The weapons in Nier Automata can be purchased in shops, found in chests scattered throughout the game, or given as rewards for completing quests. All of the weapons you’ve obtained will follow you from playthrough to playthrough, so you don’t need to worry about reacquiring them in a different route.
Each of Nier Automata’s weapons has 4 levels of upgrades that can be purchased for gold and materials. Upgrading weapons will increase the damage that they deal and also allow access to secondary abilities, unique to each weapon.
How to Upgrade Weapons to Level 4 with the Secret Blacksmith
The final level of each weapons upgrade path can only be obtained by visiting the Blacksmith, Masamune, in the Castle of the Forest Area. He is the only NPC that can upgrade each of the weapons to the final level. The first three upgrade levels are available from regular upgrade vendors.
To reach Masamune and get your weapons to level 4:
- Head into the Forest Castle and go to the Royal Chamber, you can teleport here.
- Head immediately to your right as you leave the teleporter, here you’ll find a broken bridge.
- Drop down the hole in the bridge and land on the walkway below it.
- Head all the way to left of this walkway and move the block to gain access to the Blacksmith’s Shop.
Masamune’s Shop can upgrade your weapons to level 4 and he also has numerous weapons for sale as well.
Best Early Game Weapons
Believe it or not, the Virtuous weapons that you start the game with, remain some of the best overall weapons in the game as you progress.
If you would prefer to use a weapon with a high critical chance you can always pick up the Ancient Overlord from the Weapon Shop in the Resistance Camp right at the start of the game. If you need more cash to afford it, do some fishing just outside the exit to the camp. Return to the camp to sell any fish you catch and purchase the Ancient Overlord.
The Iron Pipe is an excellent early weapon for stun-locking foes. You can find this by fishing in the sewers on the way to the Amusement Park, very early into the game.
Best End Game Weapons
Many of the weapons in Nier Automata when fully upgraded are very powerful, so really it just comes down to personal preference and playstyle as to which weapons will be the best for the player.
Popular endgame combinations include:
- Spear of the Usurper and Demon’s Cry
- Iron Pipe and Cypress Stick
The Demon’s Cry when fully upgraded makes dealing with the games mobs, much simpler. While the Spear of the Usurper allows the player access to a great ranged attack and the ability to convert enemies to the player’s side for a time.
Iron Pipe and Cypress Stick are commonly paired, as the Pipe allows for extended stuns, and the Stick allows for increased critical’s making the pairing a very high damage combo.
Weapon Upgrade Material Locations
Throughout Nier Automata, you’ll come across various materials that can be used for improving both your weapons and Pods. Finding specific materials for your next upgrade can be tough though, so we’ve compiled the following table to help you better farm the materials you’ll need.
Where we note that an item is found in a particular area, this means you’ll find it there as a shiny object on the ground. The locations and spawn times of these are random, so you’ll just need to spend time in the area collecting to find the required material. We’ve excluded quest rewards from the list as these are not easily farmable.
Material Name: | Location Found: |
Amber | - Dropped by Small Flyer enemy. - Found in Desert Zone and City Ruins. - Sold by Shopkeeper in the Amusement Park after completing Route C. |
Beast Hide | - Dropped by Boar and Moose. |
Black Pearl | - Found in Flooded City. - Sold by Shopkeeper in Amusement Park after completing Route C. |
Broken Battery | - Found in a chest in the underground portion of the Desert Zone, it is near a group of small stubby enemies. - Sold by Emil when close to the Abandoned Factory. |
Broken Circuit | - Found in Desert Zone. - Sold by Emil when near the Abandoned Factory. |
Broken Key | - Dropped by Small Stubby machines. - Found in Desert Zone. - Sold by Emil when close to the Abandoned Factory. |
Copper Ore | - Dropped by Small Flyer Machines. - Found in Desert Zone. - Sold by Amusement Park vendor after Route C is complete. |
Clean Nut | - Found in a locked chest in the City Ruins. - Sold by Emil when he is near the Resistance Camp. |
Complex Gadget | - Can be found in the Forest Zone, in the Royal Chamber where the baby king was. - Found in a chest in the City Ruins: Cave. |
Crushed Nut | - Found in a chest under the Desert Zone, near some small stubby enemies. - Dropped by Link-Sphere Machines. - Sold by Emil when close to the Abandoned Factory. - Easily farmed from the Copied City during Route C. |
Crystal | - Found in City Ruins near a Truck. - Found in Desert Zone. - Sold by Amusement Park Vendor after completing Route C. |
Dented Plate | - Dropped by Small Stubby Machine and Small Flyer Machine in Desert Center. - Sold by Emil when he is near the Abandoned Factory. |
Dented Socket | - Dropped by Multi-Leg Medium machines in the Abandoned Factory. - Sold by Emil when he is near the Abandoned Factory. |
Dye | - Found in Flooded City. - Sold by Amusement Park Vendor after completing Route C. |
Eagle Eggs | - Found in the Forest Zone. |
Elaborate Gadget | - Found in the Forest Zone Royal Chamber. - Found in City Ruins, near the Factory. - Found in Desert Zone on the edge of the water in the Oasis. |
Filler Metal | - Found in lower areas of Abandoned Factory. - Sold by Amusement Park Vendor after completing Route C. |
Giant Egg | - Found in the Forest Zone. |
Gold Ore | - Found in Forest Zone. - Found in containers in the Flooded City. - Sold by Amusement Park Vendor after completing Route C. |
Iron Ore | - Found in Desert Zone. - Dropped by Small Stubbies and Small Flyers. |
Large Battery | - Dropped by Small Stubbies while riding Medium Quadruped in the Forest Zone. - Sold by Emil when he is near the Resistance Camp. |
Large Gear | - Dropped by Small Stubbies. - Sold by Emil when he is near the Resistance Camp. |
Machine Arm | - Sold by Pascal, in the Machine Village, after A2 wipes his memory. - Can be farmed in the area where you fought Adam, in the Desert Zone. - Dropped by the enemies patrolling the Forest Kingdom Castle in Route C. |
Machine Core | - Dropped by Goliath Tank in the Amusement Park. - Dropped by Gold Tank and Courageous Brother in the Desert. - Dropped by Amusement Park Rabbit. |
Machine Head | - Dropped by large Bipedal Machine in Desert Housing area. - Sold by Pascal in Machine Village after A2 wipes his memory. |
Machine Leg | - Dropped by Small Biped Machines. - Sold by Pascal, in the Machine Village, after A2 wipes his memory. |
Machine Oil | - Sold by Amusement Park Vendor after completing Route C. |
Machine Torso | - Dropped by machines in the City Ruins: Deep Cave. - Sold by Pascal in the Machine Village after A2 wipes his memory. |
Memory Alloy | - Found in a chest in the underground section of Desert Zone. - In a chest on top of the stone arch in the City Ruins. - Dropped by Medium Biped Machines in City Ruins. - Sold by Emil when he is close to the Resistance Camp. |
Meteorite | - Found in a chest in the Desert Arena. - Found in a chest in the Old Facility. - Sold by Half-wit Inventor after completing his quest and finishing Route C. |
Meteorite Shard | - Sold by Half-wit Inventor after completing his quest and finishing Route C. |
Moldavite | - Can be found in the Flooded City. - Sold by Amusement Park Vendor after completing Route C. |
Mushroom | - Found by the waterfall in the Forest Zone. - Found on the path to Forest Castle, when travelling from Pascal's Village. |
Natural Rubber | - Found in Desert Zone. - Found in the Factory: Entrance. - Sold by Amusement Park Vendor after completing Route C. |
New Bolt | - Sold by Emil when he is near the Resistance Camp. - Dropped by machines in the Amusement Park during Route B. |
Pearl | - Can be found in the Flooded City. - Sold by the Amusement Park Vendor after completing Route C. |
Plant Seed | - Found near the overpass bridge in the City Ruins. - Sold by Amusement Park Vendor after completing Route C. |
Powerup Part L | - Dropped by Amusement Park Rabbit. |
Powerup Part M | - Found in locked chest in Flooded City. Before the fourth lift in the Recovery Unit. - Found in locked chest in Forest Zone. As 9S travel from the Forest Center access point, down the river, once you reach a large drop, look for a ledge to the righthand side to allow you to continue down to reach the chest. - Found in a locked chest in the Copied City. As 9S from where you fought Adam continue down the path to find the chest. |
Powerup Part S | - Reward for completing Anemone's Past Side Quest. - Reward for completing Robo Dojo (Red Belt). - Dropped from Courageous Brother, after defeating it in the City Ruins with the two Gold Goliaths. |
Pristine Cable | - Dropped by Rampaging Small Bipeds. - Found in the locked chest at the bottom of the long ladder in City Ruins. |
Pristine Screw | - Dropped by Goliath Biped. - Found in a locked chest at the bottom of the long ladder in the City Ruins. - Sold by Emil when close to the Resistance Camp. |
Pure Water | - Found in the Sewers between City Ruins and the Flooded City. - Also found in the Flooded City. |
Pyrite | - Dropped by Small Stubby in Desert Zone. - Found in Forest Zone. - Found in Flooded City. - Sold by Amusement Park Vendor after completing Route C. |
Rusted Clump | - Dropped by Multi-tier Machines in Desert Zone. |
Rusty Bolt | - Dropped by Small Flyer Machines - Sold by Emil when he is near the Abandoned Factory. |
Severed Cable | - Dropped by Passive Machines in the Amusement Park. - Found in a chest in the under ground section of the Desert Zone. |
Silver Ore | - Found in Desert Zone. - Above the first Access Point in the City Ruins. - Sold by Amusement Park Vendor after completing Route C. |
Simple Gadget | - Found in the Royal Chamber in the Forest Zone Castle. - Ontop of Engel's Saw in the City Ruins. |
Small Gear | - Dropped by Small Stubby enemies. - Sold by Emil, when near the Abandoned Factory. |
Stretched Coil | - Dropped by Multi-tier Machines in Desert Zone. - Dropped by Reverse Jointed Goliath enemies. - Sold by Emil, when near the Abandoned Factory. |
Stripped Screw | - Dropped from Giant Machines in the City Ruins. - Sold by Emil, when he is near the Abandoned Factory. |
Sturdy Socket | - Dropped by Multi-leg Medium Machines in the Abandoned Factory. - Sold by Emil, when he is near the Resistance Camp. |
Tanning Agent | - Found in the Flooded City. - Sold by Amusement Park Vendor after completing Route C. |
Tech Manual | - Found in Desert Zone. - Sold by Amusement Park Vendor after clearing Route C. |
Thick Dictionary | - Dropped by Small Biped Machines. - Found in Desert Zone. - Sold by Amusement Park Vendor after clearing Route C. |
Titanium Alloy | - Dropped by Medium Biped Machines. - Dropped by Linked-Sphere Machines. - Found in Forest Kingdom's Castle, in the second building in a chest. |
Torn Book | - Found in the Desert Zone. - Sold by Amusement Park Vendor after completing Route C. |
Tree Sap | - Found in City Ruins. - Sold by Amusement Park Vendor after completing Route C. |
Tree Seed | - Found in many zones, near the base of trees. - Sold by Amusement Park Vendor after completing Route C. |
Warped Wire | - Dropped by Reverse-Jointed Goliath Machines. - Dropped by Multi-tier Machines in Desert Zone. - Found in Desert Zone. - Sold by Emil when he is near the Abandoned Factory. |
Short Sword Weapons
A blade once held by an attendant who cared deeply for his lord. Like his loyalty, its blade is unbent.
How to find the Faith Weapon
A short sword weapon, found in a chest in the Resource Unit near the Flooded City. Only available to be obtained while you control 9S during “Route C”.
Weapon upgrades grant two additional skills, ATK Speed Up which increases attack speed, and Bullet Absorb which restores HP when you hit a bullet with a melee attack.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 160-190 | Light: 5 Heavy: 3 | Base level. | |
2 | 320-280 | Light: 5 Heavy: 3 | 5x Rusted Clump 3x Warped Wire 5x Pyrite | ATK Speed Up |
3 | 448-532 | Light: 6 Heavy: 3 | 4x Dented Plate 3x Titanium Alloy 3x Broken Battery 1x Meteorite Shard | ATK Speed Up |
Max | 608-722 | Light: 7 Heavy: 3 | 2x Gold Ore 5x Rusty Bolt 3x New Bolt 2x Machine Arm 1x Meteorite | ATK Speed Up Bullet Absorb |
Iron Pipe
A rusty iron pipe covered in the vital fluids of machine lifeforms.
How to find the Iron Pipe
Classified as a short sword, even though it is literally a steel pipe. Found by fishing in the sewers between the City Ruins and the Amusement Park. Due to the random nature of fishing, you may have to try a couple of times to get the Iron Pipe.
Weapon upgrades grant two additional skills, Critical + increases your chance for a critical hit, and High Stun increases your chance of inflicting a Stun on enemies.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 30-220 | Light: 2 Heavy: 1 | Base level. | |
2 | 54-396 | Light: 3 Heavy: 1 | 2,500G 5x Copper Ore 5x Broken Key 5x Crystal | Critical + |
3 | 84-616 | Light: 4 Heavy: 2 | 5,000G 4x Iron Ore 3x Silver Ore 3x Small Gear 2x Amber | Critical + |
Max | 114-836 | Light: 5 Heavy: 2 | 10,000G 2x Gold Ore 5x Small Gear 3x Large Gear 2x Machine Arm 1x Moldavite | Critical + High Stun |
A sword decorated with a beastial motif. Short and thin, it easily goes unnoticed.
How to find the Beastbane
A short sword, found for sale by the Resistance Camp Vendor.
Weapon upgrades grant two additional skills, Endurance Up which increases your defense, and Beast’s Roar which adds an additional effect to your attack animations and increases the hitbox of the weapon’s attacks.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 190-210 | Light: 5 Heavy: 2 | Base level. | |
2 | 342-378 | Light: 6 Heavy: 2 | 2,500G 5x Copper Ore 3x Stretched Coil 5x Pyrite | Endurance Up |
3 | 532-588 | Light: 6 Heavy: 2 | 5,000G 5x Iron Ore 5x Silver Ore 3x Stripped Screw 1x Meteorite Shard | Endurance Up |
Max | 722-798 | Light: 7 Heavy: 3 | 2x Gold Ore 5x Stripped Screw 3x Pristine Screw 2x Machine Arm 1x Meteorite | Endurance Up Beast's Roar |
Phoenix Dagger
A ceremonial implement allegedly made from phoenix feathers. Mostly decorative. Untested in combat.
How to find the Phoenix Dagger
A short sword found by traveling to the bridge that connects the City Ruins and the Forest Kingdom. Beside the bridge, you can find a rocky path that leads to an elevator. Ride the elevator down and take the left-most path to a chest containing the Phoenix Dagger. You can also simply jump off of the Bridge and use your Pod to glide to the bottom to find this chest.
Weapon upgrades grant two additional skills, ATK Speed Up increases the weapons attack speed, while Phoenix Flash grants a chance to restore HP when causing damage.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 130-190 | Light: 4 Heavy: 2 | Base level. | |
2 | 234-342 | Light: 5 Heavy: 2 | 5x Rusted Clump 5x Broken Circuit 5x Pearl | ATK Speed Up |
3 | 364-532 | Light: 6 Heavy: 2 | 4x Dented Plate 3x Titanium Alloy 3x Crushed Nut 2x Black Pearl | ATK Speed Up |
Max | 494-722 | Light: 7 Heavy: 3 | 2x Memory Alloy 5x Crushed Nut 3x Clean Nut 2x Machine Arm 1x Meteorite | ATK Speed Up Phoenix Flash |
Ancient Overlord
Long ago, a cruel lord used this sword on his own subjects in a vain attempt to attain immortality.
How to find the Ancient Overlord
You can find this sword for sale by the Resistance Camp weapons vendor.
Weapon upgrades grant two additional skills, Critical + increases the player’s chance to inflict a critical hit, while Bullet Rupture causes a shockwave when a projectile is struck by the weapon.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 150-185 | Light: 4 Heavy: 2 | Base level. | |
2 | 270-333 | Light: 5 Heavy: 2 | 5x Rusted Clump 5x Broken Circuit 5x Warped Wire | Critical + |
3 | 420-518 | Light: 6 Heavy: 2 | 4x Dented Plate 3x Titanium Alloy 3x Small Gear 2x Amber | Critical + |
Max | 570-703 | Light: 7 Heavy: 3 | 2x Memory Alloy 5x Small Gear 3x Large Gear 2x Machine Arm 1x Meteorite | Critical + Bullet Rupture |
Type-40 Sword
An advanced blade, issued to elite YoRHa on the front lines. Its power increases with its charge.
How to find the Type-40 Sword
Obtain this short sword by completing the Find a Present Side Quest. This quest is only available while playing as 2B in Route A.
Weapon upgrades grant two additional skills, Stun Up makes it easier to stun enemies, Energy Charge allows the weapon to charge up while not in use, increasing the damage of the first few hits of your next combo.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 170-180 | Light: 5 Heavy: 3 | Base level. | |
2 | 306-324 | Light: 6 Heavy: 3 | 2,500G 5x Rusted Clump 5x Broken Circuit 3x Pearl | Stun Up |
3 | 476-504 | Light: 7 Heavy: 3 | 5,000G 4x Dented Plate 3x Titanium Alloy 3x Broken Battery 2x Black Pearl | Stun Up |
Max | 646-684 | Light: 7 Heavy: 3 | 10,000G 2x Memory Alloy 5x Broken Battery 3x Large Battery 2x Machine Arm 1x Meteorite | Stun Up Energy Charge |
Type-3 Sword
A dated YoRHa blade trusted by android veterans. Not the latest model, but proven in combat.
How to find the Type-3 Sword
Available for purchase from the Twins Devola and Popola.
Weapon upgrades grant two additional skills, Endurance Up increases Defence, while Finish Blast adds an explosion to the final blow of your combos.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 130-220 | Light: 3 Heavy: 1 | Base level. | |
2 | 234-396 | Light: 4 Heavy: 1 | 2,500G 5x Copper Ore 5x Broken Key 5x Crystal | Endurance Up |
3 | 364-616 | Light: 5 Heavy: 2 | 5,000G 4x Iron Ore 3x Silver Ore 3x Rusty Bolt 2x Amber | Endurance Up |
Max | 494-836 | Light: 7 Heavy: 3 | 10,000G 2x Gold Ore 5x Rusty Bolt 3x New Bolt 2x Machine Arm 1x Meteorite | Endurance Up Finish Blast |
Virtuous Contract
A white sword like those carried by samurai of old. Looks flashy, but the blade is top quality.
How to find the Virtuous Contract
Starting weapon for 2B.
Weapon upgrades grant two additional skills, ATK Speed Up increases attack speed, and Holy Blessing increases attack power while HP is full.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 150-180 | Light: 4 Heavy: 2 | Base level. | |
2 | 270-324 | Light: 5 Heavy: 2 | 2,500G 5x Rusted Clump 5x Beast Hide 5x Crystal | ATK Speed Up |
3 | 420-504 | Light: 6 Heavy: 3 | 5,000G 4x Dented Plate 3x Titanium Alloy 3x Severed Cable 2x Amber | ATK Speed Up |
Max | 570-684 | Light: 7 Heavy: 3 | 10,000G 2x Memory Alloy 5x Severed Cable 3x Pristine Cable 2x Machine Arm 1x Moldavite | ATK Speed Up Holy Blessing |
Cruel Oath
A black oriental sword. Its no-frills design gives it an aura of serious weaponry.
How to find the Cruel Oath
Starting weapon for 9S. It gets added to your weapons, once you begin playing as 9S.
Weapon upgrades grant two additional skills, ATK Speed Up increases attack speed, while Dark Impulse increases damage if your HP is below 30%.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 150-180 | Light: 4 Heavy: 2 | Base level. | |
2 | 270-324 | Light: 5 Heavy: 2 | 2,500G 5x Copper Ore 5x Beast Hide 5x Crystal | ATK Speed Up |
3 | 420-518 | Light: 6 Heavy: 2 | 5,000G 4x Iron Ore 3x Silver Ore 3x Small Gear 2x Amber | ATK Speed Up |
Max | 570-684 | Light: 7 Heavy: 3 | 10,000G 2x Gold Ore 5x Small Gear 3x Large Gear 2x Machine Arm 1x Moldavite | ATK Speed Up Dark Impulse |
YoRHa-Issue Blade
This common blade is a standard-issue weapon given to all YoRHa troops.
How to find the YoRHa-Issue Blade
Obtained by completing the 11B’s Mementos Side Quest. Speak with 16D in the Bunker to initiate the Quest.
Weapon upgrades grant two additional skills, Discount provides a 30% discount at Andriod run shops, while Pod Charge decreases the cooldown on your Pod Program with each melee attack.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 150-180 | Light: 4 Heavy: 2 | Base level. | |
2 | 270-324 | Light: 5 Heavy: 2 | 2,500G 5x Rusted Clump 5x Stretched Coil 5x Broken Key | Discount |
3 | 420-504 | Light: 6 Heavy: 2 | 5,000G 4x Dented Plate 3x Titanium Alloy 3x Rusty Bolt 3x Pyrite | Discount |
Max | 570-684 | Light: 7 Heavy: 3 | 10,000G 2x Memory Alloy 5x Rusty Bolt 3x New Bolt 2x Machine Arm 1x Moldavite | Discount Pod Charge |
Machine Sword
An improvised blade used by machine lifeforms. It may be made from scraps, but it gets the job done.
Where to find the Machine Sword
Can be purchased from Pascal’s Village, or from the Blacksmith Masamune. Both sell it for 15,000G.
Weapon upgrades grant two additional skills, Robot Discount provides a discount at Robot-run stores, while Machine Brand increases the damage of the weapon for each foe killed by it, up to a limit of 500 kills.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 140-210 | Light: 4 Heavy: 1 | Base level. | |
2 | 252-378 | Light: 4 Heavy: 1 | 2,500G 5x Copper Ore 5x Broken Key 5x Crystal | Robot Discount |
3 | 392-588 | Light: 5 Heavy: 2 | 5,000G 4x Iron Ore 3x Silver Ore 3x Dented Socket 2x Amber | Robot Discount |
Max | 392-588 532-798 (with 500 Kills) | Light: 6 Heavy: 3 | 10,000G 2x Gold Ore 5x Dented Socket 3x Sturdy Socket 2x Machine Arm 1x Moldavite | Robot Discount Machine Brand |
Engine Blade
A sword passed down and continuously improved among the royal family of a land where magic prospers.
Where to find the Engine Blade
Found in the Abandoned Factory Area. You’ll have the ability to get this weapon during “Route C”. While escaping the Factory you’ll find a door to the room with this weapon, above the first set of conveyor belts and crushers that you encounter.
Weapon upgrades grant two additional skills, Stun Up increases the chances of stunning a foe, while Shift Avoid makes your dodge look visually similar to the dodge used in FFXV.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 160-200 | Light: 5 Heavy: 3 | Base level. | |
2 | 288-366 | Light: 6 Heavy: 3 | 2,500G 5x Rusted Clump 5x Broken Circuit 3x Pearl | Stun Up |
3 | 448-560 | Light: 6 Heavy: 3 | 5,000G 4x Dented Plate 3x Titanium Alloy 3x Broken Battery 2x Black Pearl | Stun Up |
Max | 608-760 | Light: 7 Heavy: 3 | 10,000G 2x Memory Alloy 5x Broken Battery 3x Large Battery 2x Machine Arm 1x Moldavite | Stun Up Shift Avoid |
Cypress Stick
A stick made of Cypress wood. Can hardly be called a weapon, but somehow grants courage to its user.
Where to find the Cypress Stick
Found by going from Pascal’s Village to the Forest Zone. Climb the collapsed pillars and jump across the platforms to reach the chest with the weapon inside.
Weapon upgrades grant two additional skills, Critical + increases your critical hit chance, while Hero Sigil chances the appearance of the chests in the world.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 60-80 | Light: 4 Heavy: 1 | Base level. | |
2 | 144-210 | Light: 5 Heavy: 2 | 2,500G 5x Copper Ore 5x Broken Key 5x Stretched Coil | Critical + |
3 | 168-224 | Light: 6 Heavy: 3 | 5,000G 4x Iron Ore 3x Silver Ore 3x Severed Cable 3x Pyrite | Critical + |
Max | 228-304 | Light: 7 Heavy: 3 | 10,000G 2x Gold Ore 5x Severed Cable 3x Pristine Cable 2x Machine Arm 1x Moldavite | Critical + Hero Sigil |
Large Sword Weapons
Iron Will
The blade is dull – Its power comes from mass alone. Does it smell of iron, or is that human blood…?
Where to find the Iron Will
Found by using the Scan function of your Pod in the Flooded City area. Search for it on the broken bridge with the second bus. At the end of the road, you can drop down to a small platform, here use your scan function facing the broken bridge to find the Iron Will. You’ll need the Scanner from Popola to be able to find it.
Weapon upgrades grant two additional skills, Endurance Up increases your defense, while Steel Spine increases your resistance to being staggered by enemies.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 250-400 | Light: 1 Heavy: 1 | Base level. | |
2 | 450-720 | Light: 2 Heavy: 1 | 2,500G 5x Rusted Clump 5x Broken Key 5x Pyrite | Endurance Up |
3 | 700-1120 | Light: 2 Heavy: 2 | 5,000G 4x Dented Plate 3x Titanium Alloy 3x Broken Battery 1x Meteorite Shard | Endurance Up |
Max | 950-1520 | Light: 3 Heavy: 3 | 10,000G 2x Memory Alloy 5x Broken Battery 3x Large Battery 2x Machine Torso 1x Meteorite | Endurance Up Steel Spine |
Fang of the Twins
A giant, cursed axe, anointed with the blood of innocent twins to assuage the wrath of the gods.
Where to find the Fang of the Twins
Look for this weapon in the Desert Housing Complex. From the Desert Housing Access Point, it’s at the top of the first Fire Escape that you pass.
Weapon upgrades grant two additional skills, Critical + increases your chance of inflicting a Critical Hit, while Bullet Rupture causes a shockwave when you strike projectiles.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 310-320 | Light: 2 Heavy: 2 | Base level. | |
2 | 558-576 | Light: 2 Heavy: 2 | 2,500G 5x Copper Ore 5x Broken Key 5x Crystal | Critical + |
3 | 868-896 | Light: 3 Heavy: 3 | 5,000G 4x Iron Ore 3x Silver Ore 3x Severed Cable 2x Amber | Critical + |
Max | 1,178-1,216 | Light: 4 Heavy: 3 | 10,000G 2x Gold Ore 5x Severed Cable 3x Pristine Cable 2x Machine Torso 1x Moldavite | Critical + Bullet Rupture |
Bearing a bestial design, this sword cuts down any who would challenge its bearer’s authority.
Where to find the Beastlord Sword
Purchased from the Resistance Camp Weapons Vendor for 10,000G.
Weapon upgrades grant two additional skills, Endurance Up increases defense, while Beast’s Roar increases your attack width and changes the attack animation.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 320-350 | Light: 2 Heavy: 2 | Base level. | |
2 | 576-630 | Light: 2 Heavy: 2 | 2,500G 5x Copper Ore 5x Pyrite 3x Warped Wire | Endurance Up |
3 | 896-980 | Light: 3 Heavy: 3 | 5,000G 4x Iron Ore 3x Silver Ore 3x Stripped Screw 1x Meteorite Shard | Endurance Up |
Max | 1,216-1,330 | Light: 4 Heavy: 3 | 10,000G 2x Gold Ore 5x Stripped Screw 3x Pristine Screw 2x Machine Torso 1x Meteorite | Endurance Up Beast's Roar |
Phoenix Sword
A sword allegedly made from phoenix feathers, used by temple guards. As yet untested in combat.
Where to find the Phoenix Sword
You can find this weapon in a locked chest in the building where you first landed when you started the game as 9S. Look for the chest on the roof, you’ll need to hack it to gain the weapon.
Weapon upgrades grant two additional skills, ATK Speed Up increases attack speed, while Phoenix Flash grants a chance to restore a portion of your health when attacking enemies.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 270-340 | Light: 2 Heavy: 2 | Base level. | |
2 | 486-612 | Light: 2 Heavy: 2 | 2,500G 5x Rusted Clump 5x Broken Circuit 3x Pearl | ATK Speed Up |
3 | 756-952 | Light: 3 Heavy: 3 | 5,000G 4x Dented Plate 3x Titanium Alloy 3x Crushed Nut 2x Black Pearl | ATK Speed Up |
Max | 1,026-1,292 | Light: 4 Heavy: 3 | 10,000G 2x Memory Alloy 5x Crushed Nut 3x Clean Nut 2x Machine Torso 1x Meteorite | ATK Speed Up Phoenix Flash |
Type-4O Blade
An advvanced YoRHa weapon designed to defeat giant machine lifeforms. Its power increases with its charge.
Where to find the Type-4O Blade
Obtained by completing the Data Analysis Freak 2 Side Quest. This quest is only available as 9S on your Route B playthrough.
Weapon upgrades grant two additional skills, Stun Up makes it easier for you to inflict the stun status, while Energy Charge increases your damage for a couple of attacks after allowing the blade to charge for a few seconds by not attacking. Blue energy will surround the weapon when it is fully charged.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 320-330 | Light: 2 Heavy: 2 | Base level. | |
2 | 576-594 | Light: 2 Heavy: 2 | 2,500G 5x Rusted Clump 5x Broken Circuit 3x Pearl | Stun Up |
3 | 896-924 | Light: 3 Heavy: 3 | 5,000G 4x Dented Plate 3x Titanium Alloy 3x Broken Battery 2x Black Pearl | Stun Up |
Max | 1,216-1,254 | Light: 4 Heavy: 3 | 10,000G 2x Memory Alloy 5x Broken Battery 3x Large Battery 2x Machine Torso 1x Meteorite | Stun Up Energy Charge |
Type-3 Blade
A durable, older model YoRHa weapon, time-tested and proven for turning machine lifeforms into scrap.
Where to find the Type-3 Blade
Can be purchased from the Twins, Devola and Popola, in the Resistance Camp on Route C for 20,000G.
Weapon upgrades grant two additional skills, Endurance Up increases your defense, while Finish Blast causes your combo to end with an explosion.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 280-360 | Light: 1 Heavy: 1 | Base level. | |
2 | 504-648 | Light: 2 Heavy: 2 | 2,500G 5x Copper Ore 5x Broken Key 5x Crystal | Endurance Up |
3 | 784-1,008 | Light: 3 Heavy: 3 | 5,000G 4x Iron Ore 3x Silver Ore 3x Rusty Bolt 2x Amber | Endurance Up |
Max | 1,064-1,368 | Light: 4 Heavy: 3 | 10,000G 2x Gold Ore 5x Rusty Bolt 3x New Bolt 2x Machine Torso 1x Meteorite | Endurance Up |
Virtuous Treaty
This samurai sword’s pure white blade is not yet sullied by a single drop of blood.
Where to find the Virtuous Treaty
In the Abandoned Factory entrance, when you first gain access to exploring the world there will be a marker placed here for this. Look for it near where you self-destructed at the start of the game during the Tutorial.
Weapon upgrades grant two additional skills, ATK Speed Up increases attack speed, while Holy Blessing increases the damage you deal while your HP is full.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 300-330 | Light: 2 Heavy: 2 | Base level. | |
2 | 540-594 | Light: 2 Heavy: 2 | 2,500G 5x Rusted Clump 5x Beast Hide 5x Crystal | ATK Speed Up |
3 | 840-924 | Light: 3 Heavy: 3 | 5,000G 4x Dented Plate 3x Titanium Alloy 5x Warped Wire 2x Amber | ATK Speed Up |
Max | 1,140-1,254 | Light: 4 Heavy: 3 | 10,000G 2x Memory Alloy 5x Severed Cable 3x Pristine Cable 2x Machine Torso 1x Moldavite | ATK Speed Up Holy Blessing |
Cruel Blood Oath
This warrior’s sword has been stained jet black with the blood of years of conflict.
Where to find the Cruel Blood Oath
In a cavern below the Desert. You’ll find it behind a locked door that only 9S can open by hacking it.
Weapon upgrades grant two additional skills, ATK Speed Up which raises attack speed, while Dark Impulse increases your attack damage if your HP is below 30%.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 300-330 | Light: 2 Heavy: 2 | Base level. | |
2 | 540-594 | Light: 2 Heavy: 2 | 2,500G 5x Copper Ore 5x Beast Hide 5x Stretched Coil | ATK Speed Up |
3 | 840-924 | Light: 3 Heavy: 3 | 5,000G 4x Dented Plate 3x Titanium Alloy 3x Small Gear 2x Amber | ATK Speed Up |
Max | 1,140-1,254 | Light: 4 Heavy: 3 | 10,000G 2x Memory Alloy 5x Small Gear 3x Large Gear 2x Machine Arm 1x Moldavite | ATK Speed Up Dark Impulse |
Machine Axe
Though cobbled together from scrap metal, this machine lifeform’s axe packs a terrifying punch.
Where to find the Machine Axe
Can be purchased from the Weapon’s Vendor in Pascal’s Village.
Weapon upgrades grant two additional skills, Robot Discount which gives a discount when purchasing from Robot Vendors, while Machine Brand permanently increases the damage of the weapon each time an enemy is slain, up to a maximum of 500 kills.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 280-350 | Light: 2 Heavy: 1 | Base level. | |
2 | 504-630 | Light: 2 Heavy: 1 | 2,500G 5x Copper Ore 5x Broken Key 5x Crystal | Robot Discount |
3 | 784-980 | Light: 2 Heavy: 2 | 5,000G 4x Iron Ore 3x Silver Ore 3x Dented Socket 2x Amber | Robot Discount |
Max | 784-980 1,064-1,330 at 500 Kills | Light: 3 Heavy: 3 | 10,000G 2x Gold Ore 5x Dented Socket 3x Sturdy Socket 2x Machine Torso 1x Moldavite | Robot Discount Machine Brand |
Spear Weapons
Phoenix Lance
Monks carried this decorative spear, said to be made from phoenix feathers, on pilgrimages.
Where to find the Phoenix Lance
Look for it in the Desert Zone, Center area. Use your Pod to scan for it to the east of where you teleport in. Its located on the map border of where it changes from a light border to a darker border. Nearby to a section of the Pipeline.
Weapon upgrades grant two additional skills, ATK Speed Up which increases attack speed, and Phoenix Flash which has a chance to restore HP with each physical attack.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 210-250 | Light: 4 Heavy: 2 | Base level. | |
2 | 378-450 | Light: 5 Heavy: 2 | 2,500G 5x Rusted Clump 5x Broken Circuit 3x Pearl | ATK Speed Up |
3 | 588-700 | Light: 6 Heavy: 2 | 5,000G 4x Dented Plate 3x Titanium Alloy 3x Crushed Nut 2x Black Pearl | ATK Speed Up |
Max | 798-950 | Light: 6 Heavy: 3 | 10,000G 2x Memory Alloy 5x Crushed Nut 3x Clean Nut 2x Machine Leg 1x Moldavite | ATK Speed Up Phoenix Flash |
A spear emblazoned with a bestial motif, once used by a lord to quell rebellion among his subjects.
Where to find the Beastcurse
Head back to the Royal Chamber in the Forest Zone Castle by teleporting. From the Royal Chamber make your way right, jump across the broken ledge, run past the room with the large worm machine. Continue until you reach the room with the caved-in floor, jump across it instead of going down, the next room should be the library area. From here simply make your way across to the other side of where you entered from to find 2x chests, one of which contains the Beastcurse Spear.
Weapon upgrades grant two new skills, Endurance Up increases defense, while Beast’s Roar increases the hitbox of the weapon and adds a cosmetic effect to your attacks.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 240-265 | Light: 3 Heavy: 1 | Base level. | |
2 | 343-477 | Light: 4 Heavy: 1 | 2,500G 5x Copper Ore 3x Stretched Coil 5x Pyrite | Endurance Up |
3 | 672-742 | Light: 5 Heavy: 2 | 5,000G 4x Iron Ore 3x Silver Ore 3x Stripped Screw 1x Meteorite Shard | Endurance Up |
Max | 912-1,007 | Light: 6 Heavy: 3 | 10,000G 2x Gold Ore 5x Stripped Screw 3x Pristine Screw 2x Machine Leg 1x Meteorite | Endurance Up Beast's Roar |
Dragoon Lance
A spear symbolic of the covenant between a mighty warlord and an ancient dragon.
Where to find the Dragoon Lance
Teleport to the Forest Zone’s Central Access Point. From here follow the waterfall all the way down to find the location of one of the Lunar Tears, and a chest containing the Dragoon Lance.
Weapon upgrades grant two new skills, Endurance Up which increases your defense, while Dragon Wings increases your attack power while in mid-air.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 250-260 | Light: 5 Heavy: 2 | Base level. | |
2 | 450-468 | Light: 5 Heavy: 2 | 2,500G 5x Rusted Clump 5x Broken Circuit 5x Warped Wire | Endurance Up |
3 | 700-728 | Light: 5 Heavy: 2 | 5,000G 4x Dented Plate 3x Titanium Alloy 3x Crushed Nut 2x Pyrite | Endurance Up |
Max | 912-1,007 | Light: 6 Heavy: 3 | 10,000G 2x Memory Alloy 5x Crushed Nut 3x Clean Nut 2x Machine Leg 1x Meteorite | Endurance Up Dragon Wings |
Spear of the Usurper
A prince’s body double used this spear to slay his liege, and met his own fate on the same edge.
Where to find the Spear of the Usurper
Obtained by completing the Heritage of the Past Side Quest. This quest is available on Route A while you are playing as 2B. Once you have the Dynamic Scanner, after you’ve rescued 9S, you’ll find a researcher in the Desert Zone who will ask for help with this Side Quest.
Weapon upgrades grant two new skills, Critical + increases your chance to inflict critical hits, while Turncoat allows attacks to randomly change a foe into an ally. It works similar to how Subjugate works when hacking enemies as 9S.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 220-270 | Light: 3 Heavy: 1 | Base level. | |
2 | 396-486 | Light: 5 Heavy: 2 | 2,500G 5x Copper Ore 5x Broken Key 5x Stretched Coil | Critical + |
3 | 616-756 | Light: 5 Heavy: 2 | 5,000G 4x Iron Ore 3x Silver Ore 3x Rusty Bolt 3x Pyrite | Critical + |
Max | 836-1,026 | Light: 6 Heavy: 3 | 10,000G 2x Gold Ore 5x Rusty Bolt 3x New Bolt 2x Machine Leg 1x Moldavite | Critical + Turncoat |
Type-40 Lance
YoRHa commanders’ guards wield this advanced spear. It’s power increases as it charges with energy.
Where to find the Type-4O Lance
Obtained by completing the YoRHa Betrayers Side Quest.
Weapon upgrades grant two new skills, Stun Up increases the chance of inflicting a stun, while Energy Charge boosts the damage of the next few hits. To activate Energy Charge you need to not attack with the weapon for a few seconds until it glows blue.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 240-250 | Light: 4 Heavy: 2 | Base level. | |
2 | 432-450 | Light: 5 Heavy: 3 | 2,500G 5x Rusted Clump 5x Broken Circuit 3x Pearl | Stun Up |
3 | 672-700 | Light: 5 Heavy: 3 | 5,000G 4x Dented Plate 3x Titanium Alloy 3x Broken Battery 2x Black Pearl | Stun Up |
Max | 912-950 | Light: 6 Heavy: 3 | 10,000G 2x Memory Alloy 5x Broken Battery 3x Large Battery 2x Machine Leg 1x Meteorite | Stun Up Energy Charge |
Type-3 Lance
An old YoRHa spear, built to imitate ancient human weaponry. Old-fashioned, but reliable.
Where to find the Type-3 Lance
Head to the Flooded City and jump over to the sloped building closest to the waterfall. You’ll need to use the A160: Missile ability with your Pod to help you close the distance. Pre-charge your Missile Pod ability and then, jump, dash, then jump again, before firing the Missile Pod ability at the top of the jump. This should give you enough distance to be able to glide to the chest now.
Another method is to use 9S’s hacking ability to take over one of the Small Flyer Machines in the area, then use it to fly across the gap and reach the chest.
Weapon upgrades grant two new skills, Endurance Up increases your defense, while Finish Blast adds an explosion to the end of your combos.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 200-280 | Light: 3 Heavy: 1 | Base level. | |
2 | 360-504 | Light: 4 Heavy: 1 | 2,500G 5x Copper Ore 5x Broken Key 5x Crystal | Endurance Up |
3 | 560-504 | Light: 5 Heavy: 2 | 5,000G 4x Iron Ore 3x Silver Ore 3x Rusty Bolt 2x Amber | Endurance Up |
Max | 760-1,064 | Light: 6 Heavy: 3 | 10,000G 2x Gold Ore 5x Rusty Bolt 3x New Bolt 2x Machine Leg 1x Meteorite | Endurance Up Finish Blast |
Virtuous Dignity
This pure white spear shines with the pride of the haughty samurai who once bore it.
Where to find the Virtuous Dignity
Head into the Sewers between the City Ruins and the Amusement Park. Continue past the ladder that takes you up to the Amusement Park and instead take the ladder at the end of the sewers past it. You’ll pop out in an area with a shrine holding the weapon.
Weapon upgrades grant two new skills, ATK Speed Up increases your attack speed, while Holy Blessing increases your attack power while your HP is full.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 220-240 | Light: 3 Heavy: 2 | Base level. | |
2 | 396-432 | Light: 4 Heavy: 2 | 2,500G 5x Rusted Clump 5x Beast Hide 5x Crystal | ATK Speed Up |
3 | 616-672 | Light: 5 Heavy: 2 | 5,000G 4x Dented Plate 3x Titanium Alloy 5x Warped Wire 2x Amber | ATK Speed Up |
Max | 836-912 | Light: 6 Heavy: 3 | 10,000G 2x Memory Alloy 5x Severed Cable 3x Prisine Cable 2x Machine Leg 1x Moldavite | ATK Speed Up Holy Blessing |
Cruel Arrogance
Its pitch-black spearhead gleams with the ruthlessness of a warrior who never knew mercy.
Where to find the Cruel Arrogance
While playing as 9S on Route B, head back to the Abandoned Factory and retrace 2B’s escape route from the last playthrough. After the second bunch of exploding machines, you’ll reach a conveyor belt after the first set of crushers. Head through and jump onto the platform above the conveyor belt to find a locked door at the end, 9S can hack the door to reveal the weapon on the other side.
Weapon upgrades grant two new skills, ATK Speed Up increases your attack speed, while Dark Impulse increases your attack power while your HP is below 30%
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 220-240 | Light: 3 Heavy: 2 | Base level. | |
2 | 396-432 | Light: 4 Heavy: 2 | 2,500G 5x Copper Ore 5x Beast Hide 5x Stretched Coil | ATK Speed Up |
3 | 616-672 | Light: 5 Heavy: 2 | 5,000G 4x Iron Ore 3x Silver Ore 3x Small Gear 3x Pyrite | ATK Speed Up |
Max | 836-912 | Light: 6 Heavy: 3 | 10,000G 2x Gold Ore 5x Small Gear 3x Large Gear 2x Machine Leg 1x Moldavite | ATK Speed Up Dark Impulse |
Machine Spear
A spear used by machine lifeforms, specially formed from scrap metal to destroy androids.
Where to find the Machine Spear
Can be bought from the weapons vendor in Pascal’s Village for 15,000G. Also sold by the Level 4 Upgrade Blacksmith, Masamune.
Weapon upgrades grant two new skills, Robot Discount gives you a discount at shops run by machines, Machine Brand permanently increases the damage of the weapon for every foe killed by it. Caps out at 500 kills.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 210-260 | Light: 3 Heavy: 1 | Base level. | |
2 | 378-468 | Light: 4 Heavy: 1 | 2,500G 5x Copper Ore 5x Broken Key 5x Crystal | Robot Discount |
3 | 588-728 | Light: 5 Heavy: 2 | 5,000G 4x Iron Ore 3x Silver Ore 3x Dented Socket 2x Amber | Robot Discount |
Max | 588-728 798-988 (with 500 kills) | Light: 6 Heavy: 3 | 10,000G 2x Gold Ore 5x Dented Socket 3x Sturdy Socket 2x Machine Leg 1x Moldavite | Robot Discount Machine Brand |
Combat Bracer Weapons
Bare Fists
Bare android fists are passable weapons, but it can be difficult to land effective blows with them.
Where to find the Bare Fists
Default unarmed weapon. Unequip any other weapon to default over to these.
Cannot be upgraded.
Angel’s Folly
Weapons fashioned in parts unknown to resemble the holy wings of angels.
Where to find the Angel’s Folly
These can be bought from Emil’s Shop anytime after Chapter 4 – 17. Stop him when he is close to the resistance camp to be able to purchase these items. It can sometimes take a couple of interactions before you’ll get him to have the right inventory.
Weapon upgrades grant two new skills, ATK Speed Up which increases your attack speed, and Angel’s Mercy which restores a portion of your HP for every enemy you defeat.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 150-165 | Light: 5 Heavy: 2 | Base level. | |
2 | 270-297 | Light: 6 Heavy: 2 | 2,500G 5x Rusted Clump 3x Warped Wire 5x Pyrite | ATK Speed Up |
3 | 420-462 | Light: 7 Heavy: 3 | 5,000G 4x Dented Plate 3x Titanium Alloy 3x Stripped Screw 1x Meteorite Shard | ATK Speed Up |
Max | 570-627 | Light: 8 Heavy: 3 | 10,000G 2x Memory Alloy 5x Stripped Screw 3x Pristine Screw 2x Machine Head 1x Meteorite | ATK Speed Up Angel's Mercy |
Demon’s Cry
Weapons fashioned in realms unseen to resemble the unholy fangs of demons.
Where to find the Demon’s Cry
These can be found in the underground section of the Amusement Park in a locked chest. You’ll need to take an elevator down to the basement and then follow the path to the end.
Weapon upgrades grant two new skills, ATK Speed Up increases your attack speed, while Devil’s Hatred causes a shockwave every time you kill an enemy.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 100-180 | Light: 5 Heavy: 2 | Base level. | |
2 | 180-324 | Light: 6 Heavy: 2 | 2,500G 5x Copper Ore 3x Stretched Coil 3x Pearl | ATK Speed Up |
3 | 280-504 | Light: 7 Heavy: 3 | 5,000G 4x Iron Ore 3x Silver Ore 3x Small Gear 2x Black Pearl | ATK Speed Up |
Max | 380-684 | Light: 8 Heavy: 3 | 10,000G 2x Gold Ore 5x Small Gear 3x Large Gear 2x Machine Head 1x Meteorite | ATK Speed Up Devil's Hatred |
Type-4O Fists
First introduced in A.D. 11940, these YoRHa Knuckle weapons become powerful with more energy.
Where to find the Type-4O Fists
Found in the Resistance Camp in a Locked Chest behind the Access Point.
Weapon upgrades grant two new skills, Stun Up which increases the chance to stun the enemy, while Energy Charge increases the damage of your next few hits, after being allowed to charge for a few seconds while not in combat.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 140-150 | Light: 5 Heavy: 2 | Base level. | |
2 | 252-270 | Light: 6 Heavy: 2 | 2,500G 5x Rusted Clump 5x Broken Circuit 3x Pearl | Stun Up |
3 | 392-420 | Light: 7 Heavy: 3 | 5,000G 4x Dented Plate 3x Titanium Alloy 3x Broken Battery 2x Black Pearl | Stun Up |
Max | 532-570 | Light: 8 Heavy: 3 | 10,000G 2x Memory Alloy 5x Broken Battery 3x Large Battery 2x Machine Head 1x Meteorite | Stun Up Energy Charge |
Type-3 Fists
These old YoRHa weapons have a crude but reliable mechanism that imparts blows with explosive power.
Where to find the Type-3 Fists
These can be bought from Emil’s Shop anytime after Chapter 4 – 17. You’ll need to wait for him to be close to the Resistance Camp to stock these.
Weapon upgrades grant two new skills, Endurance Up which increases your defense, while Finish Blast causes an explosion on the final attack of your combo.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 110-170 | Light: 3 Heavy: 2 | Base level. | |
2 | 198-306 | Light: 4 Heavy: 1 | 2,500G 5x Copper Ore 5x Broken Key 5x Crystal | Endurance Up |
3 | 308-476 | Light: 6 Heavy: 2 | 5,000G 4x Iron Ore 3x Silver Ore 3x Rusty Bolt 2x Amber | Endurance Up |
Max | 418-646 | Light: 8 Heavy: 3 | 10,000G 2x Gold Ore 5x Rusty Bolt 3x New Bolt 2x Machine Head 1x Meteorite | Endurance Up Finish Blast |
Virtuous Grief
Stark white samurai gauntlets, kept pristine. Their master never saw a moment of conflict.
Where to find the Virtuous Grief
Found in the Forest Zone. Teleport to the Central Access point and head left past the training grounds. Keep going until you are close to the edge, check to the right to find a series of platforms you can climb. Continue climbing upward and across the gaps until you find the shrine with the Virtuous Grief inside. It’s also directly above the place where you found the Dragoon Lance and Lunar Tear.
Weapon upgrades grant two new skills, ATK Speed Up which increases your attack speed, while Holy Blessing increases your attack damage while your HP is full.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 120-150 | Light: 5 Heavy: 2 | Base level. | |
2 | 216-270 | Light: 6 Heavy: 2 | 2,500G 5x Rusted Clump 5x Beast Hide 5x Crystal | ATK Speed Up |
3 | 336-420 | Light: 7 Heavy: 2 | 5,000G 4x Dented Plate 3x Titanium Alloy 3x Severed Cable 2x Amber | ATK Speed Up |
Max | 456-570 | Light: 8 Heavy: 3 | 10,000G 2x Memory Alloy 5x Severed Cable 3x Pristine Cable 2x Machine Head 1x Moldavite | ATK Speed Up Holy Blessing |
Cruel Lament
Samurai gauntlets worn by a commander infamous for cruelty, blackened with the blood of his foes.
Where to find the Cruel Lament
Received from the Secret Blacksmith, Masamune, as a reward the first time you max out a weapon. You can find him in the Forest Kingdom’s Castle area.
Weapon upgrades grant two new skills, ATK Speed Up increases attack speed, while Dark Impulse increases your attack damage while your HP is below 30%.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 120-150 | Light: 5 Heavy: 2 | Base level. | |
2 | 216-270 | Light: 6 Heavy: 2 | 2,500G 5x Copper Ore 5x Beast Hide 5x Warped Wire | ATK Speed Up |
3 | 336-420 | Light: 7 Heavy: 2 | 5,000G 4x Iron Ore 3x Silver Ore 3x Small Gear 2x Pyrite | ATK Speed Up |
Max | 456-570 | Light: 8 Heavy: 3 | 10,000G 2x Gold Ore 5x Small Gear 3x Large Gear 2x Machine Head 1x Moldavite | ATK Speed Up Dark Impulse |
Machine Heads
Fist weapons made from the heads of machines. Though simple, they have notable power due to their mass.
Where to find the Machine Heads
In Route C, choose to wipe Pascal’s memories as A2, then when you next control 9S head to Pascal’s Village and these will be for sale from him.
Weapon upgrades grant two new skills, Robot Discount gives a discount to purchases from robot vendors, while Machine Brand increases the damage of the weapon by each enemy killed. Stacks to 500 kills.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 110-160 | Light: 3 Heavy: 2 | Base level. | |
2 | 198-288 | Light: 4 Heavy: 1 | 2,500G 5x Copper Ore 5x Broken Key 5x Crystal | Robot Discount |
3 | 308-448 | Light: 6 Heavy: 2 | 5,000G 4x Iron Ore 3x Silver Ore 3x Dented Socket 2x Amber | Robot Discount |
Max | 308-448 418-608 (at 500 Kills.) | Light: 7 Heavy: 3 | 10,000G 4x Gold Ore 5x Dented Socket 3x Sturdy Socket 2x Machine Head 1x Moldavite | Robot Discount Machine Brand |
Emil Heads
Weapons shaped like Emil’s head, made of an unknown singular element.
Where to find the Emil Heads Weapon
Obtained by defeating Emil’s first form.
Weapon upgrades grant two new skills, Stun Up which increases your stun rate, while Insanity makes the weapons speak to you with each attack.
Upgrade Level: | Attack Power: | Combo: | Materials Required: | Special Effect: |
1 | 120-150 | Light: 5 Heavy: 2 | Base level. | |
2 | 216-270 | Light: 6 Heavy: 2 | 2,500G 5x Rusted Clump 5x Broken Key 5x Crystal | Stun Up |
3 | 336-420 | Light: 6 Heavy: 3 | 5,000G 4x Dented Plate 3x Titanium Alloy 3x Severed Cable 2x Amber | Stun Up |
Max | 456-570 | Light: 8 Heavy: 3 | 10,000G 2x Memory Alloy 5x Severed Cable 3x Pristine Cable 2x Machine Head 1x Moldavite | Stun Up Insanity |