Pandora’s Arena – Monster Hunter World Iceborne

Pandora’s Arena Monster Hunter World Iceborne Special Assignment

Pandora’s Arena Special Assignment Monster Hunter World Iceborne

Our next Special Assignment is the quest, Pandora’s Arena. This quest unlocks a new Elder Dragon for us to face, Lunastra. It is part of a chain of quests that began with The Blazing Sun. Once you have completed that quest, head back to speak to the Huntsman in Astera. You’ll be able to get this quest from the Blacksmith at Seliana after you finish with the Huntsman. Speak to him to learn about a cornered Teostra that seems to be acting strangely in the arena.

There’s a saying about a cornered animal that slips me mind. Either way, there’s wounded Teostora corralled in the Special Arena. Something’s up with it. Go and check it out, eh?

Second Fleet Master, Client – Monster Hunter World Iceborne

Lunastra is definitely not to be underestimated in this fight. You only have 15 minutes to repel it. You’ll need to bring the highest heat resistance you can to survive its intense flames. Equip three Fire Resistance Jewels to help boost the level further. You’ll also want to bring the skill Heat Guard for this fight. Lunastra superheats the area around her body causing you to take damage as if you were in one of the Lava Area’s of the Elder’s Recess. Heat Guard will nullify this, so will the Heatproof Mantle.

Lunastra will cause blue flames to litter the arena. These are impossible to completely nullify but they do cause fire based damage, so the higher your fire resistance the better for this fight. The Astera Jerky item will also allow you to recover red portions of your health bar faster to help with the blue flames as well.

Just like Teostra, Lunastra has a highly damaging Supernova ability. She will fly into the air and roar just before releasing it. You need to get as far away from her as possible during this. The Superman Dive will help you to avoid some of the damage but be ready to use your healing items during it to try and counteract some of the health drain it will cause. In a small arena like this, without high levels of Fire Resistance, this skill is almost guaranteed to cause you to cart.

Lunastra is weak to Ice and Dragon elements. Its weak points are the head, wings, and tail. You can break or sever its head, wings, and tail.

Lunastra In-Game Weakness Chart - Monster Hunter World Iceborne
Lunastra In-Game Weakness Chart – Monster Hunter World Iceborne

High-Rank Lunastra Carves

Carves from a High-Rank Lunastra can include; Lunastra Scale +, Lunastra Carapace, Lunastra Tail, Lunastra Wing, Lunastra Mane, Lunastra Gem, and Lunastra Horn.

Lunastra Carves

Lunastra Scale +High-RankDropped by monster.
Lunastra CarapaceHigh-Rank
Lunastra TailHigh-RankCarve from tail.
Lunastra WingHigh-RankBreak the wings.
Lunastra ManeHigh-Rank
Lunastra GemHigh-RankBreak the head.
Carve from tail.
Dropped by monster.
Lunastra HornHigh-RankBreak the head.
Lunastra ShardMaster-Rank
Lunastra CortexMaster-Rank
Lunastra Mane +Master-RankDropped by monster.
Lunastra HardhornMaster-Rank
Large Elder Dragon GemMaster-RankDropped by monster.
Break the head.
Carve from tail.
Lunastra GemMaster-Rank
Lunastra FellwingMaster-RankBreak the wings.
Lunastra HardhornMaster-RankBreak the head.
Lunastra LashMaster-RankCarve from tail.
Carves from Lunastra - Monster Hunter World Iceborne

High-Rank Lunastra Rewards

Rewards from quests involving High-Rank Lunastra can include; Lunastra Carapace, Lunastra Scale +, Lunastra Horn, Lunastra Mane, Lunastra Wing, Elder Dragon Bone, Elder Dragon Blood, and Lunastra Gem.

Lunastra Carves

Lunastra Scale +High-RankDropped by monster.
Lunastra CarapaceHigh-Rank
Lunastra TailHigh-RankCarve from tail.
Lunastra WingHigh-RankBreak the wings.
Lunastra ManeHigh-Rank
Lunastra GemHigh-RankBreak the head.
Carve from tail.
Dropped by monster.
Lunastra HornHigh-RankBreak the head.
Lunastra ShardMaster-Rank
Lunastra CortexMaster-Rank
Lunastra Mane +Master-RankDropped by monster.
Lunastra HardhornMaster-Rank
Large Elder Dragon GemMaster-RankDropped by monster.
Break the head.
Carve from tail.
Lunastra GemMaster-Rank
Lunastra FellwingMaster-RankBreak the wings.
Lunastra HardhornMaster-RankBreak the head.
Lunastra LashMaster-RankCarve from tail.
Carves from Lunastra - Monster Hunter World Iceborne

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