A Wound And A Thirst – Monster Hunter World

https://youtu.be/xY9Q3E9PY2s A Wound and a Thirst Monster Hunter World Assignment Quest A Wound and a Thirst Assignment Quest Monster Hunter World Our next Assignment Quest in Monster Hunter World is called A Wound and a Thirst. We're finally off to hunt our friend Nergigante. This will be our first Assignment…

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Gajalacka Lockdown – Monster Hunter World

https://youtu.be/Fj5OFpX9iRI Gajalacka Lockdown Optional Quest Monster Hunter World Gajalacka Lockdown Optional Quest Monster Hunter World The Gajalacka Lockdown is our next Optional Quest in Monster Hunter World. It's our first 'official' trip to the Elder's Recess and we need to track down 10 Gajalacka's. Gajalacka's are easily found in area's;…

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Everstream Expedition – Monster Hunter World

https://youtu.be/sO1J3VjAU9I Everstream Expedition Monster Hunter World Iceborne The Everstream Expedition Our next main story objective is unlocking the Elder's Recess map and beginning to collect Nergigante tracks, now that we're done with the Pink Rathian tracks. Head over to the Everstream from the Expedition map, follow along with the Handler…

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A Crown Of Mud And Anger – Monster Hunter World

https://youtu.be/vD9E0diWtjk A Crown of Mud and Anger Optional Quest Monster Hunter World A Crown of Mud and Anger Optional Quest Our next Optional Quest in Monster Hunter World is called "A Crown of Mud and Anger". It sees us off to the Wildspire Waste to hunt a Barroth. Barroth is…

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It Can’t See You If You Don’t Move – Monster Hunter World

https://youtu.be/PpWg4dw9eYk It Can't See You If You Don't Move Optional Quest Monster Hunter World It Can't See You If You Don't Move Monster Hunter World Optional Quest It Can't See You If You Don't Move is an Optional Quest in Monster Hunter World. In this optional quest, we're off to…

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A Tingling Taste – Monster Hunter World

https://youtu.be/Msz8ZoRh4GQ A Tingling Taste Monster Hunter World Optional Quest Tingling Taste Optional Quest Monster Hunter World A Tingling Taste is an Optional Quest in Monster Hunter World. We're headed to the Rotten Vale to hunt a Great Girros. Great Girros is typically found wandering around the lower levels of the…

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A Rotten Request – Monster Hunter World

https://youtu.be/DOucdQ2toIg A Rotten Request Monster Hunter World A Rotten Request Optional Quest Monster Hunter World Chef Quest! A Rotten Request is an Optional Quest in Monster Hunter World. Once you reach Hunting Rank 11 or higher you can accept this quest from the Meowscular Chef to help him out and…

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Redefining The Power Couple – Monster Hunter World

Redefining the Power Couple is an Optional Quest in Monster Hunter World. In it, we're off to the Ancient Forest to hunt both a Rathalos and a Rathian, as a reward you'll receive the Bandit Mantel. A very useful specialized tool that while being worn gives your attacks a chance to cause the monster to drop rare trade-in items. This makes hunts while wearing the Bandit Mantel great for farming zenny.

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Keep Your Hands to Yourself! – Monster Hunter World

https://youtu.be/9JkqTCqZuSc Keep Your Hands to Yourself Monster Hunter World Optional Quest Keep Your Hands to Yourself! Optional Quest Monster Hunter World Keep Your Hands to Yourself is an Optional Quest in Monster Hunter World. We need to head to the Wildspire Waste in search of a Kula-Ya-Ku to slay. While…

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