Hellish Fiend Vaal Hazak – Monster Hunter World

https://youtu.be/rx7i6QGEF1E Hellish Fiend Vaal Hazak Assignment Quest Monster Hunter World Hellish Fiend Vaal Hazak Monster Hunter World Assignment Quest The next Elder Dragon on our list is Vaal Hazak. Hellish Fiend Vaal Hazak unlocks when you finish collecting all the Elder Dragon tracks in the Rotten Vale area of Monster…

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Dodogama Drama – Monster Hunter World

https://youtu.be/nX-1x-Xfmnk Dodogama Drama Optional Quest Monster Hunter World Dodogama Drama Monster Hunter World Optional Quest Our next optional quest in Monster Hunter World is Dodogama Drama. We have to head off to the Elders Recess to hunt a Dodogama, one of the new monsters we unlocked in this region. Dodogama…

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A Scalding Scoop – Monster Hunter World

https://youtu.be/t5Pkyv_Ba_8 A Scalding Scoop Monster Hunter World Optional Quest A Scalding Scoop Monster Hunter World Optional Quest Our next optional quest in Monster Hunter World is called "A Scalding Scoop". We have to head off to the Elder's Recess to slay 5 Barnos. Barnos are a small flying wyvern, similar…

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Up To Your Waist In The Waste – Monster Hunter World

https://youtu.be/F5_y0HFT_9w Up To Your Waist In The Waste Optional Quest Monster Hunter World Up To Your Waste In The Waste Monster Hunter World Optional Quest Our next optional quest in Monster Hunter World is Up To Your Waist In The Waste. This is a Jyuratodus slaying quest and is only…

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A Meow For Help – Monster Hunter World

https://youtu.be/KKDLk9_PGRI A Meow For Help Optional Quest Monster Hunter World A Meow For Help Optional Quest Monster Hunter World The next optional quest is A Meow For Help in Monster Hunter World. We have to head to the Elder's Recess to help one of our Palico friends by slaying some…

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Loop The Paolumu – Monster Hunter World

https://youtu.be/L_x-U8jP-pc Loop The Paolumu Monster Hunter World Optional Quest Loop The Paolumu Optional Quest Monster Hunter World Our next optional quest in Monster Hunter World is Loop The Paolumu. We're headed off to the Coral Highlands to hunt down a High-Rank Paolumu. Paolumu is not one of the harder fights…

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Say Cheese! – Monster Hunter World

https://youtu.be/HoeFDJ08iVg Say Cheese! Monster Hunter World Optional Quest Say Cheese! Optional Quest Monster Hunter World Our next High Rank optional quest in Monster Hunter World is Say Cheese! We'll be heading back to the Coral Highlands to hunt a Tzitzi-Ya-Ku. Tzitzi-Ya-Ku is weak to every element, so take your favorite.…

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