The Hunt Club
After the events at Draklor Laboratory, you can return to the Phon Coast Hunter’s Camp and speak to the “Shady Bangaa’s” to initiate the Hunt Club Sidequest. You’ll need to tell him that you are a “Bird of Prey”.
Once you start the quest, there are 30 unique monsters that will spawn in various locations in the game. Some are not going to be able to be completed until you have completed the events at the Pharos Lighthouse.
The Hunt Club – Spawn Locations and Conditions
Be aware that some of these monsters spawn in the same locations as some of the Clan Centurio Hunts, making some of those Hunts far more difficult than they need to be since you would need to deal with both monsters at the same time. You can always wait until you have completed the majority of the Clan Centurio Hunts before beginning the Hunt Club.
Below you’ll find the location and spawn conditions for the Hunts. It is a good idea to do them in order, as later Hunts tend to be more difficult and this also allows you to keep track of which you have completed.
**Many of these hunts are great sources of rare materials needed for the Bazaar. To steal multiples of a rare item, you just need to steal the first and then leave the area and come back without having killed the monster. This will reset what it is holding and allow you to steal multiple from the same monster.**
The Hunt Club Marks - Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age
List and spawn information for all of the 30 Marks involved in the Phon Coast Hunt Club Sidequest.Number: | Name: | Level: | Area: | Spawn Information: |
1 | Thalassinon | 38 | Phon Coast - Vaddu Strand | Go to the Hill at the eastern most point of the map and look down at the beach area just below, after 10 seconds Thalassinon will spawn. |
2 | Skullash | 37 | Phon Coast - Cape Tialan | 40% chance to spawn among the Pyrolisks on the southern edge. |
3 | Grimalkin | 38 | Tchita Uplands - Uazcuff Hills | 10% chance of replacing one of the Coeurls in the area. **Only item to be stolen from it is the Coeurl Whisker, you need 2 to unlock the most powerful Katana in the Bazaar. Steal one from it and then rezone to steal another before killing it.** |
4 | Kris | 38 | Tchita Uplands - The Highlands | 40% chance of replacing one of the regular Malboro's in the area. |
5 | Wendice | 38 | Sochen Cave Palace - Destiny's March | Spawns in the centre of the diamond shaped area of the map, after you have killed all the nearby Wendigo enemies. |
6 | Anubys | 38 | Sochen Cave Palace - Mirror of the Soul | **Complete the Pilgrim's Path for access to the room** Enter the room that contained the Megalixir to have the enemy spawn. |
7 | Aspidochelon | 42 | Cerobi Steppe - Feddik River | 40% spawn chance north of the first bridge. **Stealing Scarletite from here is one of the best ways to acquire the rare material in the game. You'll need 5 total, so steal one, then rezone and steal again. Repeat this till you have all 5 needed to craft the Gemsteels for both the Kumbha and Tournesoul.** |
8 | Bluesang | 42 | Cerobi Steppe - Crossfield | 40% chance to spawn between the 2 windmills. **You can steal Damascus Steel from Bluesang, you'll need 10 total for the Gemsteel's to create the Kumbha and Tournesoul. Steal one and then rezone to reset its items and repeat the process till you have all 10.** |
9 | Rageclaw | 36 | Salikawood - Piebald Path | Will spawn after 1 minute of no enemies dying. You can defeat all the enemies and rezone to still make it appear. Will always spawn near one of the exits. **Steal Sickleblades from it, you require 2 to complete the Mesa from the Bazaar. Simply steal one and then rezone to reset its held items.** |
10 | Ancbolder | 29 | Paramina Rift - Karydine Glacier | Defeat all the enemies including the non-hostile ones in the area. |
11 | Myath | 42 | Stilshrine of Miriam - Ward of Velitation | Kill the three Dragon Aevises in the room, exit and then re-enter to spawn the Mark. |
12 | Ishteen | 43 | Barheim Passage - East-West Bypass, The Zeviah Span | 2% chance to spawn in the two listed areas, chance of spawn increases by 2% every 10 seconds your in the area. **You can steal the valuable Soul of Thamasa from Ishteen. It is recommended to farm at least 6 for crafting the 3x Serpentarius, and 3x Empyreal Soul's. Steal until you obtain the item and then rezone to be able to steal another. Repeat until you have all that you need.** |
13 | Nazarnir | 45 | Giza Plains (Dry) - Starfall Field | Chance to replace a Sleipnir in the southeast corner of the area. |
14 | Killbug | 44 | Ozmone Plain - The Switchback | Only appears if the in-game clock is between 10 and 39 minutes. Easy to spot, but concealed as a large odd-colored treasure chest. |
15 | Alteci | 42 | Zertinan Caverns - The Undershore | Will appear once you have a chain of 12 Mallicant's slain in the area. You may need to move close to one of the exits and then back into the middle of the area in order for it to spawn. |
16 | Melt | 48 | Henne Mines - Pithead Junction B | 50% chance to spawn when you flip the switchboard. |
17 | Gavial | 46 | Garamsythe Waterway - No. 10 Channel | Close the No. 10 Waterway Control so that you can enter the lower portion of the No. 10 Channel. Wait on the lower level here that was drained of water for 10 seconds to spawn the monster. **Consider stealing 2x Antarctic Winds from Gavial by rezoning after stealing the first. These are needed to craft the Perseus Bow and Ice Cloud Arrows in the Bazaar.** |
18 | Kaiser Wolf | 41 | Dalmasca Westersand - Corridor of Sand | Kill 20 wolves in the Westersands and then slay the Rare Game called Lindbur Wolf that spawns in the small area, south of Galtea Downs. Once you have slain the Lindbur Wolf there is a 40% chance for the Kaiser Wolf to spawn in the Corridor of Sand, all the way in the eastern end. |
19 | Bull Chocobo | 47 | Ogir-Yensa Sandsea - South Tank Approach | 40% chance to spawn. |
20 | Victanir | 46 | Nam-Yensa Sandsea - Yellow Sands | 40% chance to spawn among the Bagoly and Axebeaks near exit to Zertinan Caverns. **Easy source for stealing Wargod's Band, steal it and then flee 2 screens away to reset the item it holds. You'll need 6 to make the Tournesoul.** |
21 | Zombie Lord | 39 | Tomb of Raithwall - North-Fall Passage | Appears when the in-game clock is between 0 and 29 minutes. |
22 | Biding Mantis | 47 | Golmore Jungle - The Needlebrake | Appears when in-game clock is between 30 and 59 minutes. |
23 | Dreadguard | 46 | The Feywood - Walk of Dancing Shadow | 40% chance to replace a Mirrorknight. **Steal 2x Mirror Scales from it before defeating it. You'll need to rezone to be able to steal again. Used to create Stone Shot in the Bazaar.** |
24 | Abelisk | 49 | Ridorana Cataract - Echoes from Time's Garden | 30% chance to spawn in center of the area. |
25 | Terror Tyrant | 50 | Dalmascan Estersand - Broken Sands | 40% chance to replace Wild Saurian. |
26 | Dheed | 50 | Mosphoran Highwaste - Skyreach Ridge | 40% chance to spawn, must use Floatweed to reach the area. **You can steal the Mirage Vest from the monster, a top-tier light armor. It is worth stealing 2 or 3 depending on your party requirements. Rezone to steal again.** |
27 | Arioch | 48 | Nabreus Deadlands - The Slumbermead | 40% chance to spawn in the southeast portion of the map. |
28 | Vorres | 50 | Necrohol of Nabudis - Hall of the Ivory Covenant | You must lead a Dark Elemental to the Door of Loathing, the door infront of where you fought the Optional Boss, Fury. **Great source of stealing Soul Powder, you'll need 3x for the Tournesoul. Steal one and then rezone to steal more.** |
29 | Disma | 60 | Lhusu Mines - Site 5, Site 6 South | 5% chance to replace a Dark Lord. |
30 | Crystal Knight | 61 | Great Crystal | Run a loop from Way Stone XX to the Sagittarius Switch and then back to Way Stone XX in a clockwise direction. **Make sure to steal a set of Glimmering Robes from it.** |
31 | Avenger | 62 | Pharos (Second Ascent) - Station of Ascension | 40% chance to spawn. **You can steal a Muramasa Katana from it.** |
The Hunt Club – Rewards
The rewards for this side quest work based on which of the three Bangaa’s you trade in the completed hunts too. You have 30 Hunts to turn in and based on the split between the 3 Bangaa’s you’ll unlock various different weapons, armor, or accessories for purchase at the nearby “Shifty-Eyed Man”. Since the bulk of the items can be obtained through other methods, the choice is really up to you as to what you want to shoot for. The only exception is if you require more than one set of Genji Gloves for your build, then make sure to prioritize unlocking them.
**Remember that each item, once unlocked, is only available for purchase ONCE, and all of them are available in other places as well.**
The rewards are as follows:
Huntmaster Rewards - The Hunt Club
Rewards are unlocked for purchase based on which of the Bangaa's you have turned the applicable amount of trophies into.Criteria: | Atak | Blok | Stok |
Give them more than 15 Trophies: | Zodiac Spear | Zodiac Escutcheon | Ribbon |
Give less than 15: | Staff of the Magi | Ensanguined Shield | Sage's Ring |
Hunt Club Rewards - Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age
Rewards are unlocked for purchase based on which of the Bangaa's you have turned the applicable amount of trophies into.Item: | Atak | Blok | Stok |
Kiku-Ichimonji | 1 | 0 | 0 |
Holy Lance | 5 | 0 | 0 |
Ame-no-Murakumo | 10 | 0 | 0 |
Eight-Fluted Pole | 10 | 5 | 0 |
Artemis Bow & Artemis Arrows | 12 | 5 | 5 |
Stoneblade | 15 | 0 | 0 |
Orochi | 20 | 0 | 0 |
Ultima Blade | 25 | 0 | 0 |
Tula & Grand Bolts | 25 | 1 | 1 |
Masamune | 30 | 0 | 0 |
Platinum Armor | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Minerva Bustier | 0 | 5 | 0 |
White Mask | 0 | 10 | 0 |
Maximillian | 5 | 10 | 5 |
Black Mask | 5 | 12 | 5 |
Aegis Shield | 0 | 15 | 0 |
Dueling Mask | 0 | 20 | 0 |
Grand Helm | 0 | 25 | 0 |
Lordly Robes | 1 | 25 | 1 |
Grand Armor | 0 | 30 | 0 |
Thief's Cuffs | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Ruby Ring | 0 | 0 | 5 |
Opal Ring | 0 | 0 | 10 |
Turtleshell Choker | 5 | 5 | 12 |
Golden Amulet | 0 | 0 | 15 |
Genji Gloves | 5 | 5 | 15 |
Cat-Ear Hood | 0 | 0 | 20 |
Bubble Belt | 0 | 0 | 25 |
Indigo Pendant | 1 | 1 | 25 |
Nihopalaoa | 0 | 0 | 30 |
Zodiac Spear | 10 | 10 | 10 |
Zodiac Escutcheon | 10 | 10 | 10 |
A solid choice to aim for is an additional pair of Genji Gloves, or alternatively, give 10 to each and grab both of the Zodiac items. Speak to the “Shify-Eyed Man” to purchase the items after you’ve unlocked them.
Once you’re done here you can head over to the Hunt Club owner in the Highgarden Terrace area of Archades. Speak to him, you’ll find him speaking to a bunch of other nobles, and you’ll be awarded one of each of the Zodiac Gems for your efforts as well.