4 Star Village Quests
The 4 Star Village Quests introduces some of the stronger large monsters in the game, you also only need to complete 4 of the Key Quests to unlock the next Urgent Quest.
The Key Quests to complete to unlock the next Urgent Quest are:
- Infernal Lacrimosa
- Raging White-Out
- The Queen’s Procession
- Streaking Shadow
- A Song of Red and Fire
- Off Your Rocker
4 Star Quest List
Quest Name: | Objective: | Notes: | Video Guide: |
Infernal Lacrimosa | Hunt a Somnacanth | Key Quest Weak to Thunder and Fire elements. | |
Raging White-Out | Hunt a Barioth | Key Quest Weak to Fire and Thunder elements. | |
The Queen’s Procession | Hunt a Rathian | Key Quest Weak to Dragon and Thunder elements. | |
Streaking Shadow | Hunt a Tobi-Kadachi | Key Quest Weak to Water, Fire, and Ice elements. | |
A Song Of Red And Fire | Hunt a Volvidon | Key Quest Weak to Water, Ice, and Thunder. | |
Off Your Rocker | Hunt a Basarios | Key Quest Weak to every element, primarily Dragon and Water though. | |
Monkey Wrench In Your Plans | Hunt a Bishaten | Weak to Ice and Fire elements. | |
Getting Back The Groceries | Deliver 6 Secret Dango Ingredients | Packages are marked on the map for collection. | |
A Poisonous Project | Hunt a Pukei-Pukei | Weak to Thunder, Ice, and Fire elements. | |
Deliver The Liver | Deliver 5 Monster Guts | Carved from Delex in the Sandy Plains. (Small Sand-Fish monster in the northern sandy areas.) | |
So Hot, It Melts Iron | Deliver 12 Pieces of Coal | Gathering Points are marked on the map. | |
The Best Quest | Slay 10 Rachnoid | Rachnoid are the small Spider monsters that live in the Lava Caverns. | |
Third Wheel | Hunt an Arzuros and a Tetranadon | Arzuros is weak to Fire, Ice, and Thunder elements. Tetranadon is weak to Thunder, Fire, and Ice elements. |
Kamura Village – 5 Star Quests
Here we take a deeper look at all the 5 Star Village Quests in Monster Hunter Rise.
Quest List includes:
- Wind Speed Wyvern
- Electrifying Epiphany
- Nocturnal Tracker
- Waltzing By Moonlight
- Rathalos Alert!
- Comeuppance
- The Secret Ingredient
- BZZZZZ or ZZZZzzzz
- Nosey Nuisances
- The Hottest Around
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Quest List
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