Dustia Farming – Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age

Dustia Farming Early Game Fast Level Up Final Fantasy 12 Zodiac Age FF12 FFXII Grinding Spot Guide

Dustia Farming Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age Early Game Powerleveling Guide

Dustia Farming Walkthrough Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age Level Grinding

Dustia is a Rare Game enemy in Final Fantasy XII that spawns in the Corridor of Sand area of the Westersand. Early game Dustia Farming can be abused to gain levels very quickly, making it an ideal level grinding strategy you can access as soon as you can leave Rabanastre with Vaan.

The Dustia Level Farming is best done with only Vaan in the party. Having more than one party member will mean that exp is split between the members, making the grind take a substantially longer period of time. Another advantage to this is that as other characters join the party, the level they begin at is based on Vaan’s level at the time. This effectively means any early leveling strategy with only Vaan will actually impact all your characters as they join the party later.

The Dustia Farming method has a few steps to be done well:

  • Obtain Phoenix Downs.
  • Lower characters HP to less than 10%.
  • Farm Dustia.

Phoenix Down Farming Early Game Final Fantasy XII

Phoenix Down Item Farming Early Game Fast Final Fantasy 12 Zodiac Age FF12 FFXII Grinding Spot Guide

Phoenix Down Farming Early Game Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age

First of all, as Dustia is an Undead type enemy healing items have the reverse effect on them. This means casting a Phoenix Down item on Dustia will actually cause instant death to it.

Early game Phoenix Downs can be quite expensive, especially in the amount we require. So there is a particular chest just south of the village in the Estersand with a substantial chance of containing a Phoenix Down Item. You can abuse the chest respawn by running to the nearby village and back out to make the chest respawn and try for another Phoenix Down.

Once you have enough, you’ll need at least 20-50 depending on how many levels you want. Head over to the Corridor of Sand area of the Westersands and just before the screen transition make sure to change your battle gauge to “wait”, unequip Vaan’s weapons and have him attack himself until he is less than 10% hp remaining.

At this point when you cross the threshold into the Corridor of Sand area, Dustia will spawn. It will immediately begin casting Dark magic which will kill you. So bring up the menu, which will halt time since we set battle time to “wait”. Select Phoenix Down from your items and cast it on Dustia. It may take a few seconds before you can select Dustia as a target, so don’t be concerned if it isn’t selectable immediately.

To quickly repeat this, once we cast the Phoenix Down and Dustia dies, make sure to leave the area before the death animation completes. This should allow you to immediately turn around and re-enter the Corridor of Sand and respawn Dustia again. Repeat this for as many levels as you need.

Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age Walkthrough Part 4 - Dustia Farming PS4 FF12 FFXII Gameplay Guide

Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age Dustia Farming Method (Whole Method Summary Video)

Dustia Farming Drops

Dustia also drops a couple of items of note, so as you are farming it you should obtain many Books of Orgain and hopefully a few of the Flame Staff items.

Books of Orgain can be sold for 532 Gil, which is a huge boost in the early game. You also need several to complete multiple Bazaar items.

The Flame Staff is useable by a Black Mage and boosts the fire damage of the mage. It is one of the earliest weapons you’ll be able to obtain for a Black Mage.

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