5 Star Village Quests
The 5 Star Village Quests pit you against even stronger monsters, you also only need to complete 4 of the Key Quests to unlock the next Urgent Quest.
The Key Quests to complete to unlock the next Urgent Quest are:
5 Star Quest List
Quest Name: | Objective: | Notes: | Video Guide: |
Wind Speed Wyvern | Hunt a Nargacuga | Key Quest Nargacuga is weak to Thunder, Fire, and Dragon elements. | |
Electrifying Epiphany | Hunt a Zinogre | Key Quest Zinogre is weak to Ice, Water, and Fire elements. | |
Nocturnal Tracker | Hunt an Anjanath | Key Quest Anjanath is weak to Water, Ice, and Thunder elements. | |
Waltzing By Moonlight | Hunt a Mizutsune | Key Quest Mizutsune is weak to Thunder, Dragon, and Ice elements. | |
Rathalos Alert! | Hunt a Rathalos | Key Quest Rathalos is weak to Dragon, Thunder, Ice, and Water elements. | |
Comeuppance | Hunt a Magnamalo | Magnamalo is weak Water and Thunder. | |
The Secret Ingredient | Capture a Somnacanth | Somnacanth is weak to Thunder and Fire elements. | |
BZZZZZ Or ZZZZzzzz | Hunt a Khezu and a Somnacanth | Khezu is weak to Fire elemental damage. Somnacanth is weak to Thunder and Fire elements. | |
Nosey Nuisances | Hunt a Kulu-Ya-Ku and an Anjanath | Kulu-Ya-Ku is weak to Water, Fire, Thunder, Ice, and Dragon elements. Anjanath is weak to Water, Ice, and Thunder elements. | |
The Hottest Around | Hunt a Tetranadon and a Volvidon | Tetranadon is weak to Thunder, Fire, and Ice elements. Volvidon is weak to Water, Ice, and Thunder elements. |
Kamura Village – 6 Star Quests
Here we take a deeper look at all the 6 Star Village Quests in Monster Hunter Rise.
Quest List includes:
- Hermit of the Swamp
- Abominable Snow-Beast
- Thundering Voice
- Twisted Desire
- A Test of Courage
- Like a Flash of Lightning
- King of the Sky, Bane of the Land
- Advanced: The Veteran’s Gala
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Quest List
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