during a weak point combo when alternating between artes the enemy is weak against and artes the enemy is strong against. Ineffective against enemies with zero resistance. |
Target the spell casters with the Trickstar first to remove them from the battle. The Trickstar itself will focus on occasional magic attacks and a Break Souls ability that inflicts Paralysis. Once the spell casters are gone, this fight shouldn’t give you too much trouble.
With that done, take the exit to the Warg Forest in the east.
This section of the guide will cover the whole of Warg Forest and Maclir Beach.
The next section will cover the events in Haria Village.
Potentites Received: Preserver’s Glacite, Terrestrial Glacite, Virtuoso’s Ventite, Envenoming Glacite, Luminary’s Ventite, Sprinter’s Ventite, and Glacite Of Reversal.