Quality Wyvern Egg Guide
Quality Wyvern Egg Quick Summary | |
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A high-quality egg. Stolen from a monster’s nest. | |
Rarity: | 4 |
Type: | Account Item |
Sell Price: | 700 |
Hold Limit: | – |
Quality Wyvern Egg Summary:
Quality Wyvern Egg is an Account Item in Monster Hunter Rise and its Sunbreak Expansion. Account Items are large unique items that are found in each of the different map areas. Collecting them grants large amounts of Kamura Points, as well as helping to complete gathering quests, and requests given by some of the NPC’s in the village.
Quality Wyvern Egg is categorized as a Delivery Item, after collecting it you will need to return it to the supply box in the main camp to deliver it. It is extremely delicate and will reduce the player’s ability to move while carrying it. Dropping the item or being attacked by a monster will cause it to break and you will need to return to its gathering point to obtain another. It is still possible to run, climb, and use the Wirebug while carrying a delivery item, however doing so will quickly drain your stamina. If your stamina reaches zero while holding a delivery item, you will drop it and it will shatter.
A special note: Sub-Camps do not have Supply Boxes, so do not attempt to return Delivery Items to Sub-Camps, only the Main Camp.
Quality Wyvern Egg Location
The Quality Wyvern Egg item can only be located in the nest of Area 11 on the Shrine Ruins Map (pictured above). Search the nest to acquire one of the Eggs. Be aware that if there is a Rathian on the map they will attempt to stop you.
This item is only able to be found on High-Rank Quests.
Quests that Require Quality Wyvern Egg
- Request: Only The Good Eggs
The “Request: Only The Good Eggs” is given by Yomogi the Chef and unlocks the Berry Safe Dango when you deliver 2x Quality Wyvern Eggs and then return to speak to her.