2 Star Village Quests
The 2 Star Village Quests begin to introduce larger monsters and a couple of gathering quests. You still shouldn’t have much trouble with them as long as you keep upgrading your gear as new things unlock.
The Key Quests to complete to unlock the next Urgent Quest is:
2 Star Quest List
Quest Name: | Objective: | Notes: | Video Guide |
Grizzly Glutton | Hunt an Arzuros | Key Quest Weak to Fire, Ice and Thunder elements. | |
Plump And Juicy | Deliver 10 Raftshells | Key Quest Found in the Water at the marked locations on your map. | |
A Frosty Paradise | Slay 10 Baggi | Key Quest Found in groups marked on the map. | |
Out Cold | Hunt a Great Baggi | Key Quest Weak to Fire, Water, and Thunder. | |
Rabid Rabbit | Hunt a Lagombi | Key Quest Weak to Fire and Thunder. | |
Great Izuchi, Great Pain | Hunt a Great Izuchi | 1 Star Urgent Quest Weak to Water and Thunder. | |
Case of the Creepy Crawlies | Slay a total of 14 Altaroth or Bnahabra | Small Bugs marked on the map. | |
Hmmm, Not So Tasty… | Deliver 3 Popo Tongues | Obtained by Carving Popo’s (the large Wooly Mammoth type creatures). |
Kamura Village – 3 Star Quests
Here we take a deeper look at all the 3 Star Village Quests in Monster Hunter Rise.
Quest List includes:
- Can’t Stomach the Thought
- Walking on Eggshells
- Fightin’ Dirty
- Obnoxious Lord, Noxious Monster
- Spongy Oasis
- Feathered Frenzy
- Supply Run
- Faceless Foe
- The Cactus Diet
- A Sandy Cabal
- Breath of the Past
- Ladies of the Lake
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Quest List
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