Infernal Monarchy – Monster Hunter World Iceborne

Infernal Monarchy Monster Hunter World Iceborne Optional Quest

Infernal Monarchy Optional Quest Monster Hunter World Iceborne

Our next Optional Quest in Monster Hunter World Iceborne is the High-Rank quest, Infernal Monarchy. This sees us off to the Wildspire Wastes to hunt both a Lunastra and Teostra. This quest is unlocked once you’ve completed the Blazing Sun questline and the quest No Remorse, No Surrender.

I don’t know how it happened, but we have the chance to observe Teostra and Lunastra behavior in the Wildspire Waste!  This is something we can’t miss!  Go see for yourself, but don’t get hurt!

Monster Hunter World Iceborne

You have about 5 minutes at the start of the quest while there is only one of the Elder Dragons on the map. After that time is up you’ll likely have the 2nd one fly into the same area you are fighting the first.

Remember that these two Elder Dragon’s do not engage in Turf Wars. They actually team up while together and gain access to powerful and unique abilities only available while they are together. In particular, they can do a combo Supernova. If you see they are both charged for it, take extreme care. It is highly likely you will cart as a result of the damage it puts out.

The best strategy is to wait until they seperate and take them on one by one. You can use items like dungpods to make one flee the area while you deal with the other as well.

As with all of the other quests involving these two, you’re going to want 20+ Fire Resistance and Heat Guard. You can use gems to get you to both of these skills. Fire Resistance of above 20 means you wont suffer fireblight, it will also greatly reduce the fire elemental damage you take in the fight. Heat Guard will prevent Teostra and Lunastras heat aura’s from constantly draining your health while you try to fight them.

Both Dragons also share a common elemental weakness to Ice, and Dragon to a lessor extent.


Teostra is weak to Water and Ice elements. Its weak points are the head, wings, and tail. You can also break or sever its head, wings, and tail.

Teostra In-Game Weakness Chart - Monster Hunter World Iceborne
Teostra In-Game Weakness Chart – Monster Hunter World Iceborne

High-Rank Teostra Carves

Carves from High-Rank Teostra include; Fire Dragon Scale +, Teostra Carapace, Teostra Claw +, Teostra Horn +, Teostra Mane, Teostra Gem, Teostra Tail, and Teostra Webbing.

Teostra Carves

Fire Dragon Scale +High-RankDropped by monster.
Teostra CarapaceHigh-Rank
Teostra Claw +High-Rank
Teostra Horn +High-RankBreak the horn.
Teostra ManeHigh-Rank
Teostra GemHigh-RankBreak the head, carve from tail.
Teostra TailHigh-RankCarve from tail.
Teostra WebbingHigh-RankBreak the wings.
Hellfire ShardMaster-Rank
Teostra CortexMaster-Rank
Fire Dragon HardclawMaster-Rank
Teostra Mane +Master-Rank
Large Elder Dragon GemMaster-RankBreak the head, or carve from tail.
Teostra LashMaster-RankCarve from tail.
Teostra GemMaster-Rank
Teostra PowderMaster-RankDropped by monster.
Teostra HardhornMaster-RankBreak the head.
Carves from Teostra - Monster Hunter World Iceborne

High-Rank Teostra Rewards

Rewards from High-Rank Teostra include; Teostra Carapace, Fire Dragon Scale +, Teostra Powder, Teostra Mane, Teostra Claw +, Elder Dragon Bone, Elder Dragon Blood, and Teostra Gem.

Teostra Rewards

Teostra CarapaceHigh-Rank
Fire Dragon Scale +High-Rank
Teostra PowderHigh-Rank
Teostra ManeHigh-Rank
Teostra Claw +High-Rank
Elder Dragon BoneHigh-Rank
Elder Dragon BloodHigh-Rank
Teostra GemHigh-Rank
Fire Dragon HardclawMaster-Rank
Teostra CortexMaster-Rank
Hellfire ShardMaster-Rank
Teostra LashMaster-Rank
Teostra Mane +Master-Rank
Large Elder Dragon BoneMaster-Rank
Pure Dragon BloodMaster-Rank
Teostra GemMaster-Rank
Great Spiritvein GemMaster-RankGuiding Lands Only.
Tempered Crimson ManeMaster-RankGuiding Lands Only.
Elder Spiritvein BoneMaster-RankGuiding Lands Only.
Hellfire ManeMaster-RankGuiding Lands Only.
Rewards from Teostra - Monster Hunter World Iceborne


Lunastra is weak to Ice and Dragon elements. Its weak points are the head, wings, and tail. You can break or sever its head, wings, and tail.

Lunastra In-Game Weakness Chart - Monster Hunter World Iceborne
Lunastra In-Game Weakness Chart – Monster Hunter World Iceborne

High-Rank Lunastra Carves

Carves from a High-Rank Lunastra can include; Lunastra Scale +, Lunastra Carapace, Lunastra Tail, Lunastra Wing, Lunastra Mane, Lunastra Gem, and Lunastra Horn.

Lunastra Carves

Lunastra Scale +High-RankDropped by monster.
Lunastra CarapaceHigh-Rank
Lunastra TailHigh-RankCarve from tail.
Lunastra WingHigh-RankBreak the wings.
Lunastra ManeHigh-Rank
Lunastra GemHigh-RankBreak the head.
Carve from tail.
Dropped by monster.
Lunastra HornHigh-RankBreak the head.
Lunastra ShardMaster-Rank
Lunastra CortexMaster-Rank
Lunastra Mane +Master-RankDropped by monster.
Lunastra HardhornMaster-Rank
Large Elder Dragon GemMaster-RankDropped by monster.
Break the head.
Carve from tail.
Lunastra GemMaster-Rank
Lunastra FellwingMaster-RankBreak the wings.
Lunastra HardhornMaster-RankBreak the head.
Lunastra LashMaster-RankCarve from tail.
Carves from Lunastra - Monster Hunter World Iceborne

High-Rank Lunastra Rewards

Rewards from quests involving High-Rank Lunastra can include; Lunastra Carapace, Lunastra Scale +, Lunastra Horn, Lunastra Mane, Lunastra Wing, Elder Dragon Bone, Elder Dragon Blood, and Lunastra Gem.

Lunastra Rewards

Lunastra CarapaceHigh-Rank
Lunastra Scale +High-Rank
Lunastra HornHigh-Rank
Lunastra ManeHigh-Rank
Lunastra WingHigh-Rank
Elder Dragon BoneHigh-Rank
Elder Dragon BloodHigh-Rank
Lunastra GemHigh-Rank
Lunastra CortexMaster-Rank
Lunastra ShardMaster-Rank
Lunastra LashMaster-Rank
Lunastra HardhornMaster-Rank
Lunastra Mane +Master-Rank
Lunastra FellwingMaster-Rank
Large Elder Dragon BoneMaster-Rank
Pure Dragon BloodMaster-Rank
Lunastra GemMaster-Rank
Elder Dragonvein BoneMaster-RankGuiding Lands Only.
Azure ManeMaster-RankGuiding Lands Only.
Elder Spiritvein BoneMaster-RankGuiding Lands Only.
Tempered Azure ManeMaster-RankGuiding Lands Only.
Great Spiritvein GemMaster-RankGuiding Lands Only.
Rewards from Lunastra - Monster Hunter World Iceborne

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