A Scalding Scoop – Monster Hunter World

A Scalding Scoop Monster Hunter World Optional Quest

A Scalding Scoop Monster Hunter World Optional Quest

Our next optional quest in Monster Hunter World is called “A Scalding Scoop”. We have to head off to the Elder’s Recess to slay 5 Barnos. Barnos are a small flying wyvern, similar to our wingdrakes, that is found primarily in areas 2 and 9 of the Elder’s Recess. You should be able to find a total of 5 of them, just enough to complete the quest by going between those two areas.

Barnos can be targeted with slinger ammo to make them fly lower to the ground if you are running a melee build. I found my greatswords overhead swing often had enough reach to hit them though. If you want an easier time simply bring either a bow or a bowgun for this quest to not worry about them flying out of range.

Barnos at Low-Rank will drop Wingdrake Hide, while at High-Rank will drop Barnos Hide + and Barnos Talon. If you need either of these items this is an excellent quest to farm for them.

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