The Cactus Diet – Monster Hunter Rise

The Cactus Diet - Monster Hunter Rise - No Commentary Walkthrough MHR Guide Bauble Cactus

The Cactus Diet – 3-Star Quest Monster Hunter Rise

The Cactus Diet – Monster Hunter Rise

Our next quest in Monster Hunter Rise is the 3-Star Quest, The Cactus Diet. We’re off to the Sandy Plains to deliver 10 Bauble Cactus. You’ll find these items scattered about the map, they are harvestable from the Round Cactus gathering points.

This cactus diet has taken over my life. Cactus salad, cactus steak, cactus smoothies – You name it! But now I’m all out of Bauble Cactuses… Cacti? Whatever! Just go get me some!

Monster Hunter Rise

Bauble Cactus can be gathered from Round Cactus gathering points in the Sandy Plains, these are the small green cactus plants with a flower on them. You’ll have no trouble with this quest, as the locations of all the gathering points are marked for us on the map. Head out and grab them. They’ll automatically turn in as you collect them as well. Remember they respawn after a while too, if you are having difficulty finding some of the points.

Quest List Monster Hunter Rise

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